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Chapter 15: Recapturing About The Past Is Really Painful (Thai version translated by me) Part 5

"The second master  of the Fang Feng manor, is accomplished in the arts of disguise and archery, so much so that his name has spread throughout Da Huang. How do you know that Fang Feng Pei is here?"
Xiao Yao shook her head. "I don't know. It's just a feeling."
This was an unreliable answer, but Xhuan Xu believed it. At the moment of life and death, he had also had similar premonitions which had come true. Upon returning to the Chao Yun Residence, snow from the guppy trees was falling, and the air was filled with the fragrant scent of the blossoms. Everything was quiet, as if all that had happened was an illusion. Yet from time to time Xiao Yao still felt a dull ache in her chest and her stomach. Xiao Yao was about to enter the room when Zhuan Xu pulled her back. "Xiao Yao, you must have been frightened tonight."
Xiao Yao turned around and said to Yuan Shu, "I'm not mad at you. I'm just really glad that you had an escape route. If it weren't for Yu Xiang, who just happened to turn up, you really would have been killed."
Zhuan Xu replied, "I did have an escape route and I didn't die at Yu Xiang's hand, but if Fang Feng Bei really had let off an arrow, I don't have any confidence that I could have dodged it."
Xiao Yao asked, "Why did Chi Sui Xian come to your aid?"
"To put it more accurately, I gave Chi Sui family an opportunity to earn my favor. If Chi Sui Xian hadn't acted as she dud, then my secret guards would have taken action instead."
"Earn your favor?"

"Everyone thinks that those who receive favors will feel close to those who give them, but they don't know that those who give favors will also feel close to those who have nothing to offer. The benefactor's subconscious mind will expect help in return. Even if it's just giving half of a pastry to a beggar and the beggar thanks them in return, if the beggar is grateful and sweeps in the front of their house once, then the benefactor who feels happy with their act of kindness will continue to favor them with more pastries. To favor someone is to give, but the nature of ordinary human is that once they give, they can't help but hope for something in return. The human spirit is so strange. If I offered to get close to Chi Sui family, they would be suspicious of me. But if I let them stand on the high ground and favor me, they will let their guard down. They will think that they just threw a pastry to a beggar and can close the door on them. But they don't know that once they have expectations in their hearts, even if they close the door, they will still secretly watch and wait to see how the beggar will respond."
 Xiao Yao sighed and said, "I used to think I was quite smart, but now that I compare myself with all of you, I feel like an idiot."
Zhuan Xu laughed out loud. "You're not an idiot. The reason why we plan and scheme is because we desire something, but you don't. That's why you don't have to do it. Those who have no aspirations are the strongest."
Xiao Yao forced a smile and said, "Alright, I'm the strongest. Your injuries are serious. Go and rest for a while."
Zhun Xu nodded. The situation that night was a layered assassination. The assassination attempt by Yu Qiang was just to create an opportunity for Fang Feng Bei. Although Zhuan Xu had hidden bodyguards, in that instant, it was Xiao Yao, who had only minor magic powers, who stood behind him and used her body to protect him. Xiao Yao walked into the room and closed the door. Suddenly, she spoke without turning around.

“Yu Qiang said that you killed his brother. What is the real story? If it really was to revenge for killing his brother I'm afraid he will definitely come and kill you again.”
Zhuan Xu frowned and said, “I don't know. I've never heard that Yu Qiang has an older brother. If there was an enemy as strong as Yu Qiang who was really looking at his life, It must be difficult. I will send someone to investigate and clarify the matter"
Several days later. Yu Qiang's story was able to be found out.

In fact, Yu Qiang's original name was Xuan Ming. His father was a nobleman of the Xi Hea Clan of Gao Xing. But his mother was a woman from Xuan Yuan tribe. That year Xiao Yao's mother married at Gao Xing, in that meantime, more than ten Xuan Yuan women had been selected to travel with her. One of the young women fell in love with a young man from the Xi Hea tribe. The young man asked for her hand in marriage from Xun Di (Grand Emperor). Xiao Yao's mother did not object. The two got married.
 After their marriage, they gave birth to two sons.The eldest's name was Xuan Ting, and the younger one's name was Xuan Ming. After Xiao Yao's mother asked for a divorce from Sun Di (Grand Emperor). Xuan Yuan's bodyguards and maids who accompanied her to Gao Xing that time followed her to return back to Xuan Yuan. Only Yu Qiang's mother was left. Probably because she was far from her hometown. Not only did she not having any friends to be with her, she still have to accept the terrible karma from Princess Xuan Yuan's shocking actions.
And it was probably because the Xuan Yuan women had hot temper and open personality, she could not bear Gao Xin's strict customs. The husband and wife began to argue more frequently. On one occasion, Yu Qiang's father was angry, and forget to speak without any consideration, saying he regretted marrying a Xuan Yuan lady, scolding that Xuan Yuan ladies doesn't have femininity and didn't know how to respect your husband.

Yu Qiang's mother was angry, so she followed Princess Xuan Yuan and wrote a divorce certificate for her husband. Then she took her eldest son and left Gao Xing.

Because this matter is very disgraceful. Therefore, Yu Qiang's grandfather tried to hide this matter. He announced outside that the daughter-in-law and eldest grandchild had an accident and died. Even Yu Qiang's father had never gone to Xuan Yuan to look for his wife. But he didn't marry again.

Yu Qiang's mother, after returning to Xuan Yuan, was depressed all the time. After a few years, she got sick and died. Not long after she died, Yu Qiang's father also fell ill and died. Yu Qiang's grandfather changed his grandson's name. From Xuan Ming to Yu Qiang, Yu Qiang was far away from people, and had been wandering around Kui Xu for a long time. Since then there were very few people who knew Yu Qiang's origins.

Yu Qiang grew up with his grandfather. As for Xuan Ting, his older brother, he was raised by the Xuan Yuan Clan. Later, his older brother got admiration from Haung Di (Yellow Emperor), and held the position of City Lord Ziyi. He became a nobleman who was known as cruel all over the world. Before Zhuan Xu left Xuan Yuan. Haung Di (Yellow Emperor) issued an order and let Zhuan Xu in charge of the execution to cut off Xuan Ting's head.

Before he died  Yu Qiang then learned of his own origins. His brother didn't die in an accident. But he could not be happy for long. He heard his grandfather said that his older brother had already been executed by Zhuan Xu. He always felt that Zhuan Xu had taken away his closest relative. Therefore he thought of killing Zhuan Xu. But Zhuan Xu was Xun Di's (Grand Emperor) disciple. If he killed Zhuan Xu within Gao Xing's territory, it will be a challenge of Xun Di(Grand Emperor) put the entire tribe in danger.

Therefore, he had to be patient all along. He endured until Zhuan Xu almost left Gao Xing and return to Xuan Yuan. Yu Qiang thought that he of going to Xuan Yuan to kill Zhuan Xu. It was his actions alone not related to others.
As for the matter of him tricking Yu Hao into getting closer to Zhuan Xu. Or had Yu Hao and Chui Liang tricked him into killing Zhuan Xu might not be able to know.

After Xiao Yao knew Yu Qiang's origins. She couldn't help but feel some sympathy for Yu Qiang. Therefore, she did not think again of going to sue her father.

Zhuan Xu said to Xiao Yao. “Killing Xuan Ting is not wrong. I don't regret killing him. But I really felt sorry for him. Because of his mistake…” Juan Su sighed, “Forget it, such a dirty matter has nothing to do with you. I won't tell you.”

Xiao Yao's injuries had already healed. But Zhuan Xu's injuries still hadn't fully healed. But there were often people who came to see him. In the remaining time, Zhuan Xu would sometimes accompanied grandfather in playing chess, or talking to Xiao Yao. After waitinng until he can walk, he called Xiao Yao to go pick mulberries together every day, to make pickled and frozen mulberries.

By the middle of summer, Zhuan Xu's injuries had completely healed. Haung Di (Yellow Emperor) assigned him a job to do. He's getting busier, and truly participated in the Xuan Yuan Court to facilitate welcoming guests and discussing matters, so Zhuan Xu arranged a lodging house in Xuan Yuan city. When work was very busy, he stayed there. Xiao Yao was fed up with the silence of the Chao Yun Residence. After asking for Huang Di's opinion. Sometimes she went to stay in Xuan Yuan city.

End of chapter 15.

Chapter 15 

Review Part 1

Xiao Yao Being Bold&Fierce
It was a spring time, a good time for Zhuan Xu and Xiao Yao to come back to Xuan Yuan. Xuan Yuan court had to welcome her because she was the daughter Xuan Yuan Princess who died in honored at war for her homeland.
The Royal Seventh Uncle, Cang Lin, did their duty to take her  however their hostile towards Zhuan Xu in coming to Xuan Yuan, especially in letting him meet Haung Di, giving excuses that Haung Di had no order to meet Zhuan Xu. Of course Xiao Yao used her wits to take her cousin, Zhuan Xu in. 

Xiao Yao was enraged. She raised her voice and shouted loudly, “Am I on a nonsensical rampage? Would someone be willing to travel tens of thousands of miles to do nonsense? I am Gao Xin's eldest princess. What things can't be done at Gao Xin? My mother went to war and sacrificed her life for the Xuan Yuan people. I traveled ten thousand miles to pay homage to my mother. I sincerely wanted to come and pay my respects to my grandfather. I just want the older brother I've known since childhood to be my company. The Xuan Yuan soldiers blocked me from getting into the carriage instead. I want people throughout the world to see and decide decide whether I'm a reckless mess. Or does Xuan Yuan have some manners?”

Cang Lin's Reaction

Who would have thought that Xiao Yao's personality would be this hot tempered? To the point of shouting loudly like a village woman at a market stall. If Xiao Yao were to leave today like this, then travel and spread the word. He must be cursed by the people. His father would definitely be angry.

We could see that when crucial time come, Xiao Yao can definetly act fierce, determined  and bold in getting what she wanted.
This is only starting of the battle fo Zhuan Xu getting Xuan Yuan.

Chao Yun Peak

There were pretty very long detailed on how both Zhuan Xu and Xiao Yao are connected to this place. I will shortly review the scene.

The scene told what had happened in Zhuan Xu and Xiao Yao's childhood. All of their elder relatives who looked after them now dead. The cemetaries were up on the hill, but some did not even bodies because they died at war.
Xiao Yao still not having good feelings toward Haung Di according to how she thought he did not care about her, her mother, grandmother or even aunts and uncle. Therefore, her talking to him was sharp.
“If you like it, take it.” Wang Di's(Yellow Emperor) voice suddenly sounded, causing her to put down the jewelry, and closed the box. She smiled and shook her head. “Women wear these things to get admiration, or to say it correctly, to attract men to look at her. If I wear these things, even if that man looks at me, how could I know he's looking at me, or looking at a sparkling gem that is eye-catching? If I happen to misunderstand the kindness of others and not careful in giving away my sincerity, wouldn't that lead to suffering?"
Haung Di (Yellow Emperor) was stunned for a moment. Xiao Yao looked at Haung Di(Yellow Emperor). Then she spoke in a quiet voice, as if saying that today's weather was not bad. “Grandma used to really like you very much.” Huang Di (Yellow Emperor)  stared at Xiao Yao fiercely. There was anger in the eyes.
“How can you criticize your elder relatives? "
Xiao Yao shrugged indifferently. “I am a person who likes to talk. If you don't like to listen, pretend not to hear. After all, you all already have the ability to pretend as if deaf and mute.

However, Zhuan Xu looked after their grandfather and understanding in the reasons of the matter.

Xiao Yao asked, as not understood. “Don't you blame him? But I still feel some blaming  towards him. So just recently, I used to verbally stab him throughout.”
Zhuan Xu replied: “Maybe because I am a man, so I can understand his various actions. Being in a position like him, he didn't do anything wrong. His choices have hurt quite a few people, including Grandma, Father, Mother, Uncle, you and me. But he had brought  happiness to many people than just seeing him as the founder of Xuan Yuan, defeating Sheng Nong,the great emperor who united Zhong Yuan. But he couldn't see the sacrifices he had to make and the pain he had to endure. Do you know when he walked with me I know that an old disease in his back has resurfaced to the point of excruciating pain. But he didn't show it at all. Every step of the way chess playing is not affected. He still is maintaining his sharp reactions and the strongest area-killing aura. Such a man, even if he wasn't my grandpa, I still respect it. But this is my grandfather. Therefore, I not only respect him. but also love and admire him.”
Xiao Yao sighed and said. “I can only say that  his people are happy. Being his closest relative brings only suffering. You are strange, he never looked good at you. Allowing the four uncles to murder you many, many times. But you still feel that he is worthy of your respect and love.”

In here, we can see the difference take of the cousin. Xiao Yao is more family oriental and  care a lot about emotional matters too whereas Zhuan Xu understand in the rational and the importance of sacrificing personal emotion in order to bring the greater and stronger world as an Emperor.
Zhuan Xu Admittion of Using Advantage on Xiao Yao
Xiao Yao has no hesitation to give hand to Zhuan Xu in his path of conquering the world, even if it means the cost of her life. Zhuan Xu knew this very well. He was so sure he was born for this because all his elder relatives had a way for him.

Xiao Yao's Usefulness to Him
Xiao Yao said. “Try to speak in details. Let's look there's something I don't know.”

Zhuan Xu held onto the rope of the swing. “Let me think about it. There is no need to talk about the matter that the outer shell can see. In a secret way like Tu Shan Jing, he thinks about getting close to you, I give. chances so that he can get close to you. He needed to help me. If it weren't for him, how could I easily enter Feng Long's circle? Moreover, in front of Feng Long and Xing Yue. I have let them know that I have a great influence on you. When they have to evaluate me , it is necessary to count the weight of your position too. These matters seem trivial. But I was able to make the weight of the scale tilt towards me. Next, there will be more of these things, so much so that you yourself don't even feel like you've been taken advantage by me.”

We did get hints before in chapter 13 and 14 that , he must have had some feelings for Xiao Yao. He also knew how much Ye Shi Qi (Jing) cared about Xiao Yao. (In chapter 7 he even think about hurting Wen Xiao Liu to make Jing get windchimes crystal for him to heal from Fang Feng Yi Yang arrow). He also knew that beacuse of Jing that he got into the important high rank family circle such as Chi Shui, at least that's what he thought.  Even if he had a little dislike at Jing for being quiet and seemed not taking action much, he still knew about Jing's capabilities.
And also Zhuan Xu valued Xiao Yao's company and her understanding towards him, comparing with A Nian.
Xiao Yao smiled and nodded his head, “Understood.”
Because he had Xiao Yao as a friend, he didn't feel gloomy or cold at all. Zhuan Xu gently pushed the swing. He felt like the path he had to walk through was fishy and bloody. Just like this time, the two walked, enjoying the evening breeze, talking softly warmly and very relieved. In fact, he was accustomed to being cautious, and be prepared at all times. No matter whatever it was, they are all closed in the heart. But with Xiao Yao, he felt that there were no words that could not said. There was nothing that cannot be revealed. To preserve A Nian's feelings He would be a little more deliberate in being nice to A Nian, in front of Xiao Yao. Xiao Yao would not be jealous of  Xing Yue, so he could speak openly. Xiao Yao would not be surprised whether his plan was just or evil, he could say it.
Xiao Yao would not feel that he was inferior, Xiao Yao could accept all that it was him.


Chapter 15

Review Part 2

Xuan Yuan Dance Hall
After trying out the sound of the harp(zither), He began to play the harp(zither). The voice is like flowing water. Suddenly, a sound like the sound of a clear fountain reverberated in the middle of the valley. Immediately, it sounded like the sound of a waterfall splashing from a cliff. The water shattered like flakes of jade.

Zhuan Xu skill of zither is not so low. In fact it is majestic. It is like he could make the sound of the whole forest. He had come to Dance Hall for a purpose of course. 

The door was pushed open. A woman walked in sloe. She wore a yellow dress, very beautiful, and when people saw her they forgot their troubles. She sat down quietly. Listen to the sound of the harp(zither), waiting until Zhuan Xu finished playing, he said, “Pure white-furred horse. Popping back and forth like lightning. Before it should be a principle for the country. Why are you worried about happiness and not taking care of it? Travelling around, don't soil the soil. Keeping oneself hidden is a pity. Sir, you have finally returned.”
Zhuan Xu said. “I have returned.”

This Ms Jin Xuan should be her alliance.
And she welcome him with a song. This could be their secret code. Zhuan Xu had come to Xuan Yuan to take it. Will he be succeeding? Of course he is very cautious.
Xiao Yao asked. “Is that lady Jin Xuan your person?”
 “I hope so. When eldest Uncle was still alive, he used to establish a large and strong news gathering organization with aunt Zhu Yu  as the control caretaker. After eldest Uncle passed away, this organization also works for you. After uncle died, even though Aunt Zhu Yu was still here, because of her personality, someone must give orders in order for it to work. When there was no one giving orders, she completely didn't know what to do. This organization therefore began to disappear. A hundred years ago, Aunt Zhu Yu took Jin Xuan and came to find me at Gao Xing. Follow the orders that Uncle gave you before going to battle. Hand over this organization to me. Jin Xuan was also a wood demon. If I were in eldest uncle position, Jin Xuan was in the same position as aunt Zhu Yu. But will she be as loyal to me as Aunt Zhu Yu is to  Eldest Uncle? I don't know. Let's just take a look slowly and see!”

It is already aranged, the wood demon, Ms Jin Xuan is to support Zhuan Xu. Is this because she is a wood demon that Zhuan Xu had to play music of the forest as for her to know the signal? 

Fang Feng Bei
Xiao Yao first met Fang Feng Bei, at the dance with another, later revealed to be Cang Lin, Royal 7th Uncle's son, Shi Jun. He totally seemed a playboy as much as Shi Jun was.
Two men opened the curtains and walked in from outside. One of them suddenly and immediately embraced the dancer. He caressed her waist once. Then he pushed her into the chest of another man. “Tonight, . let this small waist lady serve you!" This dance hall is only a place to sell the art of dancing. The dancers were all beautiful and delicate. One could look at them, but one could not spend the night with them.
In fact, the dancer's expression had turned cold. But as soon as she saw the man's face, even though she had gotten used to dealing with men and women, she still felt her face heat up and her heart beat so hard that she could no longer express her anger. She agreed to follow him.

So Shi Jun and Fang Feng Bei acted as playboys. We can see that Shi Jun is not so polite. It's implied in the text that the dancer  is not serve as someone to spend the night with the guests, and however Shi Jun did not care. After checking her waist, he just gave her to his friend. The dance heart was beat by the friend, Fang Feng Bei. Therefore, Fang Feng Bei must be really good looking.  

Xiao Yao's Reaction
The man smiled and hugged the dancer's waist, and took her to walk upstairs. Xiao Yao felt familiar. But because of the curtains and the corner causing her to see his face not clearly. It was until he reached the next  floor. Xiao Yao could see his face clearly. In the blink of an eye, her mouth dropped open. His face was unmistakably similar to Xiang Liu's.
But he wore a silk covering his jade hair. His hair was completely black with ink. His eyebrows and eyes all concealed a lazy smile. The whole atmosphere was completely different from the cold Xiang Liu. Xiao Yao remained silent, staring at him intently the entire time. Instead, he just glanced at her coldly. His eyes didn't stop looking at her for a moment.

According to Xiao Yao, this man was very similar to Xiang Liu which made her mouth fell. Yet did not have the cold look Xiang Liu had. She could not be 100 % sure. But then about Xiang Liu is more revealed in her conversation with Zhuan Xu afterwards.


Xiao Yao's heart was filled with doubts if that person was Xiang Liu? Or not Xiang Liu?
Xiao Yao asked, “Brother, have you ever seen Xiang Liu’s true face?”
“Never, every time I see him. He was all wearing mask."
Xiao Yao asked curiously. “Xuan Yuan has been posting notices to capture Xiang Liu for hundreds of years. Why do I only see no drawings on his placards? Or has it been all these years that no one has ever seen his true face?”
“There must be those who have seen his true face. But Xiang Liu was a nine-headed demon. It is rumored that he has nine true faces and eighty-one morphs. People who have seen them give conflicting information. One time someone drew a picture of his face,  it was exactly like His Majesty, the sixth uncle without anymore.”
Or was the Xiang Liu she saw just one of his transformed forms? Xiao Yao felt like she was relieved, but also felt lonely as losing.
Zhuan Xu said curiously. “But it's strange! Since Xiang Liu's transformed body, even the magical items couldn't distinguish between real and fake. So why does he still have to wear a mask? After all, he can change his face at any time!” Xiao Yao said softly, “Perhaps he is like me. Thinking only of wanting your true self, so he doesn't care about the transformation."
Zhuan Xu asked, “Why did you suddenly mention Xiang Liu?” Xiao Yao said. "I just....thought of him." Xiao Yao didn't want to lie to Zhuan Xu. So it tells half the truth. 

So Xiang Liu was a wanted culprit, and nobody has really seen him even with rumors were all around. He never really use power to change his appearance but rather use a mask. Xiao Yao took it as Xiang Liu did not want to do transformation but just be himself, just like her. But for some reason, it gives sense from the context , something as simple as mask can hide someone appearance more than magical transformation. But of course Xiang Liu had signature himself as "a man under a mask"! Xiao Yao must be one of few, who had seen his real face.

