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I did see pictures and the translation on twitter. And yet, there are still people whi insist that they are only "soulmates" of the friendship variety .

They can't see or accept the fact that Xiao Yao can love more than one man romantically. And with the changes to season 2, some will believe she only sees him as a friend even more.

Don't you find it admirable that XL accepted the poisonous bug despite the fact that he had 2 other rivals in WXL's heart?

I mean, when he tried to influence WXL to plant the bug on him, it was right after knowing that CX was "precious" to WXL because she planted the bug in him and saved his life. In the meantime, XL was fully aware of the romantic atmosphere between WXL and YSQ. XL even has little jealousy fits about CX and YSQ (the funniest for me being when WXL negotiated the terms to implant the bug on XL: "Xiao Liu thought about it “Other than killing Xuan.” “Fine.” “I also can’t kill Tu Shan Jing.” “Fine.”" - that must have been exasperating for him).

If I'm not mistaken, accepting the bug despite the presence of numerous rivals in the heart of his love interest could imply:

  • that XL wanted to claim what was his in the first place ("the other bug was meant for you") 
  • that XL could also have been trying to put to the test WXL's feelings for him: a successful implantation would be proof that she loved him
  • that XL was pretty sure to be at the top spot in WXL's heart
  • that XL wanted first and foremost to protect WXL, no matter the circumstances (possibly, as a matter of urgency, to save WXL from eventual CX's death or a death resulting from the Heartbreak bug)
  • that XL, as per the flimsy instructions from the old man from the Li Jie tribe that sells donkey meat, suspected that the bug implantation on CX wasn't working well and was not love-based
  • that XL intended to fight fair and square with his love rivals for WXL affection
  • that XL thought that any kind/level of love could make the implantation successful and thus, being pretty sure that WXL had certain feelings for him (based on multiple facts), there was no risks for him
  • that XL wanted to have a deep connection with WXL, to be able to be close to her feelings and his heart (which could also, by the way, give him the upper hand in truly winning her heart)

...maybe even all of the above and more? Who knows with this nebulous plot device...

Secondly, if he didn't see a future with XY, why was he so mad at her when her true identity was revealed?  If it was just about protecting her, then he could be happy she was with her powerful family and he didn't have to worry about her anymore.

That scene does not exist in the novel. In the drama, that scene in episode 18 sets up XL’s next interaction with XY (in her true form) in episode 19, where he manipulates Ah Nian into pushing XY into the ocean and where he is prepared to kill XY if she isn’t able to give him a satisfactory answer to his question about whether or not she had lied to him about anything else.

Why was he so angry with her? The scene shows XL recalling the stone spirit telling the people of QS town that the King of Haoling would be introducing Princess Haoling Jiu Yao to the world with an exceptionally grand ceremony, which demonstrated his love for his daughter. Then it shows XL recalling XY’s words about being a discarded person with no means of protecting herself, no one to rely on, and nowhere to go. XL repeats her words about the last three things, scoffs, and says to himself, “All lies.”

This all suggests that his anger was less about who she happens to be (family to his enemies and someone that he could never have a romantic relationship with) and more about the fact that she lied to him. Why would that make him so angry? Her words from episode 3 (the words that he repeated in that scene) clearly struck a chord with him. In the drama, he had already commissioned her bow for her by that point (something that happens much later in the novel), showing that he already planned to give her a means to protect herself. They had gotten very close and formed a companionship of sorts, and had love in their hearts for each other. He had accepted her Lovers’ Bug and tied his heart and lives to hers. All of that was based on a relationship that really began with those first few words from XY that resonated so strongly with XL. But if those words were lies, then their whole relationship was based on lies. Of course he feels hurt, betrayed, and angry.

The fact that she turned out to be closely related to his enemies is additional salt in the wound. Plus, XL realizes why XY risked her own life to protect CX from him as soon as she realized who CX was (he makes a comment about that in episode 19). And that XY lied about how she recognized CX. Another lie.  

I think all of that is more than enough to explain XL's anger in that scene.

The idea that his anger would only make sense if XL previously believed he could have had a real romantic relationship and happy ending with WXL, and then felt upset over losing that possible future, doesn’t hold water for me.

If it was just about protecting her, then he could be happy she was with her powerful family and he didn't have to worry about her anymore.  If it was just about protecting her, then why did he recite the lover's poem before he killed the PLB?

"The sycamore trees on the ground will grow old intertwined, the mythical jian bird in the sky will not fly alone, the mandarin ducks in the water will die together."

