Hi everyone, Do you have a favorite drama that does not get a high rating but worth to watch? If you have, can you help me to give recommendation about your favorite? any kind of drama, doesn't have to be Korean dramas. 
I have watch: The Time We Were Not in Love,  Playful Kiss, Heartstrings, Fugitive: Plan B, Delightful Girl, Choon Hyang. All of it korean (hehe) I couldn't remember either Japan nor Taiwanese. Could you help me?
- The End of the World (Kdrama): Killer-virus-met-zombie-apocalypse drama
- Shika Otoko Aoniyoshi (Jdrama): A guy had himself cursed and now whenever he looked into the mirror it's not his face that he saw but a head of a deer

Both dramas tanked in their respective countries, and they're not popular among international audience either, but they're very good. However, depending on your personal taste, Shika Otoko might be a tad too weird.