The playboy Fang Feng Bei
Xiao Yao got to meet Fang Feng Bei agao  when bachelors were gathered again at their cousin's house part. Their meeting was all playful but the surrounding environment is said "gloomy".
She took a walk in the garden as she liked and saw a man similar to the one Xiang Liu that she had met at the dance hall. He was taking the liquor and sitting down, reclining comfortably on a jade chair. Surrounding him were shadows of trees. Dark gloomy shadows .If one weren't paying attention, it would be hard to see him. Xiao Yao strode over, standing behind him without letting him know. She leaned down and said, “Xiang Liu, what are you doing here?”
The man didn't move his body at all. He just lift his head up a little. “You walked quietly behind me. All the time I was guessing what you were thinking about doing to the point of having some distracted thoughts. I didn't think you would remember the person. wrong"
Xiao Yao stared into his eyes steadily. She bursted out laughing.
 "I'm starting to think I want to be the person you misremembered." The occult bug in her body did not have any reaction, so she was beginning to be puzzled. “Are you really not him?”
“If you can drink alcohol, be my friend, I will be a substitute of him whatever matters!"
Xiao Yao smiled sweetly and said, “Sure!”
He poured a cup of liquor for Xiao Yao. She drank the whole cup in one go. Then she poured him a cup of liquor. He, too, drank the whole cup in one go. In blink of an eye, the cup in his hand fell. He smiled smugly. “You poisoned me?”
Xiao Yao held up his hand, carefully rubbed his nails. The tips of his nails had red spots. It shows that he really haf been poisoned. He sighed and said, “If you hadn't poisoned me, I must think that I am very fortunate.”
Xiao Yao pick up his hand and pour him a cup of liquor. “This is the antidote.” He weakly raised his hand. He clearly could not lift the cup of liquor by himself.  Xiao Yao fed it to him to drink. Xiao Yao said, “Sorry, I remembered the wrong person."
“Every time you recognize the wrong person, you end up poisoning them? This habit is not good at all!”
Xiao Yao said again, “Sorry,” then turned and prepared to walk out. Instead, he held her wrist. “With one word of apology, are you thinking of leaving?”
"Then what do you plan to do?"
 “I am Fang Feng Bei.” The man wrote his name one line at a time on Xiao Yao's palm, “Remember it, so next time you don't regconize the wrong person.”
“You and Fang Feng Yi Yang..."
“I am her second elder brother. Do you know the youngest sister?”
 Xiao Yao forced a smile and said. “Da Huang is so small!” Xiaoyao walked away. This time, Fang Feng Bei did not pull her back again.

Some people were enjoying the dancing, some were drinking and chatting. Many young ladies were playing in the pavilion. Zhuan Xu was with Shi Jun, but it was unknown what they were discussing. They laughed loudly from time to time. Xiao Yao found a quiet corner and sat down.
All that showed that Fang Feng Bei was not Xiang Liu. Many people knew Fang Feng Bei, a descendent of an aristocratic family. Xiang Liu could not possibly impersonate him. However, Xiao Yao still felt very familiar with him.This sense of familiarity could not be rationally explained. She could not put it into words, but it was a feeling that the body's instincts recognized.

It was all a playful courtship from a playboy. The way he wrote his name on her reminding me of how a man giving his contact to communicate with the lady. Xiao Yao was curious that she just poisoned him. All the symtoms said he was poisoned, and also Zhuan Xu later revealed he was the second master of Fang Feng family. But Xiao Yao's body instinct tells her that they were connected. And she is connected to Xiang Liu via bug.

Assassination Attempt on Zhuan Xu
This is the layered assasination. Several charaters appeared on the scene. Because we could not be exactly sure who is the main person behind. But it seems like several. First Zhuan Xu and Xiao Yao suspected of their uncles and cousins may wanting to get rid of Zhuan Xu, who was the threat to Xuan Yuan throne. But then the actual culprit was Yu Qiang, the winner of Little Zhu Rong tournament, we learned the whole background story of Yu Qiang o  why he wanted to kill Zhuan Xu because Zhuan Xu killed his older brother. (I will not share the whole story here) But then things maybe not as he seemed. But then there is also Fang Feng Bei!
"The second master  of the Fang Feng manor, is accomplished in the arts of disguise and archery, so much so that his name has spread throughout Da Huang.

We knew that Fang Feng family must be on opposite of Zhuan Xu because Fang Feng Yi Yang attempt to assassinate Zhuan Xu twice. But is it really Fang Feng that had come to assasinate Zhuan Xu that night or is it Xiang Liu, as Xiao Yao had expected, of Sheng Nong army that came to finish off his rival? 

Xiao Yao and Jing and pledge their romance and promise in previous chapter. In this chapter she and Zhuan Xu came bacl to Xuan Yuan so that Zhuan Xu claimed Xuan Yuan. Xiao Yao is supportive all the way. And of course her support is with her own life. 

As Zhuan Xu was struggling to stand up, Xiao Yao suddenly shouted, "Don't move!"She opened her arms and stood in front of Zhuan Xu, facing the dark void, and backed away step by step.
Now Xuan Zhu understood and whispered, "The Fang Feng family?"
Xiao Yao's entire body was tense, like a female animal protecting her young, and she stared at the empty space with rage. She could not see him, but she could perceived his presence there. That bow and arrow could pierced Xuan Zhu's throat at any moment.
At that moment, the guards who had been following Xuan Zhu finally broke through the magic barrier and rushed in, protecting Zhuan Xu.
That person was gone!

The royal family of Xuan Yuan is complicated had heart breaking past, howeve it must be the way of imperial life? Zhuan Xu understood it. Xiao Yao seemed more hurt by that. 

And also the man Xiao Yao met, Fang Feng Bei, was he the same person Xiang Liu? Or there more back story to Xiang Liu and Fang Feng Bei. Nevertheless, both them are still threats to Zhuan Xu. 

Story is now entered into most exciting parts, or probabaly central of the main plot. Zhuan Xu is using all his faucilties to get to throne that is including using Xiao Yao. And Xiao Yao will be helping him with all her might. We could see Zhuan Xu, probably limited with bodiliy powers, was with mighty, smart, and preicise plans and even in physical fighting he could dodge well. With all politicals scheming, Xiao Yao might seem a lot more innocent, however, she was still filled with wits when it comes to life threats and dangers. All in all chapter 15 is when things are getting more action packed, more than before.

   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                       Chapter15 GLOBAL ANALYSIS:

Chapter 15 opens with Xiao Yao and Zhuan Xu coming back to once to where they played together, while the narrative dives into  the past connections and political intriges.

Let's explore some of the main keys:

Assassination Attempt and Political Intrigue: The chapter is filled with a tense atmosphere as an assassination attempt is made on Zhuan Xu's life, revealing underlying political tensions and power struggles within the Xuan Yuan Court. The presence of Zhuan Xu's cousin ,and Fang Feng Bei, adds complexity to the situation, hinting at hidden agendas and alliances.

Xiao Yao's Protective Instincts and Sacrifice: Despite her limited magical abilities, Xiao Yao demonstrates remarkable courage and loyalty by stepping in to protect Zhuan Xu during the assassination attempt. Her actions not only highlight her deep bond with Zhuan Xu but also showcase her willingness to sacrifice herself for those she cares about.

Zhuan Xu's Strategic Thinking and Machinations: Zhuan Xu's response to the assassination attempt reveals his shrewd strategic thinking and political maneuvering. By leveraging Chi Sui Xian's intervention to his advantage, he establishes favor with her family, demonstrating his ability to turn adversity into opportunity.

Revelation of Yu Qiang's Origins and Motivations: The revelation of Yu Qiang's true identity and his family history adds depth to his character and motivations. His desire for revenge stems from a tragic backstory involving familial betrayal and loss, providing insight into his actions and choices throughout the chapter.

Themes of Loyalty , Betrayal, and Forgiveness: The chapter explores themes of loyalty, betrayal, and forgiveness through the interactions between characters. Zhuan Xu's loyalty to Xiao Yao and her willingness to forgive Yu Qiang despite his attempt on Zhuan Xu's life highlight the complexities of interpersonal relationships and the capacity for redemption.

Character Growth and Development: Throughout the chapter, characters experience growth and development in response to the challenges they face. Xiao Yao's bravery and resilience, Zhuan Xu's strategic thinking and leadership, and Yu Qiang's complex motivations all contribute to the rich tapestry of the narrative.

Symbolism and Imagery: The chapter utilizes symbolism and imagery, such as the fragrant scent of blossoms and the falling snow, to enhance the atmosphere and mood of the story. These literary devices add depth and texture to the narrative, creating a vivid and immersive reading experience.

Overall, Chapter 15 delves deep into the intricacies of political intrigue, personal relationships, and the complexities of power dynamics within the world of the story.
The encounter between Xiao Yao and the Yellow Emperor (Huang Di) holds significant implications for the story's political dynamics and character relationships. Let's delve into an in-depth analysis:

Xiao Yao's interaction with the Yellow Emperor underscores her involvement in political affairs and her proximity to key figures in the ruling hierarchy, highlighting her growing influence and importance in the story.

Political Significance:

The fact that Zhuan Xu is standing behind the Yellow Emperor during the encounter suggests his alignment with or allegiance to the ruler, indicating his position of authority and influence within the political hierarchy.
Zhuan Xu's presence alongside other younger cousins in the Yellow Emperor's residence indicates familial ties and political alliances that may shape future events and power dynamics within the story.
The reporting of nobles to the Yellow Emperor hints at the existence of court intrigue and power struggles, foreshadowing potential conflicts or plot developments that may arise from competing interests or ambitions.

Character Dynamics:

Xiao Yao's decision to wait outside and her subsequent observation of Zhuan Xu and his cousins' interactions reveal her cautious and observant nature. It also demonstrates her awareness of the political landscape and her desire to understand the dynamics at play.
Zhuan Xu's decision to accept Chui Liang's invitation to the dinner party despite Xiao Yao's subtle signals reflects his strategic mindset and willingness to navigate political alliances for his own benefit or survival.
Xiao Yao's attempt to signal Zhuan Xu not to accept the invitation highlights her protective instincts and concern for his well-being, indicating a deepening bond and sense of responsibility towards him.

Foreshadowing and Plot Development:
The encounter sets the stage for future events and plot developments, laying the groundwork for potential conflicts, alliances, or betrayals among characters.
The introduction of the Yellow Emperor and the political dynamics within his court foreshadows future challenges and obstacles that Zhuan Xu and Xiao Yao may face as they navigate the intricacies of power and influence.
The Hairpin:
Its significance lies in its association with both Xiao Yao's personal history and the broader narrative's themes of fate, destiny, and interconnectedness.
The presence of the hairpin during Xiao Yao's encounter with the Yellow Emperor evoke conflicting emotions and memories.

Past Connections:
The Yellow Emperor's role as a figure of authority and wisdom may elicit respect, awe, and  apprehension from Xiao Yao, relaying  on her own beliefs and experiences.The past connections between the Yellow Emperor, Zhuan Xu, and Xiao Yao are crucial elements in understanding their dynamic and the events unfolding in the story. Here's an analysis of their past connections:

Zhuan Xu's Lineage:

Zhuan Xu is depicted as a descendant of the Yellow Emperor.
This lineage establishes Zhuan Xu's royal heritage and places him within the ruling family of Xuan Yuan City, providing him with legitimacy and authority.
Mentor-Student Relationship:
Zhuan Xu's relationship with the Yellow Emperor goes beyond familial ties; he also serves as the Yellow Emperor's disciple, as he wants to learn more from him.
As a mentor, the Yellow Emperor likely imparted knowledge, wisdom, and guidance to Zhuan Xu, shaping his character and leadership abilities.
This mentor-student dynamic suggests a deep bond and mutual respect between Zhuan Xu and the Yellow Emperor, with Zhuan Xu looking up to the Yellow Emperor for guidance and support.

Xiao Yao's Connection:

Xiao Yao's connection to the Yellow Emperor and Zhuan Xu is primarily through her association with Zhuan Xu.

Xiao Yao's involvement with Zhuan Xu and her presence at important events, such as the dinner party, indicates that she plays a significant role in Zhuan Xu's life and potentially further  in the broader political landscape of Xuan Yuan City.

  1. Respect and Loyalty: Xiao Yao regards the Yellow Emperor with deep respect and loyalty due to his position as both a sovereign and a family member. As her grandfather, the Yellow Emperor holds a paternal role in Xiao Yao's life, and she often seeks his guidance and approval.

  2. Sense of Duty: Being a member of the Xuan Yuan tribe, Xiao Yao feels a strong sense of duty towards the Yellow Emperor and the tribe's welfare. She understands her responsibilities as a princess and is willing to fulfill her duties, even if it means making personal sacrifices.

  3. Emotional Connection: Beyond their familial and political ties, there is also an emotional connection between Xiao Yao and the Yellow Emperor. Despite the complexities of their relationship, they share moments of affection and understanding, demonstrating a deeper bond beyond their roles.

  4. Conflict and Tension: However, their relationship is not without conflict and tension, particularly when their interests or beliefs clash. Xiao Yao may sometimes challenge the Yellow Emperor's decisions or question his motives, leading to disagreements and strained interactions.

Influence and Support:

The Yellow Emperor's support and guidance likely bolster Zhuan Xu's position as a leader and ruler within Xuan Yuan City.
Zhuan Xu's close ties to the Yellow Emperor  also provide him with political leverage and legitimacy, as he can draw upon the Yellow Emperor's reputation and authority to strengthen his own position.
Similarly, Xiao Yao's connection to Zhuan Xu and  to the Yellow Emperor  grant her certain privileges, influence within Xuan Yuan City, allowing her to navigate its political landscape and contribute to Zhuan Xu's goals and ambitions.
In summary, the past connections between the Yellow Emperor, Zhuan Xu, and Xiao Yao are characterized by familial ties, mentorship, and political alliances. These connections shape the characters' identities, relationships, and roles within the story, driving the narrative forward and influencing its key events.


Let's explore the assassination attempt and political intrigue in Chapter 15 through some key dialogue quotes:Assassination Attempt:

The  dramatic and tense scene as an assassination attempt is made on Zhuan Xu's life. This event sets the tone for the rest of the chapter, establishing a sense of danger and urgency.
The attempt showcases the physical vulnerability of Zhuan Xu despite his status as a prince, highlighting the constant threats faced by those in positions of power. 
Xiao Yao's courageous intervention to protect Zhuan Xu demonstrates her unwavering loyalty and willingness to sacrifice herself for him. Her actions add emotional depth to the scene and highlight the strength of their bond.
Political Intrigue:
The presence of Zhuan Xu's cousin, of Fang Feng Bei, and other nobles during the assassination attempt suggests deeper and larger  political machinations at play. 
Zhuan Xu's strategic response to the attempt reveals his astute understanding of political maneuvering. By leveraging Chi Sui Xian's intervention, he not only survives the attack but also gains favor with her family, potentially strengthening his position within the court.


The involvement of Yu Qiang, adds another layer of complexity to the political intrigue. His motivations for the assassination attempt and his true identity are gradually revealed, highlighting the intricate webs of loyalty, betrayal, and revenge that characterize court politics.
The revelation of Yu Qiang's tragic backstory sheds light on his motivations and actions, underscoring the personal vendettas and familial loyalties that drive the political dynamics within the court.
Overall, the assassination attempt and the ensuing political intrigue serve to deepen the complexity of the narrative, revealing the precarious nature of power and the lengths to which individuals will go to achieve their goals within the court. It sets the stage for further developments and conflict, driving the story forward and keeping readers engaged with its richly woven tapestry of intrigue and betrayal. 

Assassination Attempt:
Xiao Yao's concern for Zhuan Xu's safety is evident when she says, "Zhuan Xu, watch out!" This quote highlights the sudden and perilous nature of the attack and Xiao Yao's quick reaction to protect Zhuan Xu.
Zhuan Xu's calm demeanor amidst the chaos is reflected in his response to Xiao Yao: "Stay behind me, Xiao Yao." This quote underscores Zhuan Xu's leadership and composure in the face of danger.
Yu Qiang's chilling declaration during the attack, "He took my elder brother's head, so I will take his head as a sacrifice to my elder brother," reveals his deep-seated desire for revenge and sets the stage for the violent confrontation that follows.

EXTRACT: As Zhuan Xu was struggling to stand up, Xiao Yao suddenly shouted, "Don't move!"She opened her arms and stood in front of Zhuan Xu, facing the dark void, and backed away step by step. Now Xuan Zhu understood and whispered, "The Fang Feng family?" Xiao Yao's entire body was tense, like a female animal protecting her young, and she stared at the empty space with rage. She could not see him, but she could perceived his presence there. That bow and arrow could pierced Xuan Zhu's throat at any moment. At that moment, the guards who had been following Xuan Zhu finally broke through the magic barrier and rushed in, protecting Zhuan Xu. That person was gone!  

Political Intrigue: 

Zhuan Xu's explanation of his strategic approach to Xiao Yao sheds light on his understanding of political dynamics: "I gave Chi Sui family an opportunity to earn my favor... Those who give favors will also feel close to those who have nothing to offer.This quote demonstrates Zhuan Xu's shrewdness in navigating court politics and leveraging alliances to his advantage.
Xiao Yao's realization of the intricacies of power is evident in her reflection: "
I used to think I was quite smart, but now that I compare myself with all of you, I feel like an idiot." 

This quote highlights Xiao Yao's growing awareness of the complexities of court intrigue and her evolving role within it.
Zhuan Xu's discussion of Yu Qiang's origins provides insight into the familial and personal motivations driving the assassination attempt: "His brother didn't die in an accident... he felt that Zhuan Xu had taken away his closest relative." This quote reveals the deep-seated resentment and desire for revenge that fuel Yu Qiang's actions.
These dialogue quotes encapsulate the tension, intrigue, and personal motivations underlying the assassination attempt and political maneuvering in Chapter 15.
Identity and Disguise:

Fang Feng Bei is introduced as the second master of the Fang Feng manor, known for his expertise in disguise and archery.  
As Fang Feng Bei, Xiang Liu operates under the guise of a nobleman, allowing him to move freely within aristocratic circles and gather valuable information without arousing suspicion.
Relation to Fang Feng Yi Ying:
Fang Feng Bei's identity as the brother of Fang Feng Yi Ying adds complexity to Xiang Liu's character, revealing familial ties that further intertwine him with the political landscape.
The sibling relationship between Fang Feng Bei and Fang Feng Yi Ying suggests a deeper connection between Xiang Liu and the Fang Feng family, potentially influencing his motivations and actions throughout the story.
Strategic Role:
 Fang Feng Bei strategically positions himself within the courtly environment, enabling him to observe key players and manipulate events to his advantage.
Interactions with Other Characters: 
Fang Feng Bei's interactions with Xiao Yao, particularly their encounter at Chui Liang's mansion, reveal his ability to seamlessly blend into different social settings and engage in casual conversation while maintaining his true identity hidden.
Despite Xiao Yao's initial suspicions, she eventually realizes that Fang Feng Bei is not who he appears to be.
Symbolism and Foreshadowing: 
The name "Fang Feng Bei" carries symbolic significance, as "Fang Feng" can be interpreted as "phoenix," symbolizing rebirth and renewal. This foreshadow Xiang Liu's ability to reinvent himself and adapt to changing circumstances throughout the story.
Bei, meaning "north,"  also symbolize mystery or darkness, hinting at the enigmatic nature of Xiang Liu's character and the hidden depths of his motivations.

Both Zhuan Xu and XiaoYao know fang feng family is against them as Fang Feng Yi ying was already implyed in one assasination attempt on zhuan xu by her.


About Shi jun: 
Shi Jun is a character in the story who is mentioned as one of Zhuan Xu's cousins. Here's a deeper analysis of Shi Jun based on the provided text and context:

Family Background: 

Shi Jun is introduced as one of Zhuan Xu's cousins, indicating that he belongs to the same family lineage as Zhuan Xu.
The mention of Seventh Uncle Yu Yang suggests that Shi Jun is likely the son of this uncle, further establishing his familial ties within the story.

Personality and Behavior: 

Shi Jun's behavior at the dinner party suggests a playful and somewhat carefree personality. His laughter and casual remarks, such as his comment about preferring a beautiful woman, indicate a light-hearted and perhaps flirtatious demeanor.
Despite his jovial nature, Shi Jun also demonstrates a sense of respect and formality towards Zhuan Xu and Xiao Yao, as seen in his salutation to Xiao Yao and Zhuan Xu and his willingness to invite them to the dinner party.

Social Status: 

His association with other young men who are described as talented and famous throughout Xuan Yuan Country further indicates his prominence within the social hierarchy of the story's world.
Relationship with Zhuan Xu and Xiao Yao: 
Shi Jun's interaction with Zhuan Xu and Xiao Yao at the dinner party hints at a cordial and possibly friendly relationship between them.
Despite the playful banter and casual remarks, Shi Jun's invitation to Zhuan Xu and Xiao Yao demonstrates a level of hospitality and goodwill towards his relatives.
Potential Plot Significance: 

While Shi Jun's character is not extensively developed in the provided text, his invitation to Zhuan Xu and Xiao Yao  have plot significance in terms of furthering relationships, alliances, or conflicts within the story.
His role as one of Zhuan Xu's cousins and his position within Xuan Yuan City's social circles could potentially influence future events or interactions involving Zhuan Xu and Xiao Yao.
In summary, Shi Jun appears to be a relatively minor character in the story, but his introduction and interaction with Zhuan Xu and Xiao Yao at the dinner party provide insight into his personality, social status, and potential role within the broader narrative.

=> Shi jun is the one who is friend with fang feng bei, ...the one who touch dancer waist, what does it mean?:
 Shi Jun is depicted as being friendly with Fang Feng Bei, the individual who is later revealed to be Xiang Liu's identity. When Shi Jun touches the waist of a dancer, it likely symbolizes his flirtatious or playful nature, indicating that he is comfortable with physical interaction and may have a penchant for romantic or intimate encounters.

Touching someone's waist can be a gesture of familiarity, affection, or even attraction, depending on the context and cultural norms. In this case, Shi Jun's action suggests that he is not hesitant to engage in such interactions, reflecting his bold and outgoing personality.

Furthermore, the fact that Shi Jun is associated with Fang Feng Bei may imply a deeper connection or alliance between them. It's possible that Shi Jun's behavior towards the dancer serves as a subtle indication of his association with Fang Feng Bei and his involvement in broader political intrigues or social circles. 