In the novel and in the scene that liddi shared, XL recites those lines and then says that the bugs connected their hearts and lives. It’s part of a longer paragraph where XL finally gets to “reveal” to XY that the bugs definitely do connect their lives, in addition to their hearts, and that he willingly accepted the bug from the beginning. Of course he can only reveal those things because XY is unconscious and can’t hear him.


Chapter 48:

Xiang Liu sat down next to the raft and stared at the sleeping Xiao Yao before softly saying, “The tree grows old on land together, the mandarin ducks die together in the water – the Lover’s Bug connects heart to heart and our lives, and there truly is no way to remove the bug. Years ago I was only able to remove the bug from Zhuan Xu because he didn’t know it was you so he didn’t willingly accept the bug. So you never successfully planted the bug on him in the first place. But I….I was heart and soul willing, so the bug successfully planted in me. You asked me to remove the bug and I kept telling you I can’t do it, but you didn’t believe me. But I truly didn’t lie to you, I cannot remove the bug.”


Chapter 37:

Jing was stunned and after a moment of silence he slowly asked “What happens if one person who has the Lover’s Bug dies? What happens to the other person?”

The Voodoo King sighed “Our Jiu Li folk ballad sings ‘The twisted roots of the parasol tree entwine on land, the doves do not fly alone in the sky, the pair of mandarin ducks in the water always die together.'”


IMO, there’s an obvious meta reason for why Tong Hua has XL say these things to someone who can’t hear him. The reader can finally assume he’s really being honest here and not trying to hide his true feelings. This is confirmation for the readers that XL knew how the bugs worked, including the fact that if one host died, the other would die. The inclusion of those specific lines tells the reader that XL was familiar with the poem (and presumably all of the other information that the Voodoo King gave to XY and TSJ) even though he wasn’t with XY when she visited the Voodoo King. I believe he knew that information even before he first suggested having the bug be transferred to him from CX. These lines are also Tong Hua’s opportunity to explain XL’s mindset at the time when the bug was transferred to him. He was wholeheartedly willing to accept the bug. It wasn’t something he did half-heartedly. And that willing acceptance was the difference between XL and CX. It was the reason why the bug could be transferred from CX, and the reason why it planted successfully in XL.

I think the in-universe reason why XL recites those lines is similar. It’s a poetic way of leading into “telling” XY that he knew that if one of them died while the bug connection remained intact, then the other would die. To me, it seems like it’s strongly implied that he’s saying, “I knew all of this from the beginning, and I wholeheartedly accepted the bug anyway.” Those words also carry the implied explanation for what he’s about to do next. “I have to break the bug connection now so that you will be safe when I die on the battlefield.”

I'm not sure I said that.  But I don't think XL tried to open that door again, unless she DID make an overture.  Like the poison crystal ball, which I think we talked about before, and which once again, I believe I see differently from many.  I think he broke up her marriage to Feng Long because of that overture, and even asked if who (i.e. him)  she wanted to spend her life with.  The way she reacted and her inability to answer, told him she still wasn't going to commit consciously to him.  Ironically, she wasn't going to give up CX for him -- though she demanded her lover give up everything for her.

Again, despite people wanting to label XL a toxic abuser, he let her dictate their relationship.  Even if he knew how she felt, he did as she asked.

I don’t agree that XL “let her dictate their relationship”.

When XY sent the ice crystal ball message to XL, she wanted him to answer that message by meeting her on the shore of Five Gods Mountain. She wanted him to give her a reason to not marry Feng Long, by taking her hand. XL would’ve felt everything that she was feeling at the time. Including her anxiousness as she waited for him on the shore by Five Gods Mountain, and her disappointment when he didn’t come.

That’s what XY wanted, but XL did not let her dictate their relationship. He did not go to meet her. He did not take her outstretched hand. Instead, he waited two months and then publicly crashed her wedding. He hurt her and Feng Long, and he made XY hurt Feng Long. He did not present himself as an alternative option (someone that she could be with instead, meaning that she didn’t need to marry Feng Long). Instead, he invoked her promise and reminded XY what she owed him. He “coldly pressed her” in order to force her to publicly abandon Feng Long and run away with him.


Chapter 32:

Fang Feng Bei ignored him and only stared at Xiao Yao. “Xiao Yao, don’t get married.”

Xiao Yao furiously asked, “What are you trying to do?”

“Don’t marry Chi Sui Feng Long!”

You’re telling me NOW not to marry him?” Xiao Yao wanted to laugh her head off. “You leave immediately!”


Fang Feng Bei was battling Chi Sui Xian and he called out, “Xiao Yao, do you remember the blood oath you swore? If you renege on the promise then everything you love will become pain, everything that brings you happiness will turn bitter.

Xiao Yao stopped moving. She did make a blood oath with Xiang Liu to do one thing for him.

