Statistical charts of the character contribution and character popularity of currently airing dramas

(As of 7/20) - updated on July 21st, 2024

Since the start of LYF Season 2, Tushan Jing & Ye Shiqi has ranked first in popularity for many consecutive days, and his contribution to the popularity of this drama is significantly ahead of the rest of the characters. (Although there are not many scenes of him and some scenes were cut by the editors)

叶十七/涂山璟:Ye Shiqi/Tushan Jing













Deng Wei's Weibo Data

Deng Wei's Weibo data reflects his high popularity. Both Deng Wei and his character in LYF S2 have drawn great attention from people in China. 

  • As of 7/16, 12 hot searches about him and his character exceeded 100 million views within 24 hours
  • On 7/14, the number of views under the character tag (#邓为涂山璟) exceeded 10 billion.
  • During 7/5 - 7/11,  the Weibo Statistics shows that Deng Wei got the “cumulative attention” of 1.631 billion, making him the most popular actor/star among Chinese netizens during this period.
  • 7/8 - 7/14, his Weibo account witnessed an increase of 227,000 new followers.

Weibo Drama Influence List - The Most Discussed (Hottest) Character List:

It is worth mentioning that Deng Wei has two character names in the drama, although they are the actually the same person.  Therefore, don't be surprised if you see both Tushan Jing and Ye Shiqi on the TOP 5 list.

涂山璟 - Tushan Jing

叶十七 - Ye Shiqi











WeChat, TikTok, Little Red Book, etc

In the first week 7/8 - 7/14, Deng Wei's WeChat index peaked among all characters in LYF for 6 days.

At the same time, his data performance on other mainstream social platforms in China, such as TikTok, Little Red Book and even Kuaishou are also eye-catching.

Wechat Index:

涂山璟 - Tushan Jing

叶十七 - Ye Shiqi







What going to happen now they killed him this can’t be happening but xl was looking for him there’s hope? As for brother yikes

I don't believe we saw TSJ harm anyone, except when he needs to protect XY. Even in the scene where FFYY was clinging to his sleeve and refusing to let go, instead of pushing her away or making physical contact, he chose to cut off his sleeve. It was as if he was saying, "I don't like you, I don't want to touch you, but I also don't want to hurt you, so I'll ruin my clothes instead." I just thought this small detail effectively showcased what kind of person he is - a  kind, respectful, and considerate gentleman.

 Kathy Noble:

What going to happen now they killed him this can’t be happening but xl was looking for him there’s hope? As for brother yikes

Don't worry, he is not dead. I'm not sure what route the drama will take. In the novel, it is indeed XL who saves him, but will have to see how the drama deals with this part.

Cang Xuan is indeed a complex character. What he does is unforgivable, but I can see how everything has lead up to this point. Ep 18 did not disappoint - from XY's devastating heart break to her confrontation with CX, I was engrossed.

I love what she tells CX about TSJ, why she loves and cherishes him so much. He healed her of her heart's deepest wounds. He showed her that it was possible to live on without harboring hatred and fear even after being tortured and even betrayed by one's own brother.

It would have been nice that the whole Haoling and finding XY's Mom arc had been more completely adapted from the book, because it more explicitly showed how much TSJ helped her heal from her past. But I think there's enough in the drama to demonstrate how he, without resorting to killing his brother or Fangfeng Yiying, could deal with his past and family matters and in turn offer XY an outlook on life that didn't involve all the plotting/scheming/killing that her family and ancestors were involved in before.

It's sad too for CX. In dealing with his uncles, he also demonstrated that he's not necessarily someone who will just resort to violence to off his opponents. But his jealousy and possessiveness of XY got the better of him (I mean, we are all human, right? It's part of why I feel so much for him while I also hate him for what he did).


I don't believe we saw TSJ harm anyone, except when he needs to protect XY. Even in the scene where FFYY was clinging to his sleeve and refusing to let go, instead of pushing her away or making physical contact, he chose to cut off his sleeve. It was as if he was saying, "I don't like you, I don't want to touch you, but I also don't want to hurt you, so I'll ruin my clothes instead." I just thought this small detail effectively showcased what kind of person he is - a  kind, respectful, and considerate gentleman.

Exactly. Cang Xuan saw him as weak and indecisive in not being able to just throw FFYY away. TSJ was considering her situation (and he didn't know at the time she was having an affair with his brother) and wanted to find a solution that would benefit everyone.

