
Yun Weishan is a master of disguise. She conceals her emotions adeptly. She holds a deep affection for Yun Que, but she once believed her to have met her end at the hands of Gong Men. Hence, in addition to her mission from Wu Feng, I suspect she's driven by a personal quest to unearth the truth behind Yun Que's demise and seek retribution. 

Yes which she did find out Wufeng killed her. But now that Yasi is dead, she will never know the full details.


Yes which she did find out Wufeng killed her. But now that Yasi is dead, she will never know the full details.

Perhaps this is why she finds it imperative to leave Gong Men in search of the truth. Through Yue Gongzi, she learns that Yun Que was alive when she left. The chilling revelation of Yun Que's demise, her scalp shattered from a force so potent, suggests that perhaps Dian Zhu wields abilities capable of such devastation. While I don't recall any explicit mention of Dian Zhu's martial arts possessing such lethal force, Yun Weishan may possess knowledge on the matter.


Perhaps this is why she finds it imperative to leave Gong Men in search of the truth. Through Yue Gongzi, she learns that Yun Que was alive when she left. The chilling revelation of Yun Que's demise, her scalp shattered from a force so potent, suggests that perhaps Dian Zhu wields abilities capable of such devastation. While I don't recall any explicit mention of Dian Zhu's martial arts possessing such lethal force, Yun Weishan may possess knowledge on the matter.

Yes I agree YWS won't just forget about Yun Que, she wants revenge also but unless Dianzhu confesses Yasi is not alive to tell her what went down. Anyone in Wufeng including Yasi himself could have killed Yun Que, She definitely has unfinished business with Wufeng. 

The other foreshadowing is of course the show Elder Yue with Yun Que's bracelet and some flashbacks. It may hint YWS went back to Wufeng for the same reason Yun Que did - to protect her lover. But I thought it was a lame reason even for Yun Que to go back so I assume YWS is smarter than that and ignored it.

I am rewatching the last 4 episodes, and actually there is so many rooms for season 2 if they want to make it, so many back stories could be also revealed if they want, for example these infidels or creatures or people we don't know what they are, the ones who are living in the back hill and they were the reason why the gong family started to develop this infinite heat from the meteor falling. 

It may hint YWS went back to Wufeng for the same reason Yun Que did - to protect her lover.

Yes, she may also want to protect her lover and the Gong Men, so is determined to take out Wufeng once and for all. If she had given a sly smile away from her adversaries, viewers might have found greater assurance in the calculated nature of her scheme. It would have signified a well-thought-out plan rather than a hasty decision made under the knowledge that she is Gong Ziyu's vulnerable point. But then again, this would take away the mystery and limit the future direction of the plot if any. Furthermore, Yun Weishan is supposed to be a brilliant disguiser not showing her emotions, so the sly smile would have been out of character here.

Time and time again, my theories were debunked as the story unfolded. Yet, I find myself even more drawn to discussing the drama now than ever before. As you mentioned,  it's so addictive (❁´◡`❁). Thanks for starting this final episode discussion thread. 👍

Yes, she may also want to protect her lover and the Gong Men, so is determined to take out Wufeng once and for all

YWS simply made a mistake by visiting her twin sister.  Not to protect GZY.  Without YWS, GZY will be heartbroken but he doesn't need YWS to protect him because the Jiu Chen valley is the safest place.  And, he has the Infinite Heat.


YWS simply made a mistake by visiting her twin sister.  Not to protect GZY.  Without YWS, GZY will be heartbroken but he doesn't need YWS to protect him because the Jiu Chen valley is the safest place.  And, he has the Infinite Heat.

At first, I too had my doubts about the move. However, when I take into account Yun Weishan's character and sharp intellect, I'm inclined to believe it's a well-thought-out strategy. She likely knows precisely where to locate the Wufeng assailants - within her own Yun residence. The search for her twin sister might just be a diversion. Beyond seeking retribution for Yun Que and possibly Zhuo Mei, she has a vested interest in safeguarding the Gong Men, most of all Gong Ziyu, a duty she's upheld throughout the story. Thus, I'm convinced that her aim is to shield him and rid Gong Men of the persistent harassment by Wufeng once and for all. After all, the only safe place for her is in Gong Men, and she won't be safe if Wufeng is still around, constantly sending out assassins and spies.

I’m thoroughly enjoying all the theories from everyone. Hehe. 

All plausible ideas and possibilities of what happened.  It’s definitely certain that her original reason for infiltrating the gong family was to find out about YQ for sure and I think it goes without saying that she wanted to avenge her. 

But she also in the midst of it probably didn’t expect to fall in love with ZY which now has shown she’ll do what it takes to protect him and ensure his position as SW isn’t compromised especially for her own personal gains with WF. 

I like the theory of her being related to dianzhu but also skeptical of it as someone mentioned she only ever brought it up as an excuse when being confronted unlike SGQ who always tried to sell it as her excuse but was in fact quite true. The ‘her coming back in a few days’ also is a bit fishy. If she had intended to rid them of Wufeng within such a short amount of time means either she had a really good plan or it wasn’t a plan at all. To me the realisation of the situation and her expression made it look like she was surprised and she had indeed walked into a trap. But she could also be playing along. 

I feel like we’ll be guessing for days. 😂 can Thursday roll over quicker! 

The more I think about it, the more I feel it's unlikely that she'd go back to Wufeng.

1. She promised Ziyu she'd be back in a couple of days. If she intended to go back to Wufeng, why not ask for freedom from Ziyu instead? She knew he'd be waiting for her and if she doesn't come back, he'd have people go look for her and fall into a trap.