Feng Long noticed Xiao Yao wasn’t bowing and started to get nervous and called out, “Xiao Yao!”

Xiao Yao slowly turned back around and stared at Fang Feng Bei, “What do you want?”

Fang Feng Bei, “I want you to leave with me right now!”

Xiao Yao’s entire body turned cold, with the entire vast wilderness gathered here, if she ran away from her wedding and especially left with another man, that would be such an insult to the Chi Sui clan and to Feng Long. How would the Chi Sui clan see her? How would the entire world view her?

Xiao Yao asked “Why?Xiang Liu, you knew two months ago I was getting married, why do you have to do it this way? Do you want the entire world to spit on me? If you want to destroy me, why did you choose this most degrading method?

Fang Feng Bei coldly said, “You don’t need to ask why, you just need to do as I say. I want you to leave with me. Right. Now!”

The blood oath rang in her ears “If I renege on this promise, whatever I love will turn into pain, whatever brings me happiness will turn bitter.” With today’s events, even if she kept the promise, did that mean there won’t be any pain and any bitterness? Xiao Yao bitterly smiled, whether or not she kept the promise, she was going to have not a day of peace in her life.

Feng Long nervously stared at Xiao Yao and he didn’t realize his voice was quivering “Xiao Yao, it’s time to bow!”

Fang Feng Bei stared intently at Xiao Yao and coldly pressed her “Xiao Yao, you owe me this.

She did owe him! Not just the blood oath, she owed him her life.

Xiao Yao’s face was stark white as she stumbled towards Fang Feng Bei. Feng Long grabbed her hand and his eyes were wide with terror “Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao, don’t…..” No matter when, he was someone in control. But right now he didn’t know what was happening. Why was his life filled with utter joy a moment ago and in a split second all the joy vanished?

Xiao Yao’s voice shook “I’m sorry, I….I….today I can’t marry you! I’m sorry!”

Xiao Yao’s voice wasn’t loud but everyone present had powers so everyone heard it clearly. It was as shocking as thunder and even the folks who thought they had seen it all couldn’t help but be shocked.

From birth until now, Feng Long was like the son of the Heavens. There was nothing he couldn’t have in the world, only things he didn’t want. As the entire gathered guests stared at him, Feng Long felt his entire world collapse.

Feng Long released his hand and stood straighter, a proud smile on his face. He said slowly “I don’t know what you promised Fang Feng Bei, but you promised to marry me today!”

Xiao Yao knew she and Feng Long had an understanding, and even if she didn’t want to marry him she would have chosen the right time to calmly tell him. He wouldn’t mind in that case, but to run out of the wedding like this publicly was shaming him. No man could accept such shame, much less a son of the Heavens like Feng Long.

Xiao Yao’s face was stark white and she turned to plead with Fang Feng Bei who coldly said, “Leave with me right now!”

Xiao Yao said to Feng Long “I….I….I wronged you!” Xiao Yao’s voice was shaking and even her body was shaking. “I’m sorry! I don’t dare ask for your forgiveness, and later you can do whatever you want to me and I’ll accept it!” Xiao Yao finished and didn’t dare look at Feng Long before she ran towards Fang Feng Bei.


At that point, XL would’ve felt all of XY’s humiliation, all of her guilt and regret (for shaming and hurting Feng Long), and all of her anger and hurt (because XL chose to stop her from getting married in a way that caused the greatest possible humiliation and harm to XY and Feng Long’s reputations, when he could have stopped her from getting married in a different way – by coming to her the way she wanted – much sooner and with far less harm done).

When they got to QS town, XL (feeling all her emotions) asked if XY hated him for stopping her from marrying Feng Long. XY (who was still reeling and upset) ignored him. But before XL left, XY asked him when he found out about her wedding.


Chapter 32:

His one foot was out the door when Xiao Yao suddenly asked, “When did you find out I was getting married?” Due to her head being buried on her knees, her voice sounded muffled like it was coming from far away.

Xiang Liu didn’t turn around and his voice was cold. “Two months ago.”

Xiao Yao’s voice was shaking. “Why… why did you have to do it this way?”

Xiang Liu’s voice got colder. “Do you have any right to ask me why? The terms of the deal were discussed in advance. Whatever I asked, you would do!

Xiao Yao said nothing and Xiang Liu left without looking back. When the door slowly closed behind him, it let out a soft thud. Xiao Yao remembered that when she was asleep under the ocean, every time the clam shell closed it would make a similar sound. Xiao Yao’s tears silently fell.


