This is actually a great and easy to understand example. Do you mind if I end up quoting this part for the article (of course, with due credit ;))? 

Another great example. Although I'm thinking that "alternate reality" might be considered a spoiler for some. But "sci-fi" or even just "mystery" could be vague enough to not give anything away, while useful enough if people are looking for that in the drama. 

yes, feel free to use them.   in situations where a tag will reveal a major plot point i would prefer people use more general tags as opposed to  using the very specific tags and  marking them a spoiler b/c even if i search for the "alien" tag it would still be a spoiler in cases like the example i gave b/c now you know there's an alien and it kills some of the surprise.  

I'm probably not adding anything novel to the discussion, but I just want to say this one thing. Regarding the definition of "important plot points": I am super sensitive to spoilers only when I'm watching something airing, and then I tend to regard anything and everything that happens in an episode that I have not yet seen as a spoiler.  It kind of all becomes important if I am into and keeping up with a drama (yes, I am one of those people who won't even watch the official episode previews, lol).  So, "important" is definitely relative, and spoilers are in the eye of the beholder.  So I tend to mark as a spoiler anything that is even a little spoilery (or try).  If it's something that I'm not watching (regardless of if I plan to watch it or not), then I'm much less sensitive because the context is missing!  

I think my answers to the questions are mostly repeating what's already been said, but:

1. Do you dislike them, not mind them or like them? Why?  Dislike, in general.  I can imagine a scenario where I might want to know what happens, but I can't think of any time when I actually sought out a spoiler on purpose.

2. Have you encountered many spoilers in the comment section which aren't properly concealed?  Occasionally?  I guess I don't really read the comments that much anyway (maybe because I know there is a moderate possibility of spoilers, ha)

3. Do you read reviews with spoilers on them? Have you read a review that claims there are no spoilers only for you to find many?  I do sometimes read reviews marked as containing spoilers, on purpose (under certain circumstances).  I can't think of any reviews with unmarked  major spoilers, but I don't read that many reviews, either.

4. Which do you think are the most common types of spoilers people give?  Oh, all sorts.  Who ends up with who, who dies, and when these things happen in the story.  I think people are pretty good about not spoiling major, huge plot twists and whatnot because it's just so obviously a spoiler.  It's all the other stuff that sometimes falls into that grey area.

5. What are your thoughts regarding adding spoiler-like tags to a show? Such as: tragic-ending, amnesia, childhood connection, etc. (thanks @Zardua_ for this point).  Fine as long as marked as spoiler!  Any tag that describes what happens more than a few episodes in and isn't glaringly obvious just from the genre or synopsis or promotional material should be marked as a spoiler, in my opinion.  And this includes all the ending tags (happy, sad, whatever).  Really, anything that happens more than 1/4 into a drama or movie I would prefer to have marked as a spoiler when adding tags.  The tags are kind of getting out of hand on some titles.

6. Anything else you can think of regarding the topic is welcome!  Regarding the use of tags for a kind of trigger warning system, I think it's a good idea, but always with spoiler marked.  (At least that's a spoiler with good intentions, anyway.  I know I've added some tags, spoiler checked, that I would not have added at all had they not been potentially triggering info)

6. Anything else you can think of regarding the topic is welcome!  Regarding the use of tags for a kind of trigger warning system, I think it's a good idea, but always with spoiler marked.  (At least that's a spoiler with good intentions, anyway.  I know I've added some tags, spoiler checked, that I would not have added at all had they not been potentially triggering info)

i think in these cases there should be some kind of separate trigger warning where any potentially spoilery warning could be tagged as such but would you could click to view it like on the feeds/ comment sections.  as i understand it right now to reveal tags marked as spoilers you have to specifically search for that tag. 

Really, anything that happens more than 1/4 into a drama or movie I would prefer to have marked as a spoiler when adding tags. The tags are kind of getting out of hand on some titles.

I agree with you on this one. Normally, the premise of the story is covered within this time-slot as well, which means the summary of the show would probably include things that happened during this period.

Regarding the use of tags for a kind of trigger warning system, I think it's a good idea,

Yes, it would give the tag system an additional value for sure! 

as i understand it right now to reveal tags marked as spoilers you have to specifically search for that tag.

Yes, that's how the spoiler tags work. You won't see them displayed on the page, but you would be able to find them through the filtering system. Which would mean that, in order to use a trigger system with what's implemented right now,  one would have to look at what dramas to avoid by finding the tags through the tag search.

