WangDuo girlfriend
well, the wedding was arranged by his grandma and mom so it was a bit complicated as it was an interest between the elders.
Yes, that wasn't his choice the novel even ( says that he forgot he had a fiancee because of how busy he was handling the TS clan. It even says that the one who went to meet her was Hou instead of him because he was so busy. ) Since I started reading the novel honestly feel like they left some important information out of the drama which shows a broader picture of why TSJ needs that time. He basically meets the woman at the same time we do
and although he is willing to leave everything, he still needs to do it correctly. If he didn't, then something would still be found to fault him. Poor fox just can't win.
And I agree, sometimes I want to give him a little push, but like XY said that's why I like him too . I am honestly just hoping we get our kiss today.
yeah, sometimes I wanted him to be more forward but I am happy if he is happy heheeh