found this on embassy of japan site.
it is a free japanese language educational tool that uses scripted video, manga and other tools to teach japanese language from beginners to advance. you can register or use the site without registering. my guess is u can better keep track of lessons, ur rank, tests etc. if u register. there are 25 lessons, lots of vocabulary. u can chose ur language, as well as type of japanese writing style u to want use to read subtitles or use all of them when doing the lessons. at the end of the lesson there are different types of interactive test (true or false, multiple choice, drag and drop etc). i have only been looking at lesson 1 just so i can provide info for this thread but i can tell there is a lot to do and learn on this site. and it looks fun learning experience. i will definitely be registering and using this.
one of the things i like is that the videos i did look at either looked like dramas or they looked like variety shows which kinda put me at ease cuz i was not sure what to expect.
the one gripe i have is the site set up looks simple but i was still not sure how to go about using it. i was wondering what do i do 1st, what do i do next. but i guess each person would have to explore the site on their own and decide what course to take in each lesson.