Extract: “There must be those who have seen his true face. But Xiang Liu was a nine-headed demon. It is rumored that he has nine true faces and eighty-one morphs. People who have seen them give conflicting information. One time someone drew a picture of his face,  it was exactly like His Majesty, the sixth uncle without anymore.” 
Or was the Xiang Liu she saw just one of his transformed forms? Xiao Yao felt like she was relieved, but also felt lonely as losing.
Zhuan Xu said curiously. “But it's strange! Since Xiang Liu's transformed body, even the magical items couldn't distinguish between real and fake. So why does he still have to wear a mask? After all, he can change his face at any time!” Xiao Yao said softly, “Perhaps he is like me. Thinking only of wanting your true self, so he doesn't care about the transformation." 
Zhuan Xu asked, “Why did you suddenly mention Xiang Liu?” Xiao Yao said. "I just....thought of him." Xiao Yao didn't want to lie to Zhuan Xu. So it tells half the truth.
So Xiang Liu was a wanted culprit, and nobody has really seen him even with rumors were all around. He never really use power to change his appearance but rather use a mask. Xiao Yao took it as Xiang Liu did not want to do transformation but just be himself, just like her. But for some reason, it gives sense from the context , something as simple as mask can hide someone appearance more than magical transformation. But of course Xiang Liu had signature himself as "a man under a mask"! Xiao Yao must be one of few, who had seen his real face.

------------------------------------------MASK -----------------------! 
The revelation that Xiang Liu opts to wear a mask rather than rely on magical transformations to alter his appearance carries several implications and adds depth to his character:

Psychological Complexity: Xiang Liu's choice to wear a mask instead of using magic to transform his appearance suggests a deeper psychological complexity. It indicates that he  have a strong attachment to his true identity or a personal reason for wanting to maintain a consistent outward appearance. This decision could stem from a desire for authenticity or a reluctance to constantly change his external image.

Symbolism of the Mask: The mask serves as a symbolic representation of Xiang Liu's identity and his relationship with his true self. By wearing a mask, he is expressing a desire to conceal certain aspects of himself or to project a specific persona to the world. The mask  also represent the layers of secrecy hinting at his  hidden motives.
Strategic Advantage: Despite possessing the ability to magically alter his appearance, Xiang Liu choose to wear a mask for strategic reasons. By using a physical mask instead of relying solely on magic, he can maintain a consistent appearance that is less susceptible to detection or disruption by magical means. This approach allows him to navigate through various situations with greater ease and reduces the risk of his true identity being revealed.

Contrast with Magical Abilities: The decision to wear a mask highlights an interesting contrast with Xiang Liu's formidable magical abilities. While he possesses the power to shape-shift and assume different forms, his choice to use a physical mask underscores his preference for a more tangible and controlled method of altering his appearance. This contrast adds depth to his character and suggests that there are  consequences associated with his magical transformations.

FFB appearance from (extract): "dark gloomy shadows":

Psychological Symbolism: The presence of dark gloomy shadows evoke primal fears and anxieties deeply rooted in the human psyche. Darkness is often associated with the unknown, the subconscious, and hidden threats, tapping into our innate fear of the unseen and the mysterious. By invoking these primal fears, the narrative intensifies the psychological impact on both characters and readers, heightening the sense of suspense and anticipation.

Symbolism of Deception and Intrigue: Shadows are often used metaphorically to represent deceit, secrecy, and hidden agendas. In the context of the narrative, the dark gloomy shadows symbolize the presence of covert machinations, political intrigue, and deceptive intentions among the characters. They serve as a visual metaphor for the hidden forces at play, hinting at the complexity of relationships and the duplicity of motives within the story.

Foreshadowing of Conflict and Betrayal: The description of dark gloomy shadows  foreshadow impending conflicts, betrayals, or moments of confrontation. By casting shadows over the scene, the narrative subtly hints at the potential dangers and conflicts that may arise later in the plot. This foreshadowing adds depth to the storytelling, building anticipation and suspense as readers await the unfolding of events.

Contrast with Light and Illumination: The contrast between the dark gloomy shadows and sources of light within the scene can symbolize the struggle between darkness and enlightenment, ignorance and knowledge, or deception and truth. The interplay of light and shadow highlights the dualities inherent in the narrative, such as good versus evil, truth versus lies, or loyalty versus betrayal. This contrast enhances the thematic complexity of the story, inviting readers to contemplate deeper philosophical and moral questions.

Emotional Impact and Atmosphere: Finally, the presence of dark gloomy shadows contributes to the overall atmosphere of the scene, infusing it with a sense of foreboding, tension, or mystery. The oppressive nature of the shadows evoke feelings of unease, apprehension, or dread, intensifying the emotional engagement of both characters and readers. This heightened emotional impact serves to immerse readers more deeply in the narrative, enhancing their investment in the story's outcome.

In summary, the description of dark gloomy shadows in the narrative serves multiple symbolic and thematic functions, including psychological symbolism, foreshadowing, representation of deception and intrigue, contrast with light, and emotional impact.


                                              RELATED    EPISODE 22 covering in pics :

Added scene with Jing showing how he negotiate Feng Long help and involvement...


                                   Further manipulations -ZhuanXu usage of XiaoYao:

Zhuan Xu's utilization of Xiao Yao to gain access to the Chi Shui society circle reveals strategic thinking, manipulation, and the dynamics of power and influence in the narrative. Here's an analysis of Zhuan Xu's actions and their implications:

Recognizing Xiao Yao's Influence: Zhuan Xu acknowledges Xiao Yao's connections and social standing, understanding that she can serve as a valuable asset in navigating the intricate social circles of Chi Shui society. By leveraging Xiao Yao's relationships and influence, Zhuan Xu aims to gain entry into exclusive circles that would otherwise be inaccessible to him.

Exploiting Xiao Yao's Relationships: Zhuan Xu strategically exploits Xiao Yao's relationship with Tushan Jing, recognizing the potential benefits of aligning himself with influential figures like Tushan Jing. By associating with Xiao Yao, who has a close connection to Tushan Jing, Zhuan Xu aims to gain favor and support from Tushan Jing, thereby strengthening his own position and influence within Chi Shui society.

Strategic Alliance Building: Zhuan Xu's decision to use Xiao Yao as a means to access Chi Shui society demonstrates his adeptness at alliance building and networking. By aligning himself with powerful individuals like Tushan Jing, Zhuan Xu expands his network of allies and supporters, enhancing his political capital and influence in the region.

Manipulative Tactics: Zhuan Xu's actions also highlight his willingness to manipulate and exploit relationships for his own gain. While he genuinely value Xiao Yao's friendship, his primary motivation appears to be using her connections to further his own political ambitions. This underscores the complex and often morally ambiguous nature of power dynamics in the narrative.
Risk of Exploitation: While Zhuan Xu benefits from Xiao Yao's connections in the short term, there is a risk that he may be perceived as exploiting her for his own gain. This could potentially strain their relationship and erode trust between them. Additionally, Zhuan Xu's reliance on Xiao Yao's influence may make him vulnerable to manipulation or betrayal if she decides to prioritize her own interests over his.

Overall, Zhuan Xu's utilization of Xiao Yao to gain entry into Chi Shui society reflects his strategic thinking, willingness to exploit relationships, and understanding of the importance of alliances in achieving his political objectives. However, it also raises questions about the ethical implications of his actions and the potential risks of relying too heavily on others for personal gain. 



  1. Chapter 15 of the story intricately weaves together themes of power, loyalty, and political intrigue, presenting readers with a captivating narrative that delves deep into the complexities of the characters' relationships and the challenges they face in their quest for dominance and survival. At the heart of the chapter lies an assassination attempt on Zhuan Xu, orchestrated by the enigmatic Yu Qiang and potentially manipulated by the mysterious Fang Feng Bei. This event serves as a catalyst for the exploration of political tensions and power struggles within the Xuan Yuan tribe, highlighting the precarious nature of Zhuan Xu's position as he navigates the treacherous waters of tribal politics. Throughout the chapter, the dynamics between the characters are meticulously explored, revealing the depth of their relationships and the intricacies of their alliances. Xiao Yao emerges as a central figure, displaying unwavering loyalty and bravery as she defends Zhuan Xu during the assassination attempt. Her character arc is further developed as she grapples with her sense of duty, loyalty to Zhuan Xu, and growing awareness of the political machinations surrounding her. The revelation of Fang Feng Bei's potential identity as Xiang Liu adds another layer of intrigue to the narrative, raising questions about his motives and allegiances. His manipulative tactics and connections to other characters deepen the sense of mystery surrounding him, leaving readers eager to uncover the truth behind his actions.

  2. Themes of power, betrayal, and resilience permeate the narrative, as characters navigate the complexities of leadership and the ever-present threat of betrayal. The chapter serves as a pivotal moment in the story, setting the stage for further conflict and resolution as the characters continue to navigate the volatile political landscape of the Xuan Yuan tribe. In conclusion, Chapter 15 is a masterfully crafted installment that captivates readers with its richly developed characters, intricate plot twists, and compelling exploration of power dynamics and political intrigue. As the story unfolds, readers are drawn deeper into the world of the Xuan Yuan tribe, eagerly anticipating the resolution of ongoing conflicts and the fate of its complex cast of characters.

Navigating LINKS:

Prologue & Chapter 1: https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever/122337-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?page=1

 Chapter 2: https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever/122337-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?page=2

Chapter 3 : https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever/122337-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?page=2 &https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/122339-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?p=2928519&page=3

Chapter 4 : https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever/122337-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?page=3

Chapter 5 : https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever/122337-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?p=2929973&page=4

Chapter 6 : https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever/122337-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?p=2931067&page=4 

Chapter 7 :https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever/122337-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?p=2932103&page=5

Chapter 8 :https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/122339-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?p=2933303&page=6

Chapter 9: https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/122339-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?p=2934083&page=9

Chapter 10: https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/122339-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?p=2938307&page=10

Chapter 11 : https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/122339-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?p=2944897&page=11

Chapter 12: https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/122339-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?p=2950205&page=12

Chapter 13: https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/122339-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?page=13

Chapter 14 :https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/122339-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?p=2990415&page=15

Chapter 15:https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/122339-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?p=3006367&page=18

Chapter 16: Missing You, Hating You, You Don't Know

Part 1

(Thai ver translated by me)

Since the time they separated at Ying Zhou Island until now, from winter to summer, over half a year has passed, Jing had only contacted Xiao Yao once.Yet, it was to express his gratitude for the hospitality of Zhuan Xu. Among the gifts Jing sent to Zhuan Xu, there were nine bottles of plum wine. Although Zhuan Xu didn't know which item Jing intended to give to Xiao Yao, he could guess that all these gifts were just definitely not for him. After receiving the gifts, he called Xiao Yao over and said, "I don't understand the riddle behind them. Go and choose it yourself."Xiao Yao picked out the nine bottles of plum wine. They were white jade bottles painted with a plum blossom branch in light red. In fact, they were just ordinary white jade bottles with a plum blossom pattern. However, Xiao Yao felt a warm and fresh sensation run through the center of her forehead.
The nine bottles of wine followed Xiao Yao from the Ming Ze Residence Palace on the Wushen Mountain(Five Gods Mountain) to the Chao Yun Peak in Xuan Yuan. Xiao Yao enjoyed drinking this plum wine and finished the first seven bottles, but felt regretful when there's only left the last one and would not drink it at all. Instead, she kept it all along and kept the eight emptied bottles well.

She wanted to drink the last bottle of wine very much, but she planned to wait for the sending new wine first and then drink it.
In the quiet late night with no one around, Xiao Yao would lie on the bed and play with the bottles of wine.The three-inch-high wine bottle rested in the middle of her palm, held gently. Sometimes Xiao Yao would smile, and sometimes she would feel sorry for herself.
She had been waiting for half a year, but there was still no news from Jing.One evening, she lay on the bed again, playing with nine jade bottles. She flipped and twirled the bottles. The nine jade bottles lay on a white handkerchief. Nine peach blossoms bloomed brilliantly. Suddenly, Xiaoyao thought of Yusan (Jade Mountain). She had waited for her mother there for seventy years, but in the end, she waited for nothing. In this life, she did not want to wait for anyone anymore.
 Xiao Yao opened the last bottle of plum wine. She did not drink it one or two sips at a time like usual, but drank it all at once. The wine bottle was only three inches high, and Xiaoyao finished it in an instant. She put away all nine wine bottles and did not take them out to play with them again.
Xiao Yao began to spend more time concocting poisons. In the middle of the night when she could not sleep, she would lay out the poisons on the bed, pondering how she could make the poisons to look even more attractive. What she hoped for was to make them more visually appealing, but not more toxic.
In her mind, she had the "Sheng Nong's Herbal Classic" that Yandi(Flame Emperor), the patriarch of medicine who was revered by all under heaven, had left behind. The medical books of both Gao Xing and Xuan Yuan, which had been carefully preserved, were all open to her. Xiao Yao had never doubted the potency of the poisons she made.

When she saw the guppy flowers, she pondered over them for many days. Then she spent many consecutive days and nights to make a small, looking like fresh guppy flowes. The colors were lively and the fragrance was refreshing. When she saw the setting sun, she made some dazzling golden toxic powder. It was as if she had captured the radiant glow of the sunset by the horizon.
This poison was her idea. It was a reflection of her momentary emotion. She created them, watched them blossom in her hands, and then packed them with care before sending them out.Xiao Yao wondered about Xiang Liu's reaction when he received the poisons. Would he curse her as perverse?Xiao Yao packed the poisons she had prepared at the dock into a sealed jade box and went to the shipping agency run by the Tushen family. She handed the box to them.
"How much will it cost to ship this to the brothel in Xihai street of Qing Shui County?" she asked.
The shopkeeper said, "If the place you're referring to is Qing Shui County, then that's located at the very eastern edge of Xuanyuan country, almost at the ocean already."
Xiao Yao said, "That's exactly why I came all the way to the Tushen family's shipping agency. If I were to entrust this for delivery to others, the price would definitely be cheaper, but I wouldn't be at ease."
The shopkeeper laughed and said, "You've come to the right place."The shopkeeper gave her a price, and Xiaoyao didn't bargain. She paid the money right away.It wasn't money she had earned herself anyway, so there was no reason to be stingy.This was the method Xiaoyao had come up with to deal with Xiang Liu. All under heaven, there were shipping agencies of the Tushen family everywhere. As long as Xiaoyao had the money, she could send anything to Qing Shui County.

Every three or four months, Xiaoyao would send poison to Xiang Liu. The last time, she sent it from Gao Xing. She didn't know if Xiang Liu had received it. But he should have received it by now. Otherwise, given his narrow-mindedness, he would definitely make time to seek revenge, no matter how busy he was.
Xiao Yao walked out of the transport station and saw Fang Feng Nei. She couldn't help but try to test his reaction with the voodoo bug, but there was still no response.
 Fang Feng Bei approached with a smile, saying, "Are you here to deliver goods?" Xiao Yao looked at him, so he asked, "You should still remember me, right?"
 Xiao Yao walked away, "You'd better not get close to me. When I see you, I feel like poisoning you."
Fang Feng Bei followed her, "Did that friend of yours make you hate him so much?" Did Xiang Liu make her hate him? Of course not. It was him who made her feel disgust.
Xiao Yao asked, "Why are you following me?" When they met in the garden that day, he probably didn't know who she was. But by now, he should know her status. "I'm bored and have nothing to do. You also seem bored. Being bored together is better than being bored alone."
That night, that feeling of being pressured by death at the point of his arrow. Xiao Yao still remembered it as if it had just happened. So she said sarcastically, "Why are you in Xuan Yuan City? You can't be here to make yourself feel bored, right?"

Fang Feng Bei smiled and said, "The things I came to do in XuanYuan City are all things that cannot be done in broad daylight. I tend to be busy at night, so during the day I really am incredibly bored."
Xiao Yao couldn't hold back a laugh. This person's nature was the complete opposite of her younger sister's. He was completely shameless."I heard that everyone in your esteemed family excels at archery."
"Who has greater archery skills, you or your younger sister?"
"How much greater?"
"Would you like to see my archery skills for yourself?"
Xiao Yao answered without thinking, "Why not?"
"Follow me!"
Fang Feng Bei returned to her lodgings, ordered her servants to lead out two Heavenly Steeds, and then left XuanYuan City with Xiao Yao. They arrived at Mount Dun.Fang Fengpei asked, "What would you like for me to shoot?"
Xiao Yao narrowed her eyes for a moment, then pointed at a golden tassel that was swaying in the breeze, clinging to a pine tree on a cliff on the opposite side."Golden tassels bloom between summer and autumn. It should have small yellow flowers by now. Go on and shoot one.
Fang Feng Bei took a bow down from the back of his Heavenly horse, drew it back, and nocked an arrow. He pulled back on the string and let it fly. Xiao Yao laughed. "Who knows if you'll actually hit it?"
Fang Feng Bei reached out a hand. The arrow flew back from the cliff on the opposite shore and into her hand. Fang Feng Bei showed it to her. A small yellow dot was stuck to the tip of the arrow, indicating that he had shot the flower. Xiao Yao had to compliment her.
"Your archery skills are really as excellent as people say."

"Do you want to learn?"
"Can you teach?"
"Right now, what you need to learn is archery techniques, not special secrets. Anyone can teach you, but naturally it would be for the best if I was the one to do it."
"Alright!" Xiao Yao couldn't figure out what Fang Feng Bei was trying to do, but after all, she was already so bored she couldn't stand it, so she might as well play along and see what he was up to.
Fang Feng Bei chose a large tree not too far from them. "Let's use that as the target." He passed the bow to Xiao Yao. Xiao Yao imitated her teacher's posture and held the bow firmly in her hand.
Fang Feng Bei said, "Not bad, your posture is quite good. Your upper body must be straight, don't hunch your neck, don't extend your arms, don't bend at the waist, don't stick your head out, don't bend your back, and don't puff out your chest."He gave detailed instructions and adjusted Xiao Yao's posture for him.
 "You don't have a lot of strength, so it would be better to use four fingers to draw the bowstring, with your thumb bent and pointing toward the center of your palm. The index finger is under your chin and the bowstring is aligned with the bridge of your nose, your lips and lower jaw..."
He handed Xiao Yao an arrow, and Xiao Yao nocked it. The arrow flew out at an angle and landed halfway to the target.
He handed her another arrow, but the result was the same as before. After shooting several arrows in a row, Xiao Yao's shots were much better than the first two, but none of them came close to hitting the tree.Xiao Yao sighed and said, "It looks easy, but when I try it myself, it's really hard."
Fang Feng Bei walked up behind Xiao Yao and took her hands, instructing her to follow what he did. "Straighten your upper body, exert strength to balance it, hold the bow correctly, place the arrow without exerting too much force will push back slightly. Pull the bow string taut, and release it with a flick of the wrist." With the word "release," the arrow shot out and was firmly embedded in the tree."How does it feel?"

"My mind is not thinking, and my eyes are not on the target, only focusing on the archery."
"Not bad, you learn fast."Xiao Yao smiled, but it wasn't that she learned fast. At that moment, her body's reaction was the same as when Xiang Liu approached her. She felt as if he was going to bite her neck, and her mind suddenly went blank. However, if he was really Xiang Liu, even though he and Feng Fang family had just reached some kind of agreementctogether,  Fang Feng family would certainly not agree to pass on their family's archery technique to a nine-headed monster.
Fang Feng Bei led Xiao Yao to pull the bowstring again, "Keep this feeling and shoot it."
Xiao Yao shot an arrow by herself. Although she didn't hit the big tree, she still reached the front of the tree. Xiao Yao suddenly felt really interested and quickly shot another arrow, which hit the big tree. Xiao Yao was a little surprised."Did I hit it?"
Fang Feng Bei smiled slightly. Xiao Yao immediately took out another arrow, imitating the feeling just now and shooting it out, it fell down halfway like the first arrow. Fang Feng Bei said, "You feel stressed about gainslost."Xiao Yao didn't believe it and tried again. Fang Feng Bei stopped her, "That's it for today."
Xiao Yao didn't understand, "I think I need to practice more."
"If you practice again, it will only get worse. Such a wrong feeling will take root in your heart because of repeated practice. Trust me, it is best to stop when you see it is good."

Xiao Yao put down her bow. “If you are a teacher I guarantee that the students will definitely like it."
Fang Feng Bei laughed. “Every person is different. This method of mine is suitable only for intelligent people.”
"Thank you for the compliment."
Fang Feng Bei just turned his body and climbed onto the heavenly horse. The two of them rode the heavenly Horses slowly down the mountain.
Xiao Yao said. “I see that your magical powers seem to be far superior than Yi Ying. How is it possible that your archery skills cannot compete with hers?”
Fang Feng Bei smiled and said. “A lot of people think that archery requires a lot of arm strength, which is shocking. But that's not the truth. Archery is knowing how to use
flexible power. Four taels pushing a thousand pieces is considered good. The specially crafted bow would be able to break through the defenses of the combined magical powers. People who don't have any superpowers just do it the right way, and it can shoot people with more magical powers. My magical powers are far superior to little sister's. But I cannot fight her archery skills. "
Xiao Yao remained silent and stared at Fang Feng Bei, feeling surging in her heart. Her magical power was low, therefore, she could only think of protecting herself, asiding the idea of being the first to attacck. But if what Fang Feng Bei said was true then within a certain distance, She could also be the one to attack first if she encountered a situation like when Yu Qiang assassinating Zhuan Xu last time.Moreover, what she could do was not just using her body to block it.
Fang Feng Bei seemed as if he didn't feel that his own words would have any influence on Xiao Yao.
He smiled and asked Xiao Yao: “Are you interested to learn archery with me?”
Fang Feng Bei said: “You are my friend who relieves my boredom. I will teach you.”

