LisNoir wrote: I'm also wondering if it's because in the past this was common practice through out their history, but as western culture ...seeped in they started to change a bit their ways and there's still a longing for what was lost?

The funny thing is, in the past it was common all over the world for people of blood relations to marry and have kids. It's just in modern times that it's become taboo. lol I consider cousins to be immediate family since I grew up with my cousins and we treated them like siblings.

Kawaikochan wrote: While siblings vs. cousins may not be the same thing, is the distinction relevant? I am not aware of siblings marrying each other as a relatively recent common practice in Japan, but I have never thought of looking it up before. Is there someone who knows by chance? lol

Also, I stumbled through the japanese press release, and I think it says they are blood related. So that shoots down the step-sibling possibility (Does anyone remember the movie Clueless? lol).

I know that it's still legal in Japan for first cousins to marry. In fact, it's legal in a lot of places.
Sleepninja wrote: The funny thing is, in the past it was common all over the world for people of blood relations to marry and have kids. It's just in modern times that it's become taboo. lol I consider cousins to be immediate family since I grew up with my cousins and we treated them like siblings.

I know that it's still legal in Japan for first cousins to marry. In fact, it's legal in a lot of places.

"It is estimated that 20 percent of all couples worldwide are first cousins."

That I find interesting - the study implies that throughout my life I've met at least one cousin-couple.

"We are all cousins. No two people are more distantly related than 50th cousins."

I love these theories. lol
Kawaikochan wrote:

I'm not sure about this one because it was a pretty common practice in western culture until relatively recently as well, but maybe.

Jeaniessi wrote: Yes! Think of all the royals that married first cousins over and over again. I don't know about brother and sister lovin'. I'd have to look that up but it was pretty common to marry at least a cousin in western culture up to a certain point in time. I don't know when exactly, that became taboo or illegal.

Sleepninja wrote: The funny thing is, in the past it was common all over the world for people of blood relations to marry and have kids. It's just in modern times that it's become taboo. lol I consider cousins to be immediate family since I grew up with my cousins and we treated them like siblings.

I knew of cousins marrying in western culture and how it was pretty common for that to happen, but I meant siblings, as in brother & sister. Since the thread did talk about younger sister/older brother. I'm not too sure if that was common practice too, although there might have been a case or

There's a saying here that goes "Los primos se exprimen." which is something like kissing cousins, but with first cousins. I could not for the life of me think of a similar saying in English.

I know in Japan it's legal to marry first cousins.
I just want to clarify that the article at ANN is not entirely correct...the girl in the anime is NOT their "real" sister by blood...what the anime is REALLY about is this girl who started to live with the animated KAT-TUN, and she sort of became like a "sister" to them. So the girl is basically their roommate, who became close to them like a sister. So the ANN article is wrong at that part about the girl being their "blood-related sister"...
crystal200 wrote: I just want to clarify that the article at ANN is not entirely correct...the girl in the anime is NOT their "real" sister by blood...what the anime is REALLY about is this girl who started to live with the animated KAT-TUN, and she sort of became like a "sister" to them. So the girl is basically their roommate, who became close to them like a sister.

So the ANN article is wrong at that part about the girl being their "blood-related sister"...

And here leaves the creepiness.
crystal200 wrote: I just want to clarify that the article at ANN is not entirely correct...the girl in the anime is NOT their "real" sister by blood...what the anime is REALLY about is this girl who started to live with the animated KAT-TUN, and she sort of became like a "sister" to them. So the girl is basically their roommate, who became close to them like a sister.

So the ANN article is wrong at that part about the girl being their "blood-related sister"...

OMG you're so right, lol. The PR Times press release says "ヒロインとKAT-TUNが血のつながらない兄妹として一緒に暮らすことになる"

That completely changes things, lol. But I think the incest observation still stands (I can think of a few examples with no ambiguity) and the convo was interesting :)

[edited to add]

LisNoir wrote: I knew of cousins marrying in western culture and how it was pretty common for that to happen, but I meant siblings, as in brother & sister. Since the thread did talk about younger sister/older brother. I'm not too sure if that was common practice too, although there might have been a case or

There's a saying here that goes "Los primos se exprimen." which is something like kissing cousins, but with first cousins. I could not for the life of me think of a similar saying in English.

I know in Japan it's legal to marry first cousins.

I don't think marrying your sibling is/was a more common practice in Japan. I've never heard anything like that before, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. I also wanted to add that I don't want anyone to think that we're saying Japanese people are more comfortable with incest. I don't at least.

Overall, everything makes more sense now, lol. I thought incest would be a really heavy subject for a cute cell phone anime.
So it is cleared ;) And I already thought Matsumoto Shota would be in a movie with incest in it :p
Mirichan wrote: So it is cleared ;) And I already thought Matsumoto Shota would be in a movie with incest in it :p

Who's Matsumoto Shota?

crystal200 wrote: I just want to clarify that the article at ANN is not entirely correct...the girl in the anime is NOT their "real" sister by blood...what the anime is REALLY about is this girl who started to live with the animated KAT-TUN, and she sort of became like a "sister" to them. So the girl is basically their roommate, who became close to them like a sister.

So the ANN article is wrong at that part about the girl being their "blood-related sister"...

That makes things better. :)
Kawaikochan wrote: OMG you're so right, lol. The PR Times press release says "ヒロインとKAT-TUNが血のつながらない兄妹として一緒に暮らすことになる"

That completely changes things, lol. But I think the incest observation still stands (I can think of a few examples with no ambiguity) and the convo was interesting :)

You're right, there are tons of sib-mance manga and anime floating around lol One managa series that's really popular and involves the guy falling in love with his sister is Angel Sanctuary.
Mirichan wrote: So it is cleared ;) And I already thought Matsumoto Shota would be in a movie with incest in it :p

Take it a step further and you get what I was imagining.

I don't mind siblings-love as long as they refrain from producing minis, who can call their cousin brother/sister and their uncle dad.