2. All 4 Wangs and 2 Hanyas are missing at the same time, and news about the Fortnight Flies is not a poison is being spread, I'm sure Wufeng already picked up that their spies had turned on them. Judging from the fact that they knew to find Weishan's twin, they had already suspected her. Going back to Wufeng is basically seeking death and the worst possible plan. Dianzhu didn't even spare Zhuomei, let alone Weishan. I have a crazy theory about Weishan and Dianzhu but I'll share at the end of this post.

3. If Weishan is indeed Zhuomei's daughter, how is it possible that she knows about Zhuomei enough to learn her martial arts but doesn't know she has a twin. And if she knows about the twin, why involve her twin's identity in the mission in the first place? I don't think Weishan would've risked her twin sister's identity. Let's say she didn't know and only find out later, when she assumed the twin's identity, why not arrange for her twin sister to flee instead of sitting duck in Lixi Town? And Weishan was about 8 or 9 years old when she was recruited into Wufeng, don't think she'd have enough time to learn martial arts from Zhuomei. Hence, I believe she used Zhuomei's name to justify her Qingfeng skills to avoid suspicion but she didn't really inherit it from Zhuomei.

4. Weishan constantly talked about freedom in this entire drama, as if that was her main driving force. Even though she infiltrated the Gongs for a mission, while finding out about Yun Que on the side, she didn't actively try to investigate about Yun Que until it was revealed Elder Yue had her bracelet. And after knowing Wufeng was responsible for Yun Que's death, she didn't seem hell bent to avenge her. It was Ziyu who first suggested to lure Wufeng in and attack.

While figuring out Weishan's connection to Zhuomei, which doesn't seem to work under any timeline, I'm starting to think Weishan used her name as a cover up/excuse for her Qingfeng martial arts. So if she didn't learn the martial arts from Zhuomei, then chances are she, like Qian, must be Dianzhu's disciple. But to learn a martial arts that's originated from Feng family must mean Weishan's identity is higher up than Qian, so is it possible that she's actually Dianzhu's daughter? *gasps*

Edit: There was a scene in episode 1 where Han Yasi told Weishan that once she drinks a potion, she'd be a Chi, which implies she's been hiding her rank and identity from the get go. I'm thinking she might not agree with Wufeng's cruelty and intended to break free, which is why freedom was the first thing to entice her to agree joining the mission.

Then we should ask IQIYi to make session 2. 

1. YWS already said about her search for freedom. GZY did give her that. She promised to be back to visit GZY. A door open for another story wether she could make it or not.

2. Wufeng had known the ending of the Gong's residence battle, thus why they (the remnants) ended in Lixi district, luring YWS back there. YWS was really smart, she would basically survive. Anyway...the main cast for this drama was the FL, Esther Yu, even the Director gave a chance of double lives stories , double characters, double arts of acting that we should expect from Esther (in S2). 

3. First version : Zhou Mei  was a female, she had a love story with a male, but Dianzhu tortured and wounded the man. Zhoumei went berzerk,fighting until she lost consciousness in Yun Residence. Dianzhu did not kill her, so I suspect Dianzhu was actually a male, and having special relationship with Zhoumei. There she taught the young YWS, but then she "passed away".  YWS was taken back to Wufeng

3. Second version :  ZhouMei and Dianzhu both were females   loving the same male. (Remember that Feng style was usually for SW's wife), but when the man chose ZhouMei, Dianzhu got angry and wounded the man. (But I think this version was less likely to happen).

Feng style could be passed down from early age. Remember Jin Fan was already a red jade guard when  he was still a kid. (9 to 10 yold)

4. The recent Wufeng leader could be Dianzhu or even Zhoumei. The style of this drama was sometimes reversing the info., plot twists everywhere. Dianzhu was sick, Zhoumei was said to be "passed away". Were they actually still alive? 

Regarding YWS was the daughter of Dianzhu or Zhoumei, yes it had high possibility. She was not a mere chi, i think she was above liang. She had the characteristic of meticulous actions, never bluffing. Even those 3 wangs really being cautious to YWS and Hanya Si. But we still don't know about YWS2 character. Was she more evil ? I wish so, thus S2 would be more interesting. 🥲

And Han Ya Si, I think he was still alive. Giving a choice of freedom to YWS, I think it was also with Wufeng Leader's permission. 

I think the conclusion is only 1 : imploring IQIYI to make Session 2

I think these are all interesting insights and ideas as to how a prequel or sequel can play out. GJM obviously left the door open for many different and interesting ways to continue telling the story if he so chooses.

Yeah, our voices, netizen  really matters. Then anyone, who has access to IQIYi,or GJM can give feedback and request politely to them for S2 production.  

I think this has done well enough in terms of viewership and buzz for them to consider it but realistically the cast is big and may be hard to resassemble.

Nothing is impossible though. Even Joy of Life could reassemble those past casts, for example. The promise was made in 2019.

And it really depends on the story, the busy casts could appear as guests too. 

 If S2 really talks about Wufeng, there will be many new faces for the new characters.

We just need their promise and  schedule 😊

The one thing that  I was disappointed on in the ending episodes was like the director forgot all about what we were told about how good the martial arts of some of the gong people were supposed to be.

Like the entire premise was of the attack was because GSJ was too powerful for the wangs so they wanted to attack when his internal force was weakened.  The four wangs could have just ganged up on GSJ when he was out and about in the outside world then.   one wang almost beat both GSJ and GYZ.

Same with the elder master hua when the young hua and xue tong zhi were bickering about leaving the back mountain  xue tong zhi mentioned how elder hua was supposed to be this all powerful martial artist but he got wrecked by the wang really quickly.