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@Winny Aye 

Are all those poems the person analysed in the book? 

" Wing to wing, branch to branch" how does this refer to XL? 

The magnolia has you have show multiple time makes XY think of Jing. Jing is the lo only man XY broke up with .

What does your translation in your boom  makes you feel? Xl or XY?

At the end the XL fans have been twisting lots to accommodate  their head canon.

Koala translation is not that accurate

 I would rather focus on your book.

" Wing to wing, branch to branch" how does this refer to XL? 

I think it refers to the bug connection Voodoo King said in Chapter 37..

The Voodoo King sighed “Our Jiu Li folk ballad sings ‘The twisted roots of the parasol tree entwine on land, the doves do not fly alone in the sky, the pair of mandarin ducks in the water always die together.'”


But then there's never actual official committment for XY and XL to entwine... they knew they will be parted one day. 

what XL said in Chapter 29..

“You and me are travelers who have crossed paths in this windy world. Whenever we meet we are each other’s companions to enjoy the world is all! Why do you care what I think deep down inside?”

Um...I think he's their meetings and encountering are all random just like travelers ...and whenever they met ..they can enjoy the world together ...and with this "whenever" word..Im taking it as light and random without actual comment ....so so not entwine for me...

Yes...I am taking translation of my book as authentic to heart....


lol the world doesn’t revolve around the serpent,now this is where I’m gonna be mean. He’s STILL A DEAD MAN & dead men tell no tales, no matter how they look at it,he’s gonna croak.  Do they think XY will run to him,if he made his feelings known? XY can be dense sometimes but very smart when it comes to matters of the heart. Do they want her to end up like her mother? Cos it’ll be a continuous cycle. Lmao hilarious,feelings & love is something you can’t control & her feelings for Jing has been there since day 1! Even the serpent is not a fool cos he knows who she’s in love with. Or they want Jing to say,’okay, run & be with Mr serpent, cos I know you like him’ lmao..maybe they like seeing XY heartbroken , it arouses them ?. I dunno,maybe they’re sadists??‍♀️.

And this is exactly my issue with yaoliu fans, you can tell they do not care about xiaoyao especially from the  way they talk about  her. All they're interested is whether she ends up with xl or not. They do not care about her longterm happiness or the consequences she might face if she chooses xl. That's why when xl came to save xiao yao for the last time i believe sir bi that's his name.. I may be wrong he asked xl if he's sure he and xiao yao are only friends and nothing else. And when xl answers yes that they are only friends sir bi said good and that he's glad they aren't more than that.  And further went ahead and even though the man xiao yao chose (jing) is now dead, he is still glad xiao yao chose jing and not xl. 

And that brings me back to my main point that anyone who genuinely cares for xiao yao would not at any point want her to end up with xl. 


In essence, the beauty of these poems lies in their ability to evoke a myriad of emotions and connect with various characters in different ways. Embracing open interpretations celebrates the depth and complexity of the narrative, inviting readers to explore the rich tapestry of "Lost You Forever" from multiple angles.

=> The novel's brilliance lies in its refusal to be reduced to a single storyline or character  as to  invites readers to immerse themselves in the entirety of the narrative, unlocking a more profound and fulfilling reading experience.  BUT SURELY NOT TO REDUCE IT!. 

                                       Question:)=> Why would someone reduce a colorfull palette

This is true because the characters are multidimensional...so one cannot look at only one side... nevertheless with their actions, I think readers can make critics in different ways,. Some facts are certain and clear whereas some are open to think. 

About the poem, to me I guess that it's telling the situation rather than telling about one or two characters. 

For example the poem thousands of years which has line 'A heart has a thousand knot", a title for chapter 48, it is claimed to be for XL and XY there because it has this long scene of XL removing lover bug from XY body  as to remove there connection .The poem said although the knots are removed feelings will still be there. For me its not only apply to XL or XY but also CX. Because their deep feelings are unremovable. Not only XL feels to XY or XY feels to him, but also count XY feels to Jing and CX as well probably although she decided to get away herself from him. And yep CX feelings fo XY ...because he said...hundreds or thousands of years he will wait for XY.


