His Smile:

They should not create their own plot twist because the show will lose its greatness if they do that. 

Ooh I can see them doing just that to make XY more conflicted and make that " famous ambiguous ( not to me) reply she gave not be as such. Oh well  I have the novel to please me so...

I better wait and see. Me thinking too much will give me too much anxiety over that drama for nothing.

Depending of comments here I will decide if I watch it all or just TSJ parts. 


Is anyone about to go to bed?


??? What a tease! Seductive weiwei

 His Smile:

I want to use all the superlatives that I can think of because for me Deng Wei is the most of everything! ?

Definetly love this man..?❤


??? What a tease! Seductive weiwei

No lol for me it's not yet even 12pm where I am 


No lol for me it's not yet even 12pm where I am 

It's almost 1am here? I'm up again, my eyebags is getting bigger.

I had been rereading last chapters. 

I love XY how she leaned on Jing when she lost her other men. lol...hehe ...it's beautifully written. 

Xiao Yao's followed Zhuan Xu until his form disappeared from sight, as if watching the most important and precious part of her life vanished forever. Her body trembled and ached from the pain in heart so she grabbed her chest with one hand as she leaned on Jing's body for support.

Does this paragraph means she is letting go of CX/Zhuan Xu?

and then her reaction to XL's death ..

"But what bullshit best ending! He's the stupidest idiot in the world! He stayed loyal and true to Gong Gong and all his soldiers comrades but did he do himself right?"

"I'm idiot actually! He never cared so why do I have to be so hurt. I don't want to be feeling so much hurt...."

Xiao Yao kept talking and crying until gradually her words trailed off and she curled tightly into Jing's arms and stared at the tall Phoenix Flower Tree. Blooms of red fell to the ground carried by the wind as if each memory passing by, no matter how beautiful it would all pass the wind.

Does this mean that , her memory of XL are passed by the wind? 

My intepretation lol

other scenes 

XY and Jing last goodbye to her step father. 

The Grand Emperor's heart was sorrowful but also a sense of letting go.

Xiao Yao had the most noble lineage in the entire world. Her mother tried to break free from it with all her might but she didn't succeed. But now Xiao Yao had succeeded

Xiao Yao had Face Forming Flower inside her. And Jing was descendant of nine tailed fox. Once they departed, they could disappeared forever.

The last paragraph ...Does this mean both XY and Jing can change form? and they could be anyone in this world?

And the ending of XY...(with her life partner this time)

A few hundred years ago when Xiao Yao escaped Jade Mountain and wandered the world, it likely set in motion's today ending. She returned briefly to the world of Gods, from Five Gods Mountains to Xuan Yuan Mountain to Sheng Nong Mountain, she witness firsthand the unification of Wilderness. Perhaps it was to complete her mother final wish to let Zhuang Xu safely ascend the throne, and today Xiao Yao had fulfilled her mother's dying wish. Xiao Yao chose the path going forward of the water returning to the sea, the bird returning to the tree, once again returning to where she really belonged.

I love this ending of YaoJing wandering off to endless sea together. I compare it to endless world. DON'T THEY EVER DARE CHANGE THAT ENDING IN S2!! 

@Winny Aye

You’re right, XY learnt to let go cos she also has changed. If it was WXL,he/she would’ve really hurt ZX but not kill him,but emotionally wound him. I’m glad she got her happy ending with Jing, cos yes Jing can track anyone but a very few people(gotta be very powerful) to track him. Besides there’re many islands in the East Sea, so settling down won’t be hard nor making money cos she got Jing who’s smart & multitalented. Miao Pao & left ear decided to follow them,so I’d say all four will be just fine.


@Winny Aye

You’re right, XY learnt to let go cos she also has changed. If it was WXL,he/she would’ve really hurt ZX but not kill him,but emotionally wound him. I’m glad she got her happy ending with Jing, cos yes Jing can track anyone but a very few people(gotta be very powerful) to track him. Besides there’re many islands in the East Sea, so settling down won’t be hard nor making money cos she got Jing who’s smart & multitalented. Miao Pao & left ear decided to follow them,so I’d say all four with be just fine.

Oh I get it now..I forget Nine Tail fox are good at tracking but others are difficult to track them. Yep...wow the journey of those 4...? of course life continue ❤

 Winny Aye:
Xiao Yao had Face Forming Flower inside her. And Jing was descendant of nine tailed fox. Once they departed, they could disappeared forever.

The last paragraph ...Does this mean both XY and Jing can change form? and they could be anyone in this world?

