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I'm the type of audience that watch the drama until it ends. So there are popular dramas that I watched until the end such as Bride of Habaek, Weightlifting Kim Bok Joo, and yea but that's it. I don't have any feelings for that.

Wait I have dropped one. It's Tomorrow With You. Didn't even finish the first episode. My head hurts didn't know the plot.

W : I didn't hate it but Idropped it because it was REALLY boring for me 

Coffee Prince : I dropped because it was also boring 

And I'm currently watching City Hunter and I have to admit that I'm not really found of it 

weightlifting fairy ( way too hyped, mediocre acting, plot too cliche) 

descendant of the sun( something wrong with the plot)

Nirvana in fire(boring) 

Uncontrollably fond( bad ad big and just weird) 

I hear your voice( boring never finished) 

Fighter of destiny( Janice wu was the only good thing)  

While you were sleeping(both leads did bad supporters actually did better) 

Kings woman(not that interesting, bad acting and ending) 

Hwarang( boring and bad plot) 

Healer ( boring) 

Suspicious partner ( weird) 

Boss & me( didn't like how it progressed, even if this and Loveo2o were from the same authors it was just different)

Journey of the flower( bad acting and stupid leads) 

Princess wei young( repetitive and dragged too much) 

General and I( really really messy and the acting was just plain bad)

W(just bad acting) 

Dong yi( boring af) 

Moon lovers(only watched it bc i loved the original n there's LJG otherwise I would've dropped it) 

Empress ki( weird af and boring) 

Bride of the century ( boring) 

Queen in hyun's man(didnt drop but did not like at all) 

City hunter( no sense at all) 

Producers ( boring af) 

A love so beautiful(boring not that of an interesting plot) 

These has potentials maybe and has pretty good rating but just out right boring and/or the acting was terrible.

I couldn't bring myself to finish Secret Garden, despite its popularity. I think I watched ten episodes or so before giving up. The character of the male lead was so overbearing, rude, and disrespectful (even moreso than the typical rich/spoiled male lead in other popular dramas) to the female lead that I couldn't root for them because I felt they could never have a healthy relationship. 

Here's a suggestion from an English teacher (ie someone who TEACHES how to write criticisms):
Take something (here, a KDrama) that's universally CRITICALLY acclaimed (ie not necessarily popular but that all the critics loved - like for instance Misaeng) which you did NOT like.
Next, try to explain why YOU didn't like it while acknowledging why CRITICS might have loved it - all this without resorting to attacks on the dramas or critics.
This is a skill that needs honing and one that all relevant critics need to have - the ability to differentiate between one's PERSONAL taste vs what makes a creative work memorable.  
I had a college English professor do this with us - my downfall at the time was Women In Love (DH Lawrence).  This assignment really helped me figure out how to write critiques and has stayed with me for years!

The reason I'm writing this here - so many people responding to this question obviously have no clue about what the differences between a popular drama, an acclaimed drama and a GOOD drama  happen to be!
Case in point (again) - Misaeng.  It is a critically acclaimed drama.  It is a GOOD drama, an excellent one in fact.  However, obviously there will be people who don't like it.  Two people said they didn't like it - one gave half an answer why (slice-of-life ie not exciting enough for them).  One of them lumped the Reply series in with Misaeng.   I wonder if either have a clue about what makes these dramas so excellent?    Not necessary to love watching them but one should understand why so many people, critics specifically, rave about them!
And then, reaching into the bottom of the heap - Heirs & Habaek.  These were NOT 'universally acclaimed' dramas LOL  These were basically widely DISSED dramas.  Critics laugh at them!  Habaek had abysmal ratings.  Now, there are people who loved them - some of those people consider them a guilty pleasure (ie they know what's wrong with them but can't help themselves)

There really is a difference between a good drama you don't like and a bad drama you don't like LOL

Person above

You're really making this a big deal huh

Yes, actually.  I spent much too much time in University learning about criticism to let such lazy, uninformed, personal opinions clog sites like these where people come to decide if something is worth watching.

