
Me over here thinking about Xena and Lost Girl....

Exactly! like my era was lost girl, glee (brittana you will always be famous!), orphan black, and pretty little liars. and even though it was before my time I still watched south of nowhere. 

I wonder if they know the heartbreak of clexa. like that broke me so thoroughly that when root (my favorite character in that whole show) died in Person of Interest, I didn't even feel a thing because it happened so soon after lexa died

after episode 3x07 (yes i know the exact episode without even looking it up, that's how much it affected me) i cried every day for 2 weeks looking at gifs on tumblr and then I only cried every other day for two weeks after that.

i actually never watched those!! it's interesting though, we all started from such different places, but ended up here, obsessing over gl. kinda poetic

i haven't seen xena either but lost girl is crazy. like its about a bisexual succubus and it all these other mythical creatures. It goes pretty off the rails by the end of it in a way that only a small budget canadian production can. 

It goes pretty off the rails by the end of it

Precisely the reason why i dropped. I saw it going downhill and i dipped

Xena was censored (in large part due to broadcast regulations at the of the channel the show was airing on, but also in part because they wanted to tease the Xena-Ares shippers as well), but we still got a very sapphic love story out of it, with skinship:

I think it's time for me to do a rewatch...


These were the shows that introduced you to wlw media?! WOW I feel ancient. Don't get me wrong, I love those shows, especially she-ra, i just feel like a grandma.

  1. this reminds me of the anthology drama called "Good Old Days" having a story called "Love Wins" and it being about a STRAIGHT couple where the lesbian couple are background characters and barely get any screentime!

Ohh lol I feel that I still very new to being queer, ig i watched these shows when I was 15

mermysteries yes it is kind of poetic that we all ended up here through different shows and that is why queer media is so important because for some people it is like an introduction to the queer world and themselves (like I didn't even know such people existed before watching TOH :p)

Ooo also had fun  reading everyone's experience with their first queer shows, like I swear I haven't even heard have these names , looks like time to do some research @AthenaTheStorierX totally agree that there are many factors involved with coming out and exploring identity

Reading yalls experience makes me optimistic and I will wait patiently for the right time and right people :)

Ooo also had fun  reading everyone's experience with their first queer shows, like I swear I haven't even heard have these names , looks like time to do some research @AthenaTheStorierX totally agree that there are many factors involved with coming out and exploring identity

I completely agree with this! It's wonderful seeing what sapphic media everyone has seen!

Some background on me is that my parents are very strict - I don't get to watch anything except the occasional film on TV, and with the homophobia in my family, I certainly wasn't seeing sapphic media! I did work out I was bi when I met a dear friend who was out when I was about 13. I came out pretty riskily to my school "friends" (I only lost the ones I felt obliged to hang with) but fortunately my parents didn't find out. I guess I've not actively searched out sapphic stuff until recently! 

Fast forward to 17 (about a year ago now!) and I wanted to rewatch Pinocchio, downloading Viki, and in turn discovering MDL, I see there are so many stories for us queer people here which I can also access legally while supporting the creators! I was drawn to the comedy and campiness that others disliked, probably because I'd only heard of queer people meeting tragic ends in my culture or being severely shunned.  Some months later, I discovered the relatively new GL Drama Club - I joined it when I finally made an account some months ago and here we are! 

Reading yalls experience makes me optimistic and I will wait patiently for the right time and right people :)

I wish everyone all the best in finding your people! I know I'm lucky I have a few friends at school who I can kinda talk to about queer stuff and of course, you all are amazing!!! Thank you so much for being here - it's wonderful knowing you guys! (Sorry, I'm feeling very emotional and sentimental after reflecting on my journey!) Much love to everyone, whether you're a lurker or a talker! <3<3

This is such a wholesome discussion! My introduction to queer television was Xena and the lesbian wedding Friends episode. I've never actually watched Friends, mind you, but it just happened to be on one night when I was visiting my grandma's house. Bones was biphobic trash (among all its other flaws) but baby me was still enamored with Angela Montenegro for reasons I couldn't yet articulate. I also watched Skins UK and Skins US for like a season and a half back in high school. Oh, and Torchwood! It got weird after a while, but it still shaped my middle school experience. I never caught more of Will & Grace or Queer As Folk than mere minutes at a time, and I dropped The L Word on like episode 7 of the first season, but I still feel lucky to have been able to find queerness in mainstream media at my fingertips before I ever thought to consciously seek it out for myself. 

Btw I did want to ask that what type of shows or content did yall crave or search for before actually being conscious about your identity, ofcourse this will really vary for everyone but I would always search for shows with female friendships and literally obsess over the same , this could probably be because I wasn't aware such people existed  but yeah what was it in ur case??

where is love senior airing ?

Before I was aware of my identity, i was seeking out any queer media i could get my hands on. Gay, Sapphic, Gender Questioning, Trans, Poly. Subtextual, Explicit. Main Plot, Supporting Plot, Headcanons. It was partly fueled by my desire to see me, whatever “me” was, and partly fueled by a desire to consume diverse stories. Later, that second part took on more and more prevalence as I gave up ever finding me. 

I mainly just looked for romances where the characters took the time to know each other before getting in a relationship. Romances where you could see the depth of their love without relying on skinship. Romances where gender isn’t a personal issue when they realize they loved someone. Or even close friendships where they were essentially a couple, and valued like a couple. I sought this in my straight media too, mind you. So I didn’t really know what this meant. I passed it off as being a romantic at heart, and wanting everyone to find love. And the fact that i wasn’t interested in intimate scenes in my queer media made me scared that i was homophobic. “But i don’t like them in my straight media either, so surely i was fine? But perhaps my Christian community had more impact on me than i thought (despite never having been Christian myself, and not growing up in a fully Christian household). Perhaps thats something i should fix.”

It wasnt until i was in the comment section of one of the Love By Chance episodes on Youtube that I came across the term “demisexual.” And down that rabbit hole I went. And it’s down that rabbit hole that everything made sense and clicked into place. Asexuality. The Split Attraction Model. Actual asexual media and asexual characters and asexual stories.


where is love senior airing ?

Love Senior is airing on WeTV/Tencent and YouTube.


Count me in! 



where is love senior airing ?

it was just posted on youtube!!


it was just posted on youtube!!

Lets goooo!!!