I'm just canvassing some opinions here. In the last 6 months or so, the review feature has really changed. It used to be that people waited until the final week to post a review, so for a 16 episode drama, you could expect them to start appearing after episode 14. Nowadays, especially for popular rom-coms, they start appearing from episode 1, with the result that a lot stuff in there is not a review at all. At the time of writing, 8 users have put something under the Review section of “Love Next Door” after only 2 episodes have aired, with 3 of them claiming to have watched all 16 episodes.

To me a review is just what says, a considered comment on the whole drama, that takes an overview and talks about plot, structure, acting, script, production values etc.

There is an already a designated place for people to comment on their experience of the drama as it progresses, either under the title, or under the specific episode. I’m not understanding why people are not using it to share their thoughts.

For me, there is no point in having different places to post if what you find there does not reflect the title the space is given. I like to read reviews for a show to see if it's worth watching. But when comments are muddled into the reviews, I can't just sort by Most Helpful, because often these non-reviews have got likes attached to them and are high up  in the list. If I sort by, most recent, then those non-reviews disappear, but I no longer have the help of the most-liked and may have to sort through lots of pages to get to the best ones.

So I was wondering how everyone else feels about it. I've noticed some people commenting so think that I'm not alone.

with 3 of them claiming to have watched all 16 episodes.

Online platforms are active for premium subscription, where people get the content available in advance before the telecast. Secondly, some people also make false claims. So it cannot be said how much truth is there in whose statement.

To me a review is just what says, a considered comment on the whole drama,

A review is a reflection of your thoughts, assumptions, and analysis about something, whether it's a drama, movie, book, or product. It can be based on just a few glimpses, some episodes, or the entire experience. There's no need to wait for the drama or show to end before sharing your insights; a review can be offered at any point to express your opinions and provide valuable feedback. I will not argue on that.

There is an already a designated place for people to comment on their experience of the drama as it progresses, either under the title, or under the specific episode. I’m not understanding why people are not using it to share their thoughts.

People are wrong here and this causes problems for some people, but I would like to say that not all people are disciplined and particular.

For me, there is no point in having different places to post if what you find there does not reflect the title the space is given. I like to read reviews for a show to see if it's worth watching. But when comments are muddled into the reviews, I can't just sort by Most Helpful, because often these non-reviews have got likes attached to them and are high up  in the list. If I sort by, most recent, then those non-reviews disappear, but I no longer have the help of the most-liked and may have to sort through lots of pages to get to the best ones.

thats the issue i understand, But if people are not given the freedom to express themselves anywhere, they will get angry. And the most important thing is that where and how they express themselves is their own choice. Keep in mind that there are all kinds of users here, from children to the elderly, who have different thinking.

So I was wondering how everyone else feels about it

I'm neutral on this matter because I understand the differences in how people approach tasks. If you ask an expert to do the work, it will be done one way; if you ask a novice, it will be done differently. Some people post comments or reviews in the moment, driven by excitement as the show continues. Some do this intentionally, some unintentionally, and others simply because they’re caught up in the excitement. 

i'm ok with it