Gah, I love when the upcoming GLs are all giving updates at the same time!
Becky be looking like a temptress in these photos!
Cr: Loyal Pin

These 3 GL short films are currently up on GagaOOlala for FREE (rumored until aug 31st):

One Summer's Day: Link

Boss in Love: Link (Previously only available on Vimeo)

How To Ruin Housewarming Party: Link (Previously only available on Vimeo)

Gah, I love when the upcoming GLs are all giving updates at the same time!
Becky be looking like a temptress in these photos!
Cr: Loyal Pin

how are they so beautiful, dear god..... im so excited for their new projects together!! if their acting and chemistry was already amazing in gap, im sure it will be even better in uranus and the loyal pin!!

#Sapphic Spotlight!

Character: Ayumi (Until Rainbow Dawn)

Ayumi is a darling deaf lesbian who is smart, logical, and loves to be in touch with her identities and local communities. She's even well-versed in aspects of queer theory, as we see her making a diagram of the separate spectrums of sex, gender, and sexuality.

She's patient with her newly out and disheartened partner Hana, providing both comfort and perspective to help her find her place in the world away from her previous support system.

23.5 is in Q13, Love Senior just started filming with Q1, and Be Mine should start filming in October!! i'm emotional seeing all these shows slowly come to life :')

If anyone not noticed new project of H'our channel finished airing few days ago:

Put your head on the paper, 4 episodes:
It was cute but imho too rushed in the end.


If anyone not noticed new project of H'our channel finished airing few days ago:

Put your head on the paper, 4 episodes:
It was cute but imho too rushed in the end.

Yea, it felt like we missed some important moments in their relationship development. But it was so cute! Probably my favorite of H’our channel’s so far.

proving once again that gl fans keep winning, another new gl was announced!! 

we don't have a title yet, but apparently they're looking for 3 female actresses and 2 male actors. so maybe a sapphic love triangle + gay side couple?? who knows!!

anyway, im specially glad that many new companies are seeing how popular gl can be, to the point of producing gl series as their very first projects! will keep an eye out for this one, of course

Be My Baby (one of the books making up Be Mine The Series) is reportedly getting published in Brazil:

Be Mine Fitting! (YouTube video should be coming soon)


Be Mine Fitting! (YouTube video should be coming soon)

They are so Breath-taking!! We're living it. I'm feeling it. It's coming. YES!!!

Be Mine Fitting! (YouTube video should be coming soon)

They are so Breath-taking!! We're living it. I'm feeling it. It's coming. YES!!!

BE MINE ERA IS UPON US!!! i love the fitting pictures so much!! i especially loved to see Gene and Namhom!! they were the greatest surprise, they seem to just click with each other, it's amazing!! cant wait to see more of their story and ALL THE OTHER COUPLES! it's so surreal that we're getting 5 GL COUPLES

Wow Athena, thanks for sharing. This is too much "pretty" in one frame for my heart to handle



Yeah, I'm on break from college right now. Even i'm excited to be here ლ(・﹏・ლ)

Thanks to everybody for all these updates, i never would've managed to keep up with all this without the club