I get what you're trying to say but the question here is whether you've ever dropped a famous drama. Of course that's a personal question, so of course this will be full of personal opinions. Or not even an explanation but just simply a name. That's the whole point here. If you want more decent criticism you'll have to look elsewhere.

Legend of the Blue Sea (Couldn't finish 1st ep)
To the Beautiful You
Flower Boy Next Door
Playful Kiss
Descendants of the Sun (dropped after 3rd or 4th ep)
She Was Pretty
Shut Up Flower Boy Band
You're Beautiful
It's Okay, That's Love

Either overrated, stupid, bad acting, or just average.

I do believe you are missing my point - these are not just lists of dramas dropped but commentary - note the comment in flowersoverboys post, for instance!


I do believe you are missing my point - these are not just lists of dramas dropped but commentary - note the comment it flowersoverboys post, for instance!

I'm sorry, I didn't realize I had to write a complete five paragraph essay to appeal to your taste of proper criticisms. By the way, nobody has to listen to anyone's opinion to figure out what drama they want to watch; besides, most people can make an informed decision on what they want to watch and if my or someone else's personal opinion impedes their will to watch a drama it's not my fault. That's their choice.  This was probably made to see other people's ranging opinions and you're turning this into a fight for nothing.


Yes, actually.  I spent much too much time in University learning about criticism to let such lazy, uninformed, personal opinions clog sites like these where people come to decide if something is worth watching.

This post is for pure fun, not for serious critique's. I'd understand your opinion if the title of this post said 'Tell me why you dropped/dislike famous dramas with a real and factual critique!' Unfortunately, that's not what this post is about. You talk about how everyone on this post is 'lazy, and uniformed' but those statements are useless and trivial on a post about 'why you hate a famous drama?' This post was practically made for personal opinions. Also, I understand you went to university and became an English teacher and I get that a post like this bothers someone like you; but if you don't like something as innocent as this, then turn away from it. I mean, I'd understand if this was filled with comments about how 'this actor should DIE because of this role' and so on and so forth. In that way, your sentiment makes complete sense. But it's not, so your anger over this just comes off as petty.

Oh, dear.  I was just using your post as the latest example.
As far as this being full of 'fun posts' OMG no.  So far from fun it makes my teeth hurt.  I am interested in what people watch, and WHY - but all one gets here is lists - with little comments that have no explanations at all.  I'd be really interested in why you did not like It's Okay It's Love, & She Was Pretty, for instance - a full explanation.  
People DO use sites like this to determine if a drama is worth watching.  Be real!  Dramas are long - it helps a lot to have a good criticism of one to see if it's a drama you will possibly enjoy!  A good critique does NOT rely on the writer's personal opinion - it in fact discusses what the premise is, whether that premise is carried through, whether the actors did a decent job & WHY - so that a good critical writer can critique a drama he/she absolutely hated but which allows someone who happens to like that kind of thing go - hmmm, I think I'd like to watch that.
I've been rather appalled for years (since the demise of Siskel & Ebert in fact) at the dirth of decent critical reviews in all fields.  This is one place I like to spread my sadness.  

The legend of the blue sea

While you were sleeping

Strong Woman Do Bong Soon - Domestic violence as comedy, promotes itself as female empowerment but the creators must think that means women beating up men. Can't coordinate the romcom with thriller part. Plot is just average. (Note: Drama good at mixing romocom with thriller: Suspicious Partner. Drama that is actually feminist and empowers women by showing what they actually go through on a daily basis: Because this is my first life.)

Descendents of the Sun  - It had the potential to be great and to live up to its hype but fell short unfortunatelly... This is one I really wanted to like, but it was a struggle to finish it... Ironically, I barely felt any chemistry between the leads.

Goong - Again great potential, it was pretty good in the intial episodes but it started to get so boring. I had never skipped scenes when watching a drama, but this was the first time and it was a pain to finish. The original plot idea is awesome though.