XL confirmed that he knew about her wedding for two months. Which also confirms that he received her ice crystal ball and message. Which snuffs out the possibility that he found out about her wedding at the last minute and was forced to act the way he did. So now XY knows, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he received her message but ignored it. He waited two months and then crashed her wedding in (from her perspective) the cruelest possible way. And he tells her she has no right to ask for an explanation. He emphasizes their bargain (a transaction) and acts like there's nothing else between them.

At dawn the next morning, XL tells XY that FFB is “dead”.


Chapter 32:

Xiao Yao sensed something but had to confirm it. “Where is Fang Feng Bei?”

Xiang Liu coolly replied, “He’s dead.”

Xiao Yao stared at Xiang Liu and her eyes were blinded in pain by his whiteness like a cloud and like the snow. Tears came to her eyes, Fang Feng Bei took her away and now Fang Feng Bei was dead and would never appear again. From now on, it was only Xiang Liu. That irresponsible man who did whatever he wanted, taught her archery, took her through the world seeking the simplest of pleasures… that man was now dead.

He once said that she and he were just temporary companions in this unpredictable life seeking happiness. He never lied to her!

Xiang Liu quietly stared at Xiao Yao, his face was like a ten thousand year old snow mountain, cold and inscrutable.

Xiao Yao abruptly turned around and grabbed a pail of water from the well and splashed the cold water on her face. When she lifted her head her face was all wet. She didn’t know if her tears came down and mixed with the water or was forced back and never fell.


XY mourns the loss of FFB. And it’s another reason for her to be upset with XL for the way he went about stopping her wedding, because he wouldn’t have needed to sacrifice his FFB identity if he hadn’t used it to crash her wedding the way that he did.

I’d note as well that, throughout their interactions in chapter 32 (beginning with the wedding crashing), Tong Hua constantly uses words like “cold”, “coldly”, and “coolly” (per Koala’s translation) to describe XL's tone or demeanour. That continues in the lead-up to the part where XL asks The Question.


Chapter 32:

Xiang Liu walked into the room and closed the window for her.

Xiao Yao opened it. Xiang Liu closed it again.

Xiao Yao opened it again. Xiang Liu closed it again.

Xiao Yao went to open it again but Xiang Liu used his power and Xiao Yao couldn’t open it at all.

Even since she left Chi Sui Castle, Xiao Yao had been calm but now she couldn’t endure it any longer and punched the window violently before glaring at Xiang Liu.

Xiang Liu coolly said “What kind of person I am, you’ve known all along. Since you dared to make a deal with the devil, you ought to have the courage to accept the consequences.

Xiao Yao was taken aback because Xiang Liu was absolutely correct. Their deal was completely fair. Even if she could do it over and knowing the consequences of today, to protect Zhuan Xu she would still choose to move the voodoo bug into Xiang Liu. It had simply been too long since Xiang Liu asked her to fulfill her end of the bargain. She had also seen Fang Feng Bei as real, so their relationship was covered by this tender sweet layer like a gauzy veil. Xiao Yao simply forgot that their relationship was always just a transaction, so no matter what he chose to ask of her, she had no right to be angry.


XL emphasizes their bargain again, and this time XY is starting to internalize the narrative he keeps pushing. And I think the line about FFB (that she had seen him as real) tells us so much about XY’s mindset at this point. I think it’s also worth revisiting her dream from chapter 27 here.


Chapter 27:

In her dream, she saw Jing with his son, but she couldn’t see his son’s face, only that he curled in his dad’s arms and called him sweetly “Daddy” while Jing smiled back.

Xiao Yao ran away as fast as she could and in a second she ran from Qing Qiu to Qing Shui Town. Xiao Yao jumped in the river and swam towards the vast blue ocean. She could see endless horizons and the joy of swimming freely, but she was so, so tired! Where could she go in this entire world? Fang Feng Bei appeared on the surface and he sat on an all white clam shell smiling at her with his black hair flying in the breeze. Xiao Yao swam towards him but in a second his hair turned all white and he became Xiang Liu coldly staring at her. White clam shell, all white Xiang Liu, it was like an ice mountain floating on the ocean surface.

The black-hair-him, the white-hair-him, closer and further away……Xiao Yao suddenly turned and swam towards land, as she swam her tears tumbled down like rain……

Xiao Yao startled awake from her dream and felt coldness next to her. She touched her face and discovered that she was drenched in tears.


XY dreamed about swimming to warm FFB, but swam away when he turned into cold XL. And XL chose to “kill” FFB. So where does that leave XY?

I mentioned some of these things to emphasize that XL was the one who was controlling their relationship, not XY. I also mention them to provide context for why XY might have a particularly hard time naming XL or FFB as the person she most wants to spend her entire life with – to his face no less. XL makes her feel humiliated, guilty, hurt and upset. He tells her FFB is dead. He emphasizes the transactional nature of their bargain and makes her question whether what she had with FFB was real. And then he asks his questions, including The Question.