Vol 3 Ch17 (Chapter 50) 结发两不疑 Hair Bound Together Without Any Doubts

                                Poem: 留别妻 Parting from My Wife (poet unknown)

The poem describes a man leaving for war, promising to return if alive. While it'can be associated with Xiang Liu, it also deeply resonates with Cang Xuan's sacrifice for his people.


  • The poem's theme of sacrifice for a greater cause applies to Cang Xuan as well, adding complexity beyond Xiang Liu. Cang Xuan, driven by a sense of duty, sacrifices personal happiness for the greater good, mirroring the sentiments of the poem .
  • Dual Interpretation: While Xiang Liu's sacrifice is evident, acknowledging Cang Xuan's comparable sacrifice adds depth to the poem's relevance. Both characters share the common thread of sacrificing personal happiness for broader responsibilities!.

Conclusion: Expanding the analysis to include Cang Xuan enhances the richness of interpretation, illustrating that the poem captures the sacrifices made by multiple characters...

Chapter 50 has YaoJing's wedding but it is also CX focused too . If we don't know about the poem I will entirely take it for YaoJing love...especially with thai translator did "We Two Are Destined Couple Without Any Doubt" . It said it all.  But when I read the poem I realized that the man is supposed to leave his wife for battlefield will reunited if he could come back alive . XY used to stay in Clam Shell which is a place for mercouple and CX had had taken his token of love by giving romu flower which he is supposed to give to his future wife. So we can somehow take it all as metaphor or symbols of XY being some sort of married to them. But none of those had XY's own decision. What ironic is XY chose to vow to moon that she was his wife despite the fact he's absent, considering herself his wife. So I can't stop thinking it applies to YaoJing as well ...although it implies the man as soldier ..(but we are all soldiers fighting to survival in life.?..just taking metaphor).. Besides previously Jing had to go battle with Hou...and I just cant help thinking YaoJing is the ending answer to that poem...Its just my personal take...

We tied up our hair to become husband and wife,
And our love and affection we never doubted.
We shared our joy for the present days,
And made love for all our good times.
But I was called to far place for war,
And you counted every hour of departing night.
When stars already disappeared,
And that was our parting time.
Men serving in the battlefield,
Never know the time of their reunion.
We could only hold hand and cry a long sigh,
Tears gushing for we were torn apart alive.
But we should pursue happiness with all effort,
And never forget the moment of joyful time.
If I somehow alive, then I’ll come back quick;
If death visits me, then I’ll always remember you.

All the yellow highlighted are what I think of yaojing..although not officially married..they were about to marry. I dont think they have any doubts to each other love. For several decades, they surely had their joy times. Jing was to go to save his nephew, although he's not a soldier or going to real battlefield.. I still take it as battle and he had prepared for it like battlefield because he already know its trap...he had hired more people for protection. And there's JingHou battlefield ...And I think XY is counting of him every night. She still had hope..time of union is unknown to her. Since Jing is alive, he came back to her quick after he woke up from 7 years of coma. If the actual death has visited him, XY will always remember him. But the fate is still sympathized with them..having XL helped Jing. So I take this as the continue of the poem to end it beautifully. 

That maybe my yaojing bias personal take only.

Yep the title has it parting word so it applies to CX and XL . Because XY will be parting from them...but you have already said about it. That's great.

                          17 =>wei wei visited his supertopic today and shared the sunset with us ...



                                                                                 “I’m here - I saw your messages”

Because we are the 17 th, this is so nice! <3


                          17 =>wei wei visited his supertopic today and shared the sunset with us ...



                                                                                 “I’m here - I saw your messages”

Because we are the 17 th, this is so nice! <3

Lol yes..today is November 17...Mr Shi Qi day..♥

 Winny Aye:

Lol yes..today is November 17...Mr Shi Qi day..♥

Yes, and he did exactly the same one month ago with posting the bellow post, remember? :

And than, today:

<3, this is so considerate to LyF and his fan base...Enjoy! :D

Cr.to owner

Sharing here this meaningfull and beautifull fanedit! <3

For fun=>  Exploring how our cherished characters could  be portraited with classical brushes...                             

