It’s about robbing stolen money from safe and in it they dope the bad guys so during it they all start pooping literally but they use flowers in scene roses funny as heck only few yrs old but cannot remember name

Just u have one group trying to take money and last guy gets locked in caller and continues to poop while he locked up with the rest. 

Tried explaining sorry if confused u 

Let me see if I understand.

A group of people go to rob a safe that contains already stolen money. To get past the bad guys they use a substance to give them the runs (diarrhoea). Do the roses contain this substance or are they used in some other way to contribute to the overall need for the toilet? Oh dear, the last bad guy (?) gets locked in the cellar.

Are the bad guys locked in the cellar with the good guys and there isn't much air left and one guy keeps farting/pooping his pants? I did see a video recently with a scene like that. Cannot remember exactly where though.

YEP thats the right one-only watched mths bk just cant remem name my hard drive crashed  was very funny

Bummer. Sorry. Don't know this one but I look forward to seeing if others do as it sounds interesting.

Only couple yrs old just can’t remember name. 

Could it be The Fiery Priest? I watched it recently and  while it is not a movie, it had that scene in it.