I feel bad for Nigeria because they're always stuck in a group with Argentina and can never beat them (0-5) in world cup play which spans over two decades now (since 94.)

That being said, France should beat Argentina. Messi's crew haven't impressed me in the slightest to believe they can stand up to better competition. Croatia - Denmark will be a very close game. 

Go Korea! FIGHTING! .... Not to win but to at least score one. It'll be a victory for them if they can do it and technically they're still in contention (need a lot of help) 


He's apparetnly not in control anymore.  Apparently the players revolted and picked the line up for the game vs Nigeria. Also, that hand ball in the last 15 minutes was a complete penalty for Nigeria. Don't know why the refs are so wishy washy.

There us no such thing rather than tabloid selling story, the did devastate after croatia game and hampered by critic. And it wasnt hand ball since the ball deflected when his hand is off. 


I feel bad for Nigeria because they're always stuck in a group with Argentina and can never beat them (0-5) in world cup play which spans over two decades now (since 94.)

That being said, France should beat Argentina. Messi's crew haven't impressed me in the slightest to believe they can stand up to better competition. Croatia - Denmark will be a very close game. 

Go Korea! FIGHTING! .... Not to win but to at least score one. It'll be a victory for them if they can do it and technically they're still in contention (need a lot of help) 

Im agree with nigeria They also got beaten in friendly before WC lol. At least they may deserve draw last night

 France clearly in the upper hand against argentina. And it fatal if  deschamps man that also unimpressive find form in that match

Argentina really lack for worthy contribution in the midfield for supporting they glorious fire power.  also lack good full backs and GK, area that clearly will be exploit of

GJ SK, you did an amazing job at scoring beating Germany on the 2-0 match!!! This was so cool, and South Korea are gaining their promise to take their advantages.

Meanwhile, Germany are kicked out of the World Cup, i am sorry for germans to lose like this, but hope they can try better luck next time.]

SK now that help promote their hallyu culture to the German and treat the country as losers! Hahahaha!!!

(sorry for my poor English)


Think of all the kdramas that will come from this.

Good on em. They defended like hell, we're pretty awful offensively but got the break at the end. Germany just wasn't up to form and if you would've told me last week that Argentina would be in the knockout rounds while Germany would lose two group games... I would've called you crazy.

This game is crazy and as Skye mentioned, anything is possible. 

Now my final of France - Germany is over. So Viva la France!

I'm Argentine, but I'm very happy that SK has won! It was an exciting game. I hope we can meet in the final ^^



Think of all the kdramas that will come from this.

Good on em. They defended like hell, we're pretty awful offensively but got the break at the end. Germany just wasn't up to form and if you would've told me last week that Argentina would be in the knockout rounds while Germany would lose two group games... I would've called you crazy.

This game is crazy and as Skye mentioned, anything is possible. 

Now my final of France - Germany is over. So Viva la France!

K-Drama and K-Pop is the one thing that South Korea we are known to have. They provided an excellent skill and brilliant style of scores after all!

(sorry for my poor English)


I'm Argentine, but I'm very happy that SK has won! It was an exciting game. I hope we can meet in the final ^^

Me too, South Korea is now one of the coolest national football i have ever seen along with Japan.

Now turn over to Serbia, i wonder if Brazil will defeat Serbia since Brazil are the stronget team i've ever known. Now turning over to Brazil hoping to win the World Cup, i hope this is going to be one of my prediction i have ever know.

(sorry for my poor English)

Then we will cheer for Serbia, we are eternal rivals with Brazil... ;)

Mexico - Sweden and Korea - Germany, what a day! I'm so happy that Sweden won 3-0 and then I got to see South Korea dominate Germany! 


Then we will cheer for Serbia, we are eternal rivals with Brazil... ;)

I support for both Brazil and Serbia, i wonder who will win either?

I hope that France will win~

Too bad that my country, Serbia, lost and couldn't make it to the knockout stage, and Brazil beat them out for good. :( But its really great to Brazil getting qualified, i hope my prediction about Brazil winning the World Cup would come true. :)

(sorry for my poor English)

I'm french and japanese so I'm cheering for the two teams but my ultimate choice would be the country in which I lived the most part of my life so France it is but I'm not super hopeful this year