PinkDiamond wrote: *wants to be kissed on the cheek by Shota...(school girl giggle)*

ditto... but then I would turn my head at the last minute so he would catch my lips instead. Sneaky!
PinkDiamond wrote: *wants to be kissed on the cheek by Shota...(school girl giggle)*


Jeaniessi wrote: ditto... but then I would turn my head at the last minute so he would catch my lips instead. Sneaky!

Aigoo...I'll have to protect him. :o

Omo, you found it Jeanie. I was looking for it back when it was supposed to air, but didn't. <3

PinkDiamond wrote: It was so good, it made him sing! LOL Cute!

It was very cute!!!
Jeaniessi wrote: Weee! so cute.

Is quoting yourself to repost a video a bit too much?! LOL

I love his deep voice. He is a gorgeous, sexy baby...who needs to be cloned so there are three of him. One for oorie Lis-ssi, one for Pretty Pink and one for me!
-GULP- LOL that gulp was so loud
nekoblah wrote: -GULP- LOL that gulp was so loud

Did you see his hair coat on page 82? LOL From the neck up he's stunning through the whole commercial. Just don't look down.
Jeaniessi wrote: Look at our pretty baby!!!

WTF! LOL serious? omg i cant stop laughing
nekoblah wrote: WTF! LOL serious? omg i cant stop laughing

That's what I said. It belongs on the WTF Japan Seriously website.

...but Shota-kun is still so so so so so pretty.
lol this would fit in well with the superbowl commericals
PinkDiamond wrote: I have one of those stored in my PB. Love to see him smile.

So much pretty...and all in one package. I love his smile too.
Jeaniessi wrote: GUH....

agree with the GUH...
GUH!!! O_O lol