Mine Media, a newer production company created by actress Davika Hoorne and her husband Ter Chantavit, recently announced their first GL novel and series of the same name, Claire Bell. This is in collaboration with author KA9ESAMA, who was one of the authors that wrote the Petrichor books. The book is now available for pre-order through Lily House and the series will be released later.
The story follows Bell Lalita who is sentenced to 15 months in prison on possession charges for drugs that aren’t hers. Her lawyer tells her that with the evidence stacked against her, she has no chance of winning. Reluctantly, she gives in. Upon entering prison, she’s targeted by an influential group that the warden simply turns a blind eye to. Left with no other options, she seeks refuge in a solitary inmate named Claire that no one dares interact with due to rumors of a brutal murder charge. As they get close, Bell realizes that there is a softer side to Claire. Claire herself learns how sympathize with others from the other woman. Gradually, love begins to form between the two even with the growing challenges they face both within the prison and from the outside world that hasn’t been completely cut off.
Claire Bell is meant to be a love story that also touches on different social issues such as injustice and reentering society after time in prison.
Three months ago, Davika turned to the community to ask for actresses to recommend for the project. A lot and by that I mean like 90% of the replies seemed to suggest Jane Ramida, whose departure from GMMTV was recently announced.