It's too bad the drama didn't include more of Jing's conversations with YY, or rather the monologue in her head when she recognizes that Jing's kindness in dealing with others even after their harsh betrayal of him is a strength. Some of the dialogue was given to Grandfather in ep 18, but it makes more impact if YY were to acknowledge that.

And what she said about jing is why I tell my daughter that 

Xl = no= while he loves her they could not live on

cx=no= betrayal obsessive but protective 

jing= deep love understanding kind he taught her that 

so please bring hope to her and that’s jing ?

 Kathy Noble:
so please bring hope to her and that’s jing ?

Hoping the drama does the ending justice!

Yeah, I'm sad that we didn't get to see his conversation with FFYY, it really showcased his strong mental state and positive character as well as showing how FFYY was influenced by his kindness and reflected on her past actions (a major growth in character!)
FFYY: "Why don't you hate me?"I
I believe his response was something like "Hatred can only lead to more hatred and more pain" and he acknowledges the complexity of her circumstances and her actions, and rather chooses to forgive her rather than harbor hatred and fall into that never ending cycle of revenge.
And then my favorite line of hers
"I understand why the heavens made me met TSH first instead of you. You're too good for me. I don't deserve you. Someone like me deserve someone like TSH"

I realized why I love TSJ so much and wants to root for him. Outside of just being an overall great character with a great personality, he basically rejects the stereotype "Nice guys finish last" lol.
I think a lot of us are so used t seeing a more dominant and "bad boy" type character end up with the main girl so it's refreshing when the nice guy actually wins her over. And outside of being nice, he's smart, understanding, respectful, compassionate, talented (music, drawing, literature, medicine), rich, have good connections, good background, i mean the list goes on and on lol

Outside of just being an overall great character with a great personality, he basically rejects the stereotype "Nice guys finish last" lol.
I think a lot of us are so used t seeing a more dominant and "bad boy" type character end up with the main girl so it's refreshing when the nice guy actually wins her over.

I think in general, it's hard to make someone who's overall so nice and kind interesting. Even one of my all-time favorite male leads in literature (Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice) is misunderstood at first and not presented in a good light until later in the book.

I think what drew me from the very beginning to Jing is precisely what XY says in ep 18 of this season to CX. It's the story of these two helping each other and healing each other. The parallel stories are between XY and CX and XY and XL and how that compares and contrasts with XY and Jing. These 3 men love our XY, but love is shown in different ways.

Jing and XY's story is set against the chaotic background of Dahuang. There's a lot of pain, suffering, war, and trauma all around. Some say Jing is boring, underdeveloped or not needed compared to the other characters in the story. I think it's precisely the opposite. I can't know what the author intended, but my feeling after reading this story and now watching the show is that in such a dark world, we all need a light to guide us and lead us to our better selves. We have those like CX or his grandfather or even the king of Haoling who strive to the pinnacle of the world - and that's something to admire and praise. But I don't find XY's desire to find love and wholeness again after so much loss at all a lesser ambition or goal in life. In fact, many of us can spend our whole lifetimes never finding such.

I'm going to give Deng Wei much credit for making me connect with Jing so much as well. He's not given as much to do in the drama, and I can tell he's still quite new to acting, but he really just exudes Jing's essence.

@Sunbath12 - beautifully said! I couldn't say it better myself :)

@Sunbath12  *YEAAAH* loved what you said!! 


I don't believe we saw TSJ harm anyone, except when he needs to protect XY. Even in the scene where FFYY was clinging to his sleeve and refusing to let go, instead of pushing her away or making physical contact, he chose to cut off his sleeve. It was as if he was saying, "I don't like you, I don't want to touch you, but I also don't want to hurt you, so I'll ruin my clothes instead." I just thought this small detail effectively showcased what kind of person he is - a  kind, respectful, and considerate gentleman.

Wow, you watch it so carefully. I like this kind of analysis! This is one of the charming sides of Jing. You can even go back and check his attitude towards every woman:
To his servant Jingye: He actually treated her as a family member who grew up with him,  and did not put himself in the position of a master. In the third episode of the second season, although he missed XY very sadly, he noticed that Jingye had cried and asked her what happened.
To Sang Tian‘er, A’nian, his grandma, and all women in the drama, he respected them. Sometimes I think Jing's thoughts are very in line with modern people. He is a real gentleman.