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Well, if nothing else, it is original. Kudos for that.
I find so awkward to watch. To be frank, GD looks like a Cheese String with those nasty yellow hair extensions. The chorus is kinda lame, since the first part sounds too much like a wannabe version of Diddy dirty money - hello good morning. It also sounds like a re-hash of 'Thank you and you' the intro on their Tonight EP (which incidentally sounds similar Diddy dirty money - hello good morning in my opinion). The rapping style and verses are pretty decent - but just not of the same quality as 'Knockout', 'But I love you' and 'Boy'. Furthermore, black children are not fashion accessories!!! Especially just because you want to pretend to be a GANGSTAH! URGH! It is kinda bordering on racist...I'm actually gonna say 'yeah it is rather racist.' Those kids are cute as hell but they are not pets to demonstrate how 'hip hop' you are being. And considering all the attention from the West YG artists are getting these days...this MV? Not a smart move. Such an ugly music video. Pretentious, offensive and quite unimaginative. Nothing 'One of a kind' about it. It is like G-dragon had a seizure and fell into an assortment of clothes from different music videos, from nasty Lil Wayne get up to patterns from 'old skool' BIG BANG Dirty Cash era. Also does help that they're re-using costumes I've seen GD wear throughout his Heart Breaker promotions. The director is boring, unambitious and not one shot stood out (minus dining room stuff) The choreography also bores me, just a repetition of moves we've seen everywhere (including mvs of YG artists). The set the female dancers are dancing on I've seen in Knockout. Their attire is hardly 'unique' GD...how I loved you over the years and I was always the first to compliment you on your vision and genius...but this is the FIRST and LAST time I'm watching this video. I'm a huge fan...but seriously no one is gonna 'con' me into liking this crap to prove it. It is like watching an unclassy attempt at TOP's Turn it up, which was pimp-ish but stylish. This MV however, tries to be ironic, funny and cute at parts but the toys and stuff used are probably those that got rejected from GD&TOP Knock-out MV(which by the way was flawless, rap-tastic yet quirky and sooo G-dragon.) This MV tries too hard, it wants to be cool. But really can't. It's the stuff left in the gutter. Not nearly as stylish as GD thinks. More like tons of product placement for fashion brands but lazily done and embarrassingly obvious. I did like the dining table scene through the lens scene was great. The whole paparazzi imagery was rather cool. But I can't get over the rest of the music video. No. Just no. :(
I thought it was sarcastic...like he is making fun of all the gangsta typical tropes. Was I wrong?
ActingAReaction wrote: I find so awkward to watch.

To be frank, GD looks like a Cheese String with those nasty yellow hair extensions.

The chorus is kinda lame, since the first part sounds too much like a wannabe version of Diddy dirty money - hello good morning. It also sounds like a re-hash of 'Thank you and you' the intro on their Tonight EP (which incidentally sounds similar Diddy dirty money - hello good morning in my opinion). The rapping style and verses are pretty decent - but just not of the same quality as 'Knockout', 'But I love you' and 'Boy'.

Furthermore, black children are not fashion accessories!!!

Especially just because you want to pretend to be a GANGSTAH!


It is kinda bordering on racist...I'm actually gonna say 'yeah it is rather racist.' Those kids are cute as hell but they are not pets to demonstrate how 'hip hop' you are being. And considering all the attention from the West YG artists are getting these days...this MV?
Not a smart move.

Such an ugly music video. Pretentious, offensive and quite unimaginative.

Nothing 'One of a kind' about it. It is like G-dragon had a seizure and fell into an assortment of clothes from different music videos, from nasty Lil Wayne get up to patterns from 'old skool' BIG BANG Dirty Cash era. Also does help that they're re-using costumes I've seen GD wear throughout his Heart Breaker promotions.

The director is boring, unambitious and not one shot stood out (minus dining room stuff)
The choreography also bores me, just a repetition of moves we've seen everywhere (including mvs of YG artists). The set the female dancers are dancing on I've seen in Knockout. Their attire is hardly 'unique'

GD...how I loved you over the years and I was always the first to compliment you on your vision and genius...but this is the FIRST and LAST time I'm watching this video.

I'm a huge fan...but seriously no one is gonna 'con' me into liking this crap to prove it.

It is like watching an unclassy attempt at TOP's Turn it up, which was pimp-ish but stylish. This MV however, tries to be ironic, funny and cute at parts but the toys and stuff used are probably those that got rejected from GD&TOP Knock-out MV(which by the way was flawless, rap-tastic yet quirky and sooo G-dragon.)

This MV tries too hard, it wants to be cool. But really can't. It's the stuff left in the gutter. Not nearly as stylish as GD thinks. More like tons of product placement for fashion brands but lazily done and embarrassingly obvious.

I did like the dining table scene through the lens scene was great. The whole paparazzi imagery was rather cool.
But I can't get over the rest of the music video.
Just no.

thank God I'm not the only one... I totally agree with you
I love you GD, but that... no just no...
I agree. Was kinda disappointed with the MV and song. GD's heartbreaker album is one of my favourite albums. I had such high hopes for this comeback. Hopefully the album is better. ^_^
purplenette wrote: I thought it was sarcastic...like he is making fun of all the gangsta typical tropes. Was I wrong?