Yes. Gods and demons can change their form / appearance to various extents, but someone with very high powers (or the right magical tools) would be able to detect the transformation. 

However, a transformation using the face-forming flower is undetectable (it's explained in Once Promised... something about the source of its power being the elements) and the original nine-tailed fox specialized in transformations. As a descendant of the nine-tailed fox, TSJ's transformations are also undetectable. 

So they would both be able to look like anyone without being detected if they wanted to. Although XY prefers not to transform when she doesn't have to. 


Chapter 4:

Tian Er shook her head “Brother Liu knows, the gods and demons can all change their looks. I’m just a human.”


Chapter 8:

The nine-tailed fox is the best at transformation and the tail is where all the power gathers.


Xiao Liu asked Jing what his plan was.

“Let them pretend to be two servants and leave with a batch of goods. We’ll transform our looks and pretend to be messengers and leave town the other way with a group of departing messengers.”

Jing Ye immediately cautioned “That’s too dangerous. If Prince Zhuan Xu finds you guys missing, he will station men everywhere searching for people using godly powers. My lord’s powers are all recovered and can mask it, but Master Liu can’t.”

Jing ordered “You take them to change.” Jing Ye knew he made up his mind and went with the two dolls.

Jing walked up to Xiao Liu. “If you change your looks, can it avoid all detection?” Xiao Liu hesitated and then nodded. Jing smiled. “Then we’ll go with the plan.”

Xiao Liu’s heart was thumping wildly. “You….you always knew I could transform my face?”

The power of transformation wasn’t a very hard power to learn, but only those with great power using it can truly transform and avoid detection. With Xiao Liu’s power, no one would believe him using the skill could avoid detection using a magical object seeker.

Jing said “The Tu Shan clan aren’t simply from the God tribe. One of our ancestors was the far-reaching original nine-tailed fox. So the bloodline of the Tu Shan family can all transform. I have the spiritual eye and can usually see through all transformation and masking spells and powers. That was how I was able to see Ah Nian’s true face and knew to avoid her. But everything about you seems real even to me, except my instinct tells me your face is fake. So…..that is why I can’t leave you. If I leave and you disappeared, it would be without a trace.”

Xiao Liu was stunned. Jing knew all along that he was fake.


At dawn, Shi Qi and Xiao Liu followed the group out of town headed due South. There was a checkpoint set up with very tight inspection and the lines were long to pass. Chatter about why turned to discussion that both Xuan Yuan and Gao Xing soldiers were joined in some sort of search.

It was Xiao Liu and Shi Qi’s turn and a woman held up a magical object mirror and shone it on their faces to show everyone’s true form. Those who transformed were pulled aside for further questioning. Xiao Liu walked up to his inspection and the mirror showed nothing so he passed. Same with Shi Qi as well.

After passing the inspection, Shi Q and Xiao Liu glanced at each other and continued on.


Chapter 9:

Zhuan Xu was so angry that the anger even rubbed off on Shi Qi who carried the Nine-tailed fox lineage “They say the Nine-tailed fox is adept at transformation, what problem does Xiao Yao have that she can’t return to her true form?”

Shi Qi thought and realized that Xiao Yao’s childhood face was probably already a false one. If she had a false face from the moment she was born, that meant the Grand Emperor and the Xuan Yuan Princess must have used an incredibly powerful magic or the assistance of a magical object to transform the face of an newborn infant who had no powers yet. And do so in a way not to be seen through by others. But why? This inexplicable action must be hiding a huge secret, but one done so they could protect Xiao Yao. Shi Qi slowly said “I don’t know either. You should go ask the Grand Emperor, perhaps he will know why.”


Chapter 10:

The Grand Emperor touched her forehead and gradually a small peach blossom birthmark appeared in the middle. He said “You’re face changing is not some weird disease. It’s because you have a magical spiritual object in your body called the Face Forming Flower. It can allow a person to imprint any face.”

Xiao Liu asked quizzically “A spiritual object? I don’t have a disease? The object causes my face to change at will? But why does my body have this spiritual object? Her face suddenly lit up “Does that mean if the object is removed, then my true face will emerge? I can become my real self then?”


Xiao Liu was so happy “Dad, take it out for me! I hate transforming and would rather that I was a freakishly ugly girl than be a fake beauty.”

The Grand Emperor’s hand caressed the peach blossom birthmark and it glowed a red aura. Back then it required the spiritual power of two Gods, himself and Xiao Yao’s mother, to seal it in Xiao Yao’s body. It would need the spiritual power of two Gods now to remove it. “Right now I can’t remove it but dad promises that I will help you find your true face.”

