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cauliflower + potato curry with fenugreek parathas and chapattis 

Rawa uttapam ( Semolina veggies pancakes ) and sweet potatoes 🍠

Fajitas and broccoli soup.

Thanksgiving dinner by ourselves this year so we made it as easy as possible.  

Turkey cutlets,  canned cranberry jelly (Hubby LOVES it), boxed stuffing, and hubby sweetened up a baked sweet potato for himself.  We also had carrot and yellow squash casserole which sounds healthy but by the time cream, cheese, and eggs are added and topped with buttered bread crumbs it's basically a heart attack dipped in a stroke with a side of cardiac arrest on a plate...but it is sooooo good.  ^^

Hubby stopped by a place and bought himself a pumpkin pie.  After we ate we fell asleep watching a football game as is the tradition.  lol

Brown rice, corn, carrots and chicken in vegetable stock

Good grief! eating 1:30am-ish after getting rice and canned carrots rinsed and this otherwise prepared back at 10pm

Fire department was called to check for gas leak (no) and gas company sent worker who was here about midnight!

Somehow my gas got turned off accidentally by neighbor. Furnace out since Tuesday. Burners and water heater worked then but Wednesday was mistake

I try to disconnect all my utilities before leaving on vacation because I am always worried that my house will burn down or be flooded by the time I return. I guess watching too many 'down-on her-luck FLs' has given me a fertile imagination.... ^^

Hope everything is okay with you now.

Broccoli soup, wild rice with vegetables and mutton keema curry

Spinach risotto with lots of herbs, lemon and olive oil.

Baby bok choy and pasta soup. 

Chickpea pasta and chicken in vegetable broth

Need groceries!