Hello everyone!

I'm from the Netherlands and I started watching Korean drama's because of a few Kpop singers I liked,  immediately when I discovered that they were also actors I just NEEDED to watch them <3

I started watching Cdrama's recently and I've fallen in love with those drama's! The acting is really dramatic but I like it just because it's so overly dramatic.  

I'm learning the Korean language so watching Kdrama's is very helpfull en fun to do now that I can understand them a lot better than before. 


Hello everyone!

I'm from the Netherlands and I started watching Korean drama's because of a few Kpop singers I liked,  immediately when I discovered that they were also actors I just NEEDED to watch them <3

I started watching Cdrama's recently and I've fallen in love with those drama's! The acting is really dramatic but I like it just because it's so overly dramatic.  

I'm learning the Korean language so watching Kdrama's is very helpfull en fun to do now that I can understand them a lot better than before. 


Welcome to the website, I'm new here, too. 

It's nice to see someone who loves overly dramatic, over-the-top acting, too. : )