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Looks delicious!  Thanks for the site!

Red lentil penne in manwich sauce with mango bubly

Mrouzia (Moroccan dish)

I used my new Berbere seasoning in black bean stew tonight.  Really liked the results. Served with rice. 

Veggie noodle soup with a grilled cheese sandwich

Toasted cheese-chicken fillet-acorn cherry tomatoes-chili in olive oil sandwich, with added rocket leaves, green onion, and drained yogurt, made with my neighbourhood bakery's tasty whole-wheat country bread. 

So basically my usual night meal when I'm bored and hungry but in need for something warm, made with anything available at the time. 

(Used the baked chicken breast fillet I had left from lunch.)

So basically my usual night meal when I'm bored and hungry but in need for something warm, made with anything available at the time

That's what led to our dinner tonight as well.  Our grilled cheese was made of cheeses leftover from the holidays on oat wheat bread.  I grated them and mixed them.   The veggie soup ended up with noodles because I had a small amount leftover in the pantry (too lazy to make my own).  It is wicked cold here right now, something we're not used to and the hot soup and sandwich hit the spot tonight.  

 Your sandwich sounds delicious!

Dinosaur chicken nuggets with honey mustard and grapefruit bubly

High winds here set for weekend. If power out very cold (teens or single digits) so purees to eat I guess in bed?

My sister and her family is coming for dinner. I will serve Ayam Percik (Malaysian spicy grilled  chicken marinated in turmeric, lemongrass and chilli, prawns stir fried with green chilli peppers and Sichuan numbing spicy oil, green pea shoots in  garlic chicken stock and a pomelo salad tossed with fried shallots and yuzu sauce.


Lucky sis! 

(MDL or my computer just decided to stop allowing quotes}

 The Butterfly:


Lucky sis! 

(MDL or my computer just decided to stop allowing quotes}

It's probably too long. The trick is to only highlight part of it and with it highlighted press quote. Only highlighted part will be quoted.

I am feeling lazy or I would make more food.😅


It's probably too long. The trick is to only highlight part of it and with it highlighted press quote. Only highlighted part will be quoted.

I am feeling lazy or I would make more food.?

Must have been my computer acting up, it let me  quote earlier.   Works with my phone now so it’s my computer not playing nice with MDL.  Probably getting me back for all the times I’ve threatened it recently. XD

Hopefully, your sis and her family will forgive you for being “lazy” while enjoying your delicious food.  ;)

 The Butterfly:
Hopefully, your sis and her family will forgive you for being “lazy”

Well, to be honest, I won't be doing much bc my helper is the one that does all the cooking. I already threw a dinner party last night for some friends. I think asking her to cook up a storm two nights in a row is too much. Esp since her contract is coming up and I really want her to renew it. She's been with me coming on 8 years. I taught her everything already I can't process the work involved training someone else how to make all my food. That is what I really mean by I am being "lazy".... My sis will have to suck it up bc she is not under contract to be my sis, she is stuck with me! Lol!!!

last 2 days were fun, my maternal uncle visited us. We ate many dishes, but the best was EGG CURRY <3 ate is after almost a year and a half, missed its' taste. T T