Xiao Liu wanted desperately to regain her true face immediately but knew her dad had a reason for not doing it right now. 


Chapter 15:

“Gege, have you ever seen Xiang Liu’s real face?”

“No, every time I’ve seen him, he’s wearing a mask.”

Xiao Yao was curious “Xuan Yuan has him on the most wanted list for hundreds of years but there isn’t a portrait to go along with it. All these years and no one has seen what he really looks like?”

“People have seen it, but Xiang Liu is a Nine-headed demon, and rumor has it that he has nine real faces and also eighty-one different forms. All the people who have seen him have contradictory statements, one time someone described him to look exactly like sixth uncle.”

Was the Xiang Liu she saw just one of his faces? Xiao Yao was curious, but also disappointed.

Zhuan Xu stared at her. “But it is weird! His transformation ability is one where even a magical object can’t detect it, why does he need to wear a mask? He can just change his face!”

Xiao Yao said “Maybe he’s like me, he wants to have a true self and is uninterested in magical transformations.”


To make things a bit more confusing, the Royal Mother of Jade Mountain told XY that she would no longer be able to use the face forming flower to transform after she regained her true form in chapter 12. As far as I can recall, XY doesn't use the Face Forming Flower to transform again until chapter 46. In between those chapters (in chapter 37 specifically), the Grand Emperor extracts the Face Forming Flower from XY. When he does so, the peach blossom mark on her forehead disappears and she carries the Face Forming Flower with her in the form of a peach blossom branch. Perhaps after that point the Face Forming Flower could be used for transformations again.


Chapter 12:

Xiao Yao bowed to the Royal Mother “Thank you Royal Mother for returning my true form.”

The Royal Mother said coolly “The Face Forming Flower in your body now only can help you maintain your beauty, it no longer can allow you to transform.”


Chapter 37:

Inside the ship’s hold, the Grand Emperor, with a full head of white hair, rested on the pallet with Ru So and Jing standing beside him while Xiao Yao sat on the pallet to serve him medicine.

After he drank the medicine, he coolly said to Xiao Yao, “I’ll help you extract the Face Forming Flower and then you two depart the ship.”


He waved his hand over Xiao Yao’s forehead and a flash of red streaked across before the peach blossom mark vanished leaving only a beautiful peach blossom branch in Xiao Yao’s hand.


Chapter 46:

In the middle of the night, Xiang Liu did indeed bring soldiers on another sneak attack. Zhuan Xu rushed out of the room and in the hubbub no one noticed Xiao Yao. She used the Face Forming Flower to change her looks to Xian and with Left Ear’s help sneaked out of the residence.

@AH thank you so much as always . I wish they included the ch 8 but in the drama  but I’ve made my peace with it ?

After all they’ve been through I’m glad they can just travel and be free to roam the world together. 

 His Smile:

Just don't make any dream sequences, and the ending should stay the same, so that I won't riot!

I really don’t like the idea of any dream sequences. The scene in the trailer of XY and CX was so impactful so painful if it’s just a dream it won’t have the same meaning as what LYF means. I’m still hoping the desert scene where she meets her mom isn’t cut because closure is so important ? but not much hope for it from what we’ve heard so far of the script leaks. and ofc yaojing scenes too ? 

@AH thank you so much as always . I wish they included the ch 8 but in the drama  but I’ve made my peace with it ?

You're welcome! 

Chapter 8 had so many sweet moments between them that were cut or reduced. ( ╯_╰ )

After all they’ve been through I’m glad they can just travel and be free to roam the world together.



Hello hello! Top o' the morning to ya! 

I come bearing gifts! ?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVz759xJiNw (this one... I was NOT expecting to see this. Consider me shook).

Ok, back to the topic. Can I borrow your link, please? We need to get it analyzed by our legal team.

That's it, bye! ☀️

Thanks for the links ?

@AH I’m so sad about the whole desert/beast/mom scene won’t be there. It was so touching for XY and for Ah Heng who had been waiting for hundreds of years for this reunion ??and her parents accepting Jing too. I’m telling myself to accept it but ?


@AH I’m so sad about the whole desert/beast/mom scene won’t be there. It was so touching for XY and for Ah Heng who had been waiting for hundreds of years for this reunion ??and her parents accepting Jing too. I’m telling myself to accept it but ?

I'm worried about that many cuts too,  that they'll have to cut 14 episodes, from 35 to just 21 episodes, how much if any that will mess up the production's/writer original version. That desert scene is such an important piece to the story.