In retrospect, I think this is just deliberately misleading editing on the part of the trailer.

My best guess for these three scenes are as follows:

Leaked script Ep20 (originally S02E28 scene 19) - Cang Xuan giving Xiao Yao the Ruomu flower at the poinciana forest on Zhao Yun Peak at Xuan Yuan mountain, just before her wedding to Jing

Leaked script Ep10  (originally S02E18 scene 13) - Jing and Xiao Yao at Xiao Yue Summit after Hou and Yi Ying's affair is exposed and he is free to be with her at last

Leaked script Ep19 (originally S02E27 scene 17) - Xiang Liu holding Xiao Yao in his arms at Gourd Lake when she collapsed and passed out after giving so much of her blood the last time they met (his chest wound from the arrow is just barely visible)

Whew, that's a relief.

There are several instances I can think of from the leaked script. Among them,  he acknowledges his selfishness in exacting the 15-year promise, and implied that him asking Xiang Liu to take Xiao Yao away from her wedding was to allow her to choose between Xiang Liu and him, a choice he took from her with the 15-year promise.

He is also seen to respect the cause that the Shen Nong resistance army are fighting for in different scenes. He refuses when Xiang Liu offered to kill Yi Ying and her son when he tried to ask Xiang Liu whether he knew about Tushan Zhen's parentage.

I'm actually ok with these clarifications/changes. It actually makes me feel better about XL setting Jing up to be XY's companion after he is gone.  If Jing had no redeeming qualities and showed no growth, I'd seriously question XL's judgement in pushing XY towards Jing, which is what I do with the novel's depiction of Jing. 

Her poisoning Cang Xuan and committing suicide only occurred in Cang Xuan's dream sequence. So no, Xiang Liu did not give one of his lives to save her from that. But he would go on to give up two of his lives to sever the Lovers Bug connection.

I'm not as worked up about XL giving up two lives to sever the PLB connection because there was nothing that XY could have done to circumvent that--just like there was nothing she could do about the Plum Forest assassination. I was more concerned about whether XY forced XL to give up an additional life when she poisoned herself on Jade Mountain because that was totally within her control. I would have liked to think that she made sure that XL wouldn't have to give up a life to revive her, like he did with the Plum Forest assassination. But I guess the drama doesn't answer the question of whether he had to expend a life to revive XY from Jade Mountain.

Xiao Yao, still on Jade Mountain, realised that Xin Yue was behind Jing's assassination, and that Cang Xuan and her grandfather knew but did not tell her, which meant that they would never allow her to take revenge on Xin Yue because of the political sensibilities involved. As such, she considered taking up the Royal Mother's offer to be her successor, as she had nowhere else to go. Just as she was having her monologue, Jing (arranged by Cang Xuan) arrived and they were reunited 

Hrm, novel XY was very against taking revenge on Xin Yue so I'm not sure how I feel about this change. That said, in the novel Xin Yue just tried to hurt XY and never hurt Jing. Like CX, XY is forgiving of people who try to hurt her, but unforgiving of people who try to hurt the ones she cares most about, so its not out of character for her to want to enact revenge on Xin Yue for hurting Jing.

Did CX have a hand in saving Jing, or did Jing save himself and CX just arranged to get Jing to XY in time to cut off XY's thoughts of becoming RM?

I know that most XL fans are upset that XL's role in saving Jing was diminished in the drama, but I have a different perspective. In XL's letter to XY, he said, "I don’t want you to feel indebted, because I know you always want to repay everything. If you truly repaid it all, I fear there would be no connection left between us." So if debts are not paid back, karmic entanglement between the two people remain unresolved, and will need to be resolved in the future. XL doesn't want XY to repay her debts to him because he still wants something to do with XY in the future.

From that perspective, I'm glad TSJ doesn't owe XL any major debts. I don't want Jing in XL's future if/when he is resurrected/reincarnates.

Letters to Xiao Yao

A while back, Tencent released videos of letters to Xiao Yao from each of the four male leads. There are two video versions of each letter: one with the character writing the letter and another that includes montages from the drama.

