I'm sorry we take up your precious time. Thank you for contributing this wonderful comment, I'm sure it adds a lot to this inferior thread :).
I'm a free soul..I just believe in sex (before or after). lol That sounded so wrong.. Jokes aside..it doesn't matter that much for me if people choose to wait or not. The most important thing is finding the right person to be with you. Sex is just bonus.
you're so sarcastic... take it easy, totoro
abracadabra wrote: you're so sarcastic... take it easy, totoro

I sometimes can't help myself. But don't worry, at the moment I'm eating ice cream and enjoying the sun.
(another major contribution to the thread) Guys, Thanks a lot for this joyfull thread, I wouldn't expect this to turn out like that! I laughed so much... I answered yes, mostly because of what Devitto and Totoro have already said. All the more that if you don't even consider the idea of marrying someone someday (and I don't talk about people who won't marry someone for religious reasons). As someone already said, marriage is only an option (at least for me / in my country). Unexpectedly, it's interesting to read everyone's answer, it tells a lot about our values. I'm probably wrong, but it seems the younger you are, the more you tend to answer no to the question... Don't know if older people tend to be desillusionned about the matter.
abracadabra wrote: such a stupid thread... sorry, but it's not worth of discussion

your apology is accepted.
Kind of surprised that a lot of people said yes for this.