boutux wrote: hey jeanie osashiburi! i love this pic and just when i thought excitedly "oh my new avi pic has found me" i look to the left and see u have it. that means u have to post a "new" equally hot pic of shota just for me. lol

Oh this avi is staying on mine for a long long time! I love this picture so much I want to marry it. He is absolutely stunning. If only I could get rid of those words... I adore him like a mad woman.
Rubyy wrote: I think i just found my new FB profile picture <3

He is Dashing!
I'm having a cruch with Akiyama-san, he's so cool !
Oh, here's Shota that i like for now.

PinkDiamond wrote: For Jeanie. It's no where near a perfect edit, but there are no more words!

OMO!!! New Profile pic!! I heart you so much!


PinkDiamond wrote: LOL! Saranghe Unni! Now we can sit back and enjoy your avi without all the negative distraction and focus on the positive distractions!

Avi... Psh! I am going to come to this page and enjoy the extra large version in all it's text nekkid glory! So nice... *sigh*
Yeah, I want that moving rubber and that body milk... Hell yes.

want bigger!

PinkDiamond wrote: Jeanie, I just stole a picture from ya'!

LOL! Which one?!
PinkDiamond wrote: The milk bath one. heh heh.

Steal them all! LOL I like the third one, where he is touching his silky soft hair... LOL

*I have 'gone round the bend'*
i want that pic so bad. lol. it really is a good shot of him and now no words! as for the gatsby ads my fave is the middle one. shota would make a sexy robot.
Well Lady, I might post them here but I ripped them from the internet just like everyone else. Feel free to right click and save. Share the beauty I say! I just don't want to have the same avi at the same time so...Hopefully you can wait? LOL! I will try and find another gorgeous pic for you. Or... If you scroll through the pages on this thread there are SO MANY beautiful pictures of Shota-kun to choose from!