It was attempting to be sarcastic...but it failed at it.
It is like me saying "What's up with the rain! It's wet and stuff! Har har!"

Lame and not exactly irony.
Cept in trying to be ironic he offends with the fashion accessory babies and the ghetto mug shots at the jail.

The one of a kind t-shirts which everyone is wearing is supposed to a statement. But it isn't exactly 'Real Slim Shady' smart is it? Just 'How many VIPs can I get to buy this?' amounts of sneaky.

Also what bothered me is...Knockout and Turn it up were sarcastic and hilarious. Poking fun at the tropes of the genre the boys love so much.
Knockout was smart. From that opening scene with them waking up surrounding with girls (ie 'dem b**ches we gots cuz we so fly' crap) to the ending scene with them surrounded by toy dogs (saying pretty much: these are the kind of 'b**ches' we really chill with.)

It was about swag, faking swag and being a dork who is a great rapper. It was making fun of the public perceptions of GD&TOP. Loving the genre of music but showing that BIG BANG and G-dragon have grown up from the 'Goodbye baby' MV days, where they had NOT ONE CLUE of how to do hiphop MVs without recycling tropes.

This music video is a step backwards for me.
It is embarrassing and he can do better.
I see your point. My yuh-dongsaeng loves GD and thought this song and MV was great. I like hip hop and rap, but I like something with a good beat. Something I can groove to or something that goes hard. This was neither. Plus that "Hello" thing really started to get on my nerves. But hey, what do I know. I think Snoop Dogg is the best ever. I even watched Girls Generation only because Snoop rapped on one of their songs. If GD is going to add synthasizers (sp check), then he should take note from T-Pain. My yuh-dongsaeng will probably never forgive me for this, but it isn't the video that is the problem as much as the song itself.
purplenette wrote: I see your point. My yuh-dongsaeng loves GD and thought this song and MV was great. I like hip hop and rap, but I like something with a good beat. Something I can groove to or something that goes hard. This was neither. Plus that "Hello" thing really started to get on my nerves. But hey, what do I know. I think Snoop Dogg is the best ever. I even watched Girls Generation only because Snoop rapped on one of their songs. If GD is going to add synthasizers (sp check), then he should take note from T-Pain.
My yuh-dongsaeng will probably never forgive me for this, but it isn't the video that is the problem as much as the song itself.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions. I'm glad your yuh-dongsaeng likes it. It's nice it brought a smile to someone's face.
Maybe I ranted to much...maybe I'm coming across as this bitter annoying person.

It's just I love GD. The disappointment stings a little.
I know I wasn't gonna love everything.
I just didn't think it would offend and annoy me simultaneously.

But yeah...I'm glad people like it. I wouldn't want him to be too disheartened. He needs to get back to doing what he does best. :D
ActingAReaction wrote: Everyone is entitled to their opinions. I'm glad your yuh-dongsaeng likes it. It's nice it brought a smile to someone's face.
Maybe I ranted to much...maybe I'm coming across as this bitter annoying person.

It's just I love GD. The disappointment stings a little.
I know I wasn't gonna love everything.
I just didn't think it would offend and annoy me simultaneously.

But yeah...I'm glad people like it. I wouldn't want him to be too disheartened. He needs to get back to doing what he does best. :D

I don't think you come off as bitter or annoying. I actually thought that your opinion was well thought out. You obviously come from the place of a fan that wants the person that they like to do well. There is no harm in stating that you are disappointed. People see things in different ways...that is what makes music and MVs great. I live in Arkansas. If I even mention Korean anything, then people look at me like I'm crazy. At least I can come here and hear the opinions of people that will actually listen to the music.
purplenette wrote: I live in Arkansas. If I even mention Korean anything, then people look at me like I'm crazy. At least I can come here and hear the opinions of people that will actually listen to the music.

This sounds like me, except I live in Indiana. As for the MV, I didn't find the song itself to be that awful, but the MV was just to much. From the mixed babies all the way to the end, I was like wth is going on here.
phoenixtearz9 wrote: This sounds like me, except I live in Indiana. As for the MV, I didn't find the song itself to be that awful, but the MV was just to much. From the mixed babies all the way to the end, I was like wth is going on here.

It makes me want to move. It is an odd MV, but I have seen worse.
I really like the song. I also love the parts of the video where we get to watch GD dance. I think he is an amazing dancer and watching his moves is always interesting.

Loved this pic from his photos for his new album
I rolled over laughing watching this MV. It's a mess and GD knows it. I dont know if he's trying to out viral PSY or what but it's definitely got people talking already.

In no way is the song original, or the concepts, and I wonder if he's being parodyish or if he truly thinks he's doing his own thing. Watching it, I can relate each frame to an old rap mv (since I havent listened or paid attention to rap in years). If you are looking for a fun joke, then the MV is perfect and that's why I like it.

Plus the bear is sexy! hehe

New MV!

I like the song a lot more than One of a Kind, though the mv is kinda boring.