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I hope I will get a chance because I want to study japanese at university.. but now I'm only dreaming about Japan ^^
can't believe I've answered the poll months ago but never left a message... Yes, once. Last year in July, for two weeks. Alone, and I never felt lonely (well, maybe sometimes when eating alone in my room watching amazing TV shows, like SMAP TV show (though I didn't really know who was SMAP at the time)). I went to Kyoto, Osaka, Nara, Hiroshima and Miyajima, and of course Tokyo. One week in Tokyo was not enough, so i'm planning to visit again next year. The best journey so far, and i'm jealous of the young students who can go there for their studies...
Yep mainly in Osaka region. Stayed in Kobe for around 2 months, the second time was about 2 weeks, include day trips in Nara, Kyoto, and Osaka. But these all happened a very long time ago, like over 10 years, even before I got introduced to JDrama. I so want to revisit someday, especially the old capitals (Nara, Kyoto), plus maybe some holidays in the northern parts of the country.
Ok I just voted I live there because today, as I voted, I was in an Internet Cafe in Kyoto. But I actually don`t live there
One interresting thing that happened : I saw a drama shooting !!!
I met many staff member and even the director. The name of the 2 episodes special (like a 5hours long movie) in ONNA NOBUNAGA, the story of a famous Samourai woman staring Amami Yuki .
the director is Takeuchi Hideki who directed many movies and drama such as Kamisamsa Mou sukoshi dake,Nodame Cantabile, FirstKiss, Densha Otoko or more recently Zenkai Girl. The reason why Hideki-san talked to me (and OMG also allowed me to sit beside him during the last 2 hours of that shooting day) was because 1/he saw that I was very curious ( I stayed and watch the shooting from 10AM to 5PM outside by 37 degree C and talked to a manager, an assistant cameraman, the chief lightman - who later actually taught me how to use my camera properly - the assistant director....) 2/I told him that I was in an acting school and that I helped in a school movie as a script girl so he said "want to meet my script girl? She`s sitting right there! Come with me" 3/ He enjoyed the fact that a french girl watched and liked Nodame, especially because the movie`s shooting was partly in France!
At first, when I talked to him,I had NO IDEA he was the director. I just went on with how interresting it was etc. and after a while he said "you know who I am?".....errr no....."I m the director here" and at this moment, I think my eyes went crazy!

So this special will air in December ! Can`t wait
My grandmother is japanese so yes i've been there several times especially when i was young.
Juniko wrote: Ok I just voted I live there because today, as I voted, I was in an Internet Cafe in Kyoto. But I actually don`t live there
One interresting thing that happened : I saw a drama shooting !!!
I met many staff member and even the director. The name of the 2 episodes special (like a 5hours long movie) in ONNA NOBUNAGA, the story of a famous Samourai woman staring Amami Yuki .
the director is Takeuchi Hideki who directed many movies and drama such as Kamisamsa Mou sukoshi dake,Nodame Cantabile, FirstKiss, Densha Otoko or more recently Zenkai Girl. The reason why Hideki-san talked to me (and OMG also allowed me to sit beside him during the last 2 hours of that shooting day) was because 1/he saw that I was very curious ( I stayed and watch the shooting from 10AM to 5PM outside by 37 degree C and talked to a manager, an assistant cameraman, the chief lightman - who later actually taught me how to use my camera properly - the assistant director....) 2/I told him that I was in an acting school and that I helped in a school movie as a script girl so he said "want to meet my script girl? She`s sitting right there! Come with me" 3/ He enjoyed the fact that a french girl watched and liked Nodame, especially because the movie`s shooting was partly in France!
At first, when I talked to him,I had NO IDEA he was the director. I just went on with how interresting it was etc. and after a while he said "you know who I am?".....errr no....."I m the director here" and at this moment, I think my eyes went crazy!

So this special will air in December ! Can`t wait

Wow, Juniko! That is so cool!
Juniko wrote: Ok I just voted I live there because today, as I voted, I was in an Internet Cafe in Kyoto. But I actually don`t live there
One interresting thing that happened : I saw a drama shooting !!!
I met many staff member and even the director. The name of the 2 episodes special (like a 5hours long movie) in ONNA NOBUNAGA, the story of a famous Samourai woman staring Amami Yuki .
the director is Takeuchi Hideki who directed many movies and drama such as Kamisamsa Mou sukoshi dake,Nodame Cantabile, FirstKiss, Densha Otoko or more recently Zenkai Girl. The reason why Hideki-san talked to me (and OMG also allowed me to sit beside him during the last 2 hours of that shooting day) was because 1/he saw that I was very curious ( I stayed and watch the shooting from 10AM to 5PM outside by 37 degree C and talked to a manager, an assistant cameraman, the chief lightman - who later actually taught me how to use my camera properly - the assistant director....) 2/I told him that I was in an acting school and that I helped in a school movie as a script girl so he said "want to meet my script girl? She`s sitting right there! Come with me" 3/ He enjoyed the fact that a french girl watched and liked Nodame, especially because the movie`s shooting was partly in France!
At first, when I talked to him,I had NO IDEA he was the director. I just went on with how interresting it was etc. and after a while he said "you know who I am?".....errr no....."I m the director here" and at this moment, I think my eyes went crazy!

So this special will air in December ! Can`t wait

just now saw this post. that's amazing @____@ so jealous!
Wow Juniko !!! Lucky !!! I went to Japan for three weeks in september, last year. I had two concerts there, one in Iga, the ninja lair, and another in Nara. I got to visit some amazing places. Onsen of course were one of te best things I experienced there. In Nara, I went to the temple you see in many mangas, with all the deers running freely around. It was so beautiful. I visited a ninja house in which all the tricks were explained. Pretty far from Naruto of course but still very interesting :D. I was staying at my pianist family house in the countryside, in the prefecture of Mie. It was an traditional wood house with a beautiful garden, and the bathroom was also traditional ofuru. Her parents had moved a lot through Japan so they made us taste many regional specialities, I especially remember Okonomiyaki, so goooooood. I hope I can go back soon because I really miss living there.
Oh I ate Okonomiyaki, that's sooo delicious !!!!!
I know !! I just so loved the sauce <333
Oh I miss it soo much !!!! The taste is so.....and the smell......aaaaaah !!! That's so mouthwatering !!
Don't tell me... I'm getting hungry <3
I want okonomiyaki soo bad !!! Did they tell you the little story about the origins of okonomiyaki ???
Nope they didn't !
It's a housewife who has a very busy day. But her son keeps screaming that's his angry and wants food right now. He's so noisy that his mother give up : but she doesn't have the time to cook really, 'cause she's so busy : so she takes everything she has left, cut it in little pieces, put in on a frying pan with flour and water to make it stick together, and tadaa !!! she gives it to her son. But she is so surprised to hear that what she just made was tasting fabulously amazing, so she tells it to the neighbour, who tells it to the whole willage, and then after a while everybody had heard about it !!! the Okonomiyaki (meaning : "a bit everything, fried all together") was born !!!