Ok...just watched the first of Lee Joon and Oh Yeon Seo. They are too cute. Is Yoon Se Ah crazy? She freaks out during cooking and over a bug. I get that she is nervous and wants it perfect, but wow. Kwanghee and Sunhwa are surprisingly cute and funny. I didn't think for one minute that I would like them, but I think they are fast becoming my favorite.
Lee Joon and Yeon Seo - I had fingers curling... gosh, they gave the girl her ideal type... I'd die on the spot... :D But he's so funny and clumsy, it makes him down to earth, I like them!

SeAh really looked crazy during cooking...I really think Julien was angry... I'd be... I can understand her about the bug... I'd freak out too... and why didn't Julien kill it from the start? I was about to fly into her mouth!!!!

KwangHee and SunHwa are cute, I like that they are friends first of all, it's just a little regrettable they still lack chemistry as a couple... I hope things like 'touching him didn't make my heart flutter' will be heard less and less from now on... and KwangHee's character is just too funny :D
The most beautiful meeting place ever! And the first meeting was so cute and perfect <3 I like this couple already :) I don't know why but they somehow remind me of Teukso couple. But they were less awkward :D I kind of like awkward moments because that shows that this show isn't written but actually improvised. There's no awkward couple in this season :( but it's still funny! Kwanhee and SunHwa are so cute and funny! Love them! I hope they would fall in love with each orher soon :)
I liked that JoonSeo couple hugged each other, it was very-very-very cute~
VioletSakura wrote: I liked that JoonSeo couple hugged each other, it was very-very-very cute~

ME TOO! They were the first couple to do it so soon :) but I'm so jealousy right now! Their meeting was so perfect and how can they even be so perfect for each other? It starts to feel that this is some kind of drama because everything was so perfect :D but that would be okay, dramas usually end happily :)
I've only really ever watch some eps of Hwangbo and Hyung Joong. Only because my internet was bad and I couldn't get all eps to load properly. But we've just managed to "fix" my conncetion so I can attempts to watch more. x
VioletSakura wrote:
SeAh really looked crazy during cooking...I really think Julien was angry... I'd be... I can understand her about the bug... I'd freak out too... and why didn't Julien kill it from the start? I was about to fly into her mouth!!!!

Right!!! He should have just killed it right away.

If he wasn't angry during cooking, then he is way nice. I would have told her to calm down and shut up or go in the other room and I will take care of it. Something. If that is how she reacts when she is nervous and upset, then I wouldn't be able to deal with it.
Can I just join in on the fangirling?!?!?! Lee Joon is adorkable!! LOL! I've been wanting him on this show since I started watching it. *kya!*
adam couple and the foreigner ep is just too cute <3 makeover in korea sounds like a dream xD
nekoblah wrote: adam couple and the foreigner ep is just too cute <3 makeover in korea sounds like a dream xD

that's really funny episode..**specially when they know that Fahim can speak korean...kekeke!!!
Adam couple is one of my favorites! I love the JoonSeo and SunHee couples. Jejejeje Is it worth watching the KangYoon one? I've only seen the first episode of that one.
LisNoir wrote: Adam couple is one of my favorites!

I love the JoonSeo and SunHee couples. Jejejeje

Is it worth watching the KangYoon one? I've only seen the first episode of that one.

Yoonji is good:) but Kangin????
They are the most unfortunate couple in WGM history..kekeke!!!
LisNoir wrote: Adam couple is one of my favorites!

I love the JoonSeo and SunHee couples. Jejejeje

Is it worth watching the KangYoon one? I've only seen the first episode of that one.

darkangel662008 wrote: Yoonji is good:) but Kangin????
They are the most unfortunate couple in WGM history..kekeke!!!

Kangin & Lee Yoon Ji couple? they were cute at first and then i just felt so bad for yoonji! >;[