Between the Kiss Booth, SJS's Thread and Shota...I am on complete hotness overload. And to think I actually did stuff today. I worked. Took my baby for an eye exam and cooked dinner. Now I just want to stare at hotness for the rest of the night.!

Nice Shota spam!!! I love his hair too..and his eyes....and his lips...LOL
LisNoir wrote: Nice Shota spam!!! I love his hair too..and his eyes....and his lips...LOL

I could say something so inappropriate right now. but I wont.
Jeaniessi wrote: I could say something so inappropriate right now. but I wont.

I know what you
smoking is such a turn off. i still love my shota tho.
boutux wrote: smoking is such a turn off. i still love my shota tho.

Yeah, he is defo a smoker. The man always has a cig in his mouth! Here are some without...

How come I had yet to visit this thread today??!? I love those two close ups...<3
Yeah, This one in particular is quite stunning... <---- ♥♥♥ and...Good night.
Jeaniessi wrote: Yeah, This one in particular is quite stunning...

<---- ♥♥♥

and...Good night.

Agree & Good night!
I need a little happy.

I would interview <3 I love the pics.
LisNoir wrote: I would interview

<3 I love the pics.

Interview is an interesting choice of words. I can think of a few others too...


Pretty pretty pretty

\(♥o♥)/ "Shota!!!"