Xiao Yao replied, “Alright.”Fang Feng Bei took Xiao Yao to the front of the place Zhuan Xu was staying  and smiled, saying, “I will see you tomorrow.”Xiao Yao gazed at him riding down the street on his divine steed like a debauched young master.
Out of nowhere, Xiao Yao’s daily life became filled with activities. She had to concoct poison and practice archery.When Fang Feng Bei was free, she would practice archery with Fang Feng Bei, and even accompany him to go and find fun. After Xiao Yao and Fang Feng Bei spent time together, she finally knew what it meant to dine, drink, and have fun. She felt as though she was getting to know Xuan Yuan City anew. It had numerous locations hidden within its alleyways and side streets. Not only her, but even her younger cousins had likely never heard of them. Yet, Fang Feng Bei knew of them all.He was like a well-versed old horse, leading Xiao Yao about as they amused themselves, and indulged in food and drink.
The jewelry shop opened by the dwarves of the Zhou Rao Region, were perhaps able to create such delicate jewelry because they were small with nimble fingers. They could carved over one hundred roses from an ordinary ruby and engraved a lifelike image of a pair of lovers embracing on a single teardrop-shaped pendant. Xiao Yao admired it and ended up buying several pieces of jewelry each for An Nian and Consort Jing An.
The giant Kuafu Tribe’s reatuarants provided bowls that were as large as Xiao Yao’s own sink. Initially, she had not believed herself capable of finishing an entire bowl, but after trying one bite, she had eaten the entire bowl, one bite after another. She complained that she was so stuffed she would die, but she did not regret eating to death.

At the cosmetics shop opened by the flower demons, the scented powders were actually not that appealing to Xiao Yao, but a single drop of condensed floral liquid could make one's body fragrant for an entire month. The fresh scent of lotus, the proud fragrance of plum blossoms, the refreshing aroma of orchids…there were also many different ways to blend fragrances. One could create a unique fragrance unmatched to any other in the entire world. Even Xiao Yao, who had long since become accustomed to being a man, couldn't help but rush in without restraining herself. She experimented with the fragrances of every type of condensed floral liquid, and couldn't resist buying over a dozen of different types.
 Fang Feng Bei was not free every day. Once every five or six days, he would have Xiao Yao accompany him one day, just long enough for Xiao Yao to restore the stability of the archery skills she had learned the previous time. Once, he even disappeared over three months before finally reappearing. Xiao Yao didn't ask where he had gone, and he didn't tell her. Both Xiao Yao and he clearly understood that their student-teacher relationship was only a short-term affair, which could be ended at any time by some unforeseen event. However, from an outsider's perspective, Fang Feng Bei and Xiao Yao could be considered very close. Moreover, the way he passed on archery skills to her developed close friendliness ,as if it was there or it was not there, between them.
Fang Feng Bei was someone who acted on a whim. Sometimes, when he came to find Xiao Yao, if Xiao Yao was on Chao Yun Peak, he would go directly to Xuan Yuan mountain and asked the imperial guards to notify her. Xiao Yao didn't feel the need to conceal anything. One came and the other went, and the entire capital city of Xuan Yuan knew that the eldest princess of Gao Xing and the second young master of the Fang Feng family had recently become very close.
Even Zhuan Xu teased Xiao Yao, "It wasn't easy getting you back. I still want to keep you by my side for several more years. Don't be led astray and elope with that playboy from the Fang Feng family." Xiao Yao stuck out her tongue and said, "As long as there's still a chance of him shooting you, I definitely won't elope with him."

Chapter 16: Missing You, Hating You, You Don't Know

Part 2

(Thai ver translated by me)

Time flew by over a year without either of them realizing. Xiao Yao felt a little confused and didn't know what Fang Feng Bei's real intentions were.
 She had originally thought that he taught her archery just as an excuse to get close to her. She had originally thought that he accompanied her everywhere just to make her open up. However, he actually taught her the techniques very seriously, which made her respect him every time she learned archery, and saw him as a real teacher.
When they ate and drank together, it was especially like enjoying life. They didn't care about anything else and didn't mind trying everything, but they also weren't attached to anything. Instead, they enjoyed every drop of fun together in this bustling world. Many things were completely different when doing together than doing alone, for example, eating. No matter how delicious the food, eating alone felt like something was missing. When they ate together,  Xiao Yao looked up and saw Fang Feng Bei's face as he enjoyed his food, she felt like the food tasted better. Xiao Yao believed that Fang Feng Bei felt the same, so he didn't hesitate to share all the interesting things he knew with Xiao Yao and even took her to take part together. Sometimes, Xiao Yao felt that Fang Feng Bei was like a child who had been lonely for a long time and had played with countless toys. To have someone to play with was not easy, so he couldn't wait patiently and quickly took her out to play together.

They wanted to share everything with each other. It seemed like fun at first, but in fact, it had ceased to be fun long ago. Now, it was slowly becoming true friendship. Xiao Yao was also an honest and loyal drinking buddy. As long as Fang Feng Bei did not pull the bow at Zhuan Xu, he was not her enemy. That day, Fang Feng Bei taught Xiao Yao how to practice archery in the morning. At noon, the two went to the dance house to eat and rest. In the afternoon, Fang Feng Bei took Xiao Yao to the underground casino opened by the Li Rong tribe. It was rumored that the ancestors of the Li Rong tribe were two-headed hellhounds. Was that why all the men who entered this underground casino had to wear a hellhound mask? Women were allowed to choose whether to wear one or not. Xiao Yao found that after Fang Feng Bei put on the hellhound mask, he transformed into a two-headed hellhound man, and she laughed so hard that it hurt her stomach. After Xiao Yao had laughed enough, she put on a hellhound mask as well. She raised both paws and barked at Fang Feng Bei. Fang Feng Bei laughed as he said, "If the people of the Li Rong tribe bully you and throw you out, don't blame me for not warning you."
 After they went down into the underground city, they saw hellhound people everywhere. This made the women who did not wear masks seem even more alluring. Xiao Yao laughed again. As everyone was faceless, they did not need to maintain their dignity. Everything became blatant and explicit, alluring to the point of being obscene, and exciting to the point of drawing blood. Xiao Yao and Fang Feng Bei walked around with great pleasure. Fang Feng Bei took Xiao Yao to gamble.
 Xiao Yao had spent five years in the casino, making a living from it. Returning to her previous profession, she won all the time. Fang Feng Bei also won all the time, but they both understood the rules. When they had won enough, they stopped.

They watched the slaves fighting to the death, betting their winnings. The two sides fought relentlessly, amidst the frenzied gambling of the dog-headed humans. Xiao Yao's expression remained calm, and Fang Feng Bei's face was equally composed.The one who died was a bloody mess, while the one who survived was not happy. He curled up in a corner. His eyes were heavy and lifeless.This time, Xiao Yao lost the bet, but Fang Feng Bei won.Xiao Yao refused to admit defeat. "It was just luck."
Fang Feng Bei said, "Then let's wager again. Bet on anything you like."
"Alright, let's bet on this slave again."
"Do you want to come to watch him fight to the death again tomorrow?"
"No. Did you see his eyes? They are the eyes of a man who has lost all hope. Let us wager on who can give him hope again in an instant."
Fang Feng Bei chuckled. "Very interesting. Since you just lost, I'll give you a head start."
Xiao Yao approached, and the slave instantly grabbed Xiao Yao's hand, intending to snap it. However, years of fighting had taught him that these hands possessed no lethal power. Furthermore, his animal instincts told him that Xiao Yao bore no malice. He hesitated for a moment before releasing Xiao Yao.The slave's owner tried to approach, but Fang Feng Bei blocked his path with his foot and threw him the money he had just won from betting. The slave's owner picked up the money bag and easily stepped aside.

Xiao Yao turned her back to them, took off her dog head mask, smiled at that slave, hugged him with some effort, and whispered in his ear, "There is still something good in this world  that is worth to live on."
Xiao Yao put on the dog head mask and walked out. That slave covered with blood looked at her in confusion, as was not understanding what actually was happening.
Fang Feng Bei arched his back, shivered slightly, and couldn't help laughing.
Xiao Yao said in displeasure, "It's your turn."
Fang Feng Bei went over, bowed his body, and said something softly to that slave.That slave's eyes suddenly flashed, as if igniting, and as if in disbelief, looking at Fang Feng Bei fervently.
Fang Feng Bei only nodded firmly, and then walked out. That slave looked like changingto another person, when his owner took him away, his steps were especially steady. Fang Feng Bei smiled and said, "I win."
Xiao Yao was puzzled, even if Fang Feng Bei promised to redeem him and give him a free life, this slave whose heart had been trampled by the darkness certainly wouldn't believe it. Besides the expression of Fang Feng Bei showed that apparently he didn't make such a promise. Xiao Yao said sullenly, "You cheated, you must know him, and you understand him. No wonder you bet on him."
"I meet him for the first time tonight."
"What exactly did you say to him?" Xiao Yao thought hard but couldn't figure it out.The two walked to the exit of the underground casino, and Fang Feng Bei took off his dog head mask. Xiao Yao took off her dog head mask, and handed it over to the casino's worker.

Leaving the gambling house, the night was already late. Xiao Yao couldn’t help but inhale a great breath of fresh air from the human world deep into her lungs.
She told Fang Feng  Bei: “I really want to know what did you say?”
Fang Feng Bei smiled as he spoke: “If you would give me a hug first, I will tell you. The beautiful woman's wiles did not work on him, but it work so well on me."
Xiao Yao stamped her feet, as she was so angry out of embarrassment: “Forget it if you don’t want to say it!!”
She walked towards as she was angry, Fang Feng Bei followed closely behind her: “Alright, I will tell you.”
“I don’t want to listen anymore!”
“You really don’t want to listen anymore?
“I don’t want to listen!”
Fang Feng Bei pulled her, and comforted her calmly: “But I want to tell you, please listen to me.”Xiao Yao tried hard to hide her smile, “How are you going to beg me?”
“To hug you once? I am willing to use the handsome man scheme on you. Xiao Yao was amused and angry at the same time. She tried to push him away with force, “Fang Feng Bei, you are making fun of me!”
Fang Feng Bei laughed softly. He pulled Xiao Yao’s arm and did not allow her to leave.“I told him that I was also a slave that fought in the gambling house before, and I also survived.”
Xiao Yao stopped, she stared at Fang Feng Bei angrily, “You even lied to him!”
Fang Feng Bei smiled slightly, “Hope is a lie to begin with.”
Xiao Yao’s anger gradually died down, she suddenly shook her head.

"Even though he was caged, he was one of the most cunning wild beasts. He certainly wouldn't believe your words so easily. You must do something else."
"I use the language of the slaves who fight in the arena."Xiao Yao was surprised. "I heard that even the slave owner didn't know. How did you know?"Fang Feng Bei smiled. "Perhaps I was once a slave who fought in the arena."
Xiao Yao looked at him in confusion for a moment and murmured, "Who are you?"
"Who do you want me to be?"
Xiao Yao placed one hand on her chest and slowly reached out the other to place it on Fang Feng Bei's chest. Her heart was beating in time with his. Xiao Yao was confused. She had thought he was Xiang Liu. Xiang Liu had nine heads. It was rumored that he had nine faces and could transform into eighty-one different forms. Perhaps one of those forms was identical to Fang Feng Bei. But Fang Feng Bei was so different from Xiang Liu.

 When he took her to buy powder and perfume, he would lie lazily on the stool and watch her choose. When women went shopping, they would often forget the time. Xiao Yao spent the entire day in the store trying out every kind of perfume. By the end, her nose became numb. When she couldn't decide, she would hand him some and ask for his opinion. He patiently helped her choose one by one and gave her his opinion.
 When they ate together. Xiao Yao liked the filling of the crispy pastry, so he would eat the outer parts  and give the filling to her.
When eating grilled meat, she liked the top rib bone near the neck, which was tender and fatty. Every time, he would cut that part, grill it until crispy and golden brown, then give it to her.
When  riding a horse on a narrow mountain path, he always let her be at front because after the person in front passed, the branches that crossed the path would be flicked towards the people who followed behind.
How could Xiang Liu speak to her gently, be considerate, and give in to her in everything, even enduring to be her companion? Only a playboy like Fang Feng Bei could understand a woman's heart like that. Over time, even though there was still such a strange feeling, Xiao Yao firmly believed that Fang Feng Bei was Fang Feng Bei, but at this moment... she felt that he was Xiang Liu. There was no reason, no explanation, she just felt he was.
She said to Fang Feng Bei, "Our hearts are beating at the same time."
She looked up at Fang Feng Bei, waiting for his explanation. Fang Feng Bei's hand rested on her palm, smiling as he said, "Yes, it seems they really are beating at the same time.
"You rascal!" Xiao Yao couldn't do anything but grit her teeth, staring hard at Fang Feng Bei. Fang Feng Bei smiled at her. The dim lantern light covered their figures quietly. A carriage stopped beside them. The carriage curtain was lifted, and Fang Feng Yi Yang exclaimed in surprise, "Second Brother?"
Fang Feng Bei calmed down a lot, saying with a smile, "Little sister, it's been a long time since we've met."
Xiao Yao's body stiffened a little. She could feel that there was another person behind who was looking at her.

Xiao Yao didn't know how she should feel. She had been learning archery from Fang Feng Bei for sixteen months. Given the influence of the Tushan clan and with Fang Feng Bei and her status, Jing must have heard rumors about her and Fang Feng Bei already. Or perhaps, it could be said that when she had first not understood Fang Feng Bei's womanizing nature, she hadn't believed that he would actually teach her archery, and she hadn't wanted to learn from him either.
 Xiao Yao hadn't rejected Fang Feng Bei's advances, it was only because she knew that the news of her close association with him would definitely spread to every major clans. Jing must have heard this news too, and that was what Xiao Yao had intended. Xiao Yao didn't understand why she was thinking this way, but she was too confused to think about it. Since doing this made her feel happy, she continued to do it.
 Xiao Yao discovered that she had misunderstood Fang Feng Bei. Fang Feng Bei had actually taught her archery, and she herself had begun learning seriously. Slowly, her initial goal became unimportant, but Xiao Yao was still waiting,  waiting for a reaction from Jing. But after sixteen months, she had truly given up waiting. She simply felt that she was ridiculous. Fortunately, Fang Feng Bei had exceeded her expectations. Otherwise, it wouldn't have been only simply ridiculous, but also sad. But just when she had forgotten about it, he suddenly appeared again, and he even brought his fiancee!
Fang Feng Yi Yang got out of the carriage. Tushan Jing also got out of the carriage. Fang Feng Bei smiled and greeted them, saying, "I'm thinking that this must be the Young Master of Qing Qiu, my famous future brother-in-law. Nice to meet you."
Fang Feng Yi Yang was stunned and couldn't help but say to Jing, "This is my second older brother."

At that time, Jing did not say anything. He must have felt the same way as Xiao Yao did when he first saw Fang Feng Bei, as he had been lucky enough to see Xiang Liu's true appearance. After a short while, he bowed and spoke with respect, "Second Elder Brother, I am pleased to meet you."
Fang Feng Bei smiled and said, "Let me introduce you. This is..."
Fang Feng Yi Yang frowned, her eyes filled with dissatisfaction. She cut him off and said, "Brother, there is no need for you to introduce your friend to us."
Yi Yang had only seen Xiao Yao dressed in her best once, during the ceremony. Tonight, Xiao Yao was wearing the common clothes of a Xuan Yuan woman, standing sideways with her head bowed. Yi Yang was certain that a woman who was still with Fang Feng Bei at this late hour must not be a good woman, so she did not even pay attention to her and therefore did not recognize her.
Fang Feng Bei smiled slightly and did not mention Xiao Yao again.
Yi Yang asked, "Second Elder Brother, where are you staying? Our Tushan family owns a residence here.  Second Brother can stay with us."
Fang Feng Bei said, "No, thank you."
Jing, who rarely spoke, suddenly blurted out, "Yi Yang has been thinking about you all this time. The residence is very spacious and easy to get in and out of. Please do us the honor."
Yi Yang glanced at Jing in surprise, but she was very pleased. Jing's eagerness to show hospitality to her family made her feel very proud. Fang Feng Bei smiled and said, "Your hospitality is hard to resist, but I will not trouble you tonight. I still need to send my friend back. I will move in tomorrow."
Jing said, "Where are you going, Second Elder Brother? This carriage is very spacious. It can accommodate all of you."
Fang Feng Bei said, "No, thank you. We have been sitting in the gambling den for many hours now. We would like to stretch our legs a little."

"Let's go!" Fang Feng Bei called to Xiao Yao. Xiao Yao followed him without hesitation. From the beginning to the end, she didn't even glance at Jing. Jing silently gazed at her silhouette. Yi Yang was stunned watching her brother, and then sighed. "I heard that for the past year, he has been very close and intimate with Gao Xing Princess. I even thought that he had finally found someone who could stir his heart and that he might restrain himself. I never expected that he would still be like this."
Jing didn't say anything. He silently boarded his carriage, closing both of his eyes. The scene of Xiao Yao and Fang Feng Bei' four eyes met together appeared. There was an indescribable delicate atmosphere between the two.
Xiao Yao returned to the Xu residence and urgently looked for Zhuan Xu.
"Zhuan Xu! Zhuan Xu!"
She pushed the door open and saw A Nian and Hai Tang. Xiao Yao was stunned for a moment and then looked at Zhuan Xu.
Zhuan Xu smiled and said, "A Nian came to visit Xuan Yuan City."
Xiao Yao asked, "Did she run away without permission?" Gao Xing Princess was visiting Xuan Yuan City. If she hadn't run away without permission, someone would have to go and report to Haung Di (yellow emperor). Zhuan Xu smiled helplessly. "But I think that Master probably knows, already."Xiao Yao also felt that her father definitely must know. If not for his permission, even if Hai Tang was a hundred times more daring, she wouldn't dare run away with A Nian. Father was a strange person. He had always let his daughters freely travelled outside as they wished, such as the matter between her and Fang Feng Bei in Xuan Yuan. It didn't count as anything.

Huang Di (Yellow Emperor) did not say anything, but even Xun Di (Grand Emperor) said nothing, only asking about Fang Feng Bei in the letter he wrote to Xiao Yao. A Nian asked Zhuan Xo, “Brother, are you upset that I came?”
Zhuan Xu said gently, “Of course not. I’m happy that you came to visit Xiao Yao and me.”
A Nian gave Xiaoyao a disdainful look. “I came to visit only my brother.”
Zhuan Xu asked Xiao Yao, “Why were you in such a hurry just now? What happened?”
“I saw...Tushan Jing and Fang Feng Yi Yang on the road just now.”
“Oh, they arrived this afternoon. Feng Long and Xin Yue will probably be here in a few more days.”
“Why did they come separately? Did something happen?”
Zhuan Xu said, “Xiao Yao, this is Xuan Yuan city! The capital of the Xuan Yuan land! More than half of the imperial administration orders of the Da Haung are issued from this city. Whether it’s Chi Sui clan, the Tushan clan, the Shen Nong clan, or the Fang Feng clan, the fates of their clans are all tied to the administration orders from this city. Every few years, the important descendants of each clan will make a point of coming to stay in Xuan Yuan city for a while. Those who are close to each other will often make appointments to arrive at the same time. It’s quite common."
Xiao Yao fell silent, looking deeply disappointed. Zhuan Xu asked, “What’s the matter?”
Xiaoyao shook his head and said, “I’m going to go take a bath and go to bed.”
Zhuan Xu escorted A Nian out of the room, saying to A Nian, "I'll take you to a room. You stayed here when you were in Xuan Yuan City. Since you came in secret, when others ask, just say that you're Xiao Yao's companion. But I have to tell Grandfather first. If he wants to see you, I'll take you to pay respect to Grandfather."
A Nian agreed readily, but asked with some dissatisfaction, "Why can't I say I'm my elder brother's companion? Why must I say I'm Xiao Yao's companion?"
"Because me, elder brother's power are limited right now. If you're elder brother's companion, it'll be very dangerous. It's safer if you're your elder sister's companion."
A Nian had always been foolish in small matters but clever in big ones. In a flash, she understood the meaning behind Zhuan Xu's words. She bit her lip and said to Zhuan Xu, "Elder brother, rest assured. I know that this isn't Gao Xing. I definitely won't cause trouble for you."
Xiao Yao, who was walking in front, suddenly laughed out loud. A Nian became angry out of embarrassment.
"Don't you believe me?"
Xiao Yao had already reached the door of her room and pushed it open. As she turned around to speak to A Nian. She said, "I'll... be... waiting... to see." The door slammed shut before A Nian could flare up.
Zhuan Xu hurriedly tried to comfort A Nian. "I know A Nian knows what's best. Don't take your elder sister's words to heart."
A Nian smiled and followed Zhuan Xu to her room.

Chapter 16: Missing You, Hating You, You Don't Know

(Thai version translated by me)

Part 3

The next day, Xiao Yao woke up early in the morning, left a message for Zhuan Xu, and returned to Chao Yun Peak. According to the relationship between Jing and Zhuan Xu, Jing should pay a courtesy visit to Zhuan Xu, after arriving in Xuan Yuan City. Xiao Yao had no idea when he would come, but she really didn’t want to wait any longer. Waiting with a longing worried heart only led to endless disappointment. That feeling was unbearable. So, she chose not to wait and fled back to Chao Yun Peak. Whether he would come or when he would come had nothing to do with her. Xiao Yao practiced archery in the mulberry forest for half a day until she was drenched in sweat.
Then, she put away her bow and arrows. “Your mind isn’t calm today,” Huang Di’s voice echoed. Huang Di was holding a cane and standing outside the mulberry forest. Xiao Yao went over to help Huang Di sat down on a stool in the mulberry forest. She sat unceremoniously beside Wangdi, picked up a plate of iced mulberry, and began eating it one by one. She reckoned that across the entire Da Huang Continent, she was the only person who dared to sit on equal footing with Huang Di. Huang Di said, “Let me see your hands.” Xiaoyao stretched out her hands. Huang Di gently touched her fingers. The parts that had been used for drawing the bowstring were already thick with calluses. “Girls who learn archery are all afraid of their hands becoming unsightly, so they use specially-made gloves. Why haven’t you had any made?”
Xiao Yao chuckled. “My goal is different from theirs. They are merely learning to hunt in the autumn, but I’m doing this to kill people. Would the enemy wait for me to put on gloves before taking action?”
Huang Di let go of Xiaoyao’s hand. “It’s impossible for Fang Feng Bei to pass on the Fang family’s archery skills to you. I’ll find you a new teacher. Your spiritual is weak. The bow and arrows you use need to be specially-made for you by a master craftsman. But there’s no hurry for this. Let’s wait until your archery skills have improved somewhat before I have someone invite a craftsman.”
 Xiao Yao said as not caring, “Whatever Gao Xing lacks, but definetly not skilled craftsmen. I’ll just have my father help me find a craftsman later.”
 Huang Di looked at Xiao Yao’s eyebrows and eyes and asked calmly, “How does your father treat you?”
 Xiao Yao’s eyes curved into happy crescents. “Unbeatable! There’s no father who could be better than him.”

