Reading this thread is helping me procrastinate while I'm at work...
It's 1:30 am and I can't sleep. Insomnia is hitting me hard in the last few weeks. I think I have a lot of things to deal with lately. Part of depression kicks in too. Perhaps a good drama would take me to another zone. The only thing is... what drama do I pick that would do the trick and make me feel awesome again? or should I have a cup of warm milk to make me sleep like a baby?? What do you do when you can't sleep? 
It's 8 am and I'm still not sleeping. I feel unqualified to give an answer to the above question!

(But... I was gonna go for a 4 am walk to tire myself out but then I realised it was Saturday night and I'd better pick a more... peaceful time.)
I have insomnia too. What I usually do when I can't sleep is watch YT videos...preferably SUJU-related because I love them so much. Last night I watched random videos of Heechul dancing to different girl group songs. He knows a ton of choreo.
I dont have insomnia but i also stay all night wathing yt videos...i swear sometimes heechul dances better than girl groups picture of him in your profile btw
Anyone up to make this thread alive again? ^__^
I'll do the CPR and you call for help XD
Evening all! How are y'all doing?
Haha, I know a few who would be excited to join here :) alexk345 there used to be a live chat but it's gone now...they promised to give it back later but I don't know is that gonna happen, like, ever xD
yooo! yeah what a waste that chat is not alive anymore ;( could have spent there hours ;(
It was a daily rutine to log in first thing in the morning and just be there even if you were doing something else haha XD
Hello Loves! ^_^ It's been a while, I wonder whom I can run into
in here these days and what awesome new peeps I can meet!