LisNoir wrote: You really have to see other episodes where he dances. LOL, they add a sound when he does it and that just makes you want to literally ROFL....He tried to break dance and upstage an Italian tourist, I think it was in ep. 71, and it was hilarious.

i think i'm going to be an RM addict pretty soon..all thanks to you :p..

PD..ep. 72 was the first time i saw him and i had tears in my eyes too..he's just too adorkable lol
PinkDiamond wrote: I LOVE to see Kwang Soo dance! I was laughing so hard one day that I had tears in my eyes!

I've found myself with tears in my eyes too from laughing so

Kamz, you really have to see at least that part of ep.

PinkDiamond wrote: She's the one who got me hooked on Running Man! Now I remember! I'm glad she did though, Running Man is great to watch when I need a laugh!

LOL! Running Man really is the best when you are stuck in a not wanting to watch drama phase.
PinkDiamond wrote: She's the one who got me hooked on Running Man! Now I remember! I'm glad she did though, Running Man is great to watch when I need a laugh!

she does that to's her black aura working looool

LisNoir wrote: Kamz, you really have to see at least that part of ep.

LOL! Running Man really is the best when you are stuck in a not wanting to watch drama phase.

i will watch it for sure

although i don't think i will ever want to not watch a drama lol
LisNoir wrote: You really have to see other episodes where he dances. LOL, they add a sound when he does it and that just makes you want to literally ROFL....He tried to break dance and upstage an Italian tourist, I think it was in ep. 71, and it was hilarious.

I literally fell out of my bed laughing when I saw that scene. My mom thought I was going crazy. And I know those sounds you're talking about, the creaking ones. Lol.

I still need to go watch episode 73. All this talking about RM is making me want to drop Me Too, Flower momentarily and go watch it.

Here are some short videos:

There are squeaking sounds at the end of this video.

Poor Gwangsoo. (:

Ok I'm done now. No seriously. I am.
Kamz, the scene Lis is talking about, it's the fourth video I posted. :D
msrules92 wrote: Kamz, the scene Lis is talking about, it's the fourth video I posted. :D

loooooooool...thanks for sharing that Mary...i just watched it..:D
psst psst my boss is out so making the most out of it lol...
Mary, I have tears in my eyes again....That was a Kwang Soo overload, love it! Jajajajaja (times 10000) ...Thanks for posting that....LOL

PD, I've been wanting to repeat some of them. And I don't know how anyone can keep a straight face

Ah, kamz, Kwang Soo is also an actor. You saw City Hunter, right?

I also saw him in Dong Yi and he's in the Bachelor's Vegetable Store.
Don't you guys just love the song they use as Kwang Soo's theme song ?

LisNoir wrote: Ah, kamz, Kwang Soo is also an actor. You saw City Hunter, right?

aaah which is why his face looks familiar lol...btw i'm watching the ep. with taec and khun right now lol
kamz wrote: aaah which is why his face looks familiar lol...btw i'm watching the ep. with taec and khun right now lol

Jejeje, shame on you! But have fun! :D
Aww Lis I didn't know the name of that song. Just listening to it is making me think of Gwang Soo. Hehe.

<3 it!!

A smile spreads across my face every time the music starts.