If you don't mind me asking, do you tag/mark your reviews as containing spoilers or warn people ahead of time? Have you received any hostile responses to your reviews?

i'm a kind of person who respect other thoughts/feelings  if you can't then don't expect to others to respect your thinking that's i believe 

mdl has given features to tag things if there is spoiler .  if i'm not mistaken recently mdl added one feature in review writing section   whether the review have spoiler or not ?  i always use that question to not hurt others sentiments 

that feature is  not before that so i strictly write " be caution may be you get spoiler"  so unwanted people don't even think to touch it 

no i never get any harsh responses regarding my reviews  till now but  i don't know about the future (i really want to mention this not only regarding spoiler , in any manner i never get any harsh responses from any user and moderators that is one plus thing in Mdl who welcome positive  and negative(all kind f people) aspects in nice way )

even people like my reviews and positively responses me  to saying " your review make me to interest in particular drama "  i felt really happy  


1. Do you dislike them, not mind them or like them? Why?

I would like to be able to avoid them if I want to. Having a spoiler-hiding feature for comments and forum posts is perfect, and I do think it's unthoughtful / rude towards other viewers when people make posts or comments without using them to hide any spoilers. Each viewer is different and has different feelings about how much they want to know about a drama before watching it. If there is an easy way we can help others avoid seeing spoilers they don't want to see, the thoughtful and polite thing to do is to use that feature.

2. Have you encountered many spoilers in the comment section which aren't properly concealed?

Yes. I either comment asking the person to mark their spoiler or report the comment as a spoiler.

3. Do you read reviews with spoilers in them?
I sometimes read reviews if I feel I need more information to decide whether or not to watch a drama. I may even read reviews that note that they contain spoilers, but I appreciate the review author adding a disclaimer to warn me that the review may contain spoilers so I can make an informed choice to read it.

4. Which do you think are the most common types of spoilers people give?

People commenting about how they don't like certain things about how a show ended in a way that reveals details about the ending - without tagging the comment as containing spoilers. 

5. What are your thoughts regarding adding spoiler-like tags to a show? Such as: tragic-ending, amnesia, childhood connection, etc. (thanks @Zardua_ for this point).

I think they can be very helpful for people who like or want to avoid certain types of dramas, but they should be hidden so that members who want to see them can do so by clicking on them, but other members are not at risk of accidentally seeing them whenever they look at the normal tags. 

Would adding the screenshots without the dialogue suffice? Or would it be best to hide them with a spoiler tag if it relates to "big moments" or "romantic gestures" within the series?

Sometimes a screenshot, even without any dialogue, can give away something crucial from the plot and take away the enjoyment of watching it with your own eyes totally unprepared, so I guess -depending on each case- the pic, the dialogue or even the comment can be a spoiler for someone who hasn't watched the specific episode yet.

Thank you for your feedback @AH!

 AH :
If there is an easy way we can help others avoid seeing spoilers they don't want to see, the thoughtful and polite thing to do is to use that feature.

Yes, this is the point that I hope to make in the article. 

 AH :
Yes. I either comment asking the person to mark their spoiler or report the comment as a spoiler.

Has anyone ever refused to do so? Or have you found people are very open to mark them as a spoiler once someone has asked?

 AH :
People commenting about how they don't like certain things about how a show ended in a way that reveals details about the ending - without tagging the comment as containing spoilers.

I just stumbled upon one of these ones earlier today, lol. I have a feeling these are actually the most common ones. 


Sometimes a screenshot, even without any dialogue, can give away something crucial from the plot and take away the enjoyment of watching it with your own eyes totally unprepared, so I guess -depending on each case- the pic, the dialogue or even the comment can be a spoiler for someone who hasn't watched the specific episode yet.

Yes, you are absolutely right. Perhaps I'll check if I can include several different examples. Might end up making the article as a starting point for a discussion rather than a guide. I'm still not sure which approach would be best. Either way, I'm sure a discussion would take place ;).

Has anyone ever refused to do so? Or have you found people are very open to mark them as a spoiler once someone has asked?

To be honest I'm not in the habit of going back to check. On one or two occasions I've seen comment threads where a person posts a comment with a spoiler, someone responds asking them to mark it, and the original poster replies with something like "anyone who doesn't want to see spoilers shouldn't read the comments," but I would guess that's a small minority of users.

