Well I have seen it till episode 4 and man it was just plain boring and full of plot-holes(which most of the Asian dramas have; it's like they all lack in brain department). I mean doesn't MC belong to mafia family but despite that he hasn't done anything mafia like(except in the first episode where he burns the whole land, kills the assasins and threatens his brother in a timely manner).

Director tried to make the story funny, but I found it cringy. Those slapstick humorous scenarios destroyed my interest in this show. Even if next episodes are good but the negative impact of the first horribly gone wrong three fkīn episodes will remain till the last episode. How do I say it, this 'could have been' so "great show" is destroyed by forcing the not so logical comedic aspect|. well I found the "funny moments" forced like the show has been ra*p*d. But I may update/change my review after checking out the next episodes.

I liked it a lot!

If you don't like it till episode 4, you're unlikely to like the rest.

I guess not everyone like the same thing! :)

I think it's all on people's taste bud.
More often than not I find K-Dramas get boring because of unnecessary stretching of the story, but for me Vincenzo was different. I didn't find it boring at any point. I loved the mindgames between the two parties throughout the show. And mafia like thing(brutality), you will find a lot if you can keep going(you're just on episode 4).  I get chills every time I watch the last 8 minutes of episode 9.


Well I have seen it till episode 4 and man it was just plain boring and full of plot-holes(which most of the Asian dramas have; it's like they all lack in brain department). I mean doesn't MC belong to mafia family but despite that he hasn't done anything mafia like(except in the first episode where he burns the whole land, kills the assasins and threatens his brother in a timely manner).

Director tried to make the story funny, but I found it cringy. Those slapstick humorous scenarios destroyed my interest in this show. Even if next episodes are good but the negative impact of the first horribly gone wrong three fkīn episodes will remain till the last episode. How do I say it, this 'could have been' so "great show" is destroyed by forcing the not so logical comedic aspect|. well I found the "funny moments" forced like the show has been ra*p*d. But I may update/change my review after checking out the next episodes.

I think Vincenzo is really good. I do think that the viewing experience is part drama and part viewer. Perhaps it is viewer error rather than some sort of problem with the drama.


I think it's all on people's taste bud.
More often than not I find K-Dramas get boring because of unnecessary stretching of the story, but for me Vincenzo was different. I didn't find it boring at any point. I loved the mindgames between the two parties throughout the show. And mafia like thing(brutality), you will find a lot if you can keep going(you're just on episode 4).  I get chills every time I watch the last 8 minutes of episode 9.

I did not see any kind of mind games till episode 4. He only threatened the guys and those threats were very childlike, like a drop of water in the ocean I mean bringing up corruption and second date to blackmail isn't something that can cause a stir in person's life. I mean if he gets exposed he would only be fined and some jail time (though most people agree for private settlement without the matter getting to court). He needs to threaten the guys which can shake him up to the core. I didn't found an ounce of mind games in this story. Well I'll watch it till episode 10 and then I'll decide.

You can say that I'm not enjoying it because I'm comparing to western tv shows. 


I liked it a lot!

If you don't like it till episode 4, you're unlikely to like the rest.

I guess not everyone like the same thing! :)

Lol 🤣😆 I asked here so people can convince or dissuade me with arguments, not to give just simple plain verdict like a fkīn jury here.😂🤣🦠


Lol ?? I asked here so people can convince or dissuade me with arguments, not to give just simple plain verdict like a fkīn jury here.???

Instead of asking a poorly worded question, why not make a statement, explain your stance, and then ask for other views or in this case to convince or dissuade you with their arguments. Dropping a hot take, then hammering the drama in question is probably not going to get you the responses you  hoped for.


Lol ?? I asked here so people can convince or dissuade me with arguments, not to give just simple plain verdict like a fkīn jury here.???

You didn't ask for anything specific, just rammed into the series. I just gave my opinion.

I liked it, very much.

It's a great crime-kdrama, lots of twists, stratagems, heist, plots, mind games, etc. Maybe your mind is spinning too much? ;) It's basically a heist drama with lots of murder, comedy, romance. It's a strange cocktail indeed, but lots of kdrama are like that.

I would have liked to see more romance, but you can only stomach so much romance between murders.

Honestly, I gave up long time ago my "perfect reasoning" when watching kdrama, or other asian drama. It's like watching Avengers and claim "no those inifinity stones can't be real!" and be sour ever since, or for a physics major to challenge Iron Man's outfit doesn't match law of thermal dynamics.

I can see how Vincenzo can be a bit off putting and strange. I think you should give it a few episodes to breath and you'll find yourself becoming attached to the strange characters and the bizarre story. 

I actually have the same thoughts as you,  cringey and with so much plot holes. And I did finish it but I can honestly say that what you are feeling will continue to be or get worse as the story progresses. 

The main point I have of this drama, which probably is how you see it too is that the The characterization of MC is definitely suspect. Him being a mafia comes out in specific scenes to suit the picture. He does mafia things to prove a point, and then makes him so much un-mafia things all through out the drama. They don't even try to explain much how the switch happens, it just does. He definitely has the  Hero halo protection with him being slick and awesome all the time, whether he is doing mafia things, or being approachable, or being badass against the babel group. 

I think you and I have a different expectation of what to expect in the mafia would be. this drama definitely did not fulfil that.

But I do see were the others are coming from. I think for other viewers they see an anti-hero to really root for. He is cool and he does kinda become robin hood-esque. Plus the narrative does move fast with regards to who is who and what is the issue and problem at hand, thus no boring parts.  

and It does have a so many narrative lines that was tackled that the story was just moving and moving --- from the mafia narrative, to the gold issue, to the intertest and protection of the residents, to the fight for justice for the killed people, to the babel group and their legal issues, then the chaebol issues, and towards the end finding the truth of the psycho and getting him in jail. It was a lot, plus most the characters were pretty funny and interesting.

 That said, I can say it was now for me. just doesn't jibe for me. The MC just feels inconsistent and with too much Hero Halo...

Lastly, I just want to point out, that what replied was totally uncalled for. These people have gladly taken their time to help you out and answer your question. Written words usually lack emotional syntax, so you need to probably think twice before posting such words next time.