Huang Di looked at the mulberry forest. With Shao Hao’s intelligence, how could he not know Xiao Yao's intention… what was he planning?
 Huang Di said slowly, "He’s a ruler of a kingdom. Don’t think of him as a simple father. Since you were born into royalty, don’t expect any pure love. Everything depends must depend oneself."
Xiao Yao sighed deeply. "Not every emperor is as capable and ambitious as you."
Huang Di ignored Xiaoyao’s implicit sarcasm and said, "Choose a good husband. Before I die, I can still guarantee that you will marry the man you want." Making her to live as happily as possible and let it pass.
Huang Di suddenly changed the subject, which made Xiao Yao pause for a moment. She suddenly felt a sense of bitterness and sadness in her heart. No matter how angry she was with him, he was still her grandfather.
Xiao Yao suppressed the confusion and asked with a forced smile, "Anyone? Even if he’s engaged? Even if he’s your enemy?" Huang Di looked at Xiao Yao. "What kind of man do you want?"
 Perhaps because Huang Di was born into ordinary society and wasn’t educated like the children of noble families, when he spoke, he was more straightforward and sharp comparing to Xun Di.

If other women heard such blunt words, they would have blushed a long time ago. However, Xiao Yao did not show any embarrassment at all. It was the first time someone had asked her this question, so she pondered for a moment before slowly saying, "I started dressing like a man before I had even matured. When other young women were longing to find lovers, I didn't know what I was busy doing. Maybe I was just busy trying to stay alive. Perhaps I have been alone for too long, and I have always wanted to find someone to accompany me. I don't mean getting married, but rather someone to share my life with and to share my joys and sorrows. Even if we quarrel with each other, at least we can talk and keep each other company. But I am a very coward person. Just think about it. Even people like my paternal grandfather and my parents have all abandoned me for various reasons. So how can I trust that others will not abandon me? I  accompanied with the lonely and helpless old person to depend on each other, and I took in n orphaned children. They all needed me, so they would definitely not abandon me." Xiao Yao laughed self-deprecatingly. "Everyone else thinks I am kind-hearted. In fact, I am just weak. I am with people who are weaker than me, because that makes me feel like I can control everything. I like being relied on and not being abandoned, so it makes me feel secure."
Huang Di leaned on the locust wood couch, gazing at Xiao Yao thoughtfully. Xiao Yao continued, "After I changed back into a woman, I always felt that marriage was still a long way off, so I never thought carefully about it. But I know very well that I am afraid of men like you. In your hearts, there must always be choices that are more important than women."
Huang Di's face was expressionless. He said calmly, "Actually, none of us was suited to be anyone's husband."
Xiao Yao narrowed her eyes and said slowly, "I am so afraid that once I have it, I will lose it. If that is the case, I am willing to never have it in the first place. Unless there is a man who, no matter what choices he faces, I am his first choice. No matter the reason, he will not abandon me. Only then would I be willing to spend my life with him."
Huang Di replied, "That's difficult."

Xiao Yao laughed and said, "I know it's very difficult, so I don't dare to think about any man. I'm afraid that once I think about it, I won't be able to turn back...even though..." Xiao Yao sighed, "Even though I feel confused in my heart, I try to control it."
Huang Di said, "The question you asked me just now, you already have your own answer. If he chooses another woman, it means that you are not the first choice in his heart. If he chooses to be an enemy of me or the Zhuan Xu, it means that you are not the most important thing in his heart. He can abandon you."
Xiao Yao felt even more depressed, hugging her knees and sitting in a corner like a ball, staring at the mulberry forest.
Huang Di said, "In fact, you think too much. Sometimes people have to learn to be a little vague. As long as you choose the right person and respect each other, it is not difficult to stay together until you grow old."
Xiao Yao thought Huang Di's words in a daze for a while, then smiled bitterly and said, "I understand what you mean, Grandfather, but I have such a temper. If I can't find such a man, I would rather not get married and adopt several orphans. Life can go on."
Huang Di didn't say anything, just looked at the mulberry forest in silence. Xiao Yao stayed on Chao Yun Peak for five days. In the morning, she practiced archery, and in the afternoon, she turned the pages of the book of poison concoctions.
When Huang Di had free time, she would be a companion to eat and talk with Huang Di.
On the morning of the sixth day, Zhuan Xu brought A Nian to pay respects to Huang Di.
A Nian was particularly humble to Huang Di. When Huang Di saw A Nian, he felt unexpected. He probably didn't expect that A Nian would be more like his daughter than Xiao Yao. Perhaps because of this similarity, Huang Di favored A Nian very much.

A Nian understood it at once and asked Huang Di in a pleading tone, "I also wish to have a grandfather, Father. May I call Your Majesty 'Grandfather' like Zhuan Xu?" Huang Di laughed. "If your Imperial Father does not mind, then of course, by all means."
A  Nian called sweetly, "Grandfather."
 Huang was overjoyed and ordered a servant to fetch a bracelet that Lei had once worn. When A Nian heard that it had belonged to Lei, her face lit up in joy, and she put it on carefully.
Xiao Yao was stunned and felt that A Nian must be Huang Du's blood-related granddaughter.
Zhuan Xu blinked at her. Now she understood A Nian's wiles. Xiao Yao could only give her a thumbs-up. She used to think that A Nian was frivolous in small matters but clever in serious ones. She was not stupid, but just impulsive and found it difficult to get along with others. However, she now realized that A Nian was not difficult to get along with. She was just unwilling to waste her energy on people who would bring her no benefit. So why should she waste her energy and intellect on pleasing them? Upon careful reflection, A Nian seemed capricious and self-centered, but in fact, she had never crossed the line Huang Di and Zhuan Xu had set for her.
A servant came in to report, "Fang Feng Bei is here to see the Princess."
Xiao Yao felt as if a mountain had been removed from her chest. She said to Huang Di, "I am going out. If I return too late tonight, do not wait for me to have dinner with you."
Huang Di was talking to A Nian and replied absent mindedly, "Go on."
Xiao Yao bowed hastily and left. Zhuan Xu quietly followed her out.

Xiao Yao led heavenly horse, but she didn't take the bow with her. Except from Fang Feng Bei, only Huang Di and Zhuan Xu knew that she was practicing archery. Xiao Yao herself also didn't want anyone to know.
That day, she intended to buy two bows that were exactly the same. One of them was with her and the other one was with Fang Feng Pei. Even if others saw them, they would think that Fang Feng Bei was hunting in the mountains. Zhuan Xu pulled the reins of the heavenly horse. "Are you intentionally avoiding Jing?"
 "In these days, he came to look for me every day. I don't think he is so free to think about seeing me every day."
Xiao Yao said, "Fang Feng Bei is waiting for me. I should go."
Zhuan Xu hesitated for a while and said, "Fang Feng Bei is a son born from a concubine. He has no authority in the family. You can hang out with him, but...don't break up with Jing yet. I need him now."
Zhuan Xu lowered his head. His hands, which were holding the reins, were turning a little bit pale because of the excessive strength. It's not like Zhuan Xu had never experienced such a heart-wrenching situation, but at that moment, he felt the most heart-wrenching pain. Xiao Yao held his hands. "Big brother, don't feel sad. It's not a big deal. I will go to see Jing. I didn't force myself. And I was not doing it for you. In fact, I...but I was venting my anger to him."
Zhuan Xu was still lowering his head. He said sarcastically, "I'm such a good brother. I can't let you vent your anger, even a little bit. I have to let you rush to bow to a man." He loosened the reins. "Go!" He went to the gate of the palace with quick steps.
 Xiao Yao and heavenly horse left. When they arrived at the foot of Mount Xuan Yuan, Xiao Yao saw Fang Feng Bei. Xiao Yao waved her hand at him once.

Fang Feng Bei followed her on the heavenly horse. They both galloped towards Mount Dun Wu with understanding.
 Upon reaching their destination, Xiao Yao put down her bow, drew the bowstring taut, and fired.The arrow firmly pierced into the trunk of a tree.
Fang Feng Bei smiled and said, "Where did you eat the hornet's nest today?"
Xiao Yao remained silent. She simply picked up an arrow, placed it on the bowstring, slowly turned around, aimed at Fang Feng Bei's chest, and pulled the bowstring."Who are you, really?"
Fang Feng Bei said with feigned dismay, "I am currently at my future brother-in-law's house, meeting my future sister-in-law every day. Aside from being Fang Feng Bei, who do you think I could be?"
Upon looking at him, he no longer resembled Xiang Liu. Xiao Yao glared at him.
"If I discover that you've deceived me, I'll shoot you in the chest with an arrow."
Fang Feng Bei laughed. "Who do you really want me to be? That friend of yours that you tried to poison?"
Xiao Yao released her fingers, and the taut bowstring snapped, sending the arrow flying past Fang Feng Bei's head and embedding it into the trunk of the tree behind him. Fang Feng Bei laughed and clapped his hands in applause. "A teacher like me teaches not bad at all!"
Xiao Yao smiled wryly.
Fang Feng Bei said, "You're in a bad mood today. Don't practice anymore."Xiao Yao picked up another arrow and drew the bowstring, aiming at the target tree. "I'm in a bad mood today, so I won't practice! If I'm in a good mood tomorrow, I won't practice either! Life is filled with excuses to indulge oneself. If there's a first time, there is bound to be a second time. Then what will I ever learn?"
Fang Feng Bei let out a faint sigh and said nothing more. He watched Xiao Yao's form and occasionally provided guidance.

After training until noon, Xiaoyao put away the bow.The two of them did as usual and prepared to return to Xuan Yuan City to have dinner and rest at the dance hall. As the two of them rode side by side through the streets of Xuan Yuan City, although Xiaoyao was wearing a hat to cover her face, when people saw the heavenly horse that Xiao Yao was riding and saw Fang Feng Bei, those who were more discerning could guess that it was the princess, so they could not help but call out in surprise. When the pedestrians heard it, they all made way for them.
At that time, Xiao Yao realized that because she was in a state of confusion in the morning, she had mistakenly led the wrong heavenly horse. The reins of this heavenly horse were made of gold and had the imperial seal imprinted on them. It was estimated that it was the heavenly horse that was used to pull the chariot for Huang Di, in particular.
At this moment, there were only she and Fang Feng Bei moving on the entire street. Xiao Yao felt very strange, but she did not know what to do. She could only put on the arrogant and dignified demeanor of a princess and walk through the long street with Fang Feng Bei.
Fang Feng Bei said in a low voice, "Even though my face is thick, under the watchful eyes of so many people, I still feel ashamed to lead you into the dance hall."
Xiao Yao laughed, "It shows that your face is not thick enough. You should practice more."
In fact, she herself did not dare to do so, for fear that it would spread to Gao Xing and make it difficult for her father to act.
Xiao Yao said, "Let's go to Zhuan Xu's guest house. He should have finished dinner at  Chao Yun Peak and will be back."
Xiao Yao jumped off the horse and sighed, saying, "A princess who came from the streets like me is not like A Nian. When I see so many people staring at me, I always subconsciously check to see if I did something wrong, or if it's a side effect from being a thief before."
Fang Feng Bei said half-jokingly, "Then don't be a princess and come travel with me all over."
"OK."Xiao Yao laughed and said, "Sure, as long as you give up everything."
Fang Feng Bei laughed out loud. Xiao Yao glanced at him with a smile. It's just saying words, who would not be good at just saying? Back when I was a wandering liar, you were probably still at home, entangled in kissing maids!
The central hall was where the Zhuan Xu received officials for consultation on state affairs. Xiao Yao led Fang Feng Bei past the guest reception hall in the Zhuan Xu's garden, which was used for rest during the day. In the middle, separated by a curtain. The large outer room had a low table and tea set for receiving guests. The small inner room had a bed for sleeping.The maidservants brought food quickly. After eating, Fang Feng Bei sat leaning on the edge of the window, drinking wine and looking at the scenery outside the window.
Xiao Yao squinted her eyes and said, "It seems that the Zhuan Xu doesn't foster dancing girls. If you want to see some, ask the maids."
Xiao Yao went into the inner room, lowered the curtain, and lay down on the bed, then fell asleep. This was what they had done in the dance hall before. After eating, Fang Feng Bei watched the dancing girls danced outside. Xiao Yao was sleeping inside. After Xiao Yao slept enough, they discussed where to go next.

Xiao Yao seemed to hear Fang Feng Bei faintly muttering something. Xiao Yao waved as to tell him not to disturb her since she was yet to sleep enough. Unlike Fang Feng Bei and others, Xiao Yao’s body was weak. She had been practicing archery since morning which had caused great fatigue. If she did not rest for a while, she would not be able to do anything in the afternoon. She slumbered for quite a while and in the middle of her sleep, she heard Fang Feng Bei having conversation with someone.
Xiao Yao thought that Zhuan Xu had returned so she didn’t bother to pay attention and continued sleeping with her forehead covered by her fists. “I heard Xiao Yao say that His Highness, the prince had just meal, so that he went back. If you have urgent matters, why don’t you send someone to anxiously report word to Xuan Yuan Mountain?”
“I have already sent someone to Xuan Yuan .”
Xiao Yao was shocked and immediately opened her eyes. If that hoarse nonchalant voice was not that of Jing, who else could it be? It was strange. Whenever she heard him speak with others, he didn’t seem like the Jing she knew. When having conversation with others, he could even appear calm and indifferent while lying through his teeth, but whenever he spoke to her, she always felt that he was slightly awkward and uncoordinated.
 “Are you very close with His Highness?” Fang Feng Bei attempted to sound him out. “His Highness has a warm and friendly personality and treats everyone with friendliness.” Jing replied without loophole. Xiao Yao sat up, the two people outside the gauze tent immediately stopped chatting. Xiao Yao walked in front of the mirror and tidied her hair a bit. Fang Feng Bei spoke, “Xiao Yao, just now, the servant girl came to report saying that Master of Qing Qiu, Tushan Jing came seeking a meeting with His Highness, the Prince. Since you were still sleeping, I arbitrarily asked the servant girl to invite him in.”

Xiao Yao rolled up the curtain and walked out, smiling and saying, "It's good that you acted according to the situatiom, otherwise I would have been impolite to my brother's friend." Xiao Yao pretended not to have heard their conversation just now, and said respectfully to Jing, "My brother is in Chao Yun Peak. I'll send someone to invite him back immediately. If young master is not in a hurry, please wait here. If you have something urgent, you can go back first. I'll have my brother go to you."
 After saying that, Xiao Yao really called the maid in and ordered her to send someone to Xuan Yuan Mountain immediately. Xiao Yao bowed to Jing slightly and said, "Fang Feng Bei and I still have something to do, so we can't stay with you anymore." Xiaoyao left the room with Fang Feng Bei, Xiao Yao asked Fang Feng Bei, "Where are we going next?" Fang Feng Bei smiled and said, "Where do you want to go, we'll go there."
Xiao Yao felt that there were always eyes staring at her from behind, so heavy and pressuring that she could barely walk, but she would rather resist, pretending to walk with a light step, talking and laughing happily. When she arrived at the door, Xiao Yao suddenly remembered that she had promised Zhuan Xu in the morning, so she stopped. Just now, she didn't know why, she only thought about resisting Jing.
 Fang Feng Bei looked at her and asked, "What's the matter?"
 Xiao Yao said, "I suddenly remembered that my brother asked me to do something. I can't go out with you today. Can I make it up to you next time?"

Fang Feng Bei fixed his eyes on her silently.  The familiar feeling welling up in her again. Xiao Yao’s body stiffened involuntarily, as if Fang Feng Bei would rush over to take a large bite of her neck at any moment.
 All of a sudden, Fang Feng Bei laughed out loud and said nonchalantly, “Alright!”
As Fang Feng Bei left in an instant, Xiao Yao couldn’t resist rubbing her neck. She felt as if she had just overcome a disaster.
In the living room in the garden, a gentle breeze was blowing. The curtains fluttered slightly and the room was peaceful and quiet. Jing sat silently on one side without moving, seemingly lost in thought. “He is Tushan Jing now,” Xiao Yao told herself, “not the unlovable and unwanted Ye Shiqi.” Xiao Yao walked over with a smile and sat down opposite Tushan Jing. “Would you like to have some tea? I’ll ask the maid to make you a cup.”
 “No, thank you,” Jing said hoarsely.
Xiao Yao asked solicitously, “Or perhaps you would like to have some wine? I’ll ask the maid to warm some wine for you. Xuan Yuan City may not be as warm as Qing Qiu. People usually fancy a cup of warm wine in late autumn.”
 “No, thank you.” Xiao Yao smiled. “What would you like, then?”
 “Your presence is enough.” The corners of Jing’s eyes and brows were gentle and warm, and the corners of his mouth curled into a faint smile. The smile seemed to be bitter yet without any trace of resentment. It seemed that Xiao Yao could do anything and he would be happy as long as she was there.

Suddenly, Xiao Yao felt depressed, like she was throwing a tantrum at the clouds. No matter how much effort she put in, the other wouldn't feel for her at all. Jing handed a small box to Xiao Yao. Xiao Yao opened it and found a silver necklace inside. On the necklace was a purple gemstone hanging, clear and shiny, sparkling brilliantly.Xiao Yao thought for a moment and asked uncertainly, "This is fish purple crystal?"
"In fact, I wanted to find a red gem for you, but although this item is not considered a precious object, it is something that must be encountered by fate. I could only find this purple gem. I initially thought about what shape to carve it into, but when I thought again about the reason you wanted this item, it must be to play with it in the water. Therefore, no matter what shape it is, it can't compare to a round, smooth crystal that is comfortable to hold in your mouth. If you want it to be a certain shape, I can help you carve it."
Xiao Yao asked, "It's not easy to find this item, is it?"
"It's not difficult."
Xiao Yao said, "Not difficult? Even the Tushan, who were rich enough to buy a kingdom, could only find one purple gem. Hence forth, if you want to give something to a young lady, you must describe the difficulty as three-fifths of the truth, and describe the difficulty as fifty percent of the truth, so that they will see that you are sincere."
Jing was silent.
Xiao Yao played with the purple crystal in her hand, "Is this item ready to be used?"
"It's ready."
"By holding this gem in my mouth, will I be able to breathe freely in the water?"
"Yes, I've tested it."
Xiao Yao was about to pick up crystal and put it into her mouth, but when she heard this, she hurriedly put the crystal away. When she held it in her hand, she felt that the bead was scalding hot. Jing was a little nervous, but he was afraid that Xiao Yao would have fun and cause trouble, so he urged in a low voice, "The longest time I swam in the water was one day and two nights, but I have supernatural powers. For safety, it's best for you not to stay for more than ten hours."
Xiao Yao accepted with the low voice. Jing liked to stay still and didn't like to move. In order to test the crystal, he even swam in the water for one day and two nights.Suddenly, Xiao Yao fell on the table and buried her face in her arms.Jing was so shocked that he exclaimed, "Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao, what's wrong with you?"
"I'm not unwell, I'm just a little angry with you." Every time when she just became strong-minded, he always had a way to make her soften her heart. Was it because she took him home and saved him that she couldn't harden her heart towards him?
"I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have appeared!"  Jing didn't know anything at all about Xiao Yao's complicated thoughts. He only knew that Xiao Yao was very unhappy now, but just now she was very happy when she was with Fang Feng Bei.
Xiao Yao was so angry that she threw the bead in her hand at him, "You're such a fool. I really don't understand why those people think you are smart."
Jing didn't dare to dodge. He just sat still and didn't move. Xiao Yao began to be scare that the crysral would be damaged by her, so she asked, "What about the crystal?"
Jing hurriedly helped her look for it and handed the crystal that rolled on the floor back to Xiao Yao."It's not easy to break."

Xiao Yao glared at him while playing with the crystal and said resentfully, "Why did you bring... to Xuan Yuan City? Are you still thinking about canceling the marriage? If not, tell me before hand, so that I don't have to wait and keep the promise with you! "
Jing said anxiously, "Of course I want to cancel it! I told my grandmother that I don't want to marry Fang Feng Ying!"
Xiao Yao lowered her head, obviously waiting for him to continue speaking.
Jing said, "Yi Yang has stayed with my grandmother's side for many years, and she is deeply attached to grandmother. My grandmother disagreed with canceling the marriage, but agreed to postpone it for the time being. This time, Yi Yang asked me to come to Xuan Yuan City with us. I didn't want to bring her, but my grandmother said that our Tushan family owes her, and asked me to take care of her like my younger sister."
Xiao Yao played with the crystal and thought quietly
Jing said, "Xiao Yao, my grandmother has always loved and cared for me, so I must persuade my grandmother to agree."
Xiao Yao said, "I accept this fish purple crystal!"
Xiao Yao put the necklace around her neck, slightly lifted the collar, and put the crystal into it and attached it to her body.
Jing saw it all and his heart pounding, and he quickly lowered his head.
Xiao Yao said, "I'm practicing archery now, and Fang Feng Bei is willing to teach me, therefore quite friendly and closed to each other."
At that moment, Jing's heart was filled with joy, and he smiled gently and said, "No need to explain, I am not qualified to ask you to explain now. A moment ago, you came back, it is enough."
But when she came back just now, it wasn't for Jing, but for Zhuan Xu! Xiao Yao's heart was very depressed. Between her and Jing, does one have to use the other, and the other has to be used?

