XY asked him. Jing's reason for breaking up the marriage with Feng Long was that he thought XY was unhappy. IMO, that was just an excuse and he's selfish and didn't want to see XY getting married to another guy.

The script changed it so that he is less selfish and we get to see him acknowledge his selfishness back in Dragon Bone prison, and wanting to give Xiao Yao another chance to choose whom she really wanted to be with. But I don't see him telling her this was his reason, when she came knocking on the door of Qingqiu after leaving Qingshui town.


Yes. Am so glad this scene is in the leaked script. It was a clearly manipulative act, especially when he himself was not even free from his engagement when he made her give that promise. At least he finally admitted it.

It was crystal clear to me, but not to everyone, how selfish and manipulative that act was.  And he should have admitted it to XY.  He knew all along what he was doing.


Yes. I don't see him telling Xiao Yao after they met again, that he wanted to give her a choice to between Xiang Liu and himself. All he did just when she was about to leave after finally thrashing out the issues between them, was to tell her that Zhen was not his son after all, which opened the doors for her to reconcile with him.

I'm going to have read all this again, because I'm a bit confused by the timeline, again, and it's only making me really ticked at Jing.  If breaking up her wedding was about giving her a choice, then he should have told her that when she asked him why, instead of lying to her, with a really insulting lie that she stupidly fell for.

I've given Jing the benefit of the doubt in season 1, but these alleged leaks just show what a cowardly weasel he is.  If the intent was to make Jing look better, they failed miserably for me.

If they gonna go with "healing" theme, this is definitely not the right drama to go.

Why can't they just go with the book?


About all these leaks that Liddi has been so wonderfully diligent in translating for us (thank you Liddi, 100000 times!!), has anything else been said about them since they were...you know, leaked? It's been quite a while since they popped up and I was wondering if there have been any new developments.

You're welcome! I haven't heard about any revised / different versions of the script since I first saw these. Can someone  please give Tong Hua a call to present our recommendations for S2 script changes?


If they gonna go with "healing" theme, this is definitely not the right drama to go.

Why can't they just go with the book?

If they had gone by the book, I would have been devastated at the end, but at least I could have accepted it. The way things are butchered in the leaked script, I am actually terrified of what I might see when S2 airs.


"FFB is the escape route for her scenario of being with XL for long term.

My impression from the novel is that she loved XL(more than FFB, but anyway later she knew they are one person, FFB was XL without military duty, XL was FFB at the frontline). She first paid attention to FFB just because FFB looked like XL. She spent ~ 2 years hanging with FFB in Xuan Yuan capital. It was just friendship. During that time, she was more dominant in that relationship. "

I 100% agree with you on this one. 


Thank you, liddi, for the translation! 

You're welcome!

 AH :
My understanding is that they basically cut all of chapter 43 :/

Yes, unless I missed it, we do not get an attempted assassination where Xiang Liu had to revert to his true form to save her from the whirlpool, and their very intimate proximity afterwards, with her throwing herself at him and clinging on to him, nestling into his arms as he drank her blood; him making her to promise to keep on living even if she had lost Jing; meeting Left Ear again, admitting to Left Ear in front of Xiang Liu that she missed Fangfeng Bei... the list goes on. Why does it feel like this is reverse-Robin Hood, robbing the poor to give to the rich? Gah.

FFB is the escape route for her scenario of being with XL for long term.

My impression from the novel is that she loved XL(more than FFB, but anyway later she knew they are one person, FFB was XL without military duty, XL was FFB at the frontline). She first paid attention to FFB just because FFB looked like XL. She spent ~ 2 years hanging with FFB in Xuan Yuan capital. It was just friendship. During that time, she was more dominant in that relationship.

They do seem to be stressing the 'temporary companion' in this allegedly leaked script.  However, I disagree it was just friendship.  Though her non-friendly feelings for FFB were probably tied to XL, because, as you said, he looked like him.  But the reason why I said I didn't think they were just friends, was because she kept asking him 'who was he?'  and she knew their hearts beat as one.  Plus there was that exchange about leaving everything behind and running off together.  She didn't have the raw passion she shared with XL, but between his flirting and his looks and the flashes of someone else, the possibility of it was always present.

And once she realized they were the same, she realized FFB was who he was supposed to be and who she actually could admit she had feelings for.

But when FFB got into her room and revealed his true identity, she felt relieved. By the way, when he sucked blood from her wrist, XY felt pleasure. The previous time that TH used this word is when XL sucked her neck in the pool (via the feeling of CX). After that, when she met him again in Middle Plain, they continued hanging out, learning archery. She paid more attention on his temper/attitude. Then he was the dominant one in the relationship. Also, in the novel, TH always descripted XL's appearance (she used many words to descript his handsomeness) whenever he emerged. That was actually XY's observation. But TH did not descript FFB's appearance at all (only clothes).

Additionally, she had affection with XL since the time in QS town, isn't it? I had the feeling that first she had crush by his appearance. She had kind of instinct attraction to XL

Interesting observations on power balance in their relationship, as well as how Tong Hua described both FFB and XL.