These video extras are packed full of meaning and hidden messages. Someone wrote some very insightful in-depth analysis of the montage videos on Zhihu interpreting the meaning and hidden messages:

The author of the analysis also posted her analysis in video format on Bilibili, which is easier to follow than the written analysis transcripts for those who understand spoken Chinese.

Feng Long's Letter to Xiao Yao

Video of Letter With Montages

Chinese Transcription






English Translation

Xiao Yao,

After spending many days together, I often feel that my world has become more vibrant because of your presence. 

I have never met a woman like you—you enjoy and excel at drinking, listening to music, and throwing dice, sometimes even more than I do. You bring me both joy and excitement. The joy comes from having you as a confidant, and the excitement is from your excellence, constantly reminding me not to become lazy and fall behind. I was taught from a young age to have great ambitions and responsibilities for my country, but I never imagined that such a woman who understands my aspirations and connects with me would appear in my life. 

Xiao Yao, knowing you has made me feel incredibly fortunate. I want to always hear your laughter. Please give me the chance to be the one who keeps you smiling.

— Feng Long

Cang Xuan's Letter to Xiao Yao

Video of Letter With Montages

Chinese Transcription







English Translation

Xiao Yao,

Seeing this letter is like seeing me in person, so I hope opening it will bring a smile to your face.

It has been a long time since I have seen you smile like you did when we were children. If you blame me or distance yourself from me, I am willing to bear it. I promised I would never lose you, yet I let you wander for a hundred years, enduring endless suffering. I promised I would find you, yet I did not recognize you when we met. Even so, you have still kept our childhood promise and stood firmly by my side.

Xiao Yao, when the phoenix petals soar high again, I feel that all the beautiful things in the world are not as precious as you. Looking into your pure and flawless eyes, I made up my mind—I must gain the strength to protect you and all those I love.

Xiao Yao, I will guard your smile.

— Cang Xuan

Tu Shan Jing's Letter to Xiao Yao

Video of Letter With Montages

Video of Letter

Chinese Transcription






English Translation

Xiao Yao,

Learning about longing led to suffering from it. You are the one who taught me about longing. From the day you saved me, I knew I could never leave you. 

Compared to you, I am neither carefree nor free-spirited enough. You are the best woman in the world. And I am just one of the many who gaze at you, but you saw me. Even after I disappointed you, you still steadfastly came toward me. From now on, I desire nothing more than to wholeheartedly be your Ye Shi Qi. No matter what happens in the future, I will never let you look for me in times of need and not find me. 

Xiao Yao, in the clear breeze and bright moonlight, I will surely accompany you.

— Ye Shi Qi

Xiang Liu's Letter to Xiao Yao

Video of Letter With Montages

Video of Letter

Chinese Transcription




小 夭,我会让你有力自保,有人可依,有处可去…即使此力伤我,此人非我,此处无我,但若你能代替我好好体会这人间,足矣。


English Translation

Xiao Yao,

I hope this letter finds you well.

The moon has risen again over the sea. Although it’s not as beautiful as the time we watched it together, today I finally gathered all the materials needed to forge the bow and arrows. The sea demons are cunning, and the mermen are fierce, but the combination of sea demon elixir and merman bones can create a truly fine bow. If you want to make good use of this fine bow, you need to diligently practice archery so that you can protect yourself. When the time comes, I will have someone deliver the bow to you. I don’t want you to feel indebted, because I know you always want to repay everything. If you truly repaid it all, I fear there would be no connection left between us.

Xiao Yao, I will ensure you have the strength to protect yourself, someone to rely on, and a place to go. Even if this strength hurts me, this person is not me, and this place has no me, but if you can experience this world on my behalf, it will be enough.

— Xiang Liu

In XL's letter to XY, he said, "I don’t want you to feel indebted, because I know you always want to repay everything. If you truly repaid it all, I fear there would be no connection left between us."
This was for the drama, right? Because I don't remember this being in the novel.

