
Can you please give me the term in Chinese? 

I'll try. I hope I don't lose the article

Tonghua said that she copied the writing technique. so it's not a similar story

Yes, I think in a few articles you shared it metioned that for example the story of Tian Er 


I am interested in the actual text in Chinese for "gray line of grass and snakes", which you said came from the novel. If its not from the novel, I would like to know what the original words are because the English translation do not make any sense to me.


I found this. It's an idiom 

The phrase “snake in the grass” is considered an idiom because it is a figurative expression that conveys a meaning different from its literal interpretation. The idiom is used to describe a deceitful or treacherous person who may not have seemed that way at first. The phrase is thought to have originated from a metaphor used by the Roman poet Virgil in his epic poem, where he described a treacherous character who betrays the protagonist as a “cold snake [that] hides in the grass” 1. The phrase didn’t appear in any English texts until 1696, when Charles Leslie used it in the title of his book “Snake in the Grass” 1.

The idiom is similar to other expressions such as “wolf in sheep’s clothing” and “two-faced” 1. It is often used to describe a person who appears friendly and likable on the surface but has hidden agendas and will do anything to get what they want. They usually manipulate and deceive others to achieve their goals.

Here are some examples of how the idiom can be used in a sentence:

  • I thought Amy was my friend, but she turned out to be a total snake in the grass, only wanting me to do her homework for her.
  • Be careful of that co-worker. He’s a snake in the grass who will throw you under the bus to get ahead. He recently stole my promotion right out from under me.
  • Mark my words, that politician is a snake in the grass who makes promises he has no intention of keeping.

So that is a style of writing. For example write A but mean B. 

There is a grass snake gray line method: ... At a glance, it is as if there is nothing, and in the details, there is a clue in it, and the whole body is moving. [3] From this point of view, the so-called "grass snake gray line" is in the snake grass, visible its traces, the gray line left on the paper, can be identified in its vein, to refer to a certain thing in the author's writing is often mentioned, at first it seems to be accidental, look closely, but there is a hint of context to be found. [4] In addition to the Reading Law, Jin Shengsi mentioned it many times in the comments of the Water Margin. Based on Jin Shengsi's criticism of "Water Margin", scholars have summarized the use of "grass snake gray line" in the writing process of the novel as three aspects: as a structural clue, as a "foreshadowing" and "care" and as a "metaphorical" expression

You can check this link too:

Analysis of the "grass snake gray line" in "Dream of the Red Chamber" - laitimes 

The white bird transformed into a young boy dressed in white of roughly 11 to 12 years old with extremely good looking features, very green eyes and hair up to the waist, each strand pure white.

... a white dressed young man not quite fully adult in height with delicate features, his turquoise-green eyes filled with fierce anger.

Thank you for these translations liddi!

Xiao Yao is a contrary character... telling Xiang Liu she never wanted to see him again, yet disappointed when the person she saw after her suicide attempt was not him, then blaming him for saving her, internally complaining about her lot being bound to someone with nine lives, not knowing he had given up his life to break that bond for good. Her getting drunk with Lie Yang as they reminisced about her mother and cried together. How much of another white haired man was on her mind at the time - knowing that the bonds between them were well and truly severed with the removal of the lovers bug. And this was after she begged Cang Xuan to spare his life, and finding out they had tried many times to get him to change sides but were flat out refused each time. 


I often wonder... did that final battle take place while the entire wedding festivities were underway, which meant that Xiang Liu walked his final journey alone as always, the same time the woman he loved started her journey with the lifelong companion he made sure she would have...

Ack liddi this speculation is so heartbreaking! </3

The same time that Jing got married to Fangfeng Yi Ying, Xiao Yao was torturing herself imagining what the wedding must look like, when she felt Xiang Liu's presence, and realised that he must feel all the pain she was going through as well. As she looked at the sky, she could feel her heart beating in unison with another heart, and the pressure and pain eased, probably because someone else was sharing that burden with her.

I loved this part so, so much. 

From there on, she slowly recovered from her illness and starting making poisons again. All the poisons were black in colour reflective of her bad mood, but in the process of making them, Xiao Yao vented some of her pain. As such, when she sent the batch of poisons to Xiang Liu, she derived some cheer from imagining his displeasure in receiving them.

This part too. I loved every single instance where they cheered or comforted each other. 

So it was Xiang Liu who was with her, supporting her and helping her slowly recover from her grief at the time. Which was yet another detail totally removed from the drama.