                             Xiao Yao and Jing's characters - a possible virtual painting exhibition

*Xiao Yao

Xiao Yao's Background: 

Let's try to picture Xiao Yao as a spirited wanderer, a wildflower dancing in the wind, reminiscent of a scene from Monet's "Water Lilies."

 She comes from a mysterious past, as if her history is written in invisible ink, waiting to be revealed, like the hidden narratives in Da Vinci's "Mona Lisa."

Personality Traits: 

Xiao Yao is a mix of sunshine and storms. Like a mischievous kitten, she's playful and free-spirited, akin to the spirited energy captured in Renoir's "Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette."

 She might make witty remarks that are as sharp as her favorite dagger, yet underneath, there's a vulnerability, like a delicate petal easily moved by the breeze, much like the tender vulnerability in Vermeer's "Girl with a Pearl Earring."

Development Over the Novel: 

As the story unfolds, Xiao Yao's journey is like a rollercoaster of self-discovery, reminiscent of the emotional intensity found in Edvard Munch's "The Scream." 

Think of her as a phoenix rising from the ashes of her past, akin to the mythical rebirth depicted in Botticelli's "The Birth of Venus."

Some Key Moments and Decisions: 

One key moment is when Xiao Yao decides to trust Jing with her secrets. It's like handing over the keys to her heart, similar to the vulnerability captured in Van Gogh's "Starry Night." 

Another is when she confronts her mysterious past head-on, a pivotal decision that marks the turning point in her character's evolution, akin to the dramatic narrative in Caravaggio's "Judith Beheading Holofernes."

Nuances that Make Her Compelling:

 What makes Xiao Yao captivating is the dance between her contradictions, much like the delicate interplay of light and shadow in Rembrandt's self-portraits. 

Like a yin-yang, she embodies strength and vulnerability, creating a character as enchanting as a full moon on a clear night, reminiscent of the luminous quality in paintings by Claude Monet.

Now let's move to the nextdoor showroom....with...


Jing's Background: 

Imagine Jing as a silent guardian, a mysterious figure emerging from the shadows, akin to the enigmatic quality found in Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper."

 His background is shrouded in elegance, like a well-written poem with verses waiting to be deciphered, reminiscent of the intricate details in Vermeer's "The Art of Painting." 

Picture him with a past as intricate as the patterns on his embroidered robes, reminiscent of the rich tapestries in Raphael's "The School of Athens."

Personality Traits: Jing is the calm in the midst of chaos, like a serene lake reflecting the moonlight, reminiscent of the tranquility captured in Hokusai's "The Great Wave off Kanagawa."

 He carries himself with the grace of a martial arts master, and his sense of duty is as unyielding as a mountain, akin to the stoicism in Jacques-Louis David's "Napoleon Crossing the Alps."

 Yet, beneath that composed exterior, there's a storm of emotions, hidden like a treasure in a secret chamber, much like the emotional complexity found in the works of Gustav Klimt.

Development Over the Novel: 

Jing's character development is like the blooming of a lotus in murky waters, reminiscent of the symbolic richness in traditional Chinese paintings.

 Through his interactions with Xiao Yao and the challenges he faces, he peels away layers of stoicism, much like the emotional unraveling depicted in Francis Bacon's "Study after Velázquez's Portrait of Pope Innocent X."

 Witness his journey as he transforms from a figure of mystery to a person grappling with the complexities of his own heart, akin to the emotional intensity found in Edvard Munch's "The Madonna."

Key Moments and Decisions:

 Imagine the pivotal moment when Jing, usually reserved, reveals his vulnerabilities to Xiao Yao. It's like a rare eclipse, a moment of celestial significance, reminiscent of the cosmic drama and the poignant emotions like  evoked in 'The Sistine Madonna' by Raphael."This reference to Raphael's masterpiece emphasizes the emotional depth and a sense of divine connection, providing a unique perspective for Jing's moment of vulnerability. 

