Someone mentioned that he didn't have a thread on here well we can't have that now can we.....I shall come back & add to this initial post in case as I am bound to leave stuff out.[/url]


[*]I Hear Your Voice
[*]School 2013
[*]When I Was The Prettiest
[*]High Kick 3: The Revenge of the Short Legged
[*]Secret Garden
[*]Prosecutor Princess

[*]No Breathing
[*]The Face Reader
[*]R2B: Return To Base
[*]As One
[*]Sympathy (short)

Sweet Sweet!! GUH! What else is there to say? Because I can't even start on those lips.

He was awesome in I Hear Your Voice. I am seeking him out now. Good Actor. *edit* This is my lame attempt at not being shallow... because he's flipping gorgeous.
So far I have seen him in I Hear Your Voice School 2013 Secret Garden Prosecutor Princess - must admit I don't really remember him in this at all :o I am looking forward to his film No Breathing as well
I watched most of High Kick 3 as well... and he was darling in that. I loved his character. But IHYV knocked me out. I need to watch School 2013
Haven't seen him in any of the films and two dramas, When I was the Prettiest and Prosecutor Princess. However, I did my share of stalking and watched the rest. :P Looking forward to the Face Reader.
dapinaymrs wrote: Haven't seen him in any of the films and two dramas, When I was the Prettiest and Prosecutor Princess. However, I did my share of stalking and watched the rest. :P Looking forward to the Face Reader.

I feel similar to you. I saw him in High Kick 3 and I liked his character. He stood out a bit. then IHYV came along. Those are the only two things I have seen him in so far. Face Reader does look good. So does No Breathing.
Jeaniessi wrote: I feel similar to you. I saw him in High Kick 3 and I liked his character. He stood out a bit. then IHYV came along. Those are the only two things I have seen him in so far. Face Reader does look good. So does No Breathing.

The poor dude didn't get the love he wanted in High Kick 3 and he did stood out there but him as Soo Ha in IHYV was a big leap for him.

Really looking forward to Face Reader and No Breathing although I think I won't be able to concentrate on the story if I get confronted with SIG and LJS in trunks with their glorious abs on display! Q___Q
dapinaymrs wrote: The poor dude didn't get the love he wanted in High Kick 3 and he did stood out there but him as Soo Ha in IHYV was a big leap for him.

Really looking forward to Face Reader and No Breathing although I think I won't be able to concentrate on the story if I get confronted with SIG and LJS in trunks with their glorious abs on display! Q___Q

I know...That Movie! it's a double whammie isn't it? LOL Lordie I can't wait!
Jeaniessi wrote: This is my lame attempt at not being shallow... because he's flipping gorgeous.

*lol* I saw him first in Secret Garden and I liked him but I couldn't understand all the fuss about him because, truth be told, I didn't think he's that good looking. But then I saw I Hear Your Voice and now I begin to understand XD. He's really gorgeous there! And now I'm considering to watch School 2013 and No Breathing just for his sake XD.
Jeaniessi wrote: I watched most of High Kick 3 as well... and he was darling in that. I loved his character. But IHYV knocked me out.

I need to watch School 2013

he is beatifimous and amazing in school 2013. him and woo bin are just darling and they will tear your heart out!

i SOOOOO wanted him to get oska in secret garden.
Yes he has a thread!

my baby...