IMO, it wasn’t that “The way she reacted and her inability to answer, told him she still wasn't going to commit consciously to him.” Instead, XL rejected XY’s bid (the ice crystal ball) and then intentionally acted in a way that would undermine her feelings for him and make her back off from that position.

But even though he’s committed to that decision (to push her away and to minimize her feelings for him), the idea of XY hating him scares him. And it seems like he, understandably, can’t help but be curious about her feelings for him after everything he’s done. So he can’t stop himself from asking The Question.

 We disagreed on this point before.  At the end of the book, they were in an impossible situation, and the army decided to die all together on the battlefield.  At the beginning of the book, dying on the battlefield could be done piecemeal, and the situation wasn't settled or impossible.  Who knows what would have happened if Hong Jiang had died in Chapter 3.  XL and the rest of the army could have made different decisions, especially if he was given a reason, i.e. marrying XY.

Yes, we have different interpretations.

Whether “the situation” was impossible or not depends on what you mean by “the situation”, I think. The possibility of the Sheng Nong army defeating Xuan Yuan and restoring Sheng Nong was virtually impossible, even at the beginning of the novel. Gong Gong’s army (even with some outside support) didn’t have the means to do anything except defend its position, kill Xuan Yuan soldiers and generals in battle on the occasions that Xuan Yuan attacked them, and maybe try to assassinate a few generals and Xuan Yuan royals away from the battlefield. As far as we know, they never succeeded on that last point before Xiang Liu killed Feng Long in QS town in chapter 46.

Their fight is futile. The only paths available to them are: (1) continuing the stalemate with soldiers continuing to die "piecemeal" as you said; and (2) complete defeat.

And yet the choice to keep fighting and to die on the battlefield is a choice that every single Sheng Nong soldier makes. It’s not just Gong Gong. If he had died in chapter 3, based on Tong Hua’s description of the army, I firmly believe they would have chosen to continue fighting and to die, like their general did. That includes XL. In fact, if Gong Gong were killed by Xuan Yuan I think it would only harden XL’s resolve and commitment to his choice.



The final battle was about to arrive. All the soldiers knew their fate and they willingly chose this path in life. The world was at peace and the people were safe and secure, these Sheng Nong resistance army soldiers were now discarded in the passage of time and had become pointless. So death was the best release for them, and the most comforting final destination.


Chapter 5:

The soldier reported from outside “General Xiang Liu, two more soldiers died.” Xiang Liu’s laughter stopped and he immediately stood up and walked out. Xiao Liu hesitated and walked to the door. There were two bodies on top of a pyre. Xiang Liu walked over where there were hundreds of soldiers lined up. He poured three cups of wine and then lit the pyre. Within the flames of the fire, the faces of the men showed their familiarity with death, but in the mournful sounds of the song they sang it conveyed their deep sorrow. Their singing wasn’t in unison, flitting in and out, as they wondered about their cause and what it all meant in the long run.

It was true that the Yellow Emperor forcibly took over the lands of Sheng Nong. But the Sheng Nong Kingdom was now no more and the people living there only wanted a peaceful life to live. They don’t care who the Emperor is, and even began to speak warmly of the Yellow Emperor’s intelligence and generosity. The people don’t care about the remaining Sheng Nong soldiers who refuse to surrender. Thousands of years later, their determination won’t be remembered.

Only by giving up and bowing low could they get a sweet wife, a cute kid, perhaps even wealth given by the Emperor. But they still persisted to cling on to their belief, to hold onto something most people no longer cared about, to risk their lives for it.

The wheels of history were already turning but they remained stubbornly rooted in place, with their arms outstretched trying to turn the wheels back. But they were people that time has forgotten, they are going against the tide, and they were destined to be obliterated. Xiao Liu knew they were foolish, and felt pity for them, but he also couldn’t help but feel respect towards them.

In this moment, Xiao Liu suddenly realized why his last mocking question to Xiang Liu about why he worked for Gong Gong doing pointless things, to suggest that he betray Gong Gong and throw his lot with the Yellow Emperor, that question would cause Xiang Liu to fly into a dark rage. In this world, there was a determination that may be destroyed, may be annihilated, but can never be mocked!

Xiang Liu slowly walked back with the sorrowful song lingering behind him. Xiao Liu leaned against the door and watched him walk in the blood red sunset, his white hair and white robe still pristine and untouched. Xiang Liu stopped in front of Xiao Liu, his cold gaze containing a measure of disdain, but it wasn’t clear if it was meant for the world or for himself.

