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Boutux!! How awesome you are in Japan. :D By the looks of it is going great, Im happy for ya... wow, Im really happy hahaha, can't hope being excited for you. I think repeating myself just now proves it LOL. The tour to your apartment was so darn cute. I love how you laughed when you said bowls and drawer set... why? lol. My favorite thing is the toilet. I want one like that hahahaha... so convenient. Hope you continue to have a wonderful experience girl :) ... if you meet Kimutaku please show him my pic, Ill email it to you. LOL. :p just kidding.
Wow...I just browsed through this thread, read about your adventures, looked at the pictures and watched the video. What a great experience! What cute pictures! What a dinky/tiny apartment! OMO! You are so cute boutux. I love the pics of you. :) Thanks so much for sharing your adventures with us. I hope there is more to come. ♥
soracantabile wrote: @boutux
haha..indeed, rain is bothersome..i don't ride if it's rain.. but i was amazed by japanese that ride in the rain while holding up their umbrella.. >.<

oh i've done that alot. i'm just glad i live in a different city from my students cuz it's kinda not illegal but not legal to ride in the rain with umbrellas. definitely a no-no for sensei. i live 20 mins from the station on foot but by bike it cuts the time to 5-10 mins. i bought a rain coat but that was pointless since i still got drenched. so riding with umbrellas is the only way to go until i find a better option.
ladyfaile wrote: wow rice cookers are cheap here, the one i have usually goes on sale for about $20 (it's not an especially good one but still) you'd think since they're such an essential item in Japan that they would be cheaper

rice cookers are expensive in japan new models come out every season the price ranges from 60 to over 1000usd. i'm not kidding. i saw one in a store for about 500usd. for 500usd this rice cooker better double as a teleportation device or smtng. i've been buying pre cooked microwave rice cuz packs of rice go for about 10usd for these massive bags and i won't cook rice often enough to use all that. so i'm waiting till i find the miracle cheap rice cooker to buy a pack of rice. lol.
NinaJade82 wrote: Boutux!! How awesome you are in Japan. :D

By the looks of it is going great, Im happy for ya... wow, Im really happy hahaha, can't hope being excited for you. I think repeating myself just now proves it LOL.

The tour to your apartment was so darn cute. I love how you laughed when you said bowls and drawer set... why? lol. My favorite thing is the toilet. I want one like that hahahaha... so convenient.

Hope you continue to have a wonderful experience girl :) ... if you meet Kimutaku please show him my pic, Ill email it to you. LOL. :p just kidding.

i laughed when i said bowls cuz at that point i thought no one is going to care that i bought 1 bowl, but i said it anyway. and i laughed for drawer set cuz i wasn't quite sure what i should call it. lol. initially when i started filming i thought i would do a test run and then do it again for real but the test run turned out well enough from the beginning that i didn't bother do a 2nd. my only issue is i too many umms/ uhhs and stretched words. but then again i initially made this video so my fam can see so why stress about it?
ah, btw..it's summer soon, right?? means hanabi is getting closer! you'll go for hanabi, won't you??please take a video and upload it here~ always love seeing hanabi.. :)
yeh it's summer. everyone is complaining about the heat and asking me if i feel hot and they're always shocked when i say no it feels fine to me. like i said in the video i'm from the caribbean it's hot and humid almost everyday where i'm from. this isn't hot yet but it's getting there. as for hanabi i have read about it but i haven't heard anyone talk about it yet. i don't know when it is going to be but i look forward to seeing japanese fireworks.
Ah, lucky you ! I went to Japan last year , Tokyo to be more specific but it was only a brief trip and we didn't get to walk around much :(, i wish i would have the chance to go there again.
wow for you to stand the hot weather! i really hate hot!try to go to nagoya in august..and if you still feel comfortable, than WOW! >_< when i was in japan, i went to hanabi in the end of july, i think..so might be around next month.. wear yukata and go to hanabi..and buy some food before hanabi starts..you should do that..^^
Unfortunately it is very much illegal to ride with an umbrella (I've totally done that too though... technically speaking riding on the back "seat" of someone's bicycle is also illegal, but you see it all the time in dramas/movies...), but the police can't do very much if they catch you... unless they catch you a lot... that's where you have to be careful as a foreigner... The only way around it is full out rain gear (long waterproof jacket and pants... lots of people ride bicycles or motorbikes in the rain so you can find these lots of places... not so attractive, but it mostly keeps you dry...)

