
I just rewatched the ending again  and I still can’t get over How his facial expression just didn’t scream “oh hey there you are” nor did it look like he was about to cry either. The more I replay it, it just looks like he’s got the “oh it’s just you” expression, like it was no one overly important to get his ass up and run towards them ? 

It looked like dawning horror to me.... but ok, I will go rewatch it...


I just rewatched the ending again  and I still can’t get over How his facial expression just didn’t scream “oh hey there you are” nor did it look like he was about to cry either. The more I replay it, it just looks like he’s got the “oh it’s just you” expression, like it was no one overly important to get his ass up and run towards them ? 

He waited for her for one night and two days without foods.  He looked emotionless.  

I was disappointed to see there is no new Master Hua from the back hill.


It looked like dawning horror to me.... but ok, I will go rewatch it...

Like I swear my eyes see his right eyebrow lift ever so slightly like he’s a bit surprised and he gets up a little and that’s it. I’d imagine if it’s the person you’re waiting for you’d be sprinting but I get the whole no energy despite him still getting food ? there’s the no appetite thing too so I get it. But his gaze looks like it goes from straight ahead to him looking at something lower like on the floor and then back up. I wonder if it was a slight grease at someone ? but I could be over analysing at this stage.. bit delulu 


I was disappointed to see there is no new Master Hua from the back hill.

Well maybe Zishang can boot her little bro there when he grows up. Or she can hand over Shang line to him take over as Hua Elder (higher status). Jin Fan gets to be a Red Jade Guard again.


He waited for her for one night and two days without foods.  He looked emotionless.  

I don’t think it’s without food- Jin fan was delivering food and you can see the past containers there. But fair enough he might not have had an appetite. But emotionless- yes. But that’s what I don’t get. The more I stare at it it’s not sadness or happiness it’s just like a ‘oh okay’ kinda look. 


I just rewatched the ending again  and I still can’t get over How his facial expression just didn’t scream “oh hey there you are” nor did it look like he was about to cry either. The more I replay it, it just looks like he’s got the “oh it’s just you” expression, like it was no one overly important to get his ass up and run towards them ? 

He looks to me like saying, "What the heck happens to you?" Probably seeing her with unkempt hair and bloody face after killing Dianzhu ?

Or he could be seeing Yun Weishan bringing back her whole family with twin sister, dad & mom and others. So Gong Ziyu is saying, "Oh no! All these in-laws? Trouble!" ?

Like @PeachBlossomGoddess says, it's up to the viewers' imagination. I agree with her ?

(PS I'm getting good in using the computer emoji now after @PeachBlossomGoddess's explanation. Previously, I just copy and paste.)


He looks to me like saying, "What the heck happens to you?" Probably seeing her with unkempt hair and bloody face after killing Dianzhu ?

Or he could be seeing Yun Weishan bringing back her whole family with twin sister, dad & mom and others. So Gong Ziyu is saying, "Oh no! All these in-laws? Trouble!" ?

Like @PeachBlossomGoddess says, it's up to the viewers' imagination. I agree with her ?

(PS I'm getting good in using the computer emoji now after @PeachBlossomGoddess's explanation. Previously, I just copy and paste.)

It's really addictive!!!

And maybe he saw twins and panicked, not knowing who was his YWS...??... Saying hi honey to the wrong gal is as Malaysians like to say SURE DIE ☠️☠️☠️!!!


It's really addictive!!!

And maybe he saw twins and panicked, not knowing who was his YWS...??... Saying hi honey to the wrong gal is as Malaysians like to say SURE DIE ☠️☠️☠️!!!




The emojis sometimes don't work. Depending on which browser you use, the emoji shortcut that PeachBlossomGoddess shared might work, otherwise you're stuck with copy paste, but make sure it's unicode emojis for browser. 


I think the ending was as complete as it needs to be. In brief, Weishan was not fooled, she went back to Wufeng bc she still needs to take revenge on Dianzhu for Zhuomei. Its in more detail at the bottom of my review.

It just dawned on me that Weishan promised Ziyu she'd be back in a couple of days, so she couldn't have planned to go back to Wufeng. If she had wanted to, she could've asked for freedom to leave, Ziyu was willing (albeit reluctantly) to give it to her. And according to the letter, she's a twin from the Yun family, which suggest she's not Zhuomei's daughter. I'm still curious about her connection to Zhuomei, but Weishan only talks about Zhuomei when she has to explain her wugong, otherwise she doesn't seem to have deeper connection with her. Weishan also doesn't express any revenge intention throughout the drama, even when she suspected Yun Que died at the hand of the Gong family, she never intended to avenge her in any way, so that'd be so out of character.

As for the last scene, I interpreted Ziyu's look as someone who was disappointed, meaning whoever showed up in front of him was not Weishan. It could be just Jin Fan. ?‍♀️

And according to the letter, she's a twin from the Yun family

They still could both be Zhuomei's daughters. I do think the part about her father saving Zhuomei and Zhuomei training her is true. I am sure eventually Wufeng found them/Zhuomei as a result. She does talk about her intended revenge. I think its ep 7 or 8 when she wants to follow Ziyu to the back mountain.

One of her motives to infiltrate Gongmen is the learn the truth of Yun Yue's death and possibly get revenge. She discovers Wufeng is actually responsible. So maybe that was the bigger reason she went back and not so much the twin. 

She does talk about her intended revenge.

Yeah, but I assume it was to deflect Jin Fan of her Wufeng spy identity. She never mentioned it again, unlike Qian who repeatedly touched on her revenge plot.

One of her motives to infiltrate Gongmen is the learn the truth of Yun Yue's death and possibly get revenge

She wanted to find out her death, yes, but never mentioned about avenging her. Not even after finding out Wufeng is responsible. The recurring theme for Weishan is her longing for freedom, which I think is her biggest goal in life. Can't say she's the vengeful type.


The emojis sometimes don't work. Depending on which browser you use, the emoji shortcut that PeachBlossomGoddess shared might work, otherwise you're stuck with copy paste, but make sure it's unicode emojis for browser. 

IKR! When I did it, the emojis looked fine on my browser. But they turned ??? after I posted them :( Oh well, guess I better just return to copy and paste again :D

Can't say she's the vengeful type.

Yun Weishan is a master of disguise. She conceals her emotions adeptly. She holds a deep affection for Yun Que, but she once believed her to have met her end at the hands of Gong Men. Hence, in addition to her mission from Wu Feng, I suspect she's driven by a personal quest to unearth the truth behind Yun Que's demise and seek retribution.