
Was that her intention? I thought she said because, people who have never been independent, and have always been loved and cared from an young age would say that. That is probably the reason why she said, may be because she wanted to convey that she was a girl who hadn't seen much of the outside world, hence she followed her mom's words to survive.

I think her intention was to build up a persona that would make her more appealing to GZY based on the little info she was able to gather about him. So your assumption could be/is most likely correct as well. 

@Ang9lShuxin in the comments wrote: 

"I can't figure it out. What's the relation of Yun Wei Shan to Shangguanqian's trainer. It seems like they have the same habit and patter like turning over the teacup. It's just a glimpse but it's so suspicious."

@L13 responded:

"He also told the dead assassin to protect someone and we all assumed it was the Mei (I forgot her name), but the cinematography was ambiguous and it could have been Weishan instead. There was something else as well that I'm forgetting at the moment. They definitely have some kind of connection."

@insideout91 wrote in response:

"Also, Mei (SGQ) protected YWS a lot from the beginning , like when YWS wants attack ML ,but she stopped her and let other girl expose herself"

I'm including these here because I think that these clues might be important for later. Although, I feel like that could also be a coincidence but I'm not sure. From the few episodes we've seen, it seems like HYS and HYQ (the two ravens) are in competition/trying to outdo each other...well more so HYQ than HYS. But maybe that's just for show? We don't really know a lot about the ravens yet and all that they do/when they interact with each other. 

It seems that people who are living in the back of the mountain are the real deals and the sword wielder is their employee.maybe wufeng wants to get someone from the back of the mountain.


4 sons and 1 daughter.

Gong Shang Jue and Gong Yuan Zhi are cousins to Gong Zi Yu.

The leader of assassins creed seems to be female; so could be someone we haven’t met or have. The elders are suspicious too. This whodunnit def makes you think; the big bad isn’t obvious which is good. Our FL has a lot of wheels turning simultaneously in her head. She’s def no Chi but I think she’s higher skill set wise than a Mei. Thanks for all the extra posts from X and comments.

She’s def no Chi but I think she’s higher skill set wise than a Mei.

This is what I was thinking too but we haven't seen how the "wong's" are yet/what their skill set is. So I can't say for sure if she is on par with them yet or not. Also, Shangguan Qian recently became a Mei so other assassins who have been Mei's longer could be better or more skilled than what we have seen so far from Shangguan Qian. 

I'm excited to see what's to come from A'yun and even ZiYu because it seems that everyone around him except A'yun underestimates him. Even viewers do and we haven't exactly seen his full potential yet. I do agree that he is immature at times but that's to be expected. It would be odd if he just let go of petty arguments over night when literally days before the death of his brother and dad, he could not do such a thing. 

clue from bts??

Someone posted this video in the comment section. In the first couple of minutes is that not...Gong Huan Yu [Zi Yu's elder brother] we have not seen A'yun in this outfit yet...if that's the case...then maybe the brother isn't really dead. Ik in the character list it says he appears only in ep 1-3 and we saw his dead body...but still. Am I seeing things correctly? 

Bro does seem very much alive. Unless they cut those scenes; what’s he up to? Trying to bring down assassins creed? Everyone is hiding something. It’s a massive puzzle with many moving parts. I also think when the tortured assassin saw a blurry figure walk towards her in white it wasn’t YZ but the Yue guy that we saw briefly in Ep 4. I guess he’s a prince? 

1.) We know why the two of them are there - one's mission is the one brother (she wasn't upset when he wasn't chosen), and the other's is just to get married to the sword wielder.  "If you and I were to make it to the end, it would make the mission very complicated". Why? What is the end-game mission? You also can't trust any one. 

So, this is my theory. I think the brother scoot-scooted out the door that night because he knew the sect was after his ass. I think either it's because:

A, he is one of them

B, he has intel / knows more about them 

If it's A, it's possible that his mother was of the evil sect, married, and taught her son to take down the mountain sect OR, she could have taught him that one day people will try to take down the sect and you must defend it

If it's B, it could link along side part of A (that his mom knew about the sect), and that he knew about them from someone or he learned it on his own.

There is also C, that he isn't either and we're just being set-up from the get go and it's just sibling rivalry (a red herring for viewers).

There is also the D portion, that the entire sect is fake and that the mountain sect is actually the real sect that teaches these girls to be assassins and it's all one big test.

wasn’t YZ but the Yue guy that we saw briefly in Ep 4. I guess he’s a prince? 

Omg yes, it could be him! I've been trying to figure out who that was. 

What is the end-game mission? You also can't trust any one. 

In one of the clips that they posted explaining how each of the main/focal sects works, they talked about how the Gong sect protects the family secret of "boundless fire". So I am assuming that's what WuFeng wants. 

 Sirry Usly:

In one of the clips that they posted explaining how each of the main/focal sects works, they talked about how the Gong sect protects the family secret of "boundless fire". So I am assuming that's what WuFeng wants. 

Hrmm. Interesting. Wonder why they would want the fire, to make everyone fear them more or is there something that can be achieved with the fire?

There is also C, that he isn't either and we're just being set-up from the get go and it's just sibling rivalry (a red herring for viewers).

I think this one is the most unlikely especially because he was initially supposed to become a sword wielder so his faking his death for this does not make sense. I think, if he faked his death, it was to throw off WuFeng. Or to throw off whoever came that night to kill him and his dad. My suspect right now is Lady Ming aka Ming Wu Ji the concubine to Gong Hong Yu, ZiYu's 'father'. 

achieved with the fire

The clip mentioned how guarding the fire keeps the world safe. So I think WuFeng needs the fire for something because right now every sect besides the Gong sect is afraid of them. In fact, if we believe what Shangguan Qian told A'yun in ep 4, they even recruit assassins from the sects they terrorize. So, they force them to join them/help them. 

"Ziyu finds a clue regarding the death of his father and elder brother, It seems the herb elixir that all gong's drink to make them immune to poison has been changed and the core ingredient is replaced to make it ineffective. " - @MsDarkqueen   

Lady Ming???