Today was a pretty simple dinner. I had Rice with sous vide Ribeye, Shrimp and a mix of Broccoli and Gai Lan strifry. Most of my dinners always consist of 2 protein, 1 veg and rice. 

Hubby caught the Rona so I've been making and freezing soups today-Chicken Veggie Noodle and "Cream" of Butternut/Sweet Potato soup.   We'll see how long I can dodge her.

silly brain came up with ... (butter)fly shoo rona! *in rocker tone of voice*

tossing together in big pot - chunk chicken, carrots, coconut milk, curry seasoning and chickpea pasta

the pasta has been making tummy a little angry and only two boxes left after using two for this concoction

Today's dinner was samosa ( Indian snack) with some different stuffing. The dough is made of white refined flour with some stuffings. Usually potato is the main ingredient but today my mom gave beetroot some spotlight. I don't know what else was there maybe onion, green peas, potato, neem leaves and spices. These are fried. Rest I don't remember cause they went in my stomach. Along with it was chutney ( maybe you all call it sauce? I think so..) for dipping in it and then eating it. 

I hope you would try eating samosa maybe you would end up liking it.

I should really try samosas, they sound really yummy!

I had made fried/steam cabbage with rice following a recipe I saw on tiktok.  It was really good!! Cabbage is slowly becoming my favourite vegetable :D

Homemade mac n' cheese, spicy chickpeas, sauteed cabbage and scallions

My sisters and I were craving breakfast for dinner so we made scrambled eggs, sausages, bacon and toast!

People who've been on here awhile, know my husband loves bland.  For his birthday dinner the other day he wanted his favorite meal-pinto beans (no seasoning, no garlic, no meat), buttered potatoes, cornbread, and buttermilk.  I had ordered cornmeal from two different stores locally but had to go with brands I don't usually buy because apparently there is a cornmeal shortage.  I opened the expensive brand and it smelled like something had died in it, so nope.  The other one delivered was full of tiny black pieces and not the occasional black speck from where the hull attaches.  :/ No cornbread, I made biscuits instead.  

Yesterday I stopped by a store with a strict mask policy, one of the few I've come across and found self-rising cornmeal.  Turns out it has flour in it, too.  I'm a bit of a cornbread snob (must be made in a cast iron skillet), I'm a stickler about not wanting sweet cornbread, but desperate times...

Long story, longer, I used it to make him some cornbread tonight.  It came out fluffier than we are used to but at least it wasn't sweet.  Hubby was happy and that's all that matters.  :)

chunk chicken, carrots and lentil soup together and gurgled it away on stovetop. something warm and filling


chunk chicken, carrots and lentil soup together and gurgled it away on stovetop. something warm and filling

Are you getting winter weather now?  We’re about to be hit by a snowy icy blast tomorrow. 

oddly enough today could be said to be warm at 40 f. looks like wednesday late night forward to friday afternoon snow and glaze of ice possibility. has been sub 20 f with some negative early hours

looking forward to making a snowman!! {yes 49th soonish so what?} :D

wish i had cocoa to enjoy. instead used up last of countrytime lemonade mix 

Grilled sardines with olive oil & herbs, country black bread, lemony chickpeas soup, cabbage salad for lunch.

Made myself grilled cheese toast with chives & a poached egg on top for dinner.

It's snowing like crazy tonight! 

Roasted sweet potatoes and leeks with rosemary, oregano, and red pepper flakes.  Steamed broccoli.  Spicy chickpeas. Tangelos for dessert.  

sloppy joe seasoning packet and chicken with chickpea rotini

It's -11C here with snow.  Made Three Sisters Soup.  The base is beans (I used black), corn, and squash.  I also added tomatoes, potatoes, celery, and red bell peppers.  Made hubby cornbread to make up for using green chiles and garlic, and a bunch of other spices.  :P