It was neither from the drama nor from the novel. The Tencent production team released letters to XY from each of the four male leads a while back. This came from XL's letter to XY. I posted the letters above. ^^^^^^

Translation of S2 trailer:

Xiao Yao:
[Overlooking Shen Nong mountain after her solo wedding ceremony to the missing Jing]
In this life,
I waited for my mother on Xiyan Mountain
Waited for 6 years,
But she never came
On Jade Mountain, I waited for Cang Xuan,
Waited for Royal Father
Waited for 70 years,
But they too never came.
I swore
In this life and lifetime,
I would never wait for anyone ever again.

Cang Xuan:
[Explaining to the old Xuan Yuan king prior to Xiao Yao's impending wedding to Feng Long]
I journeyed up to this current position
All I asked was just
to protect what I only had left
But by the time I already had
the power to protect everything,
I have lost
the only person I wished to protect.

Tushan Jing:
[Requesting the Lirong old donkey meat seller's help to retrace his memories of the night he slept with Yi Ying]
My heart is too small
to contain the whole world
It can only contain one person.

Li Rong Old Donkey Meat Seller:
Once the Lamp of Time is lit,
Using your life as the flame of the lamp

[the Lamp of Time in the shape of two metal snakes is used to help Tushan Jing recall the night he supposedly slept with Yi Ying. The lamp is a magical artifact of the Guifang clan, which surprisingly is in the hands of the Lirong old man]

Tushan Jing:
Xiao Yao is my life.

Xiang Liu:
[At Qingshui Town after taking Xiao Yao away from her wedding]
Are you willing
to marry Ye Shi Qi?

Xiao Yao:
I'm willing.

Xiang Liu:
Who do you want most to spend your life with?
[Montage of Xiao Yao with Cang Xuan, with Jing and with Xiang Liu]
Tell me.
Who do you wish most to spend your life with.
[Xiao Yao feels pain in her head]

Chishui Feng Long:
[At the wedding with Xiao Yao]
You would prefer to leave with him
rather than marry me.
In your heart, I, Chishui Feng Long
cannot even compare with an
idle libertine?!

Xiang Liu:
[At Gourd Lake where Xiao Yao has her arrow aimed at Xiang Liu after Feng Long's death]
You want to use the archery skills I taught you
to shoot me dead.
Aim here.

Xiao Yao:
[Xiao Yao in wedding finery undergoing her solo wedding ceremony to Jing]
I wish to offer my respects to heaven and earth,
formally inform my family,
that I want to marry Tushan Jing

Cang Xuan:
[Trying to persuade Xiao Yao not to go ahead with her solo wedding ceremony to the missing Jing]
Tushan Jing is dead!
Tushan Jing is dead.
Tushan Jing cannot return anymore.

Xiao Yao:
[Confrontation with Cang Xuan in the dream sequence after finding out he was responsible for Jing's death]
Everything you want, I would help you fight for it.
I would snatch it for you.
But I only want a Tushan Jing
Why won't you even give it to me?!

Cang Xuan:
You would kill me for Tushan Jing?!

Xiao Yao:
[Outside Dragon Bone prison during Cang Xuan and A Nian's wedding]
If I died,
Would you be able to live?

Xiang Liu:
Why don’t you ask the question in reverse.
[Xiang Liu's final battle, with 6 heads representing 6 remaining lives - having given 1 to save her after the Plum Forest assassination, and 2 to sever the Lovers Bug connection]
If I died,
Can you live?

Old Xuan Yuan king:
[After informing Xiao Yao that Feng Long is leading the army against the Shen Nong resistance army]
What are you thinking?

Xiao Yao:
I am thinking of Qingshui Town.

Reposting from S1 thread:

The following is my comparison between S2 trailer and leaked script, as requested by @blabla100.

