*Watched it and loved it* Ryochan is just the best material for a drama. Its fun at the same time.
It's getting better. I still don't like Ryo, but slowly I'm getting used to him. KANA is the star of this drama! xD
I agree. It's getting better. The first episode is a bit confusing. But Ryo is a fantastic actor. His performance in A Boy and His Samurai will make you like him even more.

The thing is, you can never really tell how good an actor is unless he did feature films.


He did only two movies, but he was really good.
devitto wrote: KANA is the star of this drama! xD

I agree. I LOVE her, hehe. I definitely need more Kana in my life. The actress who plays her had a similar role in Zenkai Girl. I hope to see her more in the future.
Yes, I loved Kanon in Zenkai Girl, too. :) She's so cute.. :D
the subs are quite slow for this one :( loved the first two episode and have been waiting for the rest hope it comes out quickly >w<
Yes, I checked yesterday and there were 3 raw episodes. :O I hope they didn't drop it or something. :(
devitto wrote: Yes, I checked yesterday and there were 3 raw episodes. :O

I hope they didn't drop it or something. :(

they might have~ hope not

but lately the japanese dramas are quite slowly subbed
There is a person who has subbed the first two eps... the other day she posted that she hasn't got around to watching ep 3 yet let alone subbing it.... so fingers crossed. I did some subbing a few years back and it was So Much Work! That being said, i hope she continues- i'm enjoying this drama and it's a good insight into the things these poor idols go through!
Hi, I am also waiting for the subs for this drama...does anyone know what happens if someone drops the subbing? Does anyone else pick up the project usually?
I guess sooner or later someone will pick it up, but that may take a while. :(
Fav jdorama of tis season. Fun and heartwarming. Ep 8 made me cry.
joykimlee wrote: Fav jdorama of tis season. Fun and heartwarming. Ep 8 made me cry.

Do you watch it without subs?
I'm still waiting.. :/
I'm waiting too...Ep. 3 was suddenly subbed last week so I am hoping they are picking it up again regularly.
It was? OH, it was! I'll watch that tonight, yay. :D