
Hello.. Glad to know so many Bulga Fans.. Happy & nice to meet you all. I just loved your discussions. I had my head broken from headache thinking about all the possibilities. Now it will become more & more hearing all those beautiful theories of you people. I wonder why this drama is not so popular.. Because people hate to work with their brains. But I love & i see so many lovers here too.

 I hope you’d also share your thoughts here for more fun! *-*

Okay, This would be long.  I forgot to paste it here HAHA ill put it here so that it wont be lost. XD

What if we see this in Bulgasal Sang Woon’s perspective? I think we could get more clues that way.

-Why would she kill Hwal? To get his soul. Now what happened when she did that? She died miserably every time 8times to be exact and was hunted by monsters and a crazy psychopath all her life.
It has no benefit to her. What if it was her final choice at that time because she couldn’t kill Dark Hole as a bulgasal. She protected the soul. So she did snatch Eul Tae’s soul from Hwal just to kill Hwal but either

:To protect the soul from being destroyed by Dark Hole(Because the soul is the only weakness that could kill him) or

:To protect Hwal from dying (What if they had a past relationship. He became Bulgasal when she killed him-It is now obvious that it was not out of anger because she didnt kill Hwal’s family. It means Sang Woon Bulgasal didnt made him a Bulgasal to make Hwal to suffer by remembering that she killed his family.

-Now why didn’t she just kill Dark Hole when she was still Bulgasal?Notice that it was her who chased Dark Hole’s rampages in her first scene in Ep1 touching some claw marks from a tree which is obviously Dark Hole’s doing.
Now she’s not the murderer because a murderer never comes back on a crime scene unless they want to be caught.

-What if the dream on EP6 stating that Sang woon cursed Hwal was not a miserable death or curse to make him suffer in life everytime. What if it was a curse to make him kill all remaining monsters just like 600 years ago. What if it was really the reason he existed? A mission to eliminate monsters in the world?
I also thought the same with others - what if the miserable thing happening to the people around him (his father, mother, and wife) is not his fault but those people’s own punishment for the things they did in the past?

-Next is when she killed Hwal, why was there blood on her cheecks and clothes?
Although we didnt get answers from the drama for whom she killed, it is now known she didnt kill Hwal’s family. So its not their blood.
It might also be her own blood.
So she might have fought someone more powerful than her. (Obviously another Monster or Eul Tae).

Was all her actions/decisions out of guilt for Hwal or was it to finally end everything? Why was there a twin? I also dont know. Lets find out together on future episodes!


Gosh, Hwal is so stupid. It is obvious that the Dark Hole is lying to him and he kills all those close to him. He does this to make Hwal hates Sang Woon and not believe anything she says. Turns out he hates both of them and wants them to suffer. This is his revenge on them. Was she his lover and was he his friend or were they his parents?

I only hope he atleast listens on the next episode. Or if not, I hope he loses consciousness from the poison so that he could atleast recuperate his mind for a while. Then Sang woon takes him home. So that he wont be able to do anything he’d probably regret.

Guys, I think I might cry, lol I had a whole page written out then I lost power. Ugh!

Okay, let's begin again... Lol 

First, Hello everyone! I have loved reading everyone's thoughts! It's hard to find people in the United States that love the dramas like I do, so it's fun to talk to you all!!

Second, I have a question... Why is DH so good at finding her? What does he know or have that keeps him ahead of Hwal all these years? I find this question interesting.

I think that She has DH's soul too, because of so many hints they are throwing at us. The fact that they are so intertwined that DH gets hurt when she does... And he even gets hurt worse because of the marks on his neck that she didn't have but he did. I'm curious if the hole in his chest isn't from when Hwal stabbed her in the chest in episode 1. He stabbed her the chest and then in the shoulder.  Since Hwal is the sword maybe sine he hit her with a kill shot to the chest it left it in DH??  So does that mean that Hwal has to kill SW to kill the DH??? noooooooo!! just a thought! lol

I still don't think she is originally a Bulgasal. I think she is a special being or even overcame being a Bulgasal. In the first episode on the hill her eyes lit up silver, later they went red, but I have never seen Hwals or DH's eyes silver just red. In episode one there is a deer laying in blood on the ground maybe from her feeding. Also, in the restaurant Hwal compares DH and her together and it makes DH angry and he says "My kind" like she wasn't his kind.