It's truly a shame that these moments aren't included in the drama. Especially since their non-inclusion doesn't seem like it could possibly be due to censorship concerns. 

That's so touching ... I don't know why they couldn't have added or given some indication of it in the drama.


However, she saw Jing undo the coronet that held his hair as he stood up, sending a head full of black hair down his back like the Milky Way falling from the sky, flying in the sea breeze. He leaned against the railing of the ship, gazing lazily and casually at the first light of dawn in the eastern sky.

Jing however seemed to understand, and his eyes were filled with joy.

Interesting, this differs from Koala's translation of the 2013 edition of the novel. This version makes me feel even more convinced that, IMO, XY is not thinking of XL when she looks at TSJ in this scene. 

The text in Vol 1 Ch14 is as follows:

Thank you for the translations!

Yes, our galaxy refers to the Milky Way, which has the colour of "fresh spring snow in the early morning" (cr.

In this instance though it specifically states that his black hair fell down his back like the galaxy / Milky Way falling from the sky to the earth. So Tong Hua's simile is an unusual comparison of black vs Milky Way. Was she thinking specifically of the white of the Milky Way, or just stars against a dark sky (which would match up with the black colour of his hair)? I find it debatable...

When a person uses modern star gazing equipment (e.g., telescopes), modern cameras or modern digital editing to capture the milky way, it often looks way lighter and brighter than when it's just viewed by the naked eye. 

I take Tong Hua's description of "sending a head full of black hair down his back like the Milky Way falling from the sky, flying in the sea breeze." as painting a picture of TSJ's jet-black hair flowing down his back and flying in the breeze with the light of the sunrise (bouncing off the waves) creating pin-pricks of light like a cascade of stars around that blackness.... The kind of contrasting line of stars and blackness that one would see when looking up at the milky way at night in Dahuang (without any technology like a modern camera). 

However, Tong Hua also followed with Jing's reaction to Xiao Yao's behaviour, which seemed to indicate that he knew she was mesmerised by the sight of him.

I agree with this interpretation. 

I too wish she could have done more, but to be honest, I think she also knew the world was such that it was pretty much a lost cause unless Xiang Liu agreed to abandon the Chenrong army and swear fealty to Xiyan, which he never would.  I don't believe that later after knowing Xiang Liu was Fangfeng Bei, she never thought back to what she thought was Fangfeng Bei's careless invitation for her to not be a princess but roam the world with him, and remembered his mute response when she countered that she would if he could give up everything. That would have given her a clue, even if she did not already understand Xiang Liu well enough. She would plead for his life on her wedding day, her first and last time begging Cang Xuan for anything, but what Cang Xuan told her about Xiang Liu's responses to his many overtures confirmed what she already knew deep down inside.

If only... but then Xiang Liu would not be Xiang Liu, and that would have been a different story wouldn't it?

Beautifully put. I completely agree.

The actual text says this:

Xiao Yao had not seen Jing in over a year. Seeing him like this, Xiao Yao maintained her smile, quietly standing behind the Xiling clan leader. She still remembered at 归墟 Guixu Sea, how her heart palpitated with emotion when he removed the coronet from his hair. She also remembered how she twirled his hair around her fingers, black hair filled with longing. Everything felt like only yesterday, but now the black hair was stained with white, the longing severed.

-- Vol 2 Ch9   (Chapter 26)

** Guixu Sea refers to a location in Chinese mythology where all water, including the Milky Way, flows into a bottomless void. 

I love getting to learn about mythology details like this! Thank you liddi! ^^

I would love to know how our poor as church mice military advisor could afford to buy the house they stayed in. The mysterious 宝柱 Bao Zhu must have taken on a fair number of assignments to cover the cost.

Lol, yes. Or who knows... perhaps he's a humble renter rather than a buyer? ^^

I was joking and then I remembered... the novel confirmed that XY was renting her clinic from Yu Shin, who owned many properties in that area. And Yu Shin worked for the Tushan Clan. XL really might have rented that building... he might even have rented it indirectly from TSJ! I don't know how to feel about that. 

But seriously, I believe this arrangement only took place after Xiao Liu left Qingshui Town for good.

That's what I thought too. 

We don't have any indication from the novel how long it had been, but it definitely had been going on way before Xiang Liu brought Xiao Yao there, and would seems to indicate that he looked out for the Hui Chun Clinic family on Xiao Liu's behalf over the years.