A crush?  Interesting.  I admit, I think XL has more of the irresistible supernatural glamor about him than FFB.

Though her non-friendly feelings for FFB were probably tied to XL, because, as you said, he looked like him.  But the reason why I said I didn't think they were just friends, was because she kept asking him 'who was he?'

All those moments that she asked "who are you" are associated to things that tied to XL. But outside those moment, their contact was quite neutral (my impression from the book) she was pretty cold. If I remember correctly, 

Plus there was that exchange about leaving everything behind and running off together.  

@AH wrote some analysis about this conversation in the book (this scene was modified in the drama). She looked down on him. something like when he still enjoyed the spoiled life in his rich house, she had been on adventure in the mortal realm. 

In the scene when she removed his mask and saw that was FFB, she looked disappointed (she might had expected someone else, XL). In my opinion, her reaction to FFB himself is pretty neutral as friend. The abnormal feeling only tied to the moments where FFB reminded her of XL. 

All those moments that she asked "who are you" are associated to things that tied to XL. But outside those moment, their contact was quite neutral (my impression from the book) she was pretty cold. If I remember correctly, 

Not really. As she reminisced about the two years she spent with Fangfeng Bei, those were happy times for her and she remembered details of how good he was with her - like how patient he was with her while she shopped, how he would walk behind her so that the branches of the trees she passed would hit backwards to him instead of her, how they enjoyed the beauty of the world but did not feel the need to possess it. When she realised Fangfeng Bei and Xiang Liu were the same person, the novel described it as follows: 

Last night, when she realised he was Xiang Liu, she felt no surprise at all. It was as if that was how it was meant to be, and the heavy burden in one corner of her heart was lifted, but weighed down at the same time in another part of her.    -- Vol 1 Ch17

She spent ~ 2 years hanging with FFB in Xuan Yuan capital. It was just friendship. During that time, she was more dominant in that relationship. 

After that, when she met him again in Middle Plain, they continued hanging out, learning archery. She paid more attention on his temper/attitude.

Very true. As Fangfeng Bei, he was more deferent to her whims. When she realised he was Xiang Liu, she cared more how he felt, and would try to coax him when she knew he was angry. It is quite telling that Xiang Liu is the only one among her suitors with whom she tried to please, while the rest were always trying to please her. Likewise, Xiang Liu was the only one whom she took the initiative and mustered the courage to express her feelings, unlike the rest whom she waited for to prove their devotion and sincerity to her.

 AH :
I don't think it had to do with her marriage, but the part of Once Promised that describes Ah Heng learning medicine from the Flame Emperor and coming into possession of the Sheng Nong Herb Manual hasn't been translated so I haven't read it. Someone who has read those parts would probably be in a better position to answe

Flame Emperor gave Ah Heng the Manual when she and Chi You came to Shen Nong for the antidote. Flame Emperor actually had poisoned Chi You. When Flame Emperor had a talk with her (since he regarded her as Chi You's lover), A Heng forgot to use to Flower face former. So, she revealed her own real face. Flame Emperor saw some familiar figure of Ah Lui (her mother who was his sworn sister or very close friend). Then he knew she was Ah Lui's daughter. Actually, the Flame Emperor, Ah Lui and Ah Mi (the Royal Mother) were very close with each other, they had spent time travelling together before Ah Lui was attracted by Huangdi and he became King. 

Ah Heng latter used the knowledge and practiced health treatment as Xilang Heng in male form (using the flower face former).

She (he) was well-known practician in the whole Wideness. It was her who treated and took care of serious injury of Yellow Emperor. Also, Ah Heng cared for ordinary people which is actually her motivation of accepting the general role. 

If I remember that conversation between XY and Yellow Emperor correctly.  XY used to say that she was cold, selfish and didn't care for people. However, by taking of editing the book, it shows she cared for mortal people. 

In addition, I don't know if Yellow Emperor also implied the similarity of her passion to family enemy as A Heng to Chi You. 

Also nice that they are highlighting that XL is intentionally pushing XY away now and outright telling the audience that he intended to "give" her TSJ. But it's a bit frustrating that they added that line and yet took away XL bringing TSJ back from the brink of death.

It's nice bc they spell out his thoughts but I am very frustrated. How is his action here considered him giving her TSJ. 

I can see how Jingers would say that he only did what Jing told him and it's a bit arrogant to think that because he says he doesn't care  and that's somehow giving her Jing when she already has Jings affection and vice versa. That comment makes little sense in context IMO.

If they make it explicit and give him a role in making XY change her mind to go back and reconcile. That was STE.

It is a whole league different and not really meaningful as him literally sacrificing himself to resurrect her dead lover so she has someone to always be with.

Thinking about it.... Has he actually thought through his plan of pushing her away... He was so aggressive... What if she stopped loving him... Then they would both die when the PLB turns to heartbreak bugs.


I need this, please!

I second that!

@liddi: thank you very much for translating and posting the script. Now I can‘t wait to see Fangfeng Liu in action. Until now we only get glimpses of FFL. Can you all imagine if we can get Xiang Bei in S2 as well, that would be really EPIC a flirtatious Xiang Liu 😍🍿😍! What a treat to behold! Sigh I think there‘s no way that would happen, but still a girl can dream.