To be honest, there is nothing that particularly surprises me about the trailer. I am able to identify every dialogue that takes place down to where they show up in the leaked script. In other words:

1. The leaked script should be pretty much authentic
2. The final version appears to be pretty faithful to the leaked script

What we don't know is how faithful the final version will be to the leaked script. At this point in time, it doesn't really seem to deviate from what I have read so far. However, unless it is just willfully misleading editing on the part of the trailer,  there is one scene that I hope and desperately pray does not play out exactly as we see it in the trailer - which is the asking of the 4th question. The montage of the 3 men at that exact moment throws a totally different spin on the reason why that question caused Xiao Yao so much distress, which I balk at. 

I will share my translation of the scene with the Lamp of Time in my following post, for those who are interested in how that scene plays out. 


Xiao Yao:
[Overlooking the mountain]
In this life,
I waited for my mother on Xiyan Mountain
Waited for 6 years,
But she never came
On Jade Mountain, I waited for Cang Xuan,
Waited for Royal Father
Waited for 70 years,
But they too never came.
I swore
In this life and lifetime,
I would never wait for anyone ever again.

Leaked script Ep17 (originally S2E25 scene 20F)

This monologue takes place on the peak of Shen Nong mountain after Xiao Yao performs the wedding ceremony to Jing. She continues by saying that this time, she still chose to wait for him on Shen Nong mountain no matter how long it took, and tells him he must come. 

Cang Xuan:
[Recounting to the old Xuan Yuan king]
I journeyed up to this current position
All I asked was just
to protect what I only had left
But by the time I already had
the power to protect everything,
I have lost
the only person I wished to protect.

Leaked script Ep6  (originally S02E14 scene 13)

This scene takes place in Shen Nong mountain, just before Xiao Yao's wedding to Feng Long. She was already in Gao Xin by then, and completed the 7 days' wait by the ocean.

Tushan Jing:
My heart is too small
to contain the whole world
It can only contain one person.

Li Rong Old Donkey Meat Seller:
Once the Lamp of Time is lit,
Using your life as the flame of the lamp
[the Lamp of Time with two metal snakes is used to help Tushan Jing recall the night he supposedly slept with Yi Ying. The lamp is a magical artifact of the Guifang clan, which surprisingly is in the hands of the Lirong Old Man]

Tushan Jing:
Xiao Yao is my life.

Leaked script Ep5  (originally S02E13 scene 13)

This totally drama-only scene takes place while Feng Long was asking permission from the old Xuan Yuan king and Cang Xuan to set the wedding date. 

Assuming I did not miss any details, the leaked script does not explain how the Lirong old man managed to obtain the Lamp of Time from the Guifang clan. However, knowing Xiang Liu's extraordinary ties with the Guifang clan and the Lirong old donkey meat seller, one could assume that Xiang Liu was the one who provided the old man with the artifact, ready for Jing to show up, which he anticipated he would, knowing Jing's close friendship with Lirong Chang. 

And yes, the Lirong old donkey meat seller is the drama's replacement for the Shaman king, from knowledge of poisonous bugs, to even manipulating magical artifacts that deal with memories from the Guifang clan.

Xiang Liu:
[At Qingshui Town after taking Xiao Yao away from her wedding]
Are you willing
to marry Ye Shi Qi?

Xiao Yao:
I'm willing.

Xiang Liu:
Who do you want most to spend your life with?
[Montage of Xiao Yao with Cang Xuan, with Jing and with Xiang Liu]
Tell me.
Who do you wish most to spend your life with.
[Xiao Yao feels pain in her head]

Leaked script Ep7  (originally S02E15 scene 9)

This is pretty much similar to the leaked script. 

My real concern is the montage we see of the three men with her between his first "Who do you want most to spend your life with" and his repeated question. I really hope that this is just in the trailer, and not actually in the drama because to include the montage of her with Cang Xuan, with Jing and with Xiang Liu at this juncture seems to imply that her headache is caused by her torn desires/loyalties between the three men. Please... NO.

Chishui Feng Long:
[At the wedding with Xiao Yao]
You would prefer to leave with him
rather than marry me.
In your heart, I, Chishui Feng Long
cannot even compare with an
idle libertine?!