Interesting. I hadn't given any thought to this before. 

The original intent of moving the bug was very likely out of concern for Xiao Liu's safety, knowing as he did the real nature of the bug that was planted. I don't think though that he expected a happier ending for himself. He had been with the Shen Nong army long before before Xiao Yao even came into the picture, and he would never consider forsaking his brothers in arms, nor defile the memory of those he fought with and had to personally cremate.

I completely agree. 

In her 2019 interview, Tong Hua described Xiang Liu's personal wish for himself as 尽忠尽义,战死沙场 - loyal and righteous to the end, dying on the battlefield.  So there is no question of abandoning the Shen Nong army. If Xiao Liu had remained as Xiao Liu, I believe he would still have made the same choice as he did in the end - watched over her until he no longer could before destroying the bug connection and restoring Ye Shiqi to her life.

I agree. Although I think there were probably times where XL felt conflicted about his choice to a certain extent, I can't imagine him ever making a different choice to abandon Gong Gong and his fellow soldiers. Tong Hua's description captures it exactly. Loyal and righteous to the end.

@ windiaaa041293  @H19279 

Thank you for explaining the snake in the grass writing technique.



Thank you for the reply! Very thoughtful and inspiring~ Yes as you said that's typically her, always hide from truths she's afraid to see. I always believe in some way she could have saved XL. I know she had tried, but maybe just give a little bit more thoughts? I would try harder just for a friend.

I think this is part of the reason I get frustrated by XY.  Even if she can't admit she loves XL, she can admit he's her soulmate and has helped her through her depression over Jing.  Yet all she can do is ask CX for something she knows he can't give.

I too wish she could have done more, but to be honest, I think she also knew the world was such that it was pretty much a lost cause unless Xiang Liu agreed to abandon the Chenrong army and swear fealty to Xiyan, which he never would. I don't believe that later after knowing Xiang Liu was Fangfeng Bei, she never thought back to what she thought was Fangfeng Bei's careless invitation for her to not be a princess but roam the world with him, and remembered his mute response when she countered that she would if he could give up everything. That would have given her a clue, even if she did not already understand Xiang Liu well enough. She would plead for his life on her wedding day, her first and last time begging Cang Xuan for anything, but what Cang Xuan told her about Xiang Liu's responses to his many overtures confirmed what she already knew deep down inside.

If only... but then Xiang Liu would not be Xiang Liu, and that would have been a different story wouldn't it?

Probably.  But I think things could have been had similar results, and the characters could have remained the same, had there been two changes. 

1) That XY had actually tried to DO something other than asking for the impossible from CX.  Like maybe directly asking XL, even.  She could have failed, and XL died and she go on with Jing, but the effort would have been worth it for the viewers.  Would that have made XY a different character?  Maybe, but she always has managed to delude herself about her feelings, so I'd be fine if she tried to save her soulmate ... and maybe later realized he was more than that.

2)  If Tong Hua had not completely and thoroughly erased XL from existence.  Like I said, if there was some hope of resurrection or reincarnation, or even remembrance -- even if it wasn't by XY.  I'd even settle for some acknowledgement of FFB's wish to be remembered, with the bow or something.

It's a bit confusing though, does it say milky way or galaxy?  Milky way just by the name alone points to its white color, but there are lots of galaxies out there with different colors. Very weird choice of words. Was it still dark outside or was it already day light? I can't visualize by the text alone. 

Liddi, I found this phrase in koala's that sounds similar to the passage you posted, but it's further down the chapter. 

Jing however seemed to understand, and his eyes were filled with joy.

The ocean under the morning sun glittered like gold dust was sprinkled on it. A pack of sea birds flew over head and everyone looked out over the ocean to enjoy the view. Xiao Yao snuck a peek at Jing from under her veil. Jing sensed it and he lowered his eyes and smiled. 

In Xiang Liu's original plan, he planned to walk hand in hand with Wen Xiaoliu and stay together for the rest of his life.

There's a series of elaborate articles in the same vein, from this same forum website.

The authors gives a very convincing and insightful interpretation of Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao's love story.

For her/him, Xiang Liu always intended to be together forever with Wen Xiao Liu and even with Xiao Yao but it's Xiao Yao that made the choice. Despite all the chances he gave to her, she repeatedly still chose not to choose him. That's only then that he decided to withdraw (the last chance being the month in QST after the wedding to FL).

