BTW, Jeanie every time I try to comment on glorious your pic spam, my brain goes "Guh..."...
LisNoir wrote:

LisNoir wrote: BTW, Jeanie every time I try to comment on glorious your pic spam, my brain goes "Guh..."...

That picture is Daebak! Can we just spam 1 picture over and over? He is so beautiful in that picture....

I think I'll go grab the 4 I posted in the kiss booth and re-post them here..I mean, why not? He's so pretty. Everytime I swear I'm going to stop...and then I don't stop. GUH! is right.

His lips are so nice. Whoever he kisses is such a lucky girl. Edited because I stupidly deleted my album...

I love the first pic the most for some reason....:D
I love 2 - because he looks so smooth and amazing. But 4 is my favorite. I love his hair in his eyes, the downward tilt of his head and that carefully/scraggly shirt. pretty.
jeanie65jh wrote: I want to bite him...but not hard. ...shhhh don't tell...

There goes that weird Jeanie girl again...spamming Shota. edited...sheesh!

Oooh I like those pics. Especially the first one! :p
OOOOh la la...

I love him as an actor just as much as I love his looks.....
If I didn't like his acting I never would have even bothered...and I wouldn't know or care who he was in the first place.. true story. hard to believe right about now I'm sure...but still true.
I *cough* borrowed these two from

Hahaha Hopefully you'll stop drooling long enough to say something about his acting. But in the meantime...........I'm enjoying this spammich! :p