Xiao Liu suddenly bowed “I wanted to apologize for what I said last time.” Xiang Liu was expressionless as he entered the house “If the medicine comes sooner, they can live a bit longer. They are warriors, if they are to die, it ought to be in front of the Yellow Emperor’s army.

I don't think he knew when he took the PLB that he could break the connection.  In fact, IIRC, he was told he could not, without XY dying.

I think he did. In both the novel and the drama.

The novel shows the reader that XL knew about the bugs, but does not explain when he gained that knowledge or how. I'm pretty sure liddi and I covered this at length earlier in this thread, so I won't re-hash the details again.

In the drama, XY planted the bug in CX and XL found out about it in episode 9. In episode 11 we are shown a scene where XL asks an old man (Mr. Lirong) about the bugs. As far as we see, Mr. Lirong does not say anything about the bug cultivator dying if they try to remove the bug from a recipient by force, but XL tells XY in that episode that if she does not want to die, she should not try to remove the bug by force. Instead, she should lure the bug into someone else’s body.

In episode 12 (the episode where XL suggests transferring the bug again, agrees to have the bug transferred to him, and undergoes the transfer), XL has a flashback to another part of his conversation with Mr. Lirong. Mr. Lirong tells XL, “If the couple cannot live together, they might be killed by the poisonous bugs.” When XL asks Mr. Lirong about removing the bugs, he says, “The planting of it relies on affection, and so does the removal of it. If it has not been planted for long and it’s not yet stable, it could possibly be transferred to another person, but this person must have love in his heart.” The flashback is eventually interrupted by WXL, so we don’t see if Mr. Lirong told XL more about the bugs than what is shown in episode 11 and episode 12. We also don’t know if XL found out anything more about the bugs from other sources after that conversation (remembering that it took place in episode 11) before he accepted the bug transfer in episode 12.

In any case, at some point before the scene in S2 that liddi posted (where XL removes the bugs), XL comes to know things about the bugs that Mr. Lirong did not mention in the parts of his conversation with XL that are shown in episodes 11 and 12. For example, XL knows that he can break the connection by using his extra lives to kill the bugs and that the bugs must be willingly accepted in order to be properly planted / to stabilize. Maybe they will add a new scene in S2 to show when and how XL gained that knowledge. In which case, I will defer to that scene. Barring that, I think the very heavy implication is that XL knew those things before he accepted the bug transfer. He might have learned those things later in his conversation with Mr. Lirong (in parts that were not shown to the drama viewers) or later from a different source. And I think it makes sense for the drama writers to not show XL finding out how to break the bug connection. To be honest, I’m surprised they included such a big spoiler (along with FFB taking XY away from her wedding) in the trailer.

Plus, he already knew that XY feared abandonment, and his loss would hurt her deeply.  He wouldn't have put her through that.

He knew she hated being lonely and he knew that she called herself a discarded person. He knew that she felt like a monster when she forgot her face and hid in the mountains. But did he know the extent of her abandonment issues before accepting the bug (before knowing her true identity)? From what I can recall, I don't think he did.

And we know that he would put her through that... because he does. And that's why he works so hard to minimize her feelings for him and to "give" her someone else who is unable to let her go - to protect her from the impact of his loss. 

He doesn't accept any of them, because she won't admit / commit.  She won't give up CX.

Regarding whether XY was willing to “give up” CX by chapter 31 (when she sends the ice crystal ball to XL)... I think the answer is nuanced. I agree that she wasn’t willing to betray CX at that point (or at any point). But was she willing to not be by CX’s side? She chose to leave his side in chapter 30 when he married Xing Yue and made her his Empress. XY went back to Gao Xing (a place where CX should not have been able to go as the Black Emperor) and set up her own clinic on an island. She was in Gao Xing for thirteen months and wanted to continue like that indefinitely, but CX forced her to return to his side. By agreeing to set a wedding date with Feng Long in chapter 31, XY was prepared to live in the Chui Sui clan residence instead of on Sheng Nong Mountain with CX. XY was still loyal to CX, but their relationship wasn’t the same as it was before CX got married. 

In terms of why XL doesn’t accept XY’s bids, including the ice crystal ball, I think he does so because of choices he had already made. Not because XY wouldn’t admit her feelings or commit to him. I’d actually say that he intentionally takes steps to make it harder for XY to admit her feelings or commit to him.

By the end of XY’s 37 years in XL’s clam shell (in chapter 22), XL had clearly decided to push XY to be with TSJ. He had already started drawing lines with her long before that (with all his comments about them being temporary companions) when he first approached her as FFB.