 Here is the link (warning: the author shows no mercy for XY)

It made me reconsider many things. Frankly, I hope the author is wrong, because if not, LYF would be even more ruthless and darker than I thought.

I wonder what you think about it?


Yup yup and yup. Well summarised.

Bringing it back to the scene with the Voodoo King. Can you remind me if they keep this scene in the leak script?

haha, I admire your humor.

Thank you :-)

And the bugs need LOVE to nurture.

I don't know if her feeling for Jing is deep enough to (let's say in visual way) occupy a part of her heart. However the part for XL in her heart never changed. In fact it grew. Compare the moment they planted the bug with the moment when XL lured her bugs and kill in Jade Mountain.

Yes. The love between lovers is the nutrient for the Lovers Bugs. I agree with you that the imagery that Tong Hua used with thousands of fireflies covering the river in comparison to the few when they planted the bugs is to convey that their love had grown over time.

It took a while to plant the bug. To lure the bugs and absorb the bugs into his chest, it took hours. In chapter 48, it is said that he woke up at midnight and went to the pond to rescue XY by feeding her with his essential blood. It took about 15 min (time of drinking a cup of tea). It was dawn when he finished the process of killing bugs and deleting the memories in her mirror (about 5 am?).

Yes. If you don't read carefully, you will miss just how long this process took, and how much of a toll it would have taken on Xiang Liu. This scene is hard to read, IMO - I feel so bad for him :-(

同心 = đồng tâm (in Vietnamese). It can be understood as if they still love or think of each other --> Live
离心 = Ly tâm (in vietnames) = stop loving - their hearts/soul parts away from each other. --> DEAD

So I think we can all agree that her love for him did not change (did so his). Maybe the bug tolerated that even if she loved/liked Jing, it did not affect her feeling for XL.

Dong tam, in more modern Vietnamese can probably be translated as chung long or mot long (one-heart, wholeheartedly). If we are being literal with the interpretation then can you be mot long with someone if you also love someone else? I agree that XY feelings for XL never changed, and in fact, got deeper. What I disagreed with is the idea that she can also love Jing without it being considered no longer "one-heart". Other kinds of love don't take away from their lover's bond, but another lover would. 

Liddi, I found this phrase in koala's that sounds similar to the passage you posted, but it's further down the chapter. 

Yes, my version has that similar passage as well:





The ocean under the morning sun glittered with a myriad of golden lights as if gold dust was sprinkled on it. Flocks of white seabirds circled the surface of the sea, coming and going.

For a moment, all three of them were silent as they drank in the magnificent view of the ocean.

Hiding behind the hat and veil, Xiao Yao secretly snuck a peek at Jing.

Jing was quick to sense it, and he lowered his eyes, his lips curved into a smile. Xiao Yao smiled in return. Although they could not say a word or even stand too close, she felt that their hearts were in tune with each other emotionally, very close.

-- Vol 1 Ch14 

The text here also uses the same term 心意相通 that the shaman king uses to describe the lovers' bug, which once again reinforces that 心意相通 in itself is not an unusual occurrence between lovers, but the lovers bug connection heightens this connection to supernatural levels:

The shaman king coughed and solemnly said, "The lover's bug, as the name suggests, has a pair of male and female bugs. The man and woman who have planted the bug will have their lives intertwined, be in tune with each other emotionally. If one is hurt, the other will also feel the pain. If one is in emotional pain, the other will also feel emotional pain."  

Bringing it back to the scene with the Voodoo King. Can you remind me if they keep this scene in the leak script?

No. They totally removed any scene with the shaman king. Any information about the bug is scattered between the old Lirong donkey seller, and the Royal Mother of Jade Mountain. So unless I missed the detail in the leaked script, Xiao Yao never finds out about the true nature of the bug either.

We also lose the scene where they both listened to the song of the merpeople together - her on the ship, him on the sea after she left Bai Li and the implications of their shared intimacy, and her trying to jump into the water after him but being pulled back at the last minute by a panicked Jing.

Yes. The love between lover is the nutrient for the Lovers Bugs. I agree with you that the imagery that Tong Hua used with thousands of fireflies covering the river in comparison to the few when they planted the bugs is to convey that their love had grown over time.

Love this observation - their mutual love had indeed metaphorically grown from a tiger cub to a thousand year old demon.

