Dont laugh at me but ummm what is banica???.. hehehehhe

iron_maiden_94 wrote: That cake looks yummy!

I myself had a piece of banica

and some water

Oreo cookies and milk

I had banana fritter just now!.... and now Im eating pinching my 4 yr old's french toast!...

Eating home made pizza with the brothers <3
Baking Pizza's with the bro's Which will someday become awesome amazing husbands ..... some years ... lol ... i will not dare say some day lol
Spicy Rice Noodles Soup


Ice Water

LaVa wrote: Spicy Rice Noodles Soup


Ice Water

Sounds Yummy. I had Coconut

Coconut Milk but i can't find a good picture.
I just had a spinach soup with yogurt in it and a pickled hot pepper on the side

with a glass of water and a watermelon gum after all that

Fruit Loops
LisNoir wrote: Pizza

yummm...*slurp*...i'm hungry now
I made fried chicken, mashed tater's, and on the side pepper's.. yum yum
Lima Bean Rice

Bean Burrito

Fried Sweet Plantains