Leaked script Ep6  (originally S02E14 scene 21)

Exact dialogue from the leaked script.

Xiang Liu:
[At Gourd Lake where Xiao Yao has her arrow aimed at Xiang Liu after Feng Long's death]
You want to use the archery skills I taught you
to shoot me dead.
Aim here.

Leaked script Ep19  (originally S02E27 scene 17)

I think (hope!) this scene is deliberately shown out of sequence. Based on the leaked script, the sequence is as follows, which means that when he said "Aim here", he had already pulled out the first arrow (which presumably is the one we saw in the subsequent scene where he was shot):

XL (faint smile): You want to use the archery skills I taught you to kill me?
XY (hands shaking): Stop right there!

Xiang Liu continued to walk towards Xiao Yao.

XL: Who would have thought you would avenge Chishui Feng Long. Since you cared so deeply for him, why didn't you marry him? After all, Tushan Jing is already dead...

Xiao Yao gritted her teeth in fury, and a silver arrow flew out with a whoosh.
The distance between them was not far and in a blink of an eye, 
the arrow embedded itself in Xiang Liu's chest. Xiang Liu's body shook slightly but he continued walking towards her, pulling out the arrow and flinging it aside as he did so.

XL: Don't forget I am called Nine-Lives Xiang Liu! If you wish to kill me, you must shoot a few more arrows! Be more precise! Aim here!

Xiang Liu pointed at his heart, dashing and unrestrained, his sleeves billowing in the wind.

XY: Do you think I won't dare to?

Xiao Yao endured her hurt as she nocked another arrow and drew the bow. However... dark red blood like peach blossoms in full bloom was spreading across his white robes. Unable to bear it, Xiao Yao closed her eyes, and the aim of the arrow that flew forth was off, grazing his arm as it flew by. Xiang Liu stopped in his tracks and gave her an insouciant smile as if in mockery, hiding a sliver of joy.
Her murderous urge exhausted at last, Xiao Yao lowered her hands in dejection.

Xiao Yao:
[Xiao Yao in wedding finery]
I wish to offer my respects to heaven and earth,
formally inform my family,
that I want to marry Tushan Jing

Leaked script Ep17 (originally S02E25 scene 20D)

This is during Xiao Yao's wedding ceremony to the missing Jing (which was actually approved of by the old Xuan Yuan king). The monologue is not exactly the same, but the gist is similar.

Cang Xuan:
Tushan Jing is dead!
Tushan Jing is dead.
Tushan Jing cannot return anymore.

Leaked script Ep17 (originally S02E25 scene 20C)

This takes place when Cang Xuan was trying to stop Xiao Yao (all decked out in her wedding finery) from going ahead with her wedding ceremony after Jing went missing.

Xiao Yao:
[Confrontation with Cang Xuan]
Everything you want, I would help you fight for it.
I would snatch it for you.
But I only want a Tushan Jing
Why won't you even give it to me?!

Cang Xuan:
You would kill me for Tushan Jing?!

Leaked script Ep18  (originally S2E26 scene 3)

This takes place in Cang Xuan's dream sequence where Xiao Yao confronts him with the truth about his part in Jing's death. The dialogue is pretty much the same as the leaked script.

Xiao Yao:
If I died,
Would you be able to live?

Xiang Liu:
Why don’t you ask the question in reverse.
[Xiang Liu's final battle]
If I died,
Can you live?

Leaked script Ep16  (originally S02E24 scene 5)

This takes place by Dragon Bone prison, during Cang Xuan and A Nian's wedding. Xiang Liu then allows Xiao Yao to think that he wanted to use the bug to control Cang Xuan so that Cang Xuan dared not kill him.

The depiction of Xiang Liu's final battle appears in line with the leaked script, with only 6 heads left, having given 1 to save her after the Plum Forest assassination in S1, and 2 lives to sever the lovers bug connection (S2)

Old Xuan Yuan king:
[With Xiao Yao]
What are you thinking?