桃 夭  - Peach Yao

The name Xiao Yao was originated from the sentence "桃 之 夭 夭 " (in a poem 桃 夭 by Confucius). Since she had a birthmark of peach flower on her forehead, peach flower is representative figure for her, too. 

When I read chapter 46, the last encounter between XL and conscious XY there is a paragraph captured my attention: The scene when XY shot XL using the bow which she didn't know that it was his gift to her. 

 Xiao Yao’s hands shook but she yelled “Don’t move!”
Xiang Liu continued to walk towards Xiao Yao with a laugh “Can’t believe you’re going to get revenge for Chi Sui Feng Long. If you’re that into him then you should have married him. I mean, Jing’s been dead for a few years now……..”
Xiao Yao was so furious at his words the silver arrow flew forward with a whoosh.
Xiang Liu’s personally taught archery skills along with the priceless one of a kind bow hand forged by the Jin Tian family, and the two were not far from each other, so in a split second the arrow embedded itself in Xiang Liu’s chest. Xiang Liu’s body visibly shook slightly but he continued to walk towards Xiao Yao “Don’t forget I’m called Nine Lives Xiang Liu! If you want to kill me then you need to shoot a few more arrows! And you have to be more accurate! Right here!” Xiang Liu pointed at his heart and then spread his arms wide.
“You think I won’t dare!” Xiao Yao pulled back another arrow.

But ——- blood was spreading like a plum blossom on his white robe and Xiao Yao’s heart hurt so she closed her eyes and in that moment her arrow flew forward and missed, grazing his arm. Xiang Liu stopped in his tracks and he smiled at Xiao Yao, it appeared to be mocking but was in truth hiding his joy.
Xiao Yao wanted to pull another arrow but 
her heart was jumbled and she couldn’t do it anymore. She finally put her bow down, all the energy from Feng Long’s death dissipated and Xiao Yao turned to Left Ear “Let’s go back!”

Actually, I read this book in Vietnamese and that sentence (which I underlined in red) was translated as " the blood was spreading like peach blossom". Plum and Peach are different plants (although the shapes are similar, plum blossom is usually white and peach blossom is pink).  @liddi: do you have the text in Chinese. Can you check if the same word 桃 is used. 

 I detected Tong Hua used a kind of metaphor message here.  At that time, I wondered why she saw his blood as peach blossom. Later when I read Once Promised, I figured out that "PEACH BLOSSOM" is symbol of "LOVE". In Once Promised peach blossom was abundant. Her parent had annual reunion under peach blossom plant in Jiu Li. Royal Mother grown miles of peach trees in Jade Mountain (as her love for Yan Emperor), and the magical tool which allows people to change their face, that Chi You presented to Ah Heng has a shape of Peach flower, too. 

Then I partly understand the metaphor image. She was angry. She wanted revenge because XL almost killed CX, and FL died instead of CX. Seeing blood on XL's robe is like she saw and felt her love for him. Her heart hurt since it reminded that person was her love. 

I don't remember how many time peach flower/blossom was used by TH in LYF. I remember 2 most prominent scenes.: the above mentioned one and the one when Jing proposed her. As I remember Jing used his spiritual power to make a whole forest of peach blossoms (mimicking the peach blossoms forest where XY's parents lived) 

Jing grabbed Xiao Yao’s hand and she suddenly realized a thick fog surrounded them. Within the fog a series of peach blossom trees sprung up and soon they were surrounded by thousands and thousands of peach blossoms all around them.

Xiao Yao knew this was a mystical illusion created by Jing but she couldn’t help but reach out to catch a petal.

Jing said “This place is where your daddy used to live. I brought you here today to ask you in front of your parents – Tu Shan Jing asks for Xi Ling Jiu Yao’s hand in marriage.”

Xiao Yao’s entire body froze.

Jing asked “Xiao Yao, will you marry me?”

Years ago when Xiao Yao and Feng Long were in the secret chamber and he asked, she didn’t feel shy at all. But right now she felt so shy and embarrassed and wanted to turn and run away. She murmured in a low voice “If you want my hand you need to ask my grandfather and Zhuan Xu.”

“Of course I will ask them but before I do I want to ask you first. Xiao Yao, will you marry me?”

Within the blanket of falling peach blossoms around her, Xiao Yao felt like she could see her mom and daddy standing together and smiling at her.

“I do!” Xiao Yao tossed Jing’s hand aside and ran into the hut with her face burning up and her heart pounding uncontrollably. She looked at herself in the mirror and she was as red as if she drank wine. She cupped her face and chided the her in the mirror “You’re so hopeless!”

However, the peach blossom that Jing brought to her were generated from spiritual power, a kind of illusion. While, the peach blossom on XL's robe was real. Did it imply a mutual love since that blossom came from XL's blood. 

P/S: the full poem from Confucius 

桃 夭
桃 之 夭 夭、
灼 灼 其 華。
之 子 于 歸、
宜 其 室 家。