Hanabi is usually mid-late July and early August... The biggest ones in Fukuoka seem to be:
1. 西日本大濠花火大会 (Nishi Nihon Ohori Hanabi Taikai) In Fukuoka City on August 1... not so big, but in the city, so lots of people show up...
2. 筑後川花火大会 (Chikugogawa Hanabi Taikai) Probably the biggest in terms of number of fireworks, in Kurume, maybe on August 5 (haven't announced the official date yet)... also apparently they've been doing it for 352 years... Japan has a long proud history of hanabi!
3. 関門海峡花火大会 (Kanmon Kaikyo Hanabi Taikai) This one is actually in the strait between Kitakyushu and Shimonoseki in Yamaguchi, it attracts more than a million people, but if you divide that between two shores its not so bad... 2nd biggest in terms of # of fireworks... It's on August 13...

Then there are tons of smaller events all over the prefecture... all (or most) of them are listed here http://hanabi.walkerplus.com/list/fukuoka.html

if you take a train make sure you either have an IC card (prepaid card) or you buy a roundtrip when you board, or a return ticket as soon as you get there cause the train station will be mega crowded when you go back!

I'm always outside Japan during hanabi season (its for work so it can't be helped), so see lots of hanabi for me!!

And rice cookers you should be able to find in a recycle shop, but if you can't there is always Rakuten (gotta love the internet...) http://search.rakuten.co.jp/search/mall/%E7%82%8A%E9%A3%AF%E5%99%A8+%E4%B8%80%E4%BA%BA%E6%9A%AE%E3%82%89%E3%81%97/-/

(this is the search for 炊飯器 一人暮らし... rice cooker living alone)
soracantabile wrote: wow for you to stand the hot weather!
i really hate hot!try to go to nagoya in august..and if you still feel comfortable, than WOW! >_<
when i was in japan, i went to hanabi in the end of july, i think..so might be around next month..
wear yukata and go to hanabi..and buy some food before hanabi starts..you should do that..^^

Try dancing outside at noon in Nagoya in August for 12 minutes straight... >_< so terrible!

Fukuoka is farther south, but Nagoya (because of its geography... or topography) is actually hotter... I lived in nearby Ogaki, which is just as bad, for 3 years with no air conditioner... and even that isn't as bad a Tajimi, also near by, which is famous for being the hottest place in the whole country (Okinawa included)...

Oh, and speaking of dancing... I recommend finding out about all of the local matsuri (the summer season has lots of non-hanabi festivals too)... Obon festivals will be held around the Obon period (surprise, surprise) between August 13-15 (though the dates of the festivals may vary depending on what day of the week those days fall).

I personally recommend the Fukukoi Asia Matsuri September 15-16 in Fukuoka City (if you are anywhere near the city it is worth the trip... if you like dancing...)
kurinezumi wrote: Unfortunately it is very much illegal to ride with an umbrella (I've totally done that too though... technically speaking riding on the back "seat" of someone's bicycle is also illegal, but you see it all the time in dramas/movies...), but the police can't do very much if they catch you... unless they catch you a lot...

haha..reminds me of my friend' story..he was caught by police because of bicycle thing, but he didn't want to have long conversation with the police, so he acted like he can't speak japanese (he was awesome in japanese, actually..) and said to the police:
"sumimasen, nihongo wo tabemasen" ROFL! the police then said he can just go..haha

oh~dancing! you really should try that...it's fun!
dancing on the street..with a lot of people..
you don't know them, but dancing makes you feel like all of you're friends! great feeling~^^
@kurinezumi thanks for all the links and info. every time i go to fukuoka i buy the round trip ticket simply because it costs the same as a one way ticket on the limited express. i will definitely see if i can round up a few ppl to go with or at least meet at the festival. actually i will be on vacation so it might be cool to just find a really cheap hotel and stay in fukuoka for a few days. after hanabi party in tenjin. i love recycle shops. actually i bought an ipad 2 for 30,000yen at a hardoff yesterday. i tried to get the ipad deal from softbank but after hrs at the soft bank store they told me since my visa is only for a yr i need a credit card to get the ipad. then the jp bank told me i could not get a credit card, or open a 2nd account because i have not been in japan for a yr yet. i gave up on trying to get it. so i was so happy to see an ipad in perfect condition for over 10,000yen less than it is sold online and in stores. recycle shops in japan are awesome! kurinezumi where do u live now?
Yokohama now, great place to visit if you have the time. Kyushu is the one major island that I haven't been to... and Okinawa too :( Someday... Looking forward to hearing all the fun stuff to do there :) Credit card stuff and cell phone/ipad stuff... all so complicated! I was rejected once, still don't know why, but it was right after my wallet was stolen (me too in Japan... it happens if you're not careful... it was a Japanese person) and I cancelled (or stopped) all my other cards.... Or might just be because I'm foreign, who knows... But better that you got it cheaper and without the hassle! It was totally fate :)
so exciting, i wonder if there are any festivals in tokyo when we're going. i don't think so, i tried looking up a schedule and couldn't see anything but you never know i hope you find a rice cooker eventually for a decent price =/ i second checking online. is there a japanese version of amazon and ebay?