AH :
In the novel, XY introduces TSJ to her mother directly. He meets and greets her (an important moment for a husband-to-be), while XL did not have an opportunity to do so and CX didn't have an opportunity to do so as an adult. As an adult, CX could only bow to XY's mother's empty grave. As far as we are ever shown in the novel, XL might have paid respects to Chi You when Gong Gong paid respects to him and Zhu Rong. But he didn't have an opportunity to meet Ah Heng or to pay respects to her.

So the fact that TSJ was the only one who didn't bow to XY's parents' portrait in the drama is quite strange.

Yes, but wasn't that the scene where A Heng asks, "Why HIM?"  That's just a seriously awful thing to have your mom say about your fiancee.

Besides, the BIG thing to complain about that whole mess, is that it was XL that went to the Shaman King, not XY and Jing.  That was an extra scene with XL I could have lived without, had we gotten the proper meeting instead.  As it is now, XY never knows what the Lovers Bugs are.

 Liu Yifei:

I feel better. Everybody is upset. The second merman is laughable. 

I'm starting to feel better, myself. :)


Or as @Solarlunaesclipse still believes in the theory of resurrection for XL. The 2nd mernan can be a hint. :D

I don't think so ...

But did I miss it, or did XL's body not dissolve and fade away at the end?

Also, how did A Nian get the doll?  XL had sent Chubby away drugged before he made the doll.

 AH :

That's a better reaction!

Yes, the scene immediately before that. 

Sorry.  I'm not firing on all cylinders from lack of sleep and emotional distress. :(

Ahhh..  You know, that rescuing Jing scene didn't make a lot of sense either.  Cause the sea monsters said they were ruled by the fearsome 9 headed sea god, not some puny six headed demon.  That would have meant that XL went to rescue Jing right after he killed the Lovers Bugs, right?

The lack of time indicators in this season really sucks.

Yes, but wasn't that the scene where A Heng asks, "Why HIM?"  That's just a seriously awful thing to have your mom say about your fiancee.

I imagine different fans read that scene with somewhat different perspectives and YaoJing fans probably focus more on the heart fluttering and "stamp of approval" parts. 


Chapter 36:

Xiao Yao cried, “Mom, have you been alone here for the last four hundred years?”

“Not alone, your dad has been with me.”

Xiao Yao looked back at the Grand Emperor and then realized it wasn’t that dad but… Xiao Yao quickly asked, “Qi Yo is also still alive?”

Ah Heng knew Xiao Yao’s emotional knot over this issue, so didn’t get angry with Xiao Yao calling her dad by his name, but also didn’t answer her question. She asked, “Who is the young man behind you?”

Xiao Yao turned around and her heart fluttered in nervous sweetness as if she was on a secret date with her boyfriend and her parents caught them.

The Grand Emperor answered, “His name is Tu Shan Jing, the Qing Qiu Tu Shan clan’s current clan leader.”

Jing knelt to the ground to bow his head low. “Greetings to the Princess.”

Ah Heng raised her hand. “No need for such formality, you are the clan leader.”

The Grand Emperor explained, “He wants your most precious thing, of course he’ll be like this.”

Ah Heng looked at Jing bowing on the ground behind Xiao Yao with no intention of getting up and understood everything. She felt conflicted and couldn’t speak for some time.

Jing and Xiao Yao nervously remained kneeling until Xiao Yao couldn’t help but call out, “Mom?”

Ah Heng appeared to snap out of it and asked, “Is he good to you?”

Xiao Yao said, “Yes, very good.”

Ah Heng added, “No one treats you even better? Why does it have to be him?”

Xiao Yao said, “Because only him, no matter what happens, he will never leave me.”

Ah Heng appeared to chuckle before she called, “Jing!”

“I’m here.”

“Please take care of Xiao Yao.”

Was that her stamp of approval for him? Jing immediately bowed three times and joyfully replied, “I will definitely do that.”

Ah Heng asked, “Where is Zhuan Xu? Where is he now?”

Xiao Yao said, “Zhuan Xu is now the Emperor of Xuan Yuan and lives on Sheng Nong Mountain.”

Besides, the BIG thing to complain about that whole mess, is that it was XL that went to the Shaman King, not XY and Jing.  That was an extra scene with XL I could have lived without, had we gotten the proper meeting instead.

Yes. As always, I would have preferred that they stuck to the original novel version for all of the Baili scenes.

As it is now, XY never knows what the Lovers Bugs are.

Although it seems that she does somehow at least know that the bugs are ones that tie her life and XL's life together. They don't just share XY's pain with XL. 


I did not watch it so don't know how it looked. 

But Deng Wei's height is 183cm and Yang Zi is about 168cm. That height difference is total fine to shoot the kiss without obstacle. So if there was problem, it is likely from the camera director

He turned his head into the camera shot, so it was almost horizontal and started macking on Yang Zi.  Let me find that link.

Ahhh..  You know, that rescuing Jing scene didn't make a lot of sense either.  Cause the sea monsters said they were ruled by the fearsome 9 headed sea god, not some puny six headed demon.  That would have meant that XL went to rescue Jing right after he killed the Lovers Bugs, right?

Oh nicely noticed! I didn't catch the six-headed reference. 

The only aspect I like about this globe is that they kept the mermaid's intention intact. The mercouple is still leaning into eachother. 


The only aspect I like about this globe is that they kept the mermaid's intention intact. The mercouple is still leaning into eachother. 

Yeah, but the merman isn't looking away, he's actually looking right at her and coming right at her and reaching for her ... which kind of changes things.  Though ... I might be allright with that.  Brain is too fried to think, right now.

"Ah Heng looked at Jing bowing on the ground behind Xiao Yao with no intention of getting up and understood everything. She felt conflicted and couldn’t speak for some time." 


Ah Heng appeared to snap out of it and asked, “Is he good to you?”

Xiao Yao said, “Yes, very good.”

Ah Heng added, “No one treats you even better? Why does it have to be him?”

This part feels different now. It's as if jing knew he's not the one XY truly loves, thus didn't dare to face Ah Heng. 

Yeah, but the merman isn't looking away, he's actually looking right at her and coming right at her and reaching for her ... which kind of changes things

Hugely changes things!

If the mermaid created by XY had one hand on her heart and had the other hand reaching out to a merman (also created by XY) who is facing away from her, that sends a very particular message of longing. Something that might make some viewers who think XY had no romantic feelings for XL pause to reconsider. 

If the mermaid does not have one hand on her heart and is holding out one hand to a merman who is facing her, swimming towards her, and stretching out both of his hands towards her... that's a totally different message. 


"If the mermaid does not have one hand on her heart and is holding out one hand to a merman who is facing her, swimming towards her, and stretching out both of his hands towards her... that's a totally different message."

But she does have one hand on her heart, right?  



"If the mermaid does not have one hand on her heart and is holding out one hand to a merman who is facing her, swimming towards her, and stretching out both of his hands towards her... that's a totally different message."

But she does have one hand on her heart, right?  

Hmm. I went back to look again. It's hard to tell with those giant sleeves they have them in (is it normal for merpeople in chinese mythology to have huge sleeves and regular robes covering their top half but nothing covering their bottom half?) but I think you're right. Her right hand is supposed to be on her heart. It's just hard to see it clearly. 

Liddi posted a picture, she does have her hand on the heart


Btw, thanks again kokuto, i finally know how to copy paste a direct post, lol. 


Liddi posted a picture, she does have her hand on the heart


Btw, thanks again kokuto, i finally know how to copy paste a direct post, lol. 

Oooh thank you! Yes that angle makes it perfectly clear!