I'm saving up more for laters.
i don't like smoking(eeew) or smokers but somehow i like that pic.
I wish this one was an 8 x 10

I can't wait! Just one more Shota movie added to the pile of the ones I'm dying to see!

Did you guys see the new ones I posted on page 48? and PS that girl in the pic is Akiyama's fiance'/wife Nao's little cousin and he's helping her out...as a favor to his love.. I'm convinced... LOL!!!
Also..when you have insomnia you troll for Shota pics ...what? that's just me? oh well, enjoy.

He's on the cover of Feb 2012 Barfout. I want to see the pics inside so bad! I will be looking for them. And if anyone comes across pictures of the spread inside...Please for the love of Goose! Post them!

PinkDiamond wrote: That's because he is cool! :)

True, true.

Jeaniessi wrote: Did you guys see the new ones I posted on page 48?

and PS that girl in the pic is Akiyama's fiance'/wife Nao's little cousin and he's helping her out...as a favor to his love..

I'm convinced... LOL!!!

Ah, so the "baka" gene runs in the family! Akiyama-san don't reproduce with her! LOL

But yeah, I'm convinced too. I never liked Nao anyways. I endured it because of Shota-kun, even if the story was good.
I did come to like her. I imagined them together in the end. I'll be a bit bummed if that's not the case. Which it most likely is not or won't even be mentioned. That's okay though. Ultimately...I will completely get over it. Akiyama-san!!!!
I just watched Don Quixote, I finally see the attraction
PinkDiamond wrote: -_- Still does not like Nao. *shakes head vehemently*

@Goldenseal: Isn't DQ awesome!?

u are not alone. the number of times i wanted to smack her can't be counted. i really did keep watching cuz akiyama-san was so hot...wait i mean cool. both! :D