We see him stick to this decision in chapter 23, when XL takes XY to see Left Ear earn his freedom after 40 years of persistence (which gives XY the courage to hold out hope for a relationship with TSJ) and then scares XY into TSJ’s embrace at the end of the night.  

TSJ marries FFYY in chapter 25, but when XY sees him for the first time in a year in chapter 26, XL still uses the bug connection to orchestrate a romantic moment between XY and TSJ. When XY goes in for an air-sharing “kiss” with XL later in the episode (mistakenly thinking that she couldn’t breathe under water and that XL was forcing her to air-share / kiss him), XL rejects the “kiss” and laughs at her. When she says she wants to go explore the ocean’s scattered islands, XL ignores her comment and summons Furball to take them back to Zhi Yi.

He makes more comments about not being a man that is suitable for a woman to follow, and about him and XY just being temporary companions, in chapter 29. 


Chapter 29:

Li Jie Chang said “You don’t like the wife and son in Qing Qiu, then just have another residence here in Zhi Yi and have Jing live here with you. Let me tell you straight up, Fang Feng Bei’s life is here today with no guarantee of tomorrow. Even Jing who made a mistake is a better choice than Fang Feng Bei...

Xiao Yao slammed her wine bowl on the table and gave Li Jie Chang a piercing look. “I’m already engaged and my fiancee isn’t him. So please, please, I beg you stop stepping all over Bei!”

“What?” Li Jie Chang was incredulous and howled, “Who is it? Who dares take my brother’s woman? I’m going to knock down with him! If he doesn’t cancel the engagement, then I’m going to break both his legs…….”

Xiao Yao laughed out loud and said coldly “Chi Sui Feng Long, you go talk with him then!”

“Feng Long…..” Li Jie Chang stuttered “You…..you are Feng Long’s fiancee? You are the Gao Xing Princess, Zhuan Xu’s little sister cousin?”

Xiao Yao glared at Chang and said to Fang Feng Bei, “You are sure even-tempered with this guy.”

Fang Feng Bei drank his wine and said casually, “Every word he said is the truth. I’m not a guy suitable for a woman to follow. Isn’t that something you already know?

Xiao Yao stared at Fang Feng Bei and couldn’t utter a response.


Xiao Yao suddenly realized that when Li Jie Chang was talking about Fang Feng Bei earlier, all the things he was saying were about Xiang Liu. Did he know Fang Feng Bei was Xiang Liu?

That meant Jing also knew now that Bei was Xiang Liu.


“Xiang Liu, I really don’t know, what is your heart thinking deep down inside?”

You and I are travelers who have crossed paths in this windy world. Whenever we meet we are each other’s companions to enjoy the world is all! Why do you care what I think deep down inside?

Xiao Yao mocked herself. “Yes, it’s my over-thinking! No matter what you feel deep down inside, none of it has anything to do with me!”

Xiang Liu stared down the dark alley and said nothing.


I see his non-response to XY’s ice crystal message and the way he goes about stopping her wedding (after making a deal with TSJ as an excuse for his actions) as his consistent commitment to his own decisions. 

It doesn't mean much, because it's nothing but ASKING.  She didn't ASK XL not to stick his claws into CX.  She ran down there and jumped between them.  She didn't beg XL not to shoot CX, twice, she physically put herself between them, twice.  If XY wanted to save XL, she'd have marched her butt down to that kill ground and put herself between him and thousands of arrows.  That would be her protecting both of them equally.  But she didn't.

On the two occasions where XY uses her body to shield CX, she was already in his vicinity. She saw the threat and then instinctively ran to CX to shield him.

There are no equivalent situations where: (1) XY is already near XL when his life is at risk; and (2) she is in a position to do something to protect him.

If XY wanted to save XL, she'd have marched her butt down to that kill ground and put herself between him and thousands of arrows.  That would be her protecting both of them equally.  But she didn't.

I can't tell if you're joking here? 

XL pushed XY to cut ties with him in chapter 46. He pushed hard. In the next few chapters, XY poisons CX and tries to kill herself. TSJ miraculously returns from the dead and they can finally have their wedding. XY has no idea that XL saved her life and TSJ’s life. When XY asks CX to spare XL’s life, she’s literally at her wedding. 

Do you really think that low-spiritual-power XY should have: (1) marched from Xuan Yuan Mountain all the way to QS town (without getting stopped by CX, TSJ or Left Ear); (2) watched the battle after the Sheng Nong army was burned out of the mountains; (3) chased after the Sheng Nong army for days and nights; (4) gotten past the Xuan Yuan army of 100,000 soldiers and a magical barrier designed for high-power deities and demons to get to the island where XL took his final stand; and (5) had the foresight to wait and jump in the way at exactly the right time to shield XL from the 10,000 arrows that finally killed him? And then XL would’ve been just fine? 