There's a new implementation to the tag system where you can mark whether a tag is a "spoiler tag". I'm not sure what it looks like when you do, however. I'm guessing it might hide the tag from the drama's page and would only kick in when "searching" for a drama with a specific tag. But I could be wrong about it. Have you heard of this?

I haven't heard of that and it sounds like a great idea but if I'm searching for something to watch because of a certain tag then I see a spoiler tag, that kinda ruins the drama/ movie for me anyway...

Do you find not many people use the "this review contains spoilers" warning that has been implemented? Because I know before, it was up to the reviewer to warn people or not, which meant there were a lot of unwelcome surprises. But I feel like more people are now clicking the box that'll add the warning. Unfortunately (just happened recently with a drama I'm watching), if the review is really short, it contains a spoiler and it just happens to be on the main page because there aren't enough reviews, then the spoiler becomes really visible. So perhaps I'll add a note on my article about adding enough spaces before writing the paragraph to keep the spoiler out of sight.

I'm seeing more reviews with that tag but some still don't. I scan the comment section more to read quick reviews.

  1. Do you dislike them, not mind them or like them? Why?
    • I truly loathe them, it's why I avoid comment sections, even though I really want to discuss with others.  It's also why I turn off the commentary on Viki despite some commenters are hilarious and are thinking of the exact same thing as me.  It's honestly a killjoy. 
  2. Have you encountered many spoilers in the comment section which aren't properly concealed?
    • All the damn time.
  3. Do you read reviews with spoilers on them? Have you read a review that claims there are no spoilers only for you to find many?
    • Yep
  4. Which do you think are the most common types of spoilers people give?
    • The ending, plot twists, final couplings, all the above.
  5. What are your thoughts regarding adding spoiler-like tags to a show? Such as: tragic-ending, amnesia, childhood connection, etc. (thanks @Zardua_ for this point).
    • This is a tricky one.  It's a fine line in defining the important content that people look for in a drama.  But at the same time, spoil the whole story.  I guess certain phrases are fine like ml pursues fl, strong fl, etc.  But not tragic ending or amnesia.

1. Do you dislike them, not mind them or like them? Why?

I don’t mind them. I’m pretty bullet proof when it comes to spoilers. If someone posted the leads in a wedding picture or dying in each other’s arms it wouldn’t bother me. I read the last chapter of a book first to see if it’s something I want to spend my time reading and it enhances my experience.   I know that’s not the norm but it shows how hard I have to rethink what a spoiler is for some people. 

2. Have you encountered spoilers in the comment sections...

Yes, and again it doesn’t bother me. I’m still new and learning the rules but it seems like if you are perusing the comments section of a completed or ongoing show that’s a minefield.  It doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be sensitive (and believe me I’m trying) but it is dangerous ground because people will be commenting on a show beyond “he’s pretty” and “she’s hideous” and “this was the bestest drama ever so don’t even think about disagreeing with me”or “it was the worst drama ever and don’t even think about disagreeing with me”.

3. Do you read reviews with spoilers?...

Yes. And as to the other part of the question that’s tricky.  What some people consider spoilers were actually in the drama’s description or tags.  It’s almost impossible to write a review without giving away some aspects of the plot,  short of saying I liked it or not and not giving the reasons why you liked it or not.  I like knowing at least a little of what is going on in a drama or movie to decide if it’s something I want to invest in.

4. Most common kind of spoilers...

Depends on who is commenting. For some people anything beyond the characters’ names are spoilers.  So many dramas follow a certain story structure that just watching them I know pretty much when the first kiss will be, the first misunderstanding, the all is lost moment and who is going to end up together.  I would never give away who died, a surprise ending,  or a big plot twist.  I’m learning that something as benign to me as the couple held hands is a ginormous spoiler to others.

5. Tags..

I like knowing if something is a tragedy because if I’m not in the mood I will avoid it.  And that’s most of the time.  I prefer a story with a HEA.   So if something like an amnesia tag or tragedy tag will hurt a viewer’s experience then I’m okay with marking it as a spoiler but I want to be able to access that information.

I’m learning to watch my words but it’s hard because I never know what someone will consider a spoiler. I try to be sensitive to my fellow MDLers so if I ever post anything you think is spoilerific please know it was not intentional or done callously. I would never want to hurt anyone’s viewing experience.   Gently remind me and I will hide it as a spoiler. :)