I love the soundtrack, but I can’t find it online. I have found a few songs, but not the entire score. Does anyone know where I can go for it? There is this one song I especially like. It was in episodes 3 and 6 (when Ziyu cries to Lady Wuji after his father and brothers died and then when he’s dreaming of getting snubbed as a child, respectively). TIA!

Lyrics in English 

will i see you again
the summer we spent together is a blur now
night breezes tousled your gray hair
you looked at me in silence when you put your hands on my shoulders
all my fears and hesitations were gone
snow falls my wounds were never closed
i've been adrift for too long but now i'm home
yesterday fades like a distant mountain 

tears are the snow on top of the mountain

Lyrics in Simplified Chinese 









漂泊太久 现在我回家了 昨天像远山一样消逝 眼泪是山顶的雪

Wǒ huì zàicì jiàn dào nǐ ma

wǒmen yīqǐ dùguò de xiàtiān yǐjīng móhúle

 yè fēng chuī luànle nǐ de bái fà,

nǐ mòmò de kànzhe wǒ

dāng nǐ bǎshǒu fàng zài wǒ de jiānbǎng shàng shí

wǒ suǒyǒu de kǒngjù hé yóuyù dōu xiāoshīle

xuěhuā piāoluò

wǒ de shāngkǒu cóng wèi bìhé

Piāobó tài jiǔ xiànzài wǒ huí jiāle zuótiān xiàng yuǎn shān yīyàng xiāoshì yǎnlèi shì shāndǐng de xuě

You can find the OST on YouTube.  The song might be the one sang by Chen Chusheng. I don't know if it's the right one but it might be.

From what drama is this? 

 Komentator isenk:

From what drama is this? 

My Journey to You

If this really from my journey to you here the list



You can find the OST on YouTube.  The song might be the one sang by Chen Chusheng. I don't know if it's the right one but it might be.

Thank you. They finally uploaded! It was tricky finding because you have to search in Chinese (I don’t speak or read). But I have it now and I’m so happy! Thanks, again. 

 Komentator isenk:

If this really from my journey to you here the list


Yes! Thank you. I came across this too and cross-referenced songs to verify. One of the songs doesn’t lead anywhere, but the other 7 do. Thanks again!