I agree with what @HeadInthecloud said. I'm sure xy only loves xl, and xy doesn't love tsj or ye shiqi at all.XL said it himself: a tiger cub to a thousand year old demon.

Let's say Xiaoyao wants Ye Shiqi, but does Xiaoyao want Tsj? OK, let's assume Xiaoyao loves Ye Shiqi, but why doesn't XY love Tsj? Can that be called love? Aren't Ye Siqi and Tsj the same person?

Compare with FFB and XL.. Xy loves FFB, but xy loves XL more. After FFB died, did Xy stop loving XL? NO.

What xy wants is a long-term friendship with ye siqi. and that's not LOVE.

Some people believe in the real world that it is possible to love two people at the same time. Yes, that can happen. But remember it is betrayal.
So let's just assume, what if the LOVERS BUG really exists in the real world, and we plant the Lover's bug with our lover, and at the same time we love someone else. I think we will die right then and there. But unfortunately the Lover's bug doesn't exist in real life.
If LOVERS bug can tolerate that someone can love two people together, I don't think Tonghua needs to write Lover's bug in sauvignon Blanc!!

@liddi, sorry I haven't found the article, but as posted by @H19279 it's more or less like that.

"although the author's pen seems to be writing "A", she can inadvertently write "B", so that the plot about "B" can also progress"

In the book, the author seems to write that xiaoyao loves tsj, but actually the author has given the answer in the metaphor of tianer and cuanzi.

There are three emotional turning points for Yao Jing :

The first one is that Xiaoliu ran to test Jing to see if he was willing to fight against King Gao Xin for her in order to escape Xuanxuan's capture . As a result, Jing followed her without hesitation. She was touched. So she agreed to Jing's fifteen-year agreement in Dragon Bone Prison .

The second one is that Merlin tortured and killed Tushanjing for love, and Xiaoyao woke up in 37 years under the sea and went to see Tushanjing. Xiaoyao knew that Jing would rather die with her than abandon her. It was at this time that Xiaoyao confirmed that Jing was the person she had always wanted and would never abandon her no matter what. Later, Yao Jing began to confirm the relationship, and Jing returned to Qingqiu to start breaking off the engagement.

"Xiao Yao felt the shell around his heart shatter completely, all the threads she had been trying to cut during that time finally intertwined into a web in the end."

In both incidents, the author wrote that Xiaoyao wanted to cut off all threads, but because of Jing's persistence, she never cut it off and even spun it into a web. The key point is why Xiaoyao wants to cut off this attachment again and again?
If she really likes her, she will subconsciously want to get closer. Referring to her attitude towards Xiangliu, even if Xiangliu pushes her away time and time again, she will still do it. Trying desperately to hold on to the only trace of connection. What was that trace of longing? It was just a little companionship that Xiaoyao coveted. She needed confirmation again and again that Jing would not abandon her and that Jing would put her first.

The third turning point was that after the marriage robbery incident, Xiang Liu placed her next to the Huichun Hall in Qingshui Town , where she met the elderly Sang Tian'er . She saw Sang Tian'er's ending. Although Sang Tian'er didn't love Chuanzi at first , Sang Tian'er gave first and exchanged false love for a life together. At the end of her life, Sang Tian'er felt that her life was worth it.Xiaoyao realized at this time that since it was impossible to be with Xiang Liu, he would have to live his own life. Even if Sang Tian'er doesn't like Chuanzi, she can live her life with him, and her life seems to be going well.So after Xiaoyao returned, he began to actively solve Jing's dilemma and found evidence of Hou and Yiying's affair. You must know that in the beginning, Xiaoyao has always been a cold observer to the difficulties faced by Jing. If she really loves Jing, she will work hard to solve the problem. Only if you don't love this person will you stand on the sidelines. Until it was no longer possible to be with Xiang Liu, and he saw his future from Sang Tian'er (even if you don't love this person, you can support each other and work hand in hand with him for the rest of your life).

These three events were basically the turning points of Yao Jing's relationship. They progressed step by step, and finally the two of them successfully got engaged.

But what's wrong? What's wrong is too clear in this line.Real love is not like this. There is a saying that goes, " You don't know where love starts from, but it grows deeper as time goes by ." You don't know when you fell in love with this person. You just gradually fall in love with him as you get along with him again and again. Rather than like this, after this incident, I care about you three points. After another thing, I care about you 70%, and after another thing, I care about you very much. The progress bar is full, I love you. Do you think this is love? If you can explain it clearly, it is not love. Love cannot be explained clearly.