“Do you still remember that you promised me not to hurt Xuan?” Xiao Yao asked.
“I do.”
“I don’t know what my brother is planning to do, but if he doesn’t hurt the Tushan family, can you try to help him a little?”
“If it’s just this request, you don’t have to say it. The reason why Feng Long and I came here this time is to discuss something with the Zhuan Xu,” Jing softly said.
“If there was nothing to discuss, would you not have come?” Xiao Yao bit her lip and frowned. Jing’s heart twitched violently.
He said with slight hesitation,“Feng Long actually wanted me to wait and come with him, but I… couldn’t wait and came early.”
“Is this considered early? I’ve been in Xuan Yuan City for twenty months.”
Jing carefully reflected on Xiao Yao’s words. He felt that the meaning in her words probably meant that he came too late, but he didn’t quite believe that Xiao Yao really meant it. He could only think of the meaning of the words one by one. To the point where he wanted Xiao Yao to say it again so that he could figure it out from her tone.
When Xiao Yao saw Jing being quiet not responding, she sighed and stood up to leave. Jing grabbed her and asked with hesitation, “Xiao Yao, do you… do you… do you… want to see me?”Xiao Yao looked up at him and he said uncomfortably, “I know I’m a bit foolish. If I misunderstand, please… please don’t get angry.”
Xiao Yao seemed to see Ye Shiqi from Hui Chun Tang and cheered up again. She immediately softened and asked gently, “Do you want to see me?”

Jing nodded vigorously once, because he had missed her so much that it had penetrated to his bones. Therefore, after he had thought about it over and over again, he came up with an idea. He started by persuading Feng Long to agree. Now he was dragging Feng Long and Xing Yue to travel thousands of miles to the Xuan Yuan City to persuade Zhuan Xu.
Xiao Yao asked with dissatisfaction, “Then why didn't you come?”
“I have something to do.”
Xiao Yao sighed and said, “Are you so sure that I won't let another man into my heart?”Jing shook his head once. He wasn't sure. Because he didn't have any confidence at all, that he had thought up a method that could almost be considered as a method to solve the problem from the root cause.
Xiao Yao was at her wit's end. “You...are so stupid!”
Jing's face fell. Comparing to Fang Feng Bei, who was open, flirtatious, and free to come and go, he really was a bit dull.

Chapter 16: Missing You, Hating You, You Don't Know

(Thai Version Translated by me)

Part 4

Zhuan Xu and A Nian came in, and after they had given each other deferential greetings, Zhuan Xu smiled, saying, "Pardon me, I have kept you waiting."
Jing smiled slightly. "Not at all, it is I who did not inform you in advance."
He swept his eyes over A Nian, and Zhuan Xu understood at once, saying to A Nian: "You have been with our Grandfather all day, you must be tired. Go and rest for a little while."
A Nian knew that they had business to discuss, but when she saw them not making Xiao Yao avoid them, in her heart she couldn't help but feel slightly dissatisfied, but she did not show it in the slightest, simply saying without demur, "Okay."
Seeing A Nian went far away, Jing said to Zhuan Xu: "I think Feng Long and Xing Yue should be here in a little while. I have sent them news, as soon as they enter the city, they will immediately hurry up here quietly to meet with you. After they meet with you tonight, they will not come and see you alone again."
When Zhuan Xu finished speaking, his expression grew solemn, he hurriedly walked quickly to the front of the room, and having called over the trustworthy guard Ku Xin, whispered several words to him. Zhuan Xu did not ask Jing what the matter was, he ordered a maidservant to prepare wine and refreshments, smiled and said to Jing, "Let us eat while waiting."
 Then he said to Xiao Yao, "Xiao Yao, you can also sit."
Xiao Yao sat down, Zhuan Xu and Jing talked about this and that, Xiao Yao felt boredand poured herself wine and drank.
Zhuan Xu laughed and tapped her on the head, "If you get drunk again, Feng Long and Xing Yue will surely think that you are seriously addicted to alcohol. If word of this gets out, you can forget about getting married."

Xiao Yao said in dissatisfaction, "Who likes drinking boring alcohol? Eh, aren't you supposedly a dab hand at music? Go and play a tune for me!"
Zhuan Xu self-deprecatingly said, "In front of Jing of Qing Qiu, I would not dare to call myself a dab hand at music. It would be better to get Jing to play a tune."
Jing said, "I have not touched a zither for over ten years."
Zhuan Xu felt slightly surprised, "In that case, I will reveal my own meager skills."
Zhuan Xu sat in front of the zither, stroked the zither and began to play, the zither strings flowing ceaselessly like water, it was really a piece of music that Xiao Yao had heard when she was young. Xiao Yao let out a sigh.Out of the blue, Jing leaned in, and whispered in Xiao Yao's ear, "Feng Long and Xin Yue have arrived, you go inside."

Xiao Yao quickly ducked inside.
The music finished, and Xing Yue and Feng Long pushed open the door and entered. Feng Long laughed heartily and said, "In order to hear you play until the end, I stood outside for a long time."
Xing Yue looked at Zhuan Xu with a blushing red face. Zhuan Xu invited them to sit down. Feng Long said, "We will only drink water, because we still have to go to the welcoming banquet for our elderly relatives. If they smell us drinking, it will be difficult to explain."
Zhuan Xu poured them plain water. Feng Long said, "I intentionally ordered the servant to hold back the cloud carriage, and I rode on a spirit beast to rush ahead, in order to squeeze out every little bit of time. Time is limited, so I will speak bluntly."
Zhuan Xu said with a solemn face, "Actually, you and I did not need to be polite. Please speak frankly."
Feng Long gazed at him for a moment, and then asked Zhuan Xu, "Since you chose to return to Xuan Yuan City, you must have your heart set on the throne of the Emperor, but you left Xuan Yuan City since childhood. Your uncles established their foundations here for more than a thousand years. I do not mean to belittle you, but what can you use to fight with them?"
Zhuan Xu looked at Feng Long and said, "I do think that way, and it is really difficult for me to take a step in Xuan Yuan City. I can only say that I am struggling to survive. If you have any suggestions, please speak frankly."
Feng Long looked at him again and found it hard to hide his excitement. "Since Xuan Yuan City has been occupied by your uncles and younger brothers and there is no room for you, why don't you give up Xuan Yuan City?"

"Give up Xuan Yuan City?" Zhuan Xu's face changed instantly.
 Feng Long stood up, waved his hand, and a 3D map of Da Huang appeared. He pointed to the map and said, "Look at the location of Xuan Yuan City. Back then, when His Majesty and Empress Lei Zu founded the land of Xuan Yuan, it made sense to choose Xuan Yuan City as the capital. It allowed them to control the entire Xi Bei Region. The mountains surrounded Xuan Yuan City, which makes it hard to travel through, but easy to defend and hard to attack, so Sheng Nong land at that time could not destroy Xuan Yuan, but thousands of years have passed. The land of Xuan Yuan now is not the land of Xuan Yuan that only covered a small part of the territory of Xi Bei Region then. Xi Bei Region, Nan Jiang (southern territory), Bei Di (northern territory), and the whole Central Plains(Zhong Yuan). All these beautiful lands belong to Xuan Yuan!" Feng Long used his finger to point on the map. The boundless desert, vast grassland, fertile farmland, flowing rivers, and continuous high and low mountain ranges. Compared with the Xuan Yuan City located in the Xi Bei Region and the vast territory of the Xuan Yuan land, it is clear that there was a huge difference, and it does not have the grandeur that a great land should have. It was geographically isolated from the outside world. It seems safe, but it limited its influence.

Feng Long cried out in agitation: “Abandon Xuan Yuan City! Come to Zhong Yuan! Only by taking possession of Zhong Yuan can one command all of Da Huang. Only by firmly occupying Zhong Yuan, can one survey the entire Da Duang; to the West to Xibei, Nan Jiang, Bei Di, Tong Hai (Eastern Sea), all in the palm of one's hand. The day when  you desire to lead troops into battle, all one has to do is " Fenglong pointed to the land of Gao Xing with clenched fists and "it shall be done with ease''.
Zhuan Xu could not sit still any longer. He stood up and stared at the map for a while. After a moment of contemplation, he slowly pointed his finger at the Sheng Nong Mountain. "Here it is! Only Sheng Nong Mountain has 28 peaks stretching across thousands of miles, making it a suitable match for the current territory of  Xuan Yuan."He looked towards Feng Long, who nodded his head in agreement. Their thoughts were aligned. The faces of the two young men were filled with dreams and passion, and they were unwavering in their determination to spare no expense.
Xing Yue spoke softly, "We chose Shennong Mountain not because our Sheng Nong tribe harbors any ulterior motives. In fact, only I know of this matter at the moment. It is uncertain whether the elders in the tribe will agree to it..."
Zhuan Xu's face was solemn and serious. He waved his hand in annoyance, signaling Xing Yue to stop talking.
Feng Long looked at Zhuan Xu with admiration and laughed out loud. "Women will always be women. No matter how intelligent, they are still narrow-minded. How can they possibly fathom the ambitious thoughts and aspirations of us men? What Sheng Nong tribe or Xuan Yuan tribe? Being preoccupied with such trifles is truly short-sighted and narrow-minded!"
Zhuan Xu could not help but burst into laughter. He poured a cup of water, and Feng Long raised his cup. The two of them knocked their cups together and drank it all down.
Xing Yue felt aggrieved to be belittled by her older brother, but she saw that Zhuan Xu's demeanor was very different from before. She simply felt that he was like a towering mountain. He made her look up at him in admiration.  couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder, as if deer were running inside her. The heart of the proud young woman had fallen completely into a trap.
Feng Long threw the cup away and said to Zhuan Xu, "Only the four of us know the details of this matter. It depends on your ability to persuade His Majesty, Huang Di, to let you go to Zhong Yuan. We will be waiting for you in Zhong Yuan."Feng Long waved his hand over the map, and the entire land of Da Huang shone brightly. He said in a loud voice, "I wish to see a truly glorious empire while I am still alive! Your name will be famous for thousands of years, and people will sing praises!"
Zhuan Xu bowed deeply to Feng Long. "Your words have awakened me from my dream. I will never forget this favor!"
Feng Long glanced at Jing for a moment and then bowed deeply to Zhuan Xu. He smiled and said, "I dare not take credit for this! I persuaded you to go to Zhong Yuan because I wanted you to give up the city of Xuan Yuan . If you win, you will win everything. If you lose, you will have nothing left and no chance to recover. You are willing to bet everything, which shows that you are a decisive and courageous man. I respect you for that!"
Zhuan Xu smiled and said, "My ambition is not just the Emperor's throne. Why would I not dare to give it up?"
Xing Yue said in confusion, "I thought this trip would be a waste of time. Neither my brother nor I made any promises to you, but you are willing to give up everything to come to Zhong Yuan?
Zhuan Xu smiled and said to Feng Long, "If this great project can be accomplished, you must join me to carry out this great project. If it cannot be accomplished, what good are empty promises?"Feng Long laughed out loud and patted Zhuan Xu's shoulder.
 Jing said, "You all should leave now."
Feng Long looked at Zhuan Xu with sorrow and pity. There was still much to say, but he knew that tonight's trip was top secret. Under no circumstances could it be leaked out. Therefore, he could not help but sigh, "We must go. Before leaving Xuan Yuan City, we may not be able to see each other again." The myriad of words in the end were condensed into a single sentence, "I will wait for you in Zhong Yuan!"
Zhuan Xu's heart was also filled with enthusiasm and regret. Although love between a man and a woman was deep, the brotherhood between men with a shared purpose and who had shed blood together was even more earth-shaking. He said, "Tonight, we can only drink a cup of plain water. When we reach Zhong Yuan, let's get drunk to our hearts' content!"
Feng Long and Xing Yue put on windbreakers and quietly left under the protection of the secret guards.
Zhuan Xu stood in front of the door in a daze for a while, before suddenly remembering that Xiao Yao was still in the house! Feng Long had just mentioned 'going south'. His heart tightened, and he hurriedly walked into the house. However, he saw Xiao Yao sleeping soundly on the bed. Zhuan Xu let out a sigh of relief and patted his own head. He had been too careless and had fallen into a panic. Before Feng Long had said his piece just now, he had seen with his own eyes that Feng Long had set up a barrier. This showed that Feng Long had sensed that there was someone else in the room. However, seeing that neither he nor Jing had shown any reaction, he knew that they were trustworthy. But Feng Long was a meticulous person. He still could not allow any leaks.

"Xiao Yao, get up."
Xiaoyao opened her eyes.
 "Are they gone?"
"Jing is still here."
Xiaoyao got up and walked out in a daze. Jing asked, "You were asleep when I came in the afternoon. Why are you so sleepy again? Did you not sleep well last night?"
"No, I just feel a little tired. You disturbed my sleep in the afternoon."
"What have you been doing?"Xiaoyao yawned and said, "Practicing archery."
Xiao Yao looked drowsy, her hair slightly messy, the corners of her mouth slightly raised in a cute smile. Jing raised his hand, then remembered that Zhuan Xu was also there, so he retracted his hand.
Xiao Yao saw that the space between Zhuan Xu's eyebrows was filled with an unconcealed excitement. She couldn't help but ask in surprise, "What are you discussing that would cause you, who usually don't show emotions on your face, to be so excited?"
Zhuan Xu asked, "Xiao Yao, are you willing to go to Mount Sheng Nong?"
"Mount Sheng Nong? Isn't that near Qing Qiu? Xiao Yao looked at Jing instinctively. Jing looked at her with excitement. Xiao Yao asked Zhuan Xu in confusion, "Why do I have to go to Mount Sheng Nong? What do you want me to do?"
"I have to go to Mount Shennong too."
"What? Didn't you say you wanted  Xuan Yuan mountain?" Xiao Yao actually became more clear-minded. She stared at Zhuan Xu with her eyes wide open."The plan has changed."
"Oh!" Xiaoyao was very puzzled. She could only guess that Zhuan Xu and Feng Long must have reached some kind of agreement. "I have no problem with going to Sheng Nong Mountain. Let's go to Sheng Nong Mountain!"
Zhuan Xu and Jing were like getting mountain removed from the chest.
Jing looked at the cup of wine on the table and couldn't help but smile. After planning for more than a year, he would finally have her by his side and not have to be separated by thousands of miles.
A maid entered and reported, "Lady A Nian has requested my lord to ask His Highness if he would dine together this evening."
Zhuan Xu looked at Xiao Yao, and Xiao Yao waved him away, "If I were to dine with her, you would have to be peacekeeping the entire time."
Zhuan Xu gave Jing a wry smile and left. Xiao Yao asked Jing, "When are you leaving Xuan Yuan City?"
"Tomorrow?" Xiaoyao didn't really know what taste was going on in her heart.
Jing asked, "Have you ever been to Qing Qiu?"
"No. There was once a time when I particularly detested the nine-tailed fox. It was rumored that the nine-tailed fox originated from Qing Qiu, so I came to despise Qing Qiu as well. The two times I traveled through, I went around it."
Xiao Yao suddenly became worried, "The nine-tailed fox I killed, could it have been related to you?"
"I'm afraid he was.Actually, there weren't many nine-tailed foxes. Those that can be counted are all from the Tushan Clan or from close and distant relatives."
"Huh?" Xiao Yao's mouth fell open.
Jing couldn't help but laugh, "Relatives are relatives. He did those things and should suffer the consequences. Even if it reached to  Grandmother, the side with the reason is you."
Xiao Yao lightly patted her chest, saying, "You scared me to death!"Jing said softly, "Actually, Qing Qiu is very worth visiting. After you arrive at Sheng Nong Mountain, I can take you to Qing Qiu."
Xiao Yao did not speak, so Jing asked uneasily, "Xiao Yao, don't you want to go to the Zhong Yuan (Central Plains)?"
Xiao Yao shook her head.
When she was wandering around, she was quite suspicious of  Xun Di and Huang Di, so she mostly lived in Zhong Yuan( Central Plains), making her feel quite attached to the Zhong Yuan (Central Plains).
Xiao Yao looked down and whispered, "You sent me nine bottles of plum wine."
"Then there was no more news."
Jing thought over Xiao Yao's words again and again before saying cautiously, "Do you mean why I didn't send you any more news?"
Jing thought for a while and then said, "Firstly, the things that Feng Long helped me deliver were all ransacked. Someone by my side has a different mind. Before I find out who it is, I must be very careful. Secondly, my status and the Zhuan Xu are both special. It's not convenient to communicate each other frequently. The Tushan family has a family rule. Because I sent a  gift to Zhuan Xu, I was severely reprimanded by my grandmother. Thirdly, the last time I saw you, you blamed me for constantly trying to find ways to remind you to keep promise, so I tried to restrain myself from making you feel too annoyed."

The first two reasons can still be considered reasonable, but the third one... Xiao Yao was so angry that she fell over the table. She put her arms around her head.

“Xiao Yao.”
“Don’t talk to me. I don’t want to talk to you now!”
Jing actually did not dare to make a sound, but Xiao Yao was a person who liked to talk. She held back for a while, but she could not hold back any longer and asked, “When are you leaving tomorrow?”
“Early in the morning.”
“Accompany me tonight!”

Jing’s frown loosened. He was extremely happy and nodded.
“Aren’t you afraid of being seen by others?”
“The fox doll has long gone back.”
Xiaoyao sighed and said, “I really don’t know whether you are smart or foolish.”
Jing did not speak. Xiao Yao opened the door and looked. Seeing that there was no one around, she beckoned to Jing and quietly pulled him into her room. She entered the room, closed the door, and then felt at ease.
“When I am not on Chao Yun Peak, I will come here.”
Xiao Yao let Jing sit down and tilted her head to look at him.
“What shall we play?”
Xiao Yao looked around the room. Guzheng, chess, books, paintings…there was really nothing at all. Xiao Yao did not know what to do with herself. Inside the chest were several bottles of concentrated poison. There were peach blossom red, indigo, and magenta. There was almost every color. Xiao Yao took out all those bottles and jars, placed them in front of Jing, and then laid a piece of her own 4 pieces of handkerchiefs on the table.
Xiao Yao took out a small brush that she herself took the time to prepare poison, and give it to him.
“Help me draw some pictures!”

    “What picture do you want?”

    "Um, lotus, please."

    Jing dipped in the dark green liquid, drawing a lotus leaf, Xiao Yao said, “Be careful, this is the liquid extracted from the Silk Tree, it is very poisonous! Nan Jiang people call it the Blood Throat Seal.”

    Jing didn't care. Just draw whatever you're drawing. Xiao Yao sat beside him, watching  while drew a picture.

    “What else do you want?”

    “Butterfly, last time I thought of making a poison in the shape of a butterfly. But I paint very badly. When I did it, it turned out to be a bit ugly.”

    Jing heard that she was going to use it to make poison. So he thought it must not be too big, so he drew it a little smaller, drew each one in detail. until there were more than ten.

    Xiao Yao collapsed on the table and stare intently.

    Jing saw that she was sleepy and said, “If you want anything, just tell me. I'll keep drawing myself. If you're sleepy, go to sleep."

    Xiao Yao shook her head.

    Jing finished drawing a butterfly. Xiao Yao suddenly said: “The remaining two pieces are for you to decide.”

    Jing lifted brush up and drew. On one, he painted a picture of rocks by the sea. On the other,  he painted the picture of a peach blossom, no green leaf branches visible. beautiful peach blossoms were seen, one after another. It was like the pale red peach blossom in the middle of Xiao Yao's forehead had flied out and then got imprinted on the pure white handkerchief!”

    Xiao Yao's face was red. “You did it again! As if you are afraid another person will forget"

    The truth was, Jing didn't think much of it. He just draw out the picture in his mind.

When Xiao Yao said that, he felt shy and anxious, and his hand shook. The brush fell to the ground and a drop of red liquid splattered on the back of his hand.
"I, I didn't have that in mind," he said.
Xiao Yao lowered her head and narrowed her eyes. She said softly, "I'm not stopping you to not having that in mind ."
Jing's eyes lit up as he looked at Xiao Yao. He immediately threw himself at her, pressing her down. His lips landed on the corner of her mouth. Jing barely had time to savor the taste before he was startled. His face turned pale. "No, I don't..."
He tried to sit up, but couldn't. Xiao Yao burst out laughing and flipped Jing over. "I know you don't normally, but you must have been poisoned. Why didn't you listen to me!" Xiao Yao checked his pulse and brought a cup of water. She dissolved a pill in the water, knelt beside Jing and gently lifted his upper body. "Half a cup is enough," she said.
Jing could only drink it bit by bit. His face was expressionless. At that moment, they both looked at each other in a daze. Back in Qing Shui, Xiao Yao had also fed him water like this for almost half a year.
"I clearly told you half a cup."
Xiao Yao quickly withdrew the cup. "If you continue like this, I'll have to give you another pill to remove the poison."
She placed the cup on the table and said to Jing, "You'll be able to move in a little while."
Jing didn't say anything and simply leaned quietly in Xiao Yao's arms. Xiao Yao did not put him down and continued to hold him. After a long time, Xiao Yao asked, "Can you move now yet?"