This leads into my biggest thought... Hwal is the strongest/most Evil Bulgasal but he lost all memories.
When the old lady said "The one with no memory is here. The moment that person regains their memory everyone here will die in the same way that they died in their past lives. They all will have bite marks in their necks, they will bleed from every orifice and die.” The father, old lady and SW never had bite mark when they died. So it has to mean further back in the past.

Plus the old lady never gave predictions about anyone but Hwal in the past, she always spoke about him being cursed.  What if SW in the past “cursed” him to be human so that he may feel lost and heartache for his actions? We really don’t know what the curse is, so this is possible. In episode one she said “This is all your doing, what have you done. You created more bad krama. You’ve brought upon another retribution. I despise you even more.”  And how did Hwal hear SW’s thoughts? she never spoke out loud and HD can’t hear thoughts but Hwal can?

So, in the past, what if Hwal was killing and killed her family so she cursed him with a soul. In the forest, DH told the father “You’re frightened of me, when the more frightening one is next to you” DH knows Hwal’s past.

ALSO! His mom didn’t kill herself. It was pouring down rain that night and she was hung… it was the monster! How did I miss this?! DH leads the monsters we have seen that now, so he must have ordered him to kill Hwal and his mother that night. He didn’t want Hwal born so it's not her that he is after but the soul he wants dead. Little girl Ms Lee said “the baby should have been killed when it was covered in his dead mother’s blood. The curse of the blood should have ended then. If it ended, then this wouldn’t have happened.” So does that mean that Hwal’s soul needs to die to kill DH?

Something interesting I found when the little girl Lee says to Hwal “if you want to find her follow the fire, the fire” in the mural on the wall the painting is covered in fire. And in episode 1, when he stabs her and she dies, she blows away into burning ashes.

The end scene of Episode 8 was beautiful to me. I loved how they had her run up to them, she looks almost angelic standing with the light behind her and the wheat. Then you look at DH and Hwal and they are in the dark part of the forest, overgrown and DH is wearing black. It's almost like in the past Hwal has to decide what team to pick and this is his chance to choose the correct one this time. As the dying twin said “she will put everything back in its place”

Side note the son meeting with DH, DH told him he had a special attachment to the brothers. Who is his brother and why is he sick?

Guys, I don’t want to wait till Saturday!!!

HuMSU : Min Sang Un

DH : Dan Hwal

OUT: Ok Eul Tae

-MSU and DH was a couple.
-‌DH the original Bulgasal or another immortal being
‌-OUT was their offspring and the cursed child. 

-For not making a curse MSU killed herself with her child
-‌DH saved her and OUT by sacrificing himself and turned MSU into bulgasal. Making MSU furious and further cursing DH
-‌To stop the beast nature of OUT as one not supposed to be born, the bulgasal version of MSU suppressing OUT by intertwining her destiny and his destiny as she was waiting for the time to end the ill fate with DH.
-‌In the end, OUT attacked DH's family and MSU happened to be there or maybe she was always around DH. (Here was the question mark. Why did MSU bulgasal version observe DH for way too long, only to decide to end everything after OUT killed DH's family? I wonder if only after making DH experience what he had done to her then she killed him?) As she found her chance to take the soul from DH body, he stabbed her. Which redo the fate and the curse.

‌My brain burned ?

DanaeNo, very good observation. That I also didn't notice that Hwal's mother was killed, it is clear now, because it was raining, so it must have been done by the monster killed by Hwal in its previous incarnation. And he probably did it out of revenge. It seems to me that when Dark Hole said "my kind", he was contemptuous of the human race. The use of this phrase in his mouth meant: my kind, is not at all better or worse than people who also did a lot of harm to other/me or he was a human too? And how about the fact that maybe the shaman woman was lying about the fact that a child should not be born. As for me, she just repeated the words of Hwal's mother, who alone during their journey, when they encountered monsters eating dead bodies, said that "her child is cursed by Bulgasal". What if the shaman woman wanted to gain support and recognition among other people from the group or she was afraid of something herself, e.g. that the child would kill her, because she did something wrong in the past and maybe she remembers it? Or maybe Hwal became just a victim in which the shaman woman and the murderer she knew obtained an explanation for their subsequent actions in the future? Or maybe Hwal was going to hate Bulgasal on purpose and help them kill her in the future. Bulgasal was first seen 400 years ago when a general tells this story to Hwal. So it turns out that it happened 1000 years ago; this is probably how old the Dark Hole is. It was when the people in the mountain village was killed. And what if the people of this village did something wrong to one of the Bulgasal and were punished for it, they were cursed because they killed an unusual creature. And that curse was the transformation into monsters for up to several lifetimes?