 Another key decision is when he chooses love over duty, navigating the tumultuous sea of emotions with the grace of a seasoned sailor, akin to the emotional navigation depicted in Winslow Homer's "Breezing Up (A Fair Wind)."

Nuances that Make Him Compelling:

 Jing's allure lies in the delicate balance between duty and desire, much like the harmonious compositions found in classical Chinese brush paintings.

 Like a classical painting, his character is a study in contrasts, reminiscent of the chiaroscuro technique used by artists like Caravaggio. 

His internal struggles and the unveiling of his vulnerabilities add layers to his persona, making him a character as fascinating as a riddle waiting to be solved, much like the enigmatic qualities found in the works of Leonardo da Vinci.

=> Visitors are now close to the exit, please have a nice day!

:D And share your exhibition tour too!



All those Renaissance Paintings and classic...This is such a very compelling comparison. ..and the way you explained the characters traits..Im in awe..

Xiao Yao is a mix of sunshine and storms. Like a mischievous kitten, she's playful and free-spirited, akin to the spirited energy captured in Renoir's "Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette."


 She might make witty remarks that are as sharp as her favorite dagger, yet underneath, there's a vulnerability, like a delicate petal easily moved by the breeze, much like the tender vulnerability in Vermeer's "Girl with a Pearl Earring."

those are very true about Xiao Yao..

Jing is the calm in the midst of chaos, like a serene lake reflecting the moonlight, reminiscent of the tranquility captured in Hokusai's "The Great Wave off Kanagawa."

 Yet, beneath that composed exterior, there's a storm of emotions, hidden like a treasure in a secret chamber, much like the emotional complexity found in the works of Gustav Klimt.

His internal struggles and the unveiling of his vulnerabilities add layers to his persona, making him a character as fascinating as a riddle waiting to be solved, much like the enigmatic qualities found in the works of Leonardo da Vinci.

Again yes..everything I think about Jing..

Definetly, Xiao Yao was such a spirited creature. She suffered from life but she also enjoyed life. And she wanted to live life. She maybe a sharp dagger but also a delicate petal that can heal...which can live through the wind breeze taking her.

And yep Jing could be calm in chaos. "like a serene lake reflecting the moonlight" ...this phrase reminds me of what Xiao Liu said to Jing in chapter 10..or their conversation in general. 


Shi Qi looked at Xiao Liu “A person cannot choose their birth, even if we are unwilling, we must accept it.”

Shi Qi smiled warmly, a clear and gentle smile “If a heart is like a clean moon, even in the darkened clouds it will pass and the moon will return.”

Xiao Liu pointed to her heart and asked half in jest half serious “But if the lady’s heart is tainted, then will my lord’s heart be clear like the moon and shine it on the lady’s heart.”

Their interactions definetly like a poetic couple conversation. .15 years promised already... To me he is saying to Xiao Liu to accept her own true identity. Even if there had been dark clouds, (some troubles) for her, it will be for a time, she will pass it. But her reply...if its as asking him to be her moon and shine it over her when she's tainted. is there any poems these phrases?

And yes. For me Jing is also a fascinating riddle that I dived into and found he's such gem that can hardly be found in another fiction. I really appreciated Tong Hua created him.

Also appreciate so much to this exhibition too.♥ 

 Winny Aye:
Also appreciate so much to this exhibition too.♥ 

Haha! Thanks! it's just an "exercice de style" , if you like it I would try some more when I feel it :p...But try your own, it's really fun to express differently how we perceive Xiao Yao and Jing <3

 Winny Aye:
Xiao Liu pointed to her heart and asked half in jest half serious “But if the lady’s heart is tainted, then will my lord’s heart be clear like the moon and shine it on the lady’s heart.”

Their interactions definetly like a poetic couple conversation.

Love your input!


Thank you 

De nada :D

                                 " Your kisses feels tender" - " Because you are a tender man"

While she is the one shown as looking so overwhelmed by tenderness to her man <3


:D I laughed hard on this one from weibo XD!!!!