Episode 8 had me laughing. That scene with the convertible chasing the bus. XDDD Something about grown men shouting/screaming in falsetto always makes me laugh. LOL
Lol I alread did watch it and didn´t give any feedback here~ SO TO EVERYONE WHO READS THSI COMMENT HERE RIGHT NOW... You need to WATCH it!! :p It´s more that being awesome and duper funny :p
LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! This drama. Amazing cast. Amazing story. Just... Amazing. Loved every bit of it. One of my fave dramas from last summer ^^
Don Quixote is definitely a rewatchable drama(:
smilexbabex33 wrote: Don Quixote is definitely a rewatchable drama(:

Heck yes. I've watched it three times! It is so funny. and well...

finally picked this up! watched ep and i gotta say i didnt laugh that much but i got teary :0
nekoblah wrote: finally picked this up! watched ep and i gotta say i didnt laugh that much but i got teary :0

What episode are you on? Because it does get very funny!
Also...Pow! Thwack! Bang!
Jeaniessi wrote: What episode are you on? Because it does get very funny!

only had time to watch 1 ep b4 heading to my bed last night, i'll watch more today :]
lol at end of ep 3 looks like a bunch of Shota fangirls!
the kids are so adorable i really find this drama more emotionally touching then funny ... kinda reminds me of GTO for some reason
Woot! finally done! great drama! Last ep crack me up the dying scene was totally a jk
nekoblah wrote: Woot! finally done! great drama! Last ep crack me up the dying scene was totally a jk

Jajaja...it was! I was laughing so much. I have watched this drama like three times...lol