DanaeNo, I think that the answer to why Dark Hole finds Sang Woon so quickly is - monsters. Dark Hole can find her with their help, they can sense her, her soul smells different from the others. They cannot resist its smell. And I just had another idea; that could have be done on purpose, that the monsters could be able to find the soul owner in any case and kill him/her in very cruel way. Such a punishment for bad deeds?

@DanaeNo @SharkAmy @Izyda

How in the world.  Just Wow. You guys are amazing!!  You guys answered all the things that I couldnt answer! xD

I am speechless… Now I really can’t wait for next week!!

What if it’s not Bulgasal Sang Yeon(dead)that saved Hwal when he was a child but Sang Woon-the human? Because it was weird that the woman who saved Hwal as a child was wearing DARK BLUE clothes at that time when she wore DARK RED when she came to the village at her first scene. …

They also had different personas. The one that saved Hwal was smiling when she saw him. But the one who met Hwal when they were adults were gloomy and didnt smile when she saw him.

I  got this speculation when the sister of Dan Hwal’s step-father/Retired detective had a little sister that also knew about bulgasal. Since she said before she died, “Bulgasal is coming.” She was also the reason Hwal’s stepfather/the retired detective started searching for Bulgasal. What if for the past 8 lifetimes, Sang Woon also got reincarnated again and again but just not with the same parents like Sang Yeon(dead) until they finally met again when they became twins?! 

What if in the past, they were also twins and Sang Woon was the one that died first because she’s not a bulgasal?!

*so shook at this theory haha*I suddenly had this thought while sleeping earlier…. My eyes widened why I didnt speculate the detective’s dead sister’s identity… I hope she still has a big role on the story even if im not right so that there wont be plot holes,.. xD


She really just wanted to protect Dan Hwal.  That her goal is not to hurt Hwal but to hurt Dark Hole since Hwal had Dark Hole’s soul that timeI really believe she didn’t want Dan Hwal to die since her reincarnations didnt give her any benefit but instead painful deaths at the hand of monsters. What if she didnt want Hwal to suffer those deaths…

Since now, i think there’s a high possibility Sang Woon would need to die for Dark Hole to die after I read @DanaeNo’s theory —that when Hwal stabbed her on the chest, it created the mark on Dark Hole’s chest 600 years ago or when she stabbed Hwal on the chest when she took the soul, the mark went to Dark hole too. This is probably the curse she put on Hwal. To find her and kill her again. She obviously wanted to die if this theory is correct - at the hands of Hwal 600 years  ago when she said she’ll be born with the same scar at her shoulder from Hwal’s stab so that he’d find her. *cries*

@iamZ9                                                                                                             I think you may be right. Two sisters, maybe two immortal souls? The one with the blue robe met Hwal as a child and saved him. It is possible that she was looking for him because he had a mark on his hand, which does not mean a cursed person but a person with an immortal soul. And the soul probably belonged to her, because the dream Hwal had dreamed before meeting the second sister in red was not his dream, but the memory of the other sister. When you observe his dream up close, you can see that it is the two sisters who are fighting each other. One protects herself from the other by extending her hand into which the other is sticking the knife, and Hwal will born with this mark on his hand. Now I understand it even less? : D And the fact that only one Bulgasal has been seen in the village. Of course, there were two of them, but they were identical. In turn, the second sister who killed Hwal was surprised that he had an immortal soul that belonged to her sister. And she was surprised that he himself had become Bulgasal, because you can see the surprise in her eyes.