And since she didn’t do so, XY didn’t actually want to save XL?

If CX was serious about saving XL's life, which I don't think he was, nor would I be in the same situation, he'd have sent XY down there to make that final offer.  But he didn't.

I don’t think anyone would suggest that CX personally cared about saving XL’s life? After XY begs him, CX agrees to give XL an opportunity to disappear as long as he is “willing to stop”. Nothing more, and only because XY asked.

But even if CX was extremely serious about saving XL’s life, he would never send XY into the enemy’s camp. I don’t think he’d send XY to the enemy’s camp for anything. Even if (in a truly absurd scenario) the Sheng Nong remnant army held Feng Long, Ah Nian and the Yellow Emperor hostage and threatened to kill them unless CX sent XY to negotiate, I’m still not sure that CX would send her.

there are a few things that I can not view differenly, no matter how I look at them, such as the crystal ball being a love declaration on her part and the fact that XL always predicted his outcome.

"Okay, are you saying that XL only accepted the PLB to keep XY from dying when he killed CX?"

I can't know for sure, no one can know for sure why he did accept the PLB, we can just assume, but one thing I am 100% convinced of is that the reason didn't involve a promise of him being her forever companion.

no way I belive he wanted them to run togheter and get married or even having this option open for her


Also I want to add that the crystal ball was sent after CX got the throne, so she thought her job there was done. 

After CX was on the throne and married several times over, and after she tried to move on and set up a clinic in Gao Xing where CX shouldn't have been able to reach her. And TSJ was also married and had a kid, and they hadn't begun to reconcile yet. 

That was one of the moments in the story where her ties to CX and TSJ were at their weakest. 

However, can Xiang Liu's loyalty to Hong Jiang and the Shen Nong army be considered as being filial to his godfather? I don't quite see it that way, but rather one that stemmed from a debt of gratitude that evolved into something far more, not just for Hong Jiang but for the comrades, deceased and living whom he can neither forget nor abandon. He did not subscribe to their cause - he himself told Xiao Yao that Hong Jiang was a pathetic fool, leading a bunch of fools, doing pathetic things - and yet he would give his life for them, lay down his life with them.

Totally agree.

I'm so off topic but does anyone know what Tan Jianci is saying here? https://weibo.com/tv/show/1034:4955976982528023?from=old_pc_videoshow

He's attending the Tencent celebation for Lost You Forever season 1? Maye we'll get an announcement for season 2. I think Yang Zi and Dai Luwa are attending as well. https://s.weibo.com/weibo?q=%23%E8%85%BE%E8%AE%AF%E8%A7%86%E9%A2%919%E5%8F%B7%E5%BC%80%E6%94%BE%E6%97%A5%23&from=default


all of the cast attending with TJC special starring?



I'm so off topic but does anyone know what Tan Jianci is saying here? https://weibo.com/tv/show/1034:4955976982528023?from=old_pc_videoshow

He's attending the Tencent celebation for Lost You Forever season 1? Maye we'll get an announcement for season 2. I think Yang Zi and Dai Luwa are attending as well. https://s.weibo.com/weibo?q=%23%E8%85%BE%E8%AE%AF%E8%A7%86%E9%A2%919%E5%8F%B7%E5%BC%80%E6%94%BE%E6%97%A5%23&from=default

Yes, this is the announcement for the live broadcast of the 大荒巡礼狂欢夜 event that Tencent is organising on 17 Oct 8:30PM, which Tan Jianci, Yang Zi, Zhang Wanyi, Deng Wei, Wang Hongyi and Dai Lu Wa will be attending.


Yes, this is the announcement for the live broadcast of the 大荒巡礼狂欢夜 event that Tencent is organising on 17 Oct 8:30PM, which Tan Jianci, Yang Zi, Zhang Wanyi, Deng Wei, Wang Hongyi and Dai Lu Wa will be attending.

Ok, wonderful! Thanks liddi <3

I want to like his post but Weibo won’t let me to create an account! Why?? I’m a good girl, I really am. ?


Yes, this is the announcement for the live broadcast of the 大荒巡礼狂欢夜 event that Tencent is organising on 17 Oct 8:30PM, which Tan Jianci, Yang Zi, Zhang Wanyi, Deng Wei, Wang Hongyi and Dai Lu Wa will be attending.

Awesome, thank you! ♥️


Very well presented. 

Before I started reading the novel from the beginning, I used to read just fragments of it and that can be a little misleading. You have to know the whole picture, the whole background and everything that led to a certain event în order to understand that event in all its aspects.