
Down the rabbithole again...

ahhh.. YSQ jealousy clip.. love it.. wakakaka :D


hahaahaha I drop at ep 1.. 



ahhh.. YSQ jealousy clip.. love it.. wakakaka :D

Deng Wei is super handsome when he is acting jealous. 

 menda tshering:

How can anyone as  sensible Xiao fall in love with her abuser? She wasn't any damsel in distress...she chose Jing as her lover and stuck to him till the end. Nobody however badasss could give her what she needed that's security. Every suitor had ambition to acquire something materialistic jing's ambition was to be with her. Which woman wouldn't want to be with someone who's loyal to a fault ? His love for her was solid it was either her or nothing. No throne, no adopted dad, no king just his lady love and him living happily 

nah nah.. not me.. hahahaha :D.. I choose TSJ..

but i eternally grateful for what his has done to her. He teach her archery. he gave him lives. he accompany her when she was sad. Even TSJ eternally grateful to him.. 

 His Smile:

Hahaha! It made my brains hurt reading the person's review.

and you still read it.. yeah...  LoL 

 His Smile:

Why do they keep giving main roles to pretty, wooden actresses? It's also my issue with Falling Into Your Smile. The premise is good, but I feel frustrated with that one emotion from Xu Kai's partner that I dropped it on episode 6. 

They would rather have a big audience by enticing people with young  and beautiful actors, rather than talent. I am watching the Legend of Z and people are complaining about them, especially the male lead, being too old.  I am only a few years younger than the male actor and it's hard not to take it personally. jajajaja

 His Smile:

Deng Wei is super handsome when he is acting jealous. 

totally agree.. sometime i rewind those episode when he was YSQ and jealous with XL.. wakakaka :D


hahaahaha I drop at ep 1.. 

You're as brutal as I am when it comes to bad drama.  I dropped Snow Eagle Lord as soon as I saw the Lion Face sit with fellow humans at the dinner table.  

As I watch the drama, I feel that XYs love for Jing runs deep, to be so affected by him since the breakup. I know a lot of ppl argue that she only loves XL. I think XL does make her waver at the thought of “what if” but she opened her heart to Jing. 

I feel like the part when she truly opens up to Jing was when she learns that he was willing to be with her even in death. In the novel, she refers to the “threads” a couple of times. 

Earlier chapter:

Since that connection and longing couldn’t be severed, then let it remain for fifteen years. After that fifteen years, whether the thread disappeared or became a web, no one knows.”

Scene with Jing being in a coma:

Xiao Yao felt the shell around her heart shatter completely, all those threads that she tried to cut all those times finally weaved together into a web at last.”

So beautiful! I will say I was frustrated with the way Jing handled things - for a smart man he could have been more resolute with handling his family affairs (eg grandma and FFYY). I can see why ppl find him too indecisive and “weak” but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve her. If you were Jing, how would you have handled the family drama - did he fall for the trap with the baby a little too easily?


and you still read it.. yeah...  LoL 

I read the review but I think she was referring to a modern world.  Her review is definitely odd.


I read the review but I think she was referring to an alternative world.  Her review is definitely odd.

i try to read... then gave up half way read.


You're as brutal as I am when it comes to bad drama.  I dropped Snow Eagle Lord as soon as I saw the Lion Face sit with fellow humans at the dinner table.  

wakakaka.. somehow Snow Eagle.. I manage to complete.. I force myself to complete.. that one before LYF appear.. hahahaha :D


I read the review but I think she was referring to an alternative world.  Her review is definitely odd.

Very odd. 


i try to read... then gave up half way read.

wakakaka.. somehow Snow Eagle.. I manage to complete.. I force myself to complete.. that one before LYF appear.. hahahaha :D

I dropped it at ep. 4 after I kept falling asleep no matter what time of the day I watched it. It was better than sleep meds.


Very odd. 

I dropped it at ep. 4 after I kept falling asleep no matter what time of the day I watched it. It was better than sleep meds.

Hahaha.  Xu Kai as Xi Yan Chang Xuan.  Imagine that.  CX would end up getting cao zi dan from viewers.

So beautiful! I will say I was frustrated with the way Jing handled things - for a smart man he could have been more resolute with handling his family affairs (eg grandma and FFYY). I can see why ppl find him too indecisive and “weak” but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve her. If you were Jing, how would you have handled the family drama - did he fall for the trap with the baby a little too easily?

Despite his family being piranhas, he doesn't want the cycle of hate to continue and that's why he takes he kill them with kindness path which pisses them off even more.  I think that he didn't expect his grandmother to team uo with FFYY to completely screw him over. In the novel, they drug him with a love potion and the grandmother does a spell where FFYY looks like XY.  I think it's hypocritical that he is harshly criticized  because of this when other characters have done worse towards the female lead, but yet they excuse them of these actions.  

I know a lot of ppl argue that she only loves XL. I think XL does make her waver at the thought of “what if” but she opened her heart to Jing. 

These people are extremely biased towards one character. I think she loves them both in different ways. In fact, I think she pities XL more than she pities Jing because of her "it would have been great if I had rescued you" scene .


nah nah.. not me.. hahahaha :D.. I choose TSJ..

but i eternally grateful for what his has done to her. He teach her archery. he gave him lives. he accompany her when she was sad. Even TSJ eternally grateful to him.. 

Exactly, thank you, but bye. Jajaja 


Too bad Xiao Yao is not one of triplets.

TSJ- is willing to die or give up everything for XY.  Bear in mind, he won't be able to protect XY if stronger enemies hunt her down like the two generals in Episode 13 whose power is mightier than TSJ's.  

XL - he taught XY so that she could be independent of men.  I feel his way is the most intelligent way but still, XY can be exposed to danger once her arrows run out.

CX has his army from both Kingdoms at his disposable.  Plus the Ruo Shui clan's manpower to protect XY in danger.

So, I feel CX's method is the most effective way of protecting XY.  

But, the winner is still TSJ because XY's heart belongs to him now although it was CX's in the past.