December wrap up:

somehow this month i managed to read the duology I've been wanting to read for a while now. the pacing was a bit too slow for my liking but i enjoyed it nevertheless. actually, still reading the second book but I'm hoping I'd finish by the end of the day (60 pages and 6hrs left). on that note, Happy New Year (advance/belated or whatever it is) to my beloved book lovers family ♡. wishing for nothing but best this year, most importantly stay safe!! cheers to hoping you'd stick to those 2022 resolutions. xx

The covers are beautiful! I see my library has them in both ebook and audiobook ... I might be tempted to give them a try ;)


Oh nice! I just got We Hunt the Flame! I started it last week and I'm hoping to finish it some time in January. 

i felt the pacing was a bit slow but it was overall good. enjoy the read! hoping to see it on your Jan wrap up hehe :)


The covers are beautiful! I see my library has them in both ebook and audiobook ... I might be tempted to give them a try ;)

indeed, it was the covers that made me pick it up and i don't regret xd

Not a bad start to the year's reading after day one :)

Hello! I'm new in this book club. :) I hope joining here helps/motivates me to read more.

I'm starting January 2022 with The Silmarillion.

Bought myself a hardcover for Christmas. XD

Just updating, in the the end I've completed 11 books this year, and currently I'm reading 3 books, dean koontz, cassandra clare and a writer from my country 


Hello! I'm new in this book club. :) I hope joining here helps/motivates me to read more.

I'm starting January 2022 with The Silmarillion.

Bought myself a hardcover for Christmas. XD

Welcome, dear friend! Let's try together to read more books this year :)


Hello! I'm new in this book club. :) I hope joining here helps/motivates me to read more.

I'm starting January 2022 with The Silmarillion.

Bought myself a hardcover for Christmas. XD

The Silmarilion?! AWESOME choice, my favourite of Tolkien's works, and the only one Peter Jackson hasn't got his grubby hands on to ruin.

I finished In the Shelter which I really liked.  It was written by a gay Catholic poet from Northern Ireland, Padraig O'Tuama, and focused on the language and stories of his faith.  His poetry was also scattered throughout it.    I received a book for Christmas that I finished just under the wire for the New Year-Henri Nouwen's Making All Things New.  It was okay, not one of my favorites of his.

Happy New Year fellow readers!

In December I re-read Harry Potter "Philosopher's Stone" to mark the 20th anniversary of the saga while waiting for the broadcast of Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return  to Hogwarts scheduled for this month in my country. 

Hi, I just heard about this forum and since I love books and kdramas I thought I'd join in, right now I'm not reading anything, waiting for some books to come out.

My favourite authors are Leigh Bardugo and Cassandra Clare :)


Hi, I just heard about this forum and since I love books and kdramas I thought I'd join in, right now I'm not reading anything, waiting for some books to come out.

My favourite authors are Leigh Bardugo and Cassandra Clare :)

Welcome !! 


Hi, I just heard about this forum and since I love books and kdramas I thought I'd join in, right now I'm not reading anything, waiting for some books to come out.

My favourite authors are Leigh Bardugo and Cassandra Clare :)

Welcome, dear friend! Looking forward to your comments after reading the books you're waiting for :)

For the month of December, I read 3 novels, a story by the Belgian writer Robert Walser and two novels by the French Dalie Farah.

Robert Walser's "der Spaziergang" (The Walk) is a short poetic tale that tells the story of a day of strolling from several points of view. I did not know this German-speaking author at all and I loved it enormously, I who love walks, I was intrigued by this author with a rather mysterious life, who after having worked many jobs and written many stories, spent several years in hospital for depression, then was found dead of fatigue on a Christmas day after a walk in the snow. I want absolutely read two of his other short stories, "Poetenleben" (Thirty poems) and "Der Gehülfe"(The assistant)

The author Dalie Farah has written two novels, "Impasse Verlaine" and "Le Doigt". "Impasse Verlaine" tells the childhood of the author and the childhood of the author's mother. Her mother, Vendredi (Friday) born in the Berber mountains of Algeria, will know the war, and will helplessly witness the death of her father, she will then be married to a cousin with whom she will emigrate in the center of France. The author Dalie, born in a small French town, will grow up in the poverty of the life of low-rent housing, the violence of the family climate and the neighborhood and will take passion for school, her only escape. This first novel is very autobiographical, I liked it a lot, it is a very lively and authentic story and even if it is not quite the same generation, many anecdotes have spoken to me and reminded me of my own childhood.

"Le Doigt" of the same author tells how she turned French teacher, while she goes to her high school is honked by a motorist while she crosses the road, she will then answer him with a middle finger, he will go out to ask her to repeat her gesture, which she will do, he will then send her a big slap. The author then begins to tell from this fact, how violence has always burst into his life and shaped his existence. In this novel the author speaks of violence with great accuracy based on his own experience, I found this analysis very fine and successful even if telling this process is difficult.

My year 2021 was a real return to reading (after 4 long years of break), the MDL group really motivated me. For 2022 I hope to read even more books and succeed in starting in some classics like Homer's "Odyssey" or finish other books, like the great Chinese novel "Water Margin" which is so long!
Thank you again for such a nice group, happy new year to you.

My year 2021 was a real return to reading (after 4 long years of break), the MDL group really motivated me. For 2022 I hope to read even more books and succeed in starting in some classics like Homer's "Odyssey" or finish other books, like the great Chinese novel "Water Margin" which is so long!
Thank you again for such a nice group, happy new year to you.

Happy New Year to you, too! Glad to know I'm not the only one whose motivation to get back to reading is mainly due to this wonderful book club!