Xiao Yao:
I am thinking of Qingshui Town.

Leaked script Ep18  (originally S02E26 scene 20)

This scene takes place when Xiao Yao was informed of Feng Long leading the army to attack the Shen Nong resistance army. The old Xuan Yuan king asked if she was thinking of Xiang Liu, to which she nodded then shook her head, staring blankly before recounting the scenes from the past. 

This is the translation of the scene when Jing asked the Lirong old donkey meat seller for help to recover his memories of the night he slept with Yi Ying. The origins of the Lamp of Time (Guifang clan) and the Lirong old donkey meat seller are all known ties to Xiang Liu, which seems to indicate that perhaps, this avenue was also secretly provided by Xiang Liu to enable Jing to discover the truth about that night...

Leaked script Ep5  (originally S02E13 scene 13, no novel equivalent) - recovering Jing's memories

The Lirong old man waved his hand and a rusty, double-headed snake-shaped oil lamp appeared on the table.

LROM: This is the Lamp of Time.

Lirong Chang was surprised and curiously took a closer look.

LRC (moved): "With life as a lamp, to light a sliver of time." The Lamp of Time is the magical artifact of the Guifang clan which has only ever been heard of but never seen. Uncle, how did you manage to borrow it?

The Lirong old man ignored Lirong Chang and looked at Tushan Jing.

LROM: Your hair.

Tushan Jing cut off a strand of hair with his spiritual power and gave it to the Lirong old man. Pinching the hair between his thumb and index finger, the old man twisted the hair into a small wick with his spiritual power and placed it inside the Lamp of Time. Slowly, the double-headed snake came to life, flickering its tongues.
The Lirong old man solemnly looked at Tushan Jing to confirm for the last time.

LROM: Are you really prepared?

Tushan Jing's expression was determined.

TSJ: I am ready.

Lirong Chang looked worriedly at Tushan Jing.
Deeply moved, the Lirong old man sighed and instructed Tushan Jing.

LROM: Stretch out your hand.

Tushan Jing reached out his hand without hesitation. Lirong Chang suddenly grabbed his hand, wanting to dissuade him.

LRC: Jing! Is it really worth it? You are the Tushan clan leader. The clan, fame, power, worldly prosperity - are all these not worth holding on to? Must you risk your own life?
TSJ (resolute): I am not risking my life... Xiao Yao is my life.

Lirong Chang was stunned, and Tushan Jing cracked a smile.

TSJ: I am different from you and Feng Long. My heart is too small to contain the entire world. It can only contain one person.

Lirong Chang sighed and reluctantly let go of his hand.
Tushan Jing solemnly reached out his hand to the lamp. One head of the double-headed snake wrapped itself around Tushan Jing's hand while the other bit his finger, and his blood dripped into the oil lamp.
Lirong Chang stood to the corner so as not to interrupt the spell. Tushan Jing sat cross-legged by the table and the prepared Lamp of Time was placed on the table while the Lirong old man sat on the other side.

LROM (solemnly): Once the Lamp of Time is lit, your hair will be the wick, your blood will be the oil, your life will be the flame.
TSJ (resolute): Uncle, please begin!

The Lirong old man performed a spell and lit the Lamp of Time. Tushan Jing slowly closed his eyes and the rusty Lamp of Time slowly became new.  On the other hand, Tushan Jing turned pale and frail, as if his life had been drawn out bit by bit.
As the flame of the Lamp of Time changed, Tushan Jing's expression also changed, first peaceful, then joyous and shy.

TSJ (murmuring): Xiao Yao... Xiao Yao...

Tushan Jing suddenly started to convulse, in such pain as if he could not breathe. Lirong Chang anxiously tried to help him but was stopped by the Lirong old man. The old man continued to watch over the Lamp of Time, his body shaking, clearly he too was not able to hold on much longer. Tushan Jing suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood and collapsed on to the ground. Greatly shocked, Lirong Chang rushed over, shouting frantically.

LRC: Jing! Jing...