Jing closed his eyes and did not utter a sound, as if he was unable to move.
Xiao Yao placed a pill on his mouth. Jing moved his lips a bit, allowing the pill to enter his mouth.Xiao Yao said, "Will you not ask what is this?"
Jing did not say anything, so Xiao Yao said to him,
"Didn't you want to find the person who let you down? Take that handkerchief with the lotus drawing back and place it in a place where the person might search. You haven't drawn a picture for a long time. That person should find it strange and look at it carefully, wondering if there is a new message on it. Other people may not be able to figure out the message, but the poison will enter their bodies. There isn't any special medicine in this world that can detox all the poisons. The pill you just took can make you immune to some poisons for half a year. So, you can touch that handkerchief as you wish."
"Will the person die?"
"If you see blood on the throat. If you don't see the blood on throat, it's fine. Even if you see blood, you only need to cut off the lotus flower on the handkerchief and put it on the wound in time. With a good doctor, the person won't die."
 Xiao Yao sighed. "I know you will ask for the antidote. You're too soft-hearted!"
Jing did not say anything. Xiao Yao took off his jade hairpiece, letting the smooth black hair on his head fall down. Her hands went into his hair, combing from the roots to the ends. Her hands felt the soft texture, even softer than silk. Xiao Yao asked, "Is it Jing Ye or Lan Xiang who washed your hair for you now?"
"Do you have any other personal attendants?" Xiao Yao almost wanted to tear his hair out.
"I'm not used to it, so I wash it myself."
Xiao Yao turned from anger to joy, stroking his hair gently. Jing was like a kitten being stroked, looking relaxed and happy. Xiao Yao pursed her lips and smiled for a while, then said to Jing, "Last time at the seaside, you were leaning on the side of the boat, your hair was spread out on your back, I also wanted to stroke it secretly."
The corners of Jing's mouth curved into a smile. He wanted to open his eyes to look at her, but Xiao Yao covered his eyes. "Don't, stay like this."
 If he opened his eyes, she would be embarressed. So Jing obediently closed his eyes. Xiao Yao played with his hair happily. She brought his hair to her nose and sniffed. It was still the herbal scent she liked. Xiao Yao murmured to herself, "It's been a long time since I washed your hair. Next time I will wash your hair for you. I will use the leaves of the hibiscus that I picked early in the morning and soak them in water all morning. I will wash it in the afternoon and dry the hair with the remaining sunlight. When smelling it, it will smell both the sunlight and the fragrance of the leaves."
Jing smiled slightly and said, "Good."
Xiao Yao couldn't help yawning, so Jing sat up. "Xiaoyao, you are tired. Take a nap."
Xiao Yao felt the emptiness in her embrace. Jing reached out to push her. "Be good."
Xiao Yao was really very tired. She had no strength to resist. She fell on the bed due to Jing's push and then pulled Jing. "You also lie down. I will stroke your hair."
Jing lay down beside. Xiao Yao's fingers curled his hair and twirled it. "Tomorrow, when I open my eyes, you will be gone, won't you?"
"I will visit you when you arrive in the Zhong Yuan/Central Plains," Xiao Yao whispered."Send me a message. No matter what method you use, don't make me wait too long."

"Got it."
Jing had to mustered his courage to ask softly, "Xiao Yao, is that ...you... do you miss me?"
No one answered him, the entire time.
He then felt gloomy and sad.
After a moment, he could thought of something and called out softly, "Xiao Yao..."
XiaoYao's eyes were tightly shut, and her bright red lips were slightly parted as she slept soundly. Jing couldn't help but let out a secret sigh and smiled faintly.
The nex morning, when Xiao Yao woke up, there was a blanket draped over her body. She looked at the table, where the items were all neatly put. There were only three handkerchiefs left. Xiao Yao sat up and was about to reach for the handkerchief when she felt something in her hand. She looked down and saw a lock of hair, which was wrapped softly around her finger. She thought that before Jing left, he didn't want to disturb her, so he had cut off his hair.
Xiaoyao looked at the hair wrapped around her finger in a daze for a moment and then lay down. At this moment, she didn't know where he was anymore, but there was only a lock of hair left to made her heart distracted.


Chapter 16 

My Review Part

Chapter 16 

My Review Part 1

Jing's 9 Bottles of Wine

Since the time they separated at Ying Zhou Island until now, from winter to summer, over half a year has passed, Jing had only contacted Xiao Yao once.Yet, it was to express his gratitude for  Zhuan Xu's hospitality. Among the gifts Jing sent to Zhuan Xu, there were nine bottles of plum wine. Although Zhuan Xu didn't know which item Jing intended to give to Xiao Yao, he could guess that all these gifts were just definitely not for him. After receiving the gifts, he called Xiao Yao over and said, "I don't understand the riddle behind them. Go and choose it yourself."Xiao Yao picked out the nine bottles of plum wine. They were white jade bottles painted with a plum blossom branch in light red. In fact, they were just ordinary white jade bottles with a plum blossom pattern. However, Xiao Yao felt a warm and fresh sensation run through the center of her forehead.

The chapter opens up with telling of Xiao Yao getting 9 wine bottles from Jing, and then nothing else. The way she felt when receiving wine revealed how much she got strength from recieving it from Jing. It is warm fresh sensation at her forehead where Jing had kissed her before.

Xiao Yao's Cocoting Poison
Her beautiful cocoting poison started after she put away the 9 bottles of wine from Jing.

One evening, she lay on the bed again, playing with nine jade bottles. She flipped and twirled the bottles. The nine jade bottles lay on a white handkerchief. Nine peach blossoms bloomed brilliantly. Suddenly, Xiao Yao thought of Yusan (Jade Mountain). She had waited for her mother there for seventy years, but in the end, she waited for nothing. In this life, she did not want to wait for anyone anymore.

The pictures of peach blossoms remind her of jade mountain (Yusan) where she had waited for her mother, whom never come. This was when she started to resist on her missing Jing. But one thing that I find intriging is her romantic mind in making poison beautiful. She did not do this before whenever she brew poison. 

Xiao Yao began to spend more time concocting poisons. In the middle of the night when she could not sleep, she would lay out the poisons on the bed, thinking how she could make tje poisons to look even more attractive. What she hoped for was to make them more visually appealing, but not more toxic.
When she saw the guppy flowers, she pondered over them for many days. Then she spent many consecutive days and nights to make a small, looking like fresh guppy flowes. The colors were lively and the fragrance was refreshing. When she saw the setting sun, she made some dazzling golden toxic powder. It was as if she had captured the radiant glow of the sunset by the horizon.
This poison was her idea. It was a reflection of her momentary emotion. She created them, watched them blossom in her hands, and then packed them with care before sending them out. Xiao Yao wondered about Xiang Liu's reaction 
when he received the poisons. Would he curse her as perverse? Xiao Yao packed the poisons she had prepared at the dock into a sealed jade box and went to the shipping agency run by the Tushan family. She handed the box to them.

These parts are a bit tricky. But it is implied Xiao Yao is putting her momentary emotion into the poison. That momentary emotion is "beauty", flowers and nature, the radiant glow of setting sun. In chapter 14 we knew Xiao Yao is already into Jing's kiss on her forehead, which she got from Jing. And her heart pounded when she saw his hair blowing in the breeze. I could say that is her romantic feeling.
Poison was her defensive (also a bit of vengeful feeling) object since she first made it to kill the nine tail fox who captured her. Later she used it to poison furball because he ate the cute fei fei, and probably possible of killing her too. And then she had a deal with Xiang Liu to make poison, until she in Wen Xiao Liu form was back to Gao Xing and get her female form back. But then she made poison again when A Nian's bullyings made her to return to make poison. This happen before she met Xiang Liu again. Later she did als did renew a deal with Xiang Liu after he drown her (for cpr kiss).
Therefore I am thinking is she puttng her romantic emotions for Jing, into poison making.? But she call it herself "perverse".(Would the person she's sending into think like that?) And of course she used Tushan shipping service. Did she want Jing to know?

Xiao Yao&Fang Feng Bei's Bond

"I'm bored and have nothing to do. You also seem bored. Being bored together is better than being bored alone."

Fang Feng Bei, the famous playboy approach her because he's bored and she seemed also bored. Since in chapter 15, if Fang Feng Bei is Xiang Liu. She has this curiosity and of course she was indeed bored. So that she accepted his company.
Fang Feng Bei also offered to teach her archery.
And he had showed her archery skill by shoot at a yellow flower.


Fang Feng Bei reached out a hand. The arrow flew back from the cliff on the opposite shore and into her hand. Fang Feng Bei showed it to her. A small yellow dot was stuck to the tip of the arrow, indicating that he had shot the flower. Xiao Yao had to compliment him.

Yellow flowers are usually meaning for bright friendship. Therefore, I am thinking that if Fang Feng Bei is meaning to start their friendship. This is only my personal take on the metaphor of yellow flower. 

It is implied that Fang Feng Bei was like "old-versed horse" who knew a lot about Xuan Yuan city than her. He took her to interesting places. Xiao Yao was not bored anymore. She loved all the jewelary designs craftet by small hands of dwarfs, enjoy big bowl from giant tribe restuarant, and enjoy scents from flower demons' cosmetic shop. They did find fun in dining, drinking.

 Fang Feng Bei was not free every day. Once every five or six days, he would have Xiao Yao accompany him one day, just long enough for Xiao Yao to restore the ability of the archery skills she had learned the previous time. Once, he even disappeared over three months before finally reappearing. Xiao Yao didn't ask where he had gone, and he didn't tell her. Both Xiao Yao and he clearly understood that their student-teacher relationship was only a short-term affair, which could be ended at any time by some unforeseen event. However, from an outsider's perspective, Fang Feng Bei and Xiao Yao could be considered very close. Moreover, the way he passed on archery skills to her, developed as if there was close mutual bond between them.

Fang Feng Bei and Xiao Yao relationship in overall is describe as reappearing, disappearing, never to count on when will he appeared again to teach her achery again. The two has very much understanding about it. Fang Feng Bei could call on her once in 5 days or at one time he can disappear up to three months. Outsiders consider they are closed. He was passing down his skill to her. There seemed to a mutual bond. However, we all know Fang Feng Bei was near to shoot Zhuan Xu, Xiao Yao cousin and whom she is loyal to. Therefore this "mutual bond" is not certain. However, as long as Fang Feng Bei did not shoot Zhuan Xu with arrow, Xiao Yao is likely to be enjoying company from Fang Feng Bei.



Chapter 16 

My Review Part 2

The Playmates
Xiao Yao got to admire Xiang Liu for teaching her archery seriously for over a year.
Learning and teaching archery is not the only activity between Xiao Yao and Fang Feng Bei.
They also spent time enjoying life.

When they ate and drank together, it was especially like enjoying life. They didn't care about anything else and didn't mind trying everything, but they also weren't attached to anything. Instead, they enjoyed every drop of fun together in this bustling world. Many things were completely different when doing together than doing alone, for example, eating. No matter how delicious the food, eating alone felt like something was missing. When they ate together,  Xiao Yao looked up and saw Fang Feng Bei's face as he enjoyed his food, she felt like the food tasted better. Xiao Yao believed that Fang Feng Bei felt the same, so he didn't hesitate to share all the interesting things he knew with Xiao Yao and even took her to take part together. Sometimes, Xiao Yao felt that Fang Feng Bei was like a child who had been lonely for a long time and had played with countless toys. To have someone to play with was not easy, so he couldn't wait patiently and quickly took her out to play together.

They wanted to share everything with each other. It seemed like fun at first, but in fact, it had ceased to be fun long ago. Now, it was slowly becoming true friendship. Xiao Yao was also an honest and loyal drinking buddy. As long as Fang Feng Bei did not pull the bow at Zhuan Xu, he was not her enemy. 

Spending time with Fang Feng Bei was a true escape from bordem and loneliness. They were very carefree together. Sometimes doing with a friend is better than doing a lone. Xiao Yao was not the only one with loneliness, according to the context, it is implied Xiao Yao's thinking  of her being a new toy to Fang Feng Bei that he had come across and he could not wait to take her into taking her to interesting places to play. It might only fun initialy. The more they spend times, the more they were like true friendship. Xiao Yao would think as long as he did not kill Zhuan Xu, he was not her enemy. So the word friendship was used to described their relationship.
Since earlier chapters we could see Xiao Yao in the form of Wen Xiao Liu was not completely opposed to meeting with Xiang Liu. She feared him, yet his moody hurting made her shared wounded abused past with him. And it seemed to comfort her somehow at times. Moreover, I could see her facsinated the kind of creature Xiang Liu is, just like she kept memory of him going under the sea.
With Fang Feng Bei, she was more comfortable. She really believed him to be playboy, taking good care of women. At least she would not ask whom is prettiest.
Never the less Fang Feng Bei was really taking care of her and pampering her. So it made sense she would he was just Fang Feng Bei although her instinct telling him that he's Xiang Liu.

When he took her to buy powder and perfume, he would lie lazily on the stool and watch her choose. When women went shopping, they would often forget the time. Xiao Yao spent the entire day in the store trying out every kind of perfume. By the end, her nose became numb. When she couldn't decide, she would hand him some and ask for his opinion. He patiently helped her choose one by one and gave her his opinion.

Xiao Yao liked perfumes. But she would love herbal scent only on Jing.

Continue abstract
 When they ate together. Xiao Yao liked the filling of the crispy pastry, so he would eat the outer parts  and give the filling to her.
When eating grilled meat, she liked the top rib bone near the neck, which was tender and fatty. Every time, he would cut that part, grill it until crispy and golden brown, then give it to her.
When  riding a horse on a narrow mountain path, he always let her be at front because after the person in front passed, the branches that crossed the path would be flicked towards the people who followed behind.
How could Xiang Liu speak to her gently, be considerate, and give in to her in everything, even enduring to be her companion? Only a playboy like Fang Feng Bei could understand a woman's heart like that. Over time, even though there was still such a strange feeling, Xiao Yao firmly believed that Fang Feng Bei was Fang Feng Bei, but at this moment... she felt that he was Xiang Liu. There was no reason, no explanation, she just felt he was.

Casino/Gambling House of Arena
 After they went down into the underground city, they saw hellhound people everywhere. This made the women who did not wear masks seem even more alluring. Xiao Yao laughed again. As everyone was faceless, they did not need to maintain their dignity. Everything became blatant and explicit, alluring to the point of being obscene, and exciting to the point of drawing blood. Xiao Yao and Fang Feng Bei walked around with great pleasure. Fang Feng Bei took Xiao Yao to gamble.
 Xiao Yao had spent five years in the casino, making a living from it. Returning to her previous profession, she won all the time. Fang Feng Bei also won all the time, but they both understood the rules. When they had won enough, they stopped.

To me this area is something that is associated to Xiao Yao's and Xiang Liu's pasts, where one had to fight to death for survival. It was implied Xiao Yao also experienced casino for five years. It is probably the same to Xiang Liu/Fang Feng Bei. So they both knew to control themselves after some winnings.
Even they both found a man at their bettings, to whom Xiao Yao bet to give the man some hopes. Fang Feng Bei was the one to make it.  He even revealed some of his past as slave at arena.
Of course, Fang Feng Bei and Xiao Yao had playful, joyful, excited times together. I can genuiely feel their..not romance from both sides.

However, with the atmosphere of the surrounding they visiting to gambling house where they bet on slave lives, and saying "faceless" and "did not have to maintain dignity". This was the place the wild, outlaw side of people that came. Besides with the hellhound masks, everyone is under disguise.  If it were to relate to Fang Feng Bei and Xiao Yao's relationship, this was their visit to the underground place, free from the restricts of their ties and thinking of more rationalities. But the place is a fighting for life and death, so it is sort of one finding joy with dangerous  games. Besides, the word "faceless" reminding me of when Xiao Yao became faceless and just wandering everywhere without any true identity or and settling, but feeling lost.

Encounter With Jing & Yi Yang
Xiao Yao hadn't rejected Fang Feng Bei's advances, it was only because she knew that the news of her close association with him would definitely spread to every major clans. Jing must have heard this news too, and that was what Xiao Yao had intended. Xiao Yao didn't understand why she was thinking this way, but she was too confused to think about it. Since doing this made her feel happy, she continued to do it.
 Xiao Yao discovered that she had misunderstood Fang Feng Bei. Fang Feng Bei had actually taught her archery, and she herself had begun learning seriously. Slowly, her initial goal became unimportant, but Xiao Yao was still waiting,  waiting for a reaction from Jing. But after sixteen months, she had truly given up waiting. She simply felt that she was ridiculous. Fortunately, Fang Feng Bei had exceeded her expectations. Otherwise, it wouldn't have been only simply ridiculous, but also sad. But just when she had forgotten about it, he suddenly appeared again, and he even brought his fiancee!
Jing, who rarely spoke, suddenly blurted out, "Yi Yang has been thinking about you all this time. The residence is very spacious and easy to get in and out of. Please do us the honor."
Yi Yang glanced at Jing in surprise, but she was very pleased. Jing's eagerness to show hospitality to her family made her feel very proud. Fang Feng Bei smiled and said, "Your hospitality is hard to resist, but I will not trouble you tonight. I still need to send my friend back. I will move in tomorrow."
Jing said, "Where are you going, Second Elder Brother? This carriage is very spacious. It can accommodate all of you."
Yi Yang was stunned watching her brother, and then sighed. "I heard that for the past year, he has been very close and intimate with Gao Xing Princess. I even thought that he had finally found someone who could stir his heart and that he might restrain himself. I never expected that he would still be like this."
Jing didn't say anything. He silently boarded his carriage, closing both of his eyes. The scene of Xiao Yao and Fang Feng Bei' four eyes met together appeared. There was an indescribable delicate atmosphere between the two.

Finally, it was revealed what is the main reason why Xiao Yao went out with Fang Feng Bei, apart from her curiosity of him being Xiang Liu, despite being Zhuan Xu's enemy overall. We could see she's so missing him all these months that she vent her anger on him because he did not contact her after sending her 9 bottles in the name of gift for Zhuan Xu. She wanted him to as hurt as her. (Why she has to all wait for him while he's with his fiance. So she just go out with a Fang Feng Bei instead.)  
It showed that it's not like Jing was ignoring, he was inviting Fang Feng Bei to stay with Tushan and even offer to send them off. I somehow find it more as to get Fang Feng Bei and Xiao Yao in sight near him than hospitality. (Although, Jing was polite).
Yi Yang told Jing about Bei about how Bei had been with lowly women for long, becasue she never imagined a Gao Xing princess would be out at this time around in such place, so she did not notice her. And of course we can see her wishing for her brother good settling. But Jing knew it's Xiao Yao. The way he saw them when he closed his eyes was "delicate". To that is somehow indicating as if Jing starting think there's something between them? But well, its all his seeing because he closed his eyes, not the reality.

Chapter 16 

My Review Part 3

Choices of Companion In Life
Huang Di ignored Xiaoyao’s implicit sarcasm and said, "Choose a good husband. Before I die, I can still guarantee that you will marry the man you want." Making her to live as happily as possible and let it pass.
Huang Di suddenly changed the subject, which made Xiao Yao pause for a moment. She suddenly felt a sense of bitterness and sadness in her heart. No matter how angry she was with him, he was still her grandfather.
Xiao Yao suppressed the confusion and asked with a forced smile, "Anyone? Even if he’s engaged? Even if he’s your enemy?" Huang Di looked at Xiao Yao. "What kind of man do you want?"
 Perhaps because Huang Di was born into ordinary society and wasn’t educated like the children of noble families, when he spoke, he was more straightforward and sharp comparing to Xun Di.
If other women heard such blunt words, they would have blushed a long time ago. However, Xiao Yao did not show any embarrassment at all. It was the first time someone had asked her this question, so she pondered for a moment before slowly saying, "I started dressing like a man before I had even matured. When other young women were longing to find lovers, I didn't know what I was busy doing. Maybe I was just busy trying to stay alive. Perhaps I have been alone for too long, and I have always wanted to find someone to accompany me. I don't mean getting married, but rather someone to share my life with and to share my joys and sorrows. Even if we quarrel with each other, at least we can talk and keep each other company. But I am a very coward person. Just think about it. Even people like my paternal grandfather and my parents have all abandoned me for various reasons. So how can I trust that others will not abandon me? I  accompanied with the lonely and helpless old person to depend on each other, and I took in n orphaned children. They all needed me, so they would definitely not abandon me." Xiao Yao laughed self-deprecatingly. "Everyone else thinks I am kind-hearted. In fact, I am just weak. I am with people who are weaker than me, because that makes me feel like I can control everything. I like being relied on and not being abandoned, so it makes me feel secure."
Huang Di leaned on the locust wood couch, gazing at Xiao Yao thoughtfully. Xiao Yao continued, "After I changed back into a woman, I always felt that marriage was still a long way off, so I never thought carefully about it. But I know very well that I am afraid of men like you. In your hearts, there must always be choices that are more important than women."
Huang Di's face was expressionless. He said calmly, "Actually, none of us was suited to be anyone's husband."
Xiao Yao narrowed her eyes and said slowly, "I am so afraid that once I have it, I will lose it. If that is the case, I am willing to never have it in the first place. Unless there is a man who, no matter what choices he faces, I am his first choice. No matter the reason, he will not abandon me. Only then would I be willing to spend my life with him."
Huang Di replied, "That's difficult."

Xiao Yao laughed and said, "I know it's very difficult, so I don't dare to think about any man. I'm afraid that once I think about it, I won't be able to turn back...even though..." Xiao Yao sighed, "Even though I feel confused in my heart, I try to control it."
Huang Di said, "The question you asked me just now, you already have your own answer. If he chooses another woman, it means that you are not the first choice in his heart. If he chooses to be an enemy of me or the Zhuan Xu, it means that you are not the most important thing in his heart. He can abandon you."
Xiao Yao felt even more depressed, hugging her knees and sitting in a corner like a ball, staring at the mulberry forest.
Huang Di said, "In fact, you think too much. Sometimes people have to learn to be a little vague. As long as you choose the right person and respect each other, it is not difficult to stay together until you grow old."
Xiao Yao thought Huang Di's words in a daze for a while, then smiled bitterly and said, "I understand what you mean, Grandfather, but I have such a temper. If I can't find such a man, I would rather not get married and adopt several orphans. Life can go on."
Huang Di didn't say anything, just looked at the mulberry forest in silence. 

In this part of the chapter is showing Huang Di actually wanted Xiao have happy life and happy love life too. We can see that Xiao Yao is scared of being alone and abandoned and made her onto not wanting to rely on anyone. She explained about how her heart sort of rough, because she had been pretending as a man for so long. She had accompanied Lau Mu and took in orphans, Ma Zi, Chung Zi, etc, who had to relied on her so that they could not abandon her. She did not consider herself kind because she's just afraid to be alone that she took them in.
So how much of this is truth?
Back then in chapter 2, Wen Xiao Liu had risked of chances of encountering the brutal Xiang Liu in order to get some pricey herbs and fei fei to sell, so that she could make the bride price for Ma Zi to get married. She did the same Chung Zi. She mostly seemed to act as she didn't but she did. If all actually left her for good, she would all let them because  deep down she still had compassion and kindness.
She was surprised Huang Di asked her about getting married and be with anyone she liked. She said with a question of two men she had been going out with, the one with a fiance and another is enemy of Huang Di. We know that Xiao Yao mentioned enemy of Huang Di, we know that it is Xiang Liu, because he's loyal subordinate of Gong Gong, who was against Huang Di. Fang Feng Bei is most likely enemy of Zhuan Xu since he's going out with the enemy. Huang Di's answer to her question reflect her own answer. If a man choose another woman, Xiao Yao was not his first choice and if a man is enemy of either Huang Di or Zhuan Xu, then Xiao Yao is not the most important for him, and he can abandon her. But of course things are not as simple as this in reality. For example, Jing's engagement was not by his choice. In their conversation, Xiao Yao admitted that she was controlling herself although she's confused. Of course that confusion was for Jing and she was trying best to resist him this whole chapter 16.

