You are so welcome! I find these pics for all of us. I keep checking on Afro Tanaka, Hard Romanticker and Liar Game Reborn... How much longer are we going to have to wait?! Sheesh!

here he is in Ikigami. The job is getting to him... Baby needs a cuddle...and some other kinds of comforting.

I love his accent! ^____^
lunarlegend_03 wrote: I love his accent! ^____^

Oh I know! When he's speaking English with that British tinged Japanese accent? I die... ♥♥♥
Jeaniessi wrote: I would not pants him...**I would strip him naked and touch him in ALL his naughty places...** melt...

he he he he. he has REALLY nice naughty places.
cityhunter83 wrote: he he he he. he has REALLY nice naughty places.

He surely does.

I just noticed something in those pictures up there...don't his eyebrows look like they could go soaring from his face at any moment? They look exactly like wings in mid flight! LOL! (I know...I'm a freak for those slashy beauties)
PinkDiamond wrote: How is Ikigami Jeanie? I started but the quality on DC bothered me, and I have found it anywhere else yet...or rather maybe I didn't look hard enough. And I still have 4 episodes of Love Shuffle.

I loved Ikigami. The acting over all was stellar and Shota-kun always impresses me. He really is such a good actor. I wrote a review and started a thread.

My Review ~ Not Spoilery...

and here is where I watched it...good quality.

Ikigami The Ultimate Limit

If you watch, let me know what you thought. Very Orwellian...dark but good.
LOL, they do. you know how in paintings if a bird is really far away they just do the little lines.... thats what it looks like to me.
I wish I was an artist and could draw his brows morphing into birds and flying away... LOL

He's such a little bad ass cutie pie

I love these pics too. His hair is so pretty.

you know what i love? how his clothes always look just a SMIDGE too big for him. for some reason it's hot.
cityhunter83 wrote: you know what i love? how his clothes always look just a SMIDGE too big for him. for some reason it's hot.

LOL... I know. adorable. ♥
Jeaniessi wrote: I found some more nerdy's. and he is still adorable.

Oh Sweet Nerdy Love! Look at that face...those nerdy glasses, the suit that is (as Cityhunter says) slightly too big on him but still so hot. I'm all swoony...
the one asian boy in my HS looked JUST like that!