@IamZ9 I didn't notice the clothing change, nice observation! I do wonder if it's because she came in blue the first time when he was a child and when an adult she wore the red because she was a Bulgasal the second time??? Not sure, but you gave me a lot to now wonder over! Lol, I do wonder though if they weren't twins in the past because if they were Dark Hole wouldn't have said "you split the soul, " He would have just been used to her being two people already. but this shows definitely like to throw details  that we don't notice right away *shrugs* 

I definitely think that everything is adding up to a time for all to make a different choices and to heal the past.  With Min SI-Ho (ex-wife) being pregnant, I bet the baby will be a girl. This is an opportunity for her to have a healthy baby. To heal the past with her father. For Sang Woon to fix whatever happened and to heal to make better choices to fix his karma, etc.  

@Izyda First, I think you are correct for sure. He is using the monster to locate her plus all his other human connections. Also good points about the colors! I went back and watch the dream, because I hadn't noticed those details. He had the same dream of the cave as Sang Woon had but it was a woman standing in it this time. In Sang Won's it was a short haired man (Hwal).  But after slowing it down I do believe it was one woman that stabbed his hand. She gets up out of the fire (the fire again, I wonder if this is her source of power) and she reaches up to stab, a male hand comes up, then it goes through his hand and from a different angle she is watching him with it in his hand. One thing I did notice was that she was wearing blue again. So it makes me wonder what the importance of the blue and red color. In the mural she is standing in fire wearing red with maybe Hwal walking away wearing blue. Did she wear blue until she was forced to become a Bulgasal then she wore Red? So many questions!

One solution - there were two Bulgasal, one wore a blue robe and the other a red robe. Second one - Sang Woon wore a blue robe when she was human and died defending Hwal, and wore red when her human soul died then she became Bulgasal? Maybe you have to die first to become one? What do you think about the fact that there may be another Bulgasal? Because Dark Hole told the detective Kwon that he is not the only Bulgasal and that even worse one is close to him. I don't think so he meant Hwal, but Sang Woon or someone else in their group? Or he said it only to distract detective Kwon and direct his attention to Hwal as his sister's potential killer. I swear, that the Dark Hole could even sell me something that I would not need :D This scene with the apple is also brilliant - Swon White or temptation by the devil? : D However, the second one is better suited, quite a manipulator.

I always thought the apple scene was interesting also. I will say this, in Korean, apple and apology have the same word 사과. Sometimes they will give apples to apologize to someone . I thought it was interesting that he was handing him an apple. Was it a tip of the hat to that fact, he did wrong in the past to Kwon? ... And I agree, I'm pretty sure I would take anything from him without question. lol

I will say when Kwon was asking the names in the forest to Dark Hole, he mentioned a name that was a serial killer who used poison to murder. The scene cuts to what looked like Hwal killing that man and then a scene with the kids, the little girl asked when Dad was coming home. So it looks like Detective Kwon's dad was a monster (?) and Hwal killed him.. This could get messy.

So maybe the Bulgasals were gods in the past and the monster demigods? That's why they still serve Dark Hole??? But now there is only a few of the Bulgasals left, maybe after a war?? Which would explain the good vs. Evil that's happening now and having to set everything right again. 

You guys are so amazing lol. I'm so happy to have found this forum since I just started watching Bulgasal yesterday! All these thoughts are floating in my brain and I needed to read other people's theories to see if we're somehow thinking about the same things lol.

I actually think Doyun is A-chan reincarnated? The way he cares about Siho makes me feel like they are somehow related in the past and who else can be related to her other than A-chan, right? Hwal did not push him away too despite him being a total stranger + a kid with so much energy and Hwal being a snob lol. So I guess he's not gonna be just some random character. He should have a special backstory too. I can also feel that he's not a bad kid, just a boy really indebted to Dark Hole so he reports to him and observes Hwal's every move. I'm also looking forward to know who his brother really is. I'm just curious how his character will add more twists to the whole story. 

It's fascinating to read all of your theories and I hope I can contribute to the discussion soon! I'm still not caught up since I still have episode 8 to watch tomorrow and I'm excited! This show is super addicting that I watched all 7 eps in a day lol. I also love how it keeps your brain working all of the time while watching and even when you're already getting ready for bed. See you all this weekend once the new episodes are up!

Welcome @dangirlthoughts! I love when we have more view points on this drama. So many great ideas and ways of looking at the information with everyone here!