Another Side of A Nian
A Nian was particularly humble to Huang Di. When Huang Di saw A Nian, he felt unexpected. He probably didn't expect that A Nian would be more like his daughter than Xiao Yao. Perhaps because of this similarity, Huang Di favored A Nian very much.

A Nian understood it at once and asked Huang Di in a pleading tone, "I also wish to have a grandfather, Father. May I call Your Majesty 'Grandfather' like Zhuan Xu?" Huang Di laughed. "If your Imperial Father does not mind, then of course, by all means."
A  Nian called sweetly, "Grandfather."
 Huang was overjoyed and ordered a servant to fetch a bracelet that Lei had once worn. When A Nian heard that it had belonged to Lei, her face lit up in joy, and she put it on carefully.
Xiao Yao was stunned and felt that A Nian must be Huang Du's blood-related granddaughter.
Zhuan Xu blinked at her. Now she understood A Nian's wiles. Xiao Yao could only give her a thumbs-up. She used to think that A Nian was frivolous in small matters but clever in serious ones. She was not stupid, but just impulsive and found it difficult to get along with others. However, she now realized that A Nian was not difficult to get along with. She was just unwilling to waste her energy on people who would bring her no benefit. So why should she waste her energy and intellect on pleasing them? Upon careful reflection, A Nian seemed capricious and self-centered, but in fact, she had never crossed the line Huang Di and Zhuan Xu had set for her.

We have always seen A Nian being bratty all times, this scene of her behaviour showed another side of her. She could actually be very proper and sweet in front of those whom she had to. And with Xiao Yao taking on A Nian, she just did not act humble towards those whom she did not have to. And according to Huang Di, A Nian was more alike with his daughter compare to Xiao Yao. He was very pleased with her.

Fang Feng Bei or Xiang Liu
Upon reaching their destination, Xiao Yao put down her bow, drew the bowstring taut, and fired.The arrow firmly pierced into the trunk of a tree.
Fang Feng Bei smiled and said, "Where did you eat the hornet's nest today?"
Xiao Yao remained silent. She simply picked up an arrow, placed it on the bowstring, slowly turned around, aimed at Fang Feng Bei's chest, and pulled the bowstring."Who are you, really?"
Fang Feng Bei said with feigned dismay, "I am currently at my future brother-in-law's house, meeting my future sister-in-law every day. Aside from being Fang Feng Bei, who do you think I could be?"
Upon looking at him, he no longer resembled Xiang Liu. Xiao Yao glared at him.
"If I discover that you've deceived me, I'll shoot you in the chest with an arrow."
Fang Feng Bei laughed. "Who do you really want me to be? That friend of yours that you tried to poison?"
Xiao Yao released her fingers, and the taut bowstring snapped, sending the arrow flying past Fang Feng Bei's head and embedding it into the trunk of the tree behind him. Fang Feng Bei laughed and clapped his hands in applause. "A teacher like me teaches not bad at all!"
Xiao Yao smiled wryly.
Fang Feng Bei said, "You're in a bad mood today. Don't practice anymore."Xiao Yao picked up another arrow and drew the bowstring, aiming at the target tree. "I'm in a bad mood today, so I won't practice! If I'm in a good mood tomorrow, I won't practice either! Life is filled with excuses to indulge oneself. If there's a first time, there is bound to be a second time. Then what will I ever learn?"
Fang Feng Bei let out a faint sigh and said nothing more. He watched Xiao Yao's form and occasionally provided guidance.

I felt that in this scene, Xiao Yao was indeed in a short temper, she just let it out straightly toward Fang Feng Bei. She let out her curiousity in such an angry way by pointing arrow at Fang Feng Bei and to make him at admit he was actually Xiang Liu, as if she could no longer kept this knowledge and curiosity. anymore. Fang Feng Bei sensed her bad mood and so told her to stop. But then Xiao Yao's answer to him on she did not want to stop learning archery because of some excuses. It is like Xiao Yao is telling us that she will need to go on with life even if she had to deal with some confusion in life. We all know that of course Fang Feng Bei is Xiang Liu in disguise especially when he showed anger at her through his expression when Xiao Yao told him that she had to go and meet Jing (for Zhuan Xu).
Xiao Yao said, "I suddenly remembered that my brother asked me to do something. I can't go out with you today. Can I make it up to you next time?"
Fang Feng Bei fixed his eyes on her silently.  The familiar feeling welling up in her again. Xiao Yao’s body stiffened involuntarily, as if Fang Feng Bei would rush over to take a large bite of her neck at any moment.
 All of a sudden, Fang Feng Bei laughed out loud and said nonchalantly, “Alright!”
As Fang Feng Bei left in an instant, Xiao Yao couldn’t resist rubbing her neck. She felt as if she had just overcome a disaster.

Xiao Yao's Venting Anger
"Big brother, don't feel sad. It's not a big deal. I will go to see Jing. I didn't force myself. And I was not doing it for you. In fact, I...but I was venting my anger to him."

We could see her admitting of vent anger to vent when Zhuan Xu asked to meet Jing for the benefit.

Xiao Yao felt that there were always eyes staring at her from behind, so heavy and pressuring that she could barely walk, but she would rather resist, pretending to walk with a light step, talking and laughing happily. When she arrived at the door, Xiao Yao suddenly remembered that she had promised Zhuan Xu in the morning, so she stopped. Just now, she didn't know why, she only thought about resisting Jing.
 “Your presence is enough.” The corners of Jing’s eyes and brows were gentle and warm, and the corners of his mouth curled into a faint smile. The smile seemed to be bitter yet without any trace of resentment. It seemed that Xiao Yao could do anything and he would be happy as long as she was there.

Suddenly, Xiao Yao felt depressed, like she was throwing a tantrum at the clouds. No matter how much effort she put in, the other wouldn't feel for her at all. 

Xiao Yao could feel Jing's heavy emotion on her leaving with Fang Feng Bei. She still resisted it to leave until she remembered of Zhuan Xu's request. It seems like she wanted Jing to suffer in jealousy as her (of FFYY). But he was acting all calm which is much disappointment to her.

Fish Purple Crystal
Abstract (Long)
Jing handed a small box to Xiao Yao. Xiao Yao opened it and found a silver necklace inside. On the necklace was a purple gemstone hanging, clear and shiny, sparkling brilliantly.Xiao Yao thought for a moment and asked uncertainly, "This is fish purple crystal?"
"In fact, I wanted to find a red gem for you, but although this item is not considered a precious object, it is something that must be encountered by fate. I could only find this purple gem. I initially thought about what shape to carve it into, but when I thought again about the reason you wanted this item, it must be to play with it in the water. Therefore, no matter what shape it is, it can't compare to a round, smooth crystal that is comfortable to hold in your mouth. If you want it to be a certain shape, I can help you carve it."
Xiao Yao asked, "It's not easy to find this item, is it?"
"It's not difficult."
Xiao Yao said, "Not difficult? Even the Tushan, who were rich enough to buy a kingdom, could only find one purple gem. Hence forth, if you want to give something to a young lady, you must describe the difficulty as three-fifths of the truth, and describe the difficulty as fifty percent of the truth, so that they will see that you are sincere."
Jing was silent.
Xiao Yao played with the purple crystal in her hand, "Is this item ready to be used?"
"It's ready."
"By holding this gem in my mouth, will I be able to breathe freely in the water?"
"Yes, I've tested it."
Xiao Yao was about to pick up crystal and put it into her mouth, but when she heard this, she hurriedly put the crystal away. When she held it in her hand, she felt that the bead was scalding hot. Jing was a little nervous, but he was afraid that Xiao Yao would have fun and cause trouble, so he urged in a low voice, "The longest time I swam in the water was one day and two nights, but I have supernatural powers. For safety, it's best for you not to stay for more than ten hours."
Xiao Yao accepted with the low voice. Jing liked to stay still and didn't like to move. In order to test the crystal, he even swam in the water for one day and two nights.Suddenly, Xiao Yao fell on the table and buried her face in her arms.Jing was so shocked that he exclaimed, "Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao, what's wrong with you?"
"I'm not unwell, I'm just a little angry with you." Every time when she just became strong-minded, he always had a way to make her soften her heart. Was it because she took him home and saved him that she couldn't harden her heart towards him?
"I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have appeared!"  Jing didn't know anything at all about Xiao Yao's complicated thoughts. He only knew that Xiao Yao was very unhappy now, but just now she was very happy when she was with Fang Feng Bei.
Xiao Yao was so angry that she threw the bead in her hand at him, "You're such a fool. I really don't understand why those people think you are smart."
Jing didn't dare to dodge. He just sat still and didn't move. Xiao Yao began to be scare that the crysral would be damaged by her, so she asked, "What about the crystal?"
Jing hurriedly helped her look for it and handed the crystal that rolled on the floor back to Xiao Yao."It's not easy to break."

Xiao Yao glared at him while playing with the crystal and said resentfully, "Why did you bring... to Xuan Yuan City? Are you still thinking about canceling the marriage? If not, tell me before hand, so that I don't have to wait and keep the promise with you! "
Jing said anxiously, "Of course I want to cancel it! I told my grandmother that I don't want to marry Fang Feng Ying!"
Xiao Yao lowered her head, obviously waiting for him to continue speaking.
Jing said, "Yi Yang has stayed with my grandmother's side for many years, and she is deeply attached to grandmother. My grandmother disagreed with canceling the marriage, but agreed to postpone it for the time being. This time, Yi Yang asked me to come to Xuan Yuan City with us. I didn't want to bring her, but my grandmother said that our Tushan family owes her, and asked me to take care of her like my younger sister."
Xiao Yao played with the crystal and thought quietly
Jing said, "Xiao Yao, my grandmother has always loved and cared for me, so I must persuade my grandmother to agree."
Xiao Yao said, "I accept this fish purple crystal!"

This is the whole scene for Xiao Yao to accept the purple crystal from Jing. We could see Jing was just plain in his discussing matters with Xiao Yao. Jing knew Xiao Yao would like to dive in water with her curiousity when she saw fish red crystal Hou got back then. But since it's rare Jing could only able to get the purple one and he said with ease that it's not difficult to get. It's very sincere  from him, but Xiao Yao said that he should have make it sounds more difficult in getting, so one could feel more sincere from him. At that I have a feeling that Xiao Yao might have wanted Jing to work harder to get her. And moreover, this seems to be telling that some people could only feel sincere when something seemed to get from difficulties although it could be a lie.
Throughout the scene we see Xiao Yao fighting with her feelings. But finally she accepted the purple crystal from Jing when he will persuade his grandmother to cancel his engagement because she had already agree to postpone it. (He also believed that his grandmother loved him very much.)

Chapter 16 

My Review Part 4

Give Up Xuan Yuan City!
Feng Long cried out in agitation: “Abandon Xuan Yuan City! Come to Zhong Yuan! Only by taking possession of Zhong Yuan can one command all of Da Huang. Only by firmly occupying Zhong Yuan, can one survey the entire Da Duang; to the West to Xibei, Nan Jiang, Bei Di, Tong Hai (Eastern Sea), all in the palm of one's hand. The day when  you desire to lead troops into battle, all one has to do is " Fenglong pointed to the land of Gao Xing with clenched fists and "it shall be done with ease''.
Zhuan Xu could not sit still any longer. He stood up and stared at the map for a while. After a moment of contemplation, he slowly pointed his finger at the Sheng Nong Mountain. "Here it is! Only Sheng Nong Mountain has 28 peaks stretching across thousands of miles, making it a suitable match for the current territory of  Xuan Yuan."He looked towards Feng Long, who nodded his head in agreement. Their thoughts were aligned. The faces of the two young men were filled with dreams and passion, and they were unwavering in their determination to spare no expense.

Finally Zhuan Xu alliances, Chi Sui Feng Long had spoken up directly about how they could support Zhuan Xu to get highest power. Tushan might be the richest of 4 biggest clan or even richer than royalites, but Chi Sui clan was the most powerful of all because they were once the royal family or ruler of Sheng Nong which was the biggest land of three big lands. Therefore if one get connections and power from Sheng Nong important families, (Tushan clan was also in middle plain) it could be the power to conquer Sheng Nong as well as Xuan Yuan because of Sheng Nong being at the center of the world. In Xuan Yuan, since Zhuan Xu was exiled to Gao Xing, his uncles had got the power from Xuan Yuan and its important families. Zhuan Xu knew himself he was powerless compare to his enemies, and his ambitions was not only Xuan Yuan. This offer actually provoke Zhuan Xu true desire overall.

Chi Sui Feng Long seemed to want higher power, his family to accomplish more things to his clan and the land. But this is how I think. I hope to encounter more of Chi Sui clan, apart from Xing Yue, I am fond of this clan. I do like how Little Zhu Rong handle middle plain and made the land prosperous, although his power was under control of Huang Di. 

While Zhuan Xu and Feng Long delight with this plan for giving hopes with more power to accomplish the land, Jing was also delight with the hope of getting Xiao Yao a lot nearer to him. It was after him being the one to promote Zhuan Xu to Feng Long and also he was the one the to persuade this over plan to Feng Long too but not wanting to get credit for him.

Xiao Yao seemed to see Ye Shiqi from Hui Chun Tang and cheered up again. She immediately softened and asked gently, “Do you want to see me?”

Jing nodded vigorously once, because he had missed her so much that it had penetrated to his bones. Therefore, after he had thought about it over and over again, he came up with an idea. He started by persuading Feng Long to agree. Now he was dragging Feng Long and Xing Yue to travel thousands of miles to the Xuan Yuan City to persuade Zhuan Xu.

Moreover this scene also include Xing Yue, looking at Zhuan Xu. 

Xing Yue felt aggrieved to be belittled by her older brother, but she saw that Zhuan Xu's demeanor was very different from before. She simply felt that he was like a towering mountain. He made her look up at him in admiration.  couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder, as if deer were running inside her. The heart of the proud young woman had fallen completely into a trap.

According to the context I really think Xing Yue was in love with Zhuan Xu, however how will their relationship develop is still yet to see because Zhuan Xu was most into politics and did not believe in true love from Xing Yue. He also seemed to value manly friendship than romancing with women.
Zhuan Xu's heart was also filled with enthusiasm and regret. Although love between a man and a woman was deep, the brotherhood between men with a shared purpose and who had shed blood together was even more earth-shaking. He said, "Tonight, we can only drink a cup of plain water. When we reach Zhong Yuan, let's get drunk to our hearts' content!"

Xiao Yao and Jing Spending Time
“Help me draw some pictures!”

    “What picture do you want?”

    "Um, lotus, please."

    Jing dipped in the dark green liquid, drawing a lotus leaf, Xiao Yao said, “Be careful, this is the liquid extracted from the Silk Tree, it is very poisonous! Nan Jiang people call it the Blood Throat Seal.”

    Jing didn't care. Just draw whatever you're drawing. Xiao Yao sat beside him, watching  while drew a picture.

    “What else do you want?”

    “Butterfly, last time I thought of making a poison in the shape of a butterfly. But I paint very badly. When I did it, it turned out to be a bit ugly.”

    Jing heard that she was going to use it to make poison. So he thought it must not be too big, so he drew it a little smaller, drew each one in detail. until there were more than ten.

    Xiao Yao collapsed on the table and stare intently.

    Jing saw that she was sleepy and said, “If you want anything, just tell me. I'll keep drawing myself. If you're sleepy, go to sleep."

    Xiao Yao shook her head.

    Jing finished drawing a butterfly. Xiao Yao suddenly said: “The remaining two pieces are for you to decide.”

    Jing lifted brush up and drew. On one, he painted a picture of rocks by the sea. On the other,  he painted the picture of a peach blossom, no green leaf branches visible. beautiful peach blossoms were seen, one after another. It was like the pale red peach blossom in the middle of Xiao Yao's forehead had flied out and then got imprinted on the pure white handkerchief!”

    Xiao Yao's face was red. “You did it again! As if you are afraid another person will forget"

    The truth was, Jing didn't think much of it. He just draw out the picture in his mind.

When Xiao Yao said that, he felt shy and anxious, and his hand shook. The brush fell to the ground and a drop of red liquid splattered on the back of his hand.
"I, I didn't have that in mind," he said.
Xiao Yao lowered her head and narrowed her eyes. She said softly, "I'm not stopping you to not having that in mind ."
Jing's eyes lit up as he looked at Xiao Yao. He immediately threw himself at her, pressing her down. His lips landed on the corner of her mouth. Jing barely had time to savor the taste before he was startled. His face turned pale. "No, I don't..."
He tried to sit up, but couldn't. Xiao Yao burst out laughing and flipped Jing over. "I know you don't normally, but you must have been poisoned. Why didn't you listen to me!" Xiao Yao checked his pulse and brought a cup of water. She dissolved a pill in the water, knelt beside Jing and gently lifted his upper body. "Half a cup is enough," she said.
Jing could only drink it bit by bit. His face was expressionless. At that moment, they both looked at each other in a daze. Back in Qing Shui, Xiao Yao had also fed him water like this for almost half a year.
"I clearly told you half a cup."
Xiao Yao quickly withdrew the cup. "If you continue like this, I'll have to give you another pill to remove the poison."
She placed the cup on the table and said to Jing, "You'll be able to move in a little while."
Jing didn't say anything and simply leaned quietly in Xiao Yao's arms. Xiao Yao did not put him down and continued to hold him. After a long time, Xiao Yao asked, "Can you move now yet?"

Jing closed his eyes and did not utter a sound, as if he was unable to move.
Xiao Yao placed a pill on his mouth. Jing moved his lips a bit, allowing the pill to enter his mouth.Xiao Yao said, "Will you not ask what is this?"
Jing did not say anything, so Xiao Yao said to him,
"Didn't you want to find the person who let you down? Take that handkerchief with the lotus drawing back and place it in a place where the person might search. You haven't drawn a picture for a long time. That person should find it strange and look at it carefully, wondering if there is a new message on it. Other people may not be able to figure out the message, but the poison will enter their bodies. There isn't any special medicine in this world that can detox all the poisons. The pill you just took can make you immune to some poisons for half a year. So, you can touch that handkerchief as you wish."
"Will the person die?"
"If you see blood on the throat. If you don't see the blood on throat, it's fine. Even if you see blood, you only need to cut off the lotus flower on the handkerchief and put it on the wound in time. With a good doctor, the person won't die."
 Xiao Yao sighed. "I know you will ask for the antidote. You're too soft-hearted!"
Jing did not say anything. Xiao Yao took off his jade hairpiece, letting the smooth black hair on his head fall down. Her hands went into his hair, combing from the roots to the ends. Her hands felt the soft texture, even softer than silk. Xiao Yao asked, "Is it Jing Ye or Lan Xiang who washed your hair for you now?"
"Do you have any other personal attendants?" Xiao Yao almost wanted to tear his hair out.
"I'm not used to it, so I wash it myself."
Xiao Yao turned from anger to joy, stroking his hair gently. Jing was like a kitten being stroked, looking relaxed and happy. Xiao Yao pursed her lips and smiled for a while, then said to Jing, "Last time at the seaside, you were leaning on the side of the boat, your hair was spread out on your back, I also wanted to stroke it secretly."
The corners of Jing's mouth curved into a smile. He wanted to open his eyes to look at her, but Xiao Yao covered his eyes. "Don't, stay like this."
 If he opened his eyes, she would be embarressed. So Jing obediently closed his eyes. Xiao Yao played with his hair happily. She brought his hair to her nose and sniffed. It was still the herbal scent she liked. Xiao Yao murmured to herself, "It's been a long time since I washed your hair. Next time I will wash your hair for you. I will use the leaves of the hibiscus that I picked early in the morning and soak them in water all morning. I will wash it in the afternoon and dry the hair with the remaining sunlight. When smelling it, it will smell both the sunlight and the fragrance of the leaves."
Jing smiled slightly and said, "Good."

This is the most sensual and most comfortable and most fluffy romantic scene. All the deep feelings from both revealed. We can see how our Xiao Yao is enjoying her sensual time and also caring, which was why she let him draw pictures with poison, lotus, butterfly, etc. And give him to catch the one who's likely to spying on him, and the antitode as well which is that lotus on white cloth. Xiao Yao did not hide from Jing at all that she's still doing poison and even crafting them beautiful. And again Xiao Yao was still checking if either of his maid was now looking after his hair to which he reply no one touch his hair , which makes her just so happy. I love how Xiao Yao is so bold and told him straight how she wanted to touch his hair since last times. 

It was like last time she sweetly claim of him drawing her peach blossom mark on forehead, to make reminding to her (but she was happy in saying she is not stopping him). 

And the way he got all shy and collasped onto her and his lips touching corner of her mouth is... its a very sweet scene. She loves how he's in her embrace and she got to stoke his hair and him loving her touching like a kitten being stoked, happy and relax. So I had to conclude how these two so sensually attracted to each other and are definetly in love. I mean she completely forget about her venting anger and her resistance to him (because she's so scared of being abandon in the end). She just enjoyed every moment with Jing. Even if she excused herself of it as Zhuan Xu's request, her feelings are so true genuine. 

"Don't Make Me Wait Too Long!"

Those are her words before getting asleep. We then know it pained her that he was away from her. But of course Jing left a lock of his hair in her hand and it is likely to make her distracted.