King Gao Xin took Xiaoyao and Jing to the Chishui Desert to meet Aheng . Aheng asked Xiaoyao why he chose Jing, and Xiaoyao said that only Jing would not give up on him. When someone asks you why you chose your husband, you say because he is rich, because he is tall, because he is good to you, but you just don’t answer because you love him. Isn’t this obvious?Then Ah Heng seemed to smile. Was she laughing at herself for abandoning Xiao Yao in the first place, or did she disagree with Xiao Yao's view of love , or was she heartbroken that her daughter was so insecure.

After Xiaoyao and Jing got engaged, when they decided on the wedding date, Jing thought the sooner the better, but Xiaoyao postponed the wedding for more than 40 years on the grounds of compiling medical books. Jing's reaction is a normal reaction for liking someone. If you really love someone , shouldn't you want to marry him?It has been delayed for more than forty years.

In the end, Xiang Liu died, and Xiao Yao told Jing that he wanted to live on an island because Xiang Liu said there were many beautiful islands in the sea. I really can’t see Xiaoyao having the slightest love for Jing here. Would you tell your husband that you want to live in your ex-boyfriend’s hometown? If you really love him, would you not care about his feelings? Will you always talk about another man in front of your husband?

As for Xiaoyao blushing when she kisses Jing, I really don’t want to talk about it. She is a big girl after all. How can she kiss a man without blushing? When she first rescued Qi Qi, she even blushed while giving Qi Qi a bath. Can you say that Xiao Liu now likes the beggar version of Qi Qi?

And Jing died, Xiaoyao was very sad. At this time, Yao Jing is about to get married, and the companionship that Xiao Yao has always pursued and will never abandon is within reach, but everything has come to nothing overnight, can you not be sad? What's more, Jing has been with her for so long, so even if she doesn't like her, she still has other feelings.I don’t deny Xiaoyao’s feelings for Jing. Xiaoyao must have very deep feelings for Jing. But this is not love. Love is heartbeat. It’s the unknowing desire to get closer. It’s when you endure it even though you know it’s impossible. You can't help but be tempted. Even if that person doesn't respond to you at all, you still want to wander around the world with him.On the other hand, Xiaoyao calculated every step towards Jing very clearly. She was always analyzing the pros and cons, weighing the gains and losses. In her relationship with Jing, she was too rational.

To understand the relationship between Yao Liu and Yao Jing, you must first understand Xiao Yao.

Here I would like to say that Xiaoyao’s biggest characteristic is that she is inconsistent and good at self-brainwashing.

Have you noticed that Xiaoyao is very conflicted? She keeps saying that she is hard-hearted and unwilling to take the initiative to give. But does she actually do this? No, she took the initiative to save Ye Shiqi, she took the initiative to show her kindness to Anian, and she took the initiative to help Xuanxuan rise to power. She is not what she says at all, but she keeps saying it to everyone, to Xiang Liu, to Shi Qi, and to her cousin. Is she saying this to make others pity her? No, She wants to brainwash herself into believing that this is who she is.
The most important proving event is that when Merlin was tortured and killed, he had breathed his last, and he had to deny that she was Chichen's daughter.But does she really believe that she has nothing to do with Chi Chen? She probably knows the truth deep down.

But she was afraid of this fact, so she repeatedly brainwashed herself: My father (Shaohao) loves me very much, and I must be his daughter. Even until she dies, she will tell Mu Fei that he killed the wrong person. She was already dying at this time, and she still told Mu Fei what she was doing. Was it because she was trying to let his conscience go and let her go? She just continued to brainwash herself. Even if she was going to die, she didn't dare to face the fear in her heart.After analyzing Xiaoyao's character, and then looking at her attitude towards Jing and Xiang Liu, it is easy to explain.The consequences of falling in love with Xiang Liu have already been learned. Her parents, two people who loved each other, were not blessed by relatives and friends and had to fight on the battlefield. Even their children were hurt because of their parental love.The consequences were too tragic and Xiaoyao couldn't bear it, so she started to think differently and brainwashed herself: I love Jing, Jing will never abandon me, and we will be blessed by everyone when we are together.Did you find that when she is afraid of something, she will find another person to divert her attention.

She used Shaohao to deny the fact that she was Chichen's daughter, and Jing to deny the fact that she loved Xiang Liu.