The Lirong old man forcibly performed a spell, upon which the light on the table exploded, and went out suddenly.
After a while, Tushan Jing opened his eyes, a vacant, frightening expression in them.

Well if they are going to axe out some key scenes they should least keep it consistent by making sure Jing gets all the help he needs to rid of his obstacles.

I am really just watching it for Xiang Liu, JC performance and perhaps an critical analysis of the changes and how that changes or not change the original narrative. I am also curious as what kind of film composition the director ei.use to portray YaoLiu since it's not an explicit loveline.

The leaks sound so disappointing... why would the author change so much about her story? Knowing that Xiangliu is her favorite character from the novel...


The leaks sound so disappointing... why would the author change so much about her story? Knowing that Xiangliu is her favorite character from the novel...

It's not her money.  She's not the director.

If you want to see your work adapted to other media, especially film and tv, you have to make compromises.  Someone with money may have a different focus or idea.  She has to choose her battles and hope for the best.  She's lucky they got Tan Jian Ci and that she wrote such a strong character.


Well if they are going to axe out some key scenes they should least keep it consistent by making sure Jing gets all the help he needs to rid of his obstacles.

I am really just watching it for Xiang Liu, JC performance and perhaps an critical analysis of the changes and how that changes or not change the original narrative. I am also curious as what kind of film composition the director ei.use to portray YaoLiu since it's not an explicit loveline.

Yep. Yep.

It's wild that even in the drama we are having to look for the snake in the grass, or whatever, technique.  lol

HOLD UP there was a leaked script?! The climax of the story with XY confronting CX about Jing’s death was a dream sequence? Someone mentioned it in the discussion page but I was shocked. Don’t tell me it’s true…that changes CX’s character development. Can someone please link me where the leaked script is?


HOLD UP there was a leaked script?! The climax of the story with XY confronting CX about Jing’s death was a dream sequence? Someone mentioned it in the discussion page but I was shocked. Don’t tell me it’s true…that changes CX’s character development. Can someone please link me where the leaked script is?

Do you read Mandarin?

HOLD UP there was a leaked script?!

Unfortunately, yes.  liddi has been kind enough to translate it for us but it's all over the other thread we have on Season 1's page. Finding all the script pages and translations will be a bit of a struggle :(

Are you interested in the whole thing or only CX's parts?

It's not her money.  She's not the director.

If you want to see your work adapted to other media, especially film and tv, you have to make compromises.  Someone with money may have a different focus or idea.  She has to choose her battles and hope for the best.  She's lucky they got Tan Jian Ci and that she wrote such a strong character.
It's wild that even in the drama we are having to look for the snake in the grass, or whatever, technique.  lol

Tong Hua was very invested in the adaptation process. Three professional screenwriters were tasked with adapting the novel before Tong Hua, but they all failed to grasp Tong Hua's intent well enough. One of the producers said this is because Tong Hua writes one point, but leaves nine points blank, implying it's very difficult even for professional screenwriters to understand her intent.

In the end, Tong Hua adapted the novel herself. I believe she said in an interview that she retained the core intent of the novel in the adaptation.

Agree that there is a ton of snake in the grass technique buried the drama adaptation, including using symbols such as rabbits, lotus, spider webs, pumpkins, the moon, colorful umbrellas (as stand-ins for the novel's colorful fish), and drums (鼓 - gǔ) to represent the Lovers Gu (蛊 - gǔ). They also use gauze curtains, blurred lens, and mirrors to represent mystery, and fire and light to express character emotions. They also frequently cut the scenes in a way such that one scene poses a question, and the next scene responds to the first scene as the answer. For example, when YSQ told WXL that he would deal with XL from then on, the next scenes showed how he went about dealing with XL (causing the malaria incident at XL's army camp, having Jing Ye come to town and requesting to take back the shops by the river, having his real identity revealed as TSJ).

[source - script adaptation]
[source - filming techniques]

I read somewhere that there are some clues for XL